use of in project android_packages_apps_404Launcher by P-404.
the class FloatingWidgetView method getFloatingWidgetView.
* Configures and returns a an instance of {@link FloatingWidgetView} matching the appearance of
* {@param originalView}.
* @param widgetBackgroundPosition a {@link RectF} that will be updated with the widget's
* background bounds
* @param windowSize the size of the window when launched
* @param windowCornerRadius the corner radius of the window
public static FloatingWidgetView getFloatingWidgetView(Launcher launcher, LauncherAppWidgetHostView originalView, RectF widgetBackgroundPosition, Size windowSize, float windowCornerRadius, boolean appTargetsAreTranslucent, int fallbackBackgroundColor) {
final DragLayer dragLayer = launcher.getDragLayer();
ViewGroup parent = (ViewGroup) dragLayer.getParent();
FloatingWidgetView floatingView = launcher.getViewCache().getView(R.layout.floating_widget_view, launcher, parent);
floatingView.init(dragLayer, originalView, widgetBackgroundPosition, windowSize, windowCornerRadius, appTargetsAreTranslucent, fallbackBackgroundColor);
return floatingView;
use of in project android_packages_apps_404Launcher by P-404.
the class TaplTestsQuickstep method testQuickSwitchFromApp.
public void testQuickSwitchFromApp() throws Exception {
Background background = getAndAssertBackground();
assertTrue("The first app we should have quick switched to is not running", isTestActivityRunning(3));
background = getAndAssertBackground();
if (mLauncher.getNavigationModel() == NavigationModel.THREE_BUTTON) {
// 3-button mode toggles between 2 apps, rather than going back further.
assertTrue("Second quick switch should have returned to the first app.", isTestActivityRunning(4));
} else {
assertTrue("The second app we should have quick switched to is not running", isTestActivityRunning(2));
background = getAndAssertBackground();
assertTrue("The 2nd app we should have quick switched to is not running", isTestActivityRunning(3));
background = getAndAssertBackground();
use of in project android_packages_apps_404Launcher by P-404.
the class TaplTestsQuickstep method testOverview.
public void testOverview() throws Exception {
// mLauncher.pressHome() also tests an important case of pressing home while in background.
Overview overview = mLauncher.pressHome().switchToOverview();
assertTrue("Launcher internal state didn't switch to Overview", isInState(() -> LauncherState.OVERVIEW));
executeOnLauncher(launcher -> assertTrue("Don't have at least 3 tasks", getTaskCount(launcher) >= 3));
// Test flinging forward and backward.
executeOnLauncher(launcher -> assertEquals("Current task in Overview is not 0", 0, getCurrentOverviewPage(launcher)));
assertTrue("Launcher internal state is not Overview", isInState(() -> LauncherState.OVERVIEW));
final Integer currentTaskAfterFlingForward = getFromLauncher(launcher -> getCurrentOverviewPage(launcher));
executeOnLauncher(launcher -> assertTrue("Current task in Overview is still 0", currentTaskAfterFlingForward > 0));
assertTrue("Launcher internal state is not Overview", isInState(() -> LauncherState.OVERVIEW));
executeOnLauncher(launcher -> assertTrue("Flinging back in Overview did nothing", getCurrentOverviewPage(launcher) < currentTaskAfterFlingForward));
// Test opening a task.
OverviewTask task = mLauncher.pressHome().switchToOverview().getCurrentTask();
assertNotNull("overview.getCurrentTask() returned null (1)", task);
assertNotNull(" returned null",;
assertTrue("Test activity didn't open from Overview", mDevice.wait(Until.hasObject(By.pkg(getAppPackageName()).text("TestActivity2")), DEFAULT_UI_TIMEOUT));
executeOnLauncher(launcher -> assertTrue("Launcher activity is the top activity; expecting another activity to be the top " + "one", isInBackground(launcher)));
// Test dismissing a task.
overview = mLauncher.pressHome().switchToOverview();
assertTrue("Launcher internal state didn't switch to Overview", isInState(() -> LauncherState.OVERVIEW));
final Integer numTasks = getFromLauncher(launcher -> getTaskCount(launcher));
task = overview.getCurrentTask();
assertNotNull("overview.getCurrentTask() returned null (2)", task);
executeOnLauncher(launcher -> assertEquals("Dismissing a task didn't remove 1 task from Overview", numTasks - 1, getTaskCount(launcher)));
// Test dismissing all tasks.
assertTrue("Launcher internal state is not Home", isInState(() -> LauncherState.NORMAL));
executeOnLauncher(launcher -> assertEquals("Still have tasks after dismissing all", 0, getTaskCount(launcher)));
use of in project android_packages_apps_404Launcher by P-404.
the class TaplTestsQuickstep method testBackground.
public void testBackground() throws Exception {
final Background background = getAndAssertBackground();
assertNotNull("Background.switchToOverview() returned null", background.switchToOverview());
assertTrue("Launcher internal state didn't switch to Overview", isInState(() -> LauncherState.OVERVIEW));
use of in project android_packages_apps_404Launcher by P-404.
the class ClipIconView method setIcon.
* Sets the icon for this view as part of initial setup
public void setIcon(@Nullable Drawable drawable, int iconOffset, MarginLayoutParams lp, boolean isOpening, boolean isVerticalBarLayout, DeviceProfile dp) {
mIsAdaptiveIcon = drawable instanceof AdaptiveIconDrawable;
if (mIsAdaptiveIcon) {
boolean isFolderIcon = drawable instanceof FolderAdaptiveIcon;
AdaptiveIconDrawable adaptiveIcon = (AdaptiveIconDrawable) drawable;
Drawable background = adaptiveIcon.getBackground();
if (background == null) {
background = new ColorDrawable(Color.TRANSPARENT);
mBackground = background;
Drawable foreground = adaptiveIcon.getForeground();
if (foreground == null) {
foreground = new ColorDrawable(Color.TRANSPARENT);
mForeground = foreground;
final int originalHeight = lp.height;
final int originalWidth = lp.width;
int blurMargin = mBlurSizeOutline / 2;
mFinalDrawableBounds.set(0, 0, originalWidth, originalHeight);
if (!isFolderIcon) {
mFinalDrawableBounds.inset(iconOffset - blurMargin, iconOffset - blurMargin);
mStartRevealRect.set(0, 0, originalWidth, originalHeight);
if (!isFolderIcon) {
Utilities.scaleRectAboutCenter(mStartRevealRect, IconShape.getNormalizationScale());
if (isVerticalBarLayout) {
lp.width = (int) Math.max(lp.width, lp.height * dp.aspectRatio);
} else {
lp.height = (int) Math.max(lp.height, lp.width * dp.aspectRatio);
int left = mIsRtl ? dp.widthPx - lp.getMarginStart() - lp.width : lp.leftMargin;
layout(left, lp.topMargin, left + lp.width, lp.topMargin + lp.height);
float scale = Math.max((float) lp.height / originalHeight, (float) lp.width / originalWidth);
float bgDrawableStartScale;
if (isOpening) {
bgDrawableStartScale = 1f;
mOutline.set(0, 0, originalWidth, originalHeight);
} else {
bgDrawableStartScale = scale;
mOutline.set(0, 0, lp.width, lp.height);
setBackgroundDrawableBounds(bgDrawableStartScale, isVerticalBarLayout);
mEndRevealRect.set(0, 0, lp.width, lp.height);
setOutlineProvider(new ViewOutlineProvider() {
public void getOutline(View view, Outline outline) {
outline.setRoundRect(mOutline, mTaskCornerRadius);
} else {