Search in sources :

Example 31 with WidgetManagerHelper

use of in project android_packages_apps_404Launcher by P-404.

the class Workspace method widgetsRestored.

public void widgetsRestored(final ArrayList<LauncherAppWidgetInfo> changedInfo) {
    if (!changedInfo.isEmpty()) {
        DeferredWidgetRefresh widgetRefresh = new DeferredWidgetRefresh(changedInfo, mLauncher.getAppWidgetHost());
        LauncherAppWidgetInfo item = changedInfo.get(0);
        final AppWidgetProviderInfo widgetInfo;
        WidgetManagerHelper widgetHelper = new WidgetManagerHelper(getContext());
        if (item.hasRestoreFlag(LauncherAppWidgetInfo.FLAG_ID_NOT_VALID)) {
            widgetInfo = widgetHelper.findProvider(item.providerName, item.user);
        } else {
            widgetInfo = widgetHelper.getLauncherAppWidgetInfo(item.appWidgetId);
        if (widgetInfo != null) {
            // Re-inflate the widgets which have changed status
        } else {
            // widgetRefresh will automatically run when the packages are updated.
            // For now just update the progress bars
            mapOverItems(new ItemOperator() {

                public boolean evaluate(ItemInfo info, View view) {
                    if (view instanceof PendingAppWidgetHostView && changedInfo.contains(info)) {
                        ((LauncherAppWidgetInfo) info).installProgress = 100;
                        ((PendingAppWidgetHostView) view).applyState();
                    // process all the shortcuts
                    return false;
Also used : WorkspaceItemInfo( ItemInfo( SearchActionItemInfo( AppWidgetProviderInfo(android.appwidget.AppWidgetProviderInfo) WidgetManagerHelper( LauncherAppWidgetInfo( PendingAppWidgetHostView( DraggableView( LauncherAppWidgetHostView( AppWidgetHostView(android.appwidget.AppWidgetHostView) View(android.view.View) PendingAppWidgetHostView( DragView(

Example 32 with WidgetManagerHelper

use of in project android_packages_apps_Launcher3 by crdroidandroid.

the class AddItemActivity method setupWidget.

private boolean setupWidget() {
    LauncherAppWidgetProviderInfo widgetInfo = LauncherAppWidgetProviderInfo.fromProviderInfo(this, mRequest.getAppWidgetProviderInfo(this));
    if (widgetInfo.minSpanX > mIdp.numColumns || widgetInfo.minSpanY > mIdp.numRows) {
        // Cannot add widget
        return false;
    mAppWidgetManager = new WidgetManagerHelper(this);
    mAppWidgetHost = new LauncherAppWidgetHost(this);
    PendingAddWidgetInfo pendingInfo = new PendingAddWidgetInfo(widgetInfo, CONTAINER_PIN_WIDGETS);
    pendingInfo.spanX = Math.min(mIdp.numColumns, widgetInfo.spanX);
    pendingInfo.spanY = Math.min(mIdp.numRows, widgetInfo.spanY);
    mWidgetOptions = pendingInfo.getDefaultSizeOptions(this);
    applyWidgetItemAsync(() -> new WidgetItem(widgetInfo, mIdp, mApp.getIconCache()));
    return true;
Also used : LauncherAppWidgetProviderInfo( LauncherAppWidgetHost( PendingAddWidgetInfo( WidgetManagerHelper( WidgetItem(

Example 33 with WidgetManagerHelper

use of in project android_packages_apps_Launcher3 by crdroidandroid.

the class DatabaseWidgetPreviewLoader method generateWidgetPreview.

