use of in project android by JetBrains.
the class DeviceDefinitionPreview method paintComponent.
protected void paintComponent(Graphics g) {
Graphics2D g2d = (Graphics2D) g;
g2d.fillRect(0, 0, getWidth(), getHeight());
if ( {
FontMetrics metrics = g2d.getFontMetrics();
g2d.drawString(NO_DEVICE_SELECTED, (getWidth() - metrics.stringWidth(NO_DEVICE_SELECTED)) / 2, (getHeight() - metrics.getHeight()) / 2);
boolean isCircular = myDeviceData.isWear().get() && myDeviceData.isScreenRound().get();
// Paint our icon
Icon icon = getIcon(myDeviceData);
icon.paintIcon(this, g, PADDING / 2, PADDING / 2);
// Paint the device name
FontMetrics metrics = g.getFontMetrics(TITLE_FONT);
g2d.drawString(, JBUI.scale(50), PADDING + metrics.getHeight() / 2);
g2d.drawLine(0, JBUI.scale(50), getWidth(), JBUI.scale(50));
// Paint the device outline with dimensions labelled
Dimension screenSize = getScaledDimension();
Dimension pixelScreenSize = myDeviceData.getDeviceScreenDimension();
if (screenSize != null) {
if (screenSize.getHeight() <= 0) {
screenSize.height = 1;
if (screenSize.getWidth() <= 0) {
screenSize.width = 1;
RoundRectangle2D roundRect = new RoundRectangle2D.Double(PADDING, JBUI.scale(100), screenSize.width, screenSize.height, JBUI.scale(10), JBUI.scale(10));
g2d.setStroke(new BasicStroke(DIMENSION_LINE_WIDTH));
metrics = g2d.getFontMetrics(FIGURE_FONT);
int stringHeight = metrics.getHeight() - metrics.getDescent();
// Paint the width dimension
String widthString = Integer.toString(pixelScreenSize.width) + "px";
int widthLineY = JBUI.scale(95) - (metrics.getHeight() - metrics.getDescent()) / 2;
g2d.drawLine(PADDING, widthLineY, round(PADDING + screenSize.width), widthLineY);
// Erase the part of the line that the text overlays
int widthStringWidth = metrics.stringWidth(widthString);
int widthTextX = round(PADDING + (screenSize.width - widthStringWidth) / 2);
g2d.drawLine(widthTextX - FIGURE_PADDING, widthLineY, widthTextX + widthStringWidth + FIGURE_PADDING, widthLineY);
// Paint the width text
g2d.drawString(widthString, widthTextX, JBUI.scale(95));
// Paint the height dimension
String heightString = Integer.toString(pixelScreenSize.height) + "px";
int heightLineX = round(PADDING + screenSize.width + JBUI.scale(15));
g2d.drawLine(heightLineX, JBUI.scale(100), heightLineX, round(JBUI.scale(100) + screenSize.height));
// Erase the part of the line that the text overlays
int heightTextY = round(JBUI.scale(100) + (screenSize.height + stringHeight) / 2);
g2d.drawLine(heightLineX, heightTextY + FIGURE_PADDING, heightLineX, heightTextY - stringHeight - FIGURE_PADDING);
// Paint the height text
g2d.drawString(heightString, heightLineX - JBUI.scale(10), heightTextY);
// Paint the diagonal dimension
String diagString = FORMAT.format(myDeviceData.diagonalScreenSize().get());
int diagTextX = round(PADDING + (screenSize.width - metrics.stringWidth(diagString)) / 2);
int diagTextY = round(JBUI.scale(100) + (screenSize.height + stringHeight) / 2);
double chin = (double) myDeviceData.screenChinSize().get();
chin *= screenSize.getWidth() / myDeviceData.getDeviceScreenDimension().getWidth();
Line2D diagLine = new Line2D.Double(PADDING, JBUI.scale(100) + screenSize.height + chin, PADDING + screenSize.width, JBUI.scale(100));
if (isCircular) {
// Move the endpoints of the line to within the circle. Each endpoint must move towards the center axis of the circle by
// 0.5 * (l - l/sqrt(2)) where l is the diameter of the circle.
