use of in project Neo-Launcher by NeoApplications.
the class TaplTestsQuickstep method testOverview.
public void testOverview() throws Exception {
Overview overview = mLauncher.pressHome().switchToOverview();
assertTrue("Launcher internal state didn't switch to Overview", isInState(LauncherState.OVERVIEW));
executeOnLauncher(launcher -> assertTrue("Don't have at least 3 tasks", getTaskCount(launcher) >= 3));
// Test flinging forward and backward.
executeOnLauncher(launcher -> assertEquals("Current task in Overview is not 0", 0, getCurrentOverviewPage(launcher)));
assertTrue("Launcher internal state is not Overview", isInState(LauncherState.OVERVIEW));
final Integer currentTaskAfterFlingForward = getFromLauncher(launcher -> getCurrentOverviewPage(launcher));
executeOnLauncher(launcher -> assertTrue("Current task in Overview is still 0", currentTaskAfterFlingForward > 0));
assertTrue("Launcher internal state is not Overview", isInState(LauncherState.OVERVIEW));
executeOnLauncher(launcher -> assertTrue("Flinging back in Overview did nothing", getCurrentOverviewPage(launcher) < currentTaskAfterFlingForward));
// Test opening a task.
OverviewTask task = mLauncher.pressHome().switchToOverview().getCurrentTask();
assertNotNull("overview.getCurrentTask() returned null (1)", task);
assertNotNull(" returned null",;
assertTrue("Test activity didn't open from Overview", mDevice.wait(Until.hasObject(By.pkg(getAppPackageName()).text("TestActivity2")), DEFAULT_UI_TIMEOUT));
executeOnLauncher(launcher -> assertTrue("Launcher activity is the top activity; expecting another activity to be the top " + "one", isInBackground(launcher)));
// Test dismissing a task.
overview = mLauncher.pressHome().switchToOverview();
assertTrue("Launcher internal state didn't switch to Overview", isInState(LauncherState.OVERVIEW));
final Integer numTasks = getFromLauncher(launcher -> getTaskCount(launcher));
task = overview.getCurrentTask();
assertNotNull("overview.getCurrentTask() returned null (2)", task);
executeOnLauncher(launcher -> assertEquals("Dismissing a task didn't remove 1 task from Overview", numTasks - 1, getTaskCount(launcher)));
if (!TestHelpers.isInLauncherProcess() || getFromLauncher(launcher -> !launcher.getDeviceProfile().isLandscape)) {
// Test switching to all apps and back.
final AllAppsFromOverview allApps = overview.switchToAllApps();
assertNotNull("overview.switchToAllApps() returned null (1)", allApps);
assertTrue("Launcher internal state is not All Apps (1)", isInState(LauncherState.ALL_APPS));
overview = allApps.switchBackToOverview();
assertNotNull("allApps.switchBackToOverview() returned null", overview);
assertTrue("Launcher internal state didn't switch to Overview", isInState(LauncherState.OVERVIEW));
// Test UIDevice.pressBack()
assertNotNull("overview.switchToAllApps() returned null (2)", allApps);
assertTrue("Launcher internal state is not All Apps (2)", isInState(LauncherState.ALL_APPS));
// Test UIDevice.pressHome, once we are in AllApps.
waitForState("Launcher internal state didn't switch to Home", LauncherState.NORMAL);
// Test dismissing all tasks.
waitForState("Launcher internal state didn't switch to Home", LauncherState.NORMAL);
executeOnLauncher(launcher -> assertEquals("Still have tasks after dismissing all", 0, getTaskCount(launcher)));
use of in project android_packages_apps_Trebuchet by LineageOS.
the class TaplTestsQuickstep method testOverview.
public void testOverview() throws Exception {
// mLauncher.pressHome() also tests an important case of pressing home while in background.
Overview overview = mLauncher.pressHome().switchToOverview();
assertTrue("Launcher internal state didn't switch to Overview", isInState(() -> LauncherState.OVERVIEW));
executeOnLauncher(launcher -> assertTrue("Don't have at least 3 tasks", getTaskCount(launcher) >= 3));
// Test flinging forward and backward.
executeOnLauncher(launcher -> assertEquals("Current task in Overview is not 0", 0, getCurrentOverviewPage(launcher)));
assertTrue("Launcher internal state is not Overview", isInState(() -> LauncherState.OVERVIEW));
final Integer currentTaskAfterFlingForward = getFromLauncher(launcher -> getCurrentOverviewPage(launcher));
executeOnLauncher(launcher -> assertTrue("Current task in Overview is still 0", currentTaskAfterFlingForward > 0));
assertTrue("Launcher internal state is not Overview", isInState(() -> LauncherState.OVERVIEW));
executeOnLauncher(launcher -> assertTrue("Flinging back in Overview did nothing", getCurrentOverviewPage(launcher) < currentTaskAfterFlingForward));
// Test opening a task.
OverviewTask task = mLauncher.pressHome().switchToOverview().getCurrentTask();
assertNotNull("overview.getCurrentTask() returned null (1)", task);
assertNotNull(" returned null",;
assertTrue("Test activity didn't open from Overview", mDevice.wait(Until.hasObject(By.pkg(getAppPackageName()).text("TestActivity2")), DEFAULT_UI_TIMEOUT));
executeOnLauncher(launcher -> assertTrue("Launcher activity is the top activity; expecting another activity to be the top " + "one", isInBackground(launcher)));
// Test dismissing a task.
overview = mLauncher.pressHome().switchToOverview();
assertTrue("Launcher internal state didn't switch to Overview", isInState(() -> LauncherState.OVERVIEW));
final Integer numTasks = getFromLauncher(launcher -> getTaskCount(launcher));
task = overview.getCurrentTask();
assertNotNull("overview.getCurrentTask() returned null (2)", task);
executeOnLauncher(launcher -> assertEquals("Dismissing a task didn't remove 1 task from Overview", numTasks - 1, getTaskCount(launcher)));
if (mLauncher.hasAllAppsInOverview() && (!TestHelpers.isInLauncherProcess() || getFromLauncher(launcher -> !launcher.getDeviceProfile().isLandscape))) {
// Test switching to all apps and back.
final AllAppsFromOverview allApps = overview.switchToAllApps();
assertNotNull("overview.switchToAllApps() returned null (1)", allApps);
assertTrue("Launcher internal state is not All Apps (1)", isInState(() -> LauncherState.ALL_APPS));
overview = allApps.switchBackToOverview();
assertNotNull("allApps.switchBackToOverview() returned null", overview);
assertTrue("Launcher internal state didn't switch to Overview", isInState(() -> LauncherState.OVERVIEW));
// Test UIDevice.pressBack()
assertNotNull("overview.switchToAllApps() returned null (2)", allApps);
assertTrue("Launcher internal state is not All Apps (2)", isInState(() -> LauncherState.ALL_APPS));
// Test UIDevice.pressHome, once we are in AllApps.
waitForState("Launcher internal state didn't switch to Home", () -> LauncherState.NORMAL);
// Test dismissing all tasks.
waitForState("Launcher internal state didn't switch to Home", () -> LauncherState.NORMAL);
executeOnLauncher(launcher -> assertEquals("Still have tasks after dismissing all", 0, getTaskCount(launcher)));