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Example 1 with SlideshowModel

use of in project android-aosp-mms by slvn.

the class MmsThumbnailPresenter method present.

public void present(ItemLoadedCallback callback) {
    mOnLoadedCallback = callback;
    SlideModel slide = ((SlideshowModel) mModel).get(0);
    if (slide != null) {
        presentFirstSlide((SlideViewInterface) mView, slide);
Also used : SlideshowModel( SlideModel(

Example 2 with SlideshowModel

use of in project android-aosp-mms by slvn.

the class MessagingNotification method addMmsNotificationInfos.

private static final void addMmsNotificationInfos(Context context, Set<Long> threads, SortedSet<NotificationInfo> notificationSet) {
    ContentResolver resolver = context.getContentResolver();
    // This query looks like this when logged:
    // I/Database(  147): elapsedTime4Sql|/data/data/
    // mmssms.db|0.362 ms|SELECT thread_id, date, _id, sub, sub_cs FROM pdu WHERE ((msg_box=1
    // AND seen=0 AND (m_type=130 OR m_type=132))) ORDER BY date desc
    Cursor cursor = SqliteWrapper.query(context, resolver, Mms.CONTENT_URI, MMS_STATUS_PROJECTION, NEW_INCOMING_MM_CONSTRAINT, null, Mms.DATE + " desc");
    if (cursor == null) {
    try {
        while (cursor.moveToNext()) {
            long msgId = cursor.getLong(COLUMN_MMS_ID);
            Uri msgUri = Mms.CONTENT_URI.buildUpon().appendPath(Long.toString(msgId)).build();
            String address = AddressUtils.getFrom(context, msgUri);
            Contact contact = Contact.get(address, false);
            if (contact.getSendToVoicemail()) {
                // don't notify, skip this one
            String subject = getMmsSubject(cursor.getString(COLUMN_SUBJECT), cursor.getInt(COLUMN_SUBJECT_CS));
            subject = MessageUtils.cleanseMmsSubject(context, subject);
            long threadId = cursor.getLong(COLUMN_THREAD_ID);
            long timeMillis = cursor.getLong(COLUMN_DATE) * 1000;
            if (Log.isLoggable(LogTag.APP, Log.VERBOSE)) {
                Log.d(TAG, "addMmsNotificationInfos: count=" + cursor.getCount() + ", addr = " + address + ", thread_id=" + threadId);
            // Extract the message and/or an attached picture from the first slide
            Bitmap attachedPicture = null;
            String messageBody = null;
            int attachmentType = WorkingMessage.TEXT;
            try {
                GenericPdu pdu = sPduPersister.load(msgUri);
                if (pdu != null && pdu instanceof MultimediaMessagePdu) {
                    SlideshowModel slideshow = SlideshowModel.createFromPduBody(context, ((MultimediaMessagePdu) pdu).getBody());
                    attachmentType = getAttachmentType(slideshow);
                    SlideModel firstSlide = slideshow.get(0);
                    if (firstSlide != null) {
                        if (firstSlide.hasImage()) {
                            int maxDim = dp2Pixels(MAX_BITMAP_DIMEN_DP);
                            attachedPicture = firstSlide.getImage().getBitmap(maxDim, maxDim);
                        if (firstSlide.hasText()) {
                            messageBody = firstSlide.getText().getText();
            } catch (final MmsException e) {
                Log.e(TAG, "MmsException loading uri: " + msgUri, e);
                // skip this bad boy -- don't generate an empty notification
            NotificationInfo info = getNewMessageNotificationInfo(context, false, /* isSms */
            address, messageBody, subject, threadId, timeMillis, attachedPicture, contact, attachmentType);
    } finally {
Also used : MultimediaMessagePdu( SpannableString(android.text.SpannableString) Cursor(android.database.Cursor) Uri( ContentResolver(android.content.ContentResolver) Contact( Bitmap( MmsException( SlideshowModel( GenericPdu( SlideModel(

Example 3 with SlideshowModel

use of in project android-aosp-mms by slvn.

the class WorkingMessage method ensureSlideshow.

 * Makes sure mSlideshow is set up.
private void ensureSlideshow() {
    if (mSlideshow != null) {
    SlideshowModel slideshow = SlideshowModel.createNew(mActivity);
    SlideModel slide = new SlideModel(slideshow);
    mSlideshow = slideshow;
Also used : SlideshowModel( SlideModel(

Example 4 with SlideshowModel

use of in project android-aosp-mms by slvn.

the class WorkingMessage method send.

 * Send this message over the network.  Will call back with onMessageSent() once
 * it has been dispatched to the telephony stack.  This WorkingMessage object is
 * no longer useful after this method has been called.
 * @throws ContentRestrictionException if sending an MMS and uaProfUrl is not defined
 * in mms_config.xml.
public void send(final String recipientsInUI) {
    long origThreadId = mConversation.getThreadId();
    if (Log.isLoggable(LogTag.TRANSACTION, Log.VERBOSE)) {
        LogTag.debug("send origThreadId: " + origThreadId);
    // Get ready to write to disk.
    // We need the recipient list for both SMS and MMS.
    final Conversation conv = mConversation;
    String msgTxt = mText.toString();
    if (requiresMms() || addressContainsEmailToMms(conv, msgTxt)) {
        // However, SMS service will still work in the absence of a uaProfUrl address.
        if (MmsConfig.getUaProfUrl() == null) {
            String err = "WorkingMessage.send MMS sending failure. mms_config.xml is " + "missing uaProfUrl setting.  uaProfUrl is required for MMS service, " + "but can be absent for SMS.";
            RuntimeException ex = new NullPointerException(err);
            Log.e(TAG, err, ex);
            // now, let's just crash.
            throw ex;
        // Make local copies of the bits we need for sending a message,
        // because we will be doing it off of the main thread, which will
        // immediately continue on to resetting some of this state.
        final Uri mmsUri = mMessageUri;
        final PduPersister persister = PduPersister.getPduPersister(mActivity);
        final SlideshowModel slideshow = mSlideshow;
        final CharSequence subject = mSubject;
        final boolean textOnly = mAttachmentType == TEXT;
        if (Log.isLoggable(LogTag.TRANSACTION, Log.VERBOSE)) {
            LogTag.debug("Send mmsUri: " + mmsUri);
        // Do the dirty work of sending the message off of the main UI thread.
        new Thread(new Runnable() {

            public void run() {
                final SendReq sendReq = makeSendReq(conv, subject);
                // Make sure the text in slide 0 is no longer holding onto a reference to
                // the text in the message text box.
                sendMmsWorker(conv, mmsUri, persister, slideshow, sendReq, textOnly);
        }, "WorkingMessage.send MMS").start();
    } else {
        // Same rules apply as above.
        final String msgText = mText.toString();
        new Thread(new Runnable() {

            public void run() {
                preSendSmsWorker(conv, msgText, recipientsInUI);
        }, "WorkingMessage.send SMS").start();
    // update the Recipient cache with the new to address, if it's different
    RecipientIdCache.updateNumbers(conv.getThreadId(), conv.getRecipients());
    // Mark the message as discarded because it is "off the market" after being sent.
    mDiscarded = true;
Also used : PduPersister( Uri( SendReq( SlideshowModel(

Example 5 with SlideshowModel

use of in project android-aosp-mms by slvn.

the class ComposeMessageActivity method addAttachment.

// static class SystemProperties { // TODO, temp class to get unbundling working
// static int getInt(String s, int value) {
// return value;       // just return the default value or now
// }
// }
private void addAttachment(int type, boolean replace) {
    // Calculate the size of the current slide if we're doing a replace so the
    // slide size can optionally be used in computing how much room is left for an attachment.
    int currentSlideSize = 0;
    SlideshowModel slideShow = mWorkingMessage.getSlideshow();
    if (replace && slideShow != null) {
        SlideModel slide = slideShow.get(0);
        currentSlideSize = slide.getSlideSize();
    switch(type) {
        case AttachmentTypeSelectorAdapter.ADD_IMAGE:
            MessageUtils.selectImage(this, REQUEST_CODE_ATTACH_IMAGE);
        case AttachmentTypeSelectorAdapter.TAKE_PICTURE:
                MessageUtils.capturePicture(this, REQUEST_CODE_TAKE_PICTURE);
        case AttachmentTypeSelectorAdapter.ADD_VIDEO:
            MessageUtils.selectVideo(this, REQUEST_CODE_ATTACH_VIDEO);
        case AttachmentTypeSelectorAdapter.RECORD_VIDEO:
                long sizeLimit = computeAttachmentSizeLimit(slideShow, currentSlideSize);
                if (sizeLimit > 0) {
                    MessageUtils.recordVideo(this, REQUEST_CODE_TAKE_VIDEO, sizeLimit);
                } else {
                    Toast.makeText(this, getString(R.string.message_too_big_for_video), Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show();
        case AttachmentTypeSelectorAdapter.ADD_SOUND:
            MessageUtils.selectAudio(this, REQUEST_CODE_ATTACH_SOUND);
        case AttachmentTypeSelectorAdapter.RECORD_SOUND:
            long sizeLimit = computeAttachmentSizeLimit(slideShow, currentSlideSize);
            MessageUtils.recordSound(this, REQUEST_CODE_RECORD_SOUND, sizeLimit);
        case AttachmentTypeSelectorAdapter.ADD_SLIDESHOW:
Also used : SlideshowModel( SlideModel(


SlideshowModel ( Uri ( SlideModel ( Intent (android.content.Intent)2 SpannableString (android.text.SpannableString)2 MmsException ( ContentResolver (android.content.ContentResolver)1 Cursor (android.database.Cursor)1 Bitmap ( Bundle (android.os.Bundle)1 Handler (android.os.Handler)1 Parcelable (android.os.Parcelable)1 Contact ( LayoutModel ( RegionModel ( GenericPdu ( MultimediaMessagePdu ( PduPersister ( SendReq ( PduCacheEntry (