double dist = 0.5 * (screenSize.width - screenSize.width / Math.sqrt(2));
diagLine.setLine(diagLine.getX1() + dist, diagLine.getY1() - dist, diagLine.getX2() - dist, diagLine.getY2() + dist);
// Erase the part of the line that the text overlays
Rectangle erasureRect = new Rectangle(diagTextX - FIGURE_PADDING, diagTextY - stringHeight - FIGURE_PADDING, metrics.stringWidth(diagString) + FIGURE_PADDING * 2, stringHeight + FIGURE_PADDING * 2);
// Paint the diagonal text
g2d.drawString(diagString, diagTextX, diagTextY);
// Finally, paint the outline
g2d.setStroke(new BasicStroke(OUTLINE_LINE_WIDTH));
if (isCircular) {
double x = roundRect.getX();
double y = roundRect.getY();
Ellipse2D circle = new Ellipse2D.Double(x, y, screenSize.width, screenSize.height + chin);
if (chin > 0) {
erasureRect = new Rectangle((int) x, (int) (y + screenSize.height + OUTLINE_LINE_WIDTH / 2 + 1), screenSize.width, (int) chin + OUTLINE_LINE_WIDTH / 2 + 1);
double halfChinWidth = Math.sqrt(chin * (screenSize.width - chin)) - OUTLINE_LINE_WIDTH / 2;
int chinX = (int) (x + screenSize.width / 2 - halfChinWidth);
g2d.drawLine(chinX, (int) (y + screenSize.height), (int) (chinX + halfChinWidth * 2), (int) (y + screenSize.height));
} else {
// Paint the details. If it's a portrait phone, then paint to the right of the rect.
// If it's a landscape tablet/tv, paint below.
metrics = g2d.getFontMetrics(STANDARD_FONT);
stringHeight = metrics.getHeight();
int infoSegmentX;
int infoSegmentY;
if (myDeviceData.getDefaultDeviceOrientation().equals(ScreenOrientation.PORTRAIT)) {
infoSegmentX = round(PADDING + screenSize.width + metrics.stringWidth(heightString) + PADDING);
infoSegmentY = JBUI.scale(100);
} else {
infoSegmentX = PADDING;
infoSegmentY = round(JBUI.scale(100) + screenSize.height + PADDING);
infoSegmentY += stringHeight;
ScreenSize size = AvdScreenData.getScreenSize(myDeviceData.diagonalScreenSize().get());
g2d.drawString("Size: " + size.getResourceValue(), infoSegmentX, infoSegmentY);
infoSegmentY += stringHeight;
ScreenRatio ratio = AvdScreenData.getScreenRatio(myDeviceData.screenResolutionWidth().get(), myDeviceData.screenResolutionHeight().get());
g2d.drawString("Ratio: " + ratio.getResourceValue(), infoSegmentX, infoSegmentY);
infoSegmentY += stringHeight;
Density pixelDensity = myDeviceData.density().get();
if (pixelDensity == Density.NODPI) {
// We need to calculate the density
pixelDensity = AvdScreenData.getScreenDensity(myDeviceData.isTv().get(), myDeviceData.screenDpi().get(), myDeviceData.screenResolutionHeight().get());
g2d.drawString("Density: " + pixelDensity.getResourceValue(), infoSegmentX, infoSegmentY);
use of in project android by JetBrains.
the class CanvasResizeInteraction method coveredAreaForConfig.
* Returns the {@link Area} of the {@link ScreenView} that is covered by the given {@link FolderConfiguration}
private Area coveredAreaForConfig(@NotNull FolderConfiguration config, @NotNull ScreenView screenView) {
int x0 = screenView.getX();
int y0 = screenView.getY();
JComponent layeredPane = myDesignSurface.getLayeredPane();
int width = layeredPane.getWidth();
int height = layeredPane.getHeight();
int maxDim = Math.max(width, height);
int minX = 0;
int maxX = -1;
int minY = 0;
int maxY = -1;
int dpi = screenView.getConfiguration().getDensity().getDpiValue();
SmallestScreenWidthQualifier smallestWidthQualifier = config.getSmallestScreenWidthQualifier();
if (smallestWidthQualifier != null) {
// Restrict the area due to a sw<N>dp qualifier
minX = smallestWidthQualifier.getValue() * dpi / 160;
minY = smallestWidthQualifier.getValue() * dpi / 160;
ScreenWidthQualifier widthQualifier = config.getScreenWidthQualifier();
if (widthQualifier != null) {
// Restrict the area due to a w<N>dp qualifier
minX = Math.max(minX, widthQualifier.getValue() * dpi / 160);
ScreenHeightQualifier heightQualifier = config.getScreenHeightQualifier();
if (heightQualifier != null) {
// Restrict the area due to a h<N>dp qualifier
minY = Math.max(minY, heightQualifier.getValue() * dpi / 160);
ScreenSizeQualifier sizeQualifier = config.getScreenSizeQualifier();
if (sizeQualifier != null && sizeQualifier.getValue() != null) {
// Restrict the area due to a screen size qualifier (SMALL, NORMAL, LARGE, XLARGE)
switch(sizeQualifier.getValue()) {
case SMALL:
maxX = 320 * dpi / 160;
maxY = 470 * dpi / 160;
case NORMAL:
case LARGE:
minX = 480 * dpi / 