 * Generates the widget preview from either the {@link WidgetManagerHelper} or cache
 * and add badge at the bottom right corner.
 * @param launcher
 * @param info                        information about the widget
 * @param maxPreviewWidth             width of the preview on either workspace or tray
 * @param preview                     bitmap that can be recycled
 * @param preScaledWidthOut           return the width of the returned bitmap
 * @return Pair<Bitmap (the preview) , Boolean (should be stored in db)>
public Pair<Bitmap, Boolean> generateWidgetPreview(BaseActivity launcher, LauncherAppWidgetProviderInfo info, int maxPreviewWidth, Bitmap preview, int[] preScaledWidthOut) {
    // Load the preview image if possible
    if (maxPreviewWidth < 0)
        maxPreviewWidth = Integer.MAX_VALUE;
    Drawable drawable = null;
    if (info.previewImage != 0) {
        try {
            drawable = info.loadPreviewImage(mContext, 0);
        } catch (OutOfMemoryError e) {
            Log.w(TAG, "Error loading widget preview for: " + info.provider, e);
            // During OutOfMemoryError, the previous heap stack is not affected. Catching
            // an OOM error here should be safe & not affect other parts of launcher.
            drawable = null;
        if (drawable != null) {
            drawable = mutateOnMainThread(drawable);
        } else {
            Log.w(TAG, "Can't load widget preview drawable 0x" + Integer.toHexString(info.previewImage) + " for provider: " + info.provider);
    final boolean widgetPreviewExists = (drawable != null);
    final int spanX = info.spanX;
    final int spanY = info.spanY;
    int previewWidth;
    int previewHeight;
    boolean savePreviewImage = widgetPreviewExists || info.previewImage == 0;
    if (widgetPreviewExists && drawable.getIntrinsicWidth() > 0 && drawable.getIntrinsicHeight() > 0) {
        previewWidth = drawable.getIntrinsicWidth();
        previewHeight = drawable.getIntrinsicHeight();
    } else {
        DeviceProfile dp = launcher.getDeviceProfile();
        Size widgetSize = WidgetSizes.getWidgetPaddedSizePx(mContext, info.provider, dp, spanX, spanY);
        previewWidth = widgetSize.getWidth();
        previewHeight = widgetSize.getHeight();
    // Scale to fit width only - let the widget preview be clipped in the
    // vertical dimension
    float scale = 1f;
    if (preScaledWidthOut != null) {
        preScaledWidthOut[0] = previewWidth;
    if (previewWidth > maxPreviewWidth) {
        scale = maxPreviewWidth / (float) (previewWidth);
    if (scale != 1f) {
        previewWidth = Math.max((int) (scale * previewWidth), 1);
        previewHeight = Math.max((int) (scale * previewHeight), 1);
    final Canvas c = new Canvas();
    if (preview == null) {
        // If no bitmap was provided, then allocate a new one with the right size.
        preview = Bitmap.createBitmap(previewWidth, previewHeight, Config.ARGB_8888);
    } else {
        // as the preview.
        try {
            preview.reconfigure(previewWidth, previewHeight, preview.getConfig());
        } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) {
            // This occurs if the preview can't be reconfigured for any reason. In this case,
            // allocate a new bitmap with the right size.
            preview = Bitmap.createBitmap(previewWidth, previewHeight, Config.ARGB_8888);
        c.drawColor(0, PorterDuff.Mode.CLEAR);
    // Draw the scaled preview into the final bitmap
    if (widgetPreviewExists) {
        drawable.setBounds(0, 0, previewWidth, previewHeight);
    } else {
        RectF boxRect;
        // Draw horizontal and vertical lines to represent individual columns.
        final Paint p = new Paint(Paint.ANTI_ALIAS_FLAG);
        if (Utilities.ATLEAST_S) {
            boxRect = new RectF(/* left= */
            0, /* top= */
            0, /* right= */
            previewWidth, /* bottom= */
            float roundedCorner = mContext.getResources().getDimension(android.R.dimen.system_app_widget_background_radius);
            c.drawRoundRect(boxRect, roundedCorner, roundedCorner, p);
        } else {
            boxRect = drawBoxWithShadow(c, previewWidth, previewHeight);
        p.setXfermode(new PorterDuffXfermode(PorterDuff.Mode.CLEAR));
        float t = boxRect.left;
        float tileSize = boxRect.width() / spanX;
        for (int i = 1; i < spanX; i++) {
            t += tileSize;
            c.drawLine(t, 0, t, previewHeight, p);
        t =;
        tileSize = boxRect.height() / spanY;
        for (int i = 1; i < spanY; i++) {
            t += tileSize;
            c.drawLine(0, t, previewWidth, t, p);
        // Draw icon in the center.
        try {
            Drawable icon = mIconCache.getFullResIcon(info.provider.getPackageName(), info.icon);
            if (icon != null) {
                int appIconSize = launcher.getDeviceProfile().iconSizePx;
                int iconSize = (int) Math.min(appIconSize * scale, Math.min(boxRect.width(), boxRect.height()));
                icon = mutateOnMainThread(icon);
                int hoffset = (previewWidth - iconSize) / 2;
                int yoffset = (previewHeight - iconSize) / 2;
                icon.setBounds(hoffset, yoffset, hoffset + iconSize, yoffset + iconSize);
        } catch (Resources.NotFoundException e) {
            savePreviewImage = false;
    return new Pair<>(preview, savePreviewImage);
Also used : Size(android.util.Size) Canvas( Drawable( Paint( Paint( RectF( DeviceProfile( PorterDuffXfermode( Resources(android.content.res.Resources) Pair(android.util.Pair)

Example 34 with WidgetManagerHelper

use of in project android_packages_apps_Launcher3 by crdroidandroid.

the class WidgetsModel method update.

 * @param packageUser If null, all widgets and shortcuts are updated and returned, otherwise
 *                    only widgets and shortcuts associated with the package/user are.
public List<ComponentWithLabelAndIcon> update(LauncherAppState app, @Nullable PackageUserKey packageUser) {
    Context context = app.getContext();
    final ArrayList<WidgetItem> widgetsAndShortcuts = new ArrayList<>();
    List<ComponentWithLabelAndIcon> updatedItems = new ArrayList<>();
    try {
        InvariantDeviceProfile idp = app.getInvariantDeviceProfile();
        PackageManager pm = app.getContext().getPackageManager();
        // Widgets
        WidgetManagerHelper widgetManager = new WidgetManagerHelper(context);
        for (AppWidgetProviderInfo widgetInfo : widgetManager.getAllProviders(packageUser)) {
            LauncherAppWidgetProviderInfo launcherWidgetInfo = LauncherAppWidgetProviderInfo.fromProviderInfo(context, widgetInfo);
            widgetsAndShortcuts.add(new WidgetItem(launcherWidgetInfo, idp, app.getIconCache()));
        // Shortcuts
        for (ShortcutConfigActivityInfo info : queryList(context, packageUser)) {
            widgetsAndShortcuts.add(new WidgetItem(info, app.getIconCache(), pm));
        setWidgetsAndShortcuts(widgetsAndShortcuts, app, packageUser);
    } catch (Exception e) {
        if (!FeatureFlags.IS_STUDIO_BUILD && Utilities.isBinderSizeError(e)) {
        // the returned value may be incomplete and will not be refreshed until the next
        // time Launcher starts.
        // TODO: after figuring out a repro step, introduce a dirty bit to check when
        // onResume is called to refresh the widget provider list.
        } else {
            throw e;
    app.getWidgetCache().removeObsoletePreviews(widgetsAndShortcuts, packageUser);
    return updatedItems;
Also used : Context(android.content.Context) LauncherAppWidgetProviderInfo( InvariantDeviceProfile( ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList) PackageManager( ComponentWithLabelAndIcon( AppWidgetProviderInfo(android.appwidget.AppWidgetProviderInfo) LauncherAppWidgetProviderInfo( ShortcutConfigActivityInfo( WidgetManagerHelper(

Example 35 with WidgetManagerHelper

use of in project android_packages_apps_Launcher3 by crdroidandroid.

the class Launcher method onCreate.

protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
    Object traceToken = TraceHelper.INSTANCE.beginSection(ON_CREATE_EVT, TraceHelper.FLAG_UI_EVENT);
        StrictMode.setThreadPolicy(new StrictMode.ThreadPolicy.Builder().detectDiskReads().detectDiskWrites().detectNetwork().penaltyLog().build());
        StrictMode.setVmPolicy(new StrictMode.VmPolicy.Builder().detectLeakedSqlLiteObjects().detectLeakedClosableObjects().penaltyLog().penaltyDeath().build());
    if (Utilities.IS_DEBUG_DEVICE && FeatureFlags.NOTIFY_CRASHES.get()) {
        final String notificationChannelId = "";
        final String notificationChannelName = "Debug";
        final String notificationTag = "Debug";
        final int notificationId = 0;
        NotificationManager notificationManager = getSystemService(NotificationManager.class);
        notificationManager.createNotificationChannel(new NotificationChannel(notificationChannelId, notificationChannelName, NotificationManager.IMPORTANCE_HIGH));
        Thread.currentThread().setUncaughtExceptionHandler((thread, throwable) -> {
            String stackTrace = Log.getStackTraceString(throwable);
            Intent shareIntent = new Intent(Intent.ACTION_SEND);
            shareIntent.putExtra(Intent.EXTRA_TEXT, stackTrace);
            shareIntent = Intent.createChooser(shareIntent, null);
            PendingIntent sharePendingIntent = PendingIntent.getActivity(this, 0, shareIntent, PendingIntent.FLAG_UPDATE_CURRENT);
            Notification notification = new Notification.Builder(this, notificationChannelId).setSmallIcon(android.R.drawable.ic_menu_close_clear_cancel).setContentTitle("Launcher crash detected!").setStyle(new Notification.BigTextStyle().bigText(stackTrace)).addAction(android.R.drawable.ic_menu_share, "Share", sharePendingIntent).build();
            notificationManager.notify(notificationTag, notificationId, notification);
            Thread.UncaughtExceptionHandler defaultUncaughtExceptionHandler = Thread.getDefaultUncaughtExceptionHandler();
            if (defaultUncaughtExceptionHandler != null) {
                defaultUncaughtExceptionHandler.uncaughtException(thread, throwable);
    LauncherAppState app = LauncherAppState.getInstance(this);
    mOldConfig = new Configuration(getResources().getConfiguration());
    mModel = app.getModel();
    mRotationHelper = new RotationHelper(this);
    InvariantDeviceProfile idp = app.getInvariantDeviceProfile();
    mSharedPrefs = Utilities.getPrefs(this);
    mIconCache = app.getIconCache();
    mAccessibilityDelegate = createAccessibilityDelegate();
    mDragController = new LauncherDragController(this);
    mAllAppsController = new AllAppsTransitionController(this);
    mStateManager = new StateManager<>(this, NORMAL);
    mOnboardingPrefs = createOnboardingPrefs(mSharedPrefs);
    mAppWidgetManager = new WidgetManagerHelper(this);
    mAppWidgetHost = createAppWidgetHost();
    mPopupDataProvider = new PopupDataProvider(this::updateNotificationDots);
    boolean internalStateHandled = ACTIVITY_TRACKER.handleCreate(this);
    if (internalStateHandled) {
        if (savedInstanceState != null) {
            // InternalStateHandler has already set the appropriate state.
            // We dont need to do anything.
    // We only load the page synchronously if the user rotates (or triggers a
    // configuration change) while launcher is in the foreground
    int currentScreen = PagedView.INVALID_PAGE;
    if (savedInstanceState != null) {
        currentScreen = savedInstanceState.getInt(RUNTIME_STATE_CURRENT_SCREEN, currentScreen);
    mPageToBindSynchronously = currentScreen;
    if (!mModel.addCallbacksAndLoad(this)) {
        if (!internalStateHandled) {
            // If we are not binding synchronously, show a fade in animation when
            // the first page bind completes.
    // For handling default keys
    // Listen for broadcasts
    registerReceiver(mScreenOffReceiver, new IntentFilter(Intent.ACTION_SCREEN_OFF));
    getSystemUiController().updateUiState(SystemUiController.UI_STATE_BASE_WINDOW, Themes.getAttrBoolean(this, R.attr.isWorkspaceDarkText));
    if (mLauncherCallbacks != null) {
    mOverlayManager = getDefaultOverlay();
    PluginManagerWrapper.INSTANCE.get(this).addPluginListener(this, OverlayPlugin.class, false);
    mUserChangedCallbackCloseable = UserCache.INSTANCE.get(this).addUserChangeListener(() -> getStateManager().goToState(NORMAL));
    if (Utilities.ATLEAST_R) {
Also used : Configuration(android.content.res.Configuration) PropertyListBuilder( Notification( StrictMode(android.os.StrictMode) AllAppsTransitionController( WidgetManagerHelper( IntentFilter(android.content.IntentFilter) NotificationManager( RotationHelper( PopupDataProvider( PendingIntent( Intent(android.content.Intent) NotificationChannel( DragObject( LauncherDragController( PendingIntent(


WidgetManagerHelper ( LauncherAppWidgetProviderInfo ( LauncherAppWidgetInfo ( Bundle (android.os.Bundle)23 AppWidgetHostView (android.appwidget.AppWidgetHostView)18 Context (android.content.Context)18 PendingAddWidgetInfo ( AppWidgetProviderInfo (android.appwidget.AppWidgetProviderInfo)17 ArrayList (java.util.ArrayList)13 WorkspaceItemInfo ( LauncherAppWidgetHostView ( PendingAppWidgetHostView ( Intent (android.content.Intent)11 DragObject ( LauncherAppWidgetHost ( PackageManager ( View (android.view.View)7 AppWidgetHost (android.appwidget.AppWidgetHost)5 ComponentName (android.content.ComponentName)5 IntentFilter (android.content.IntentFilter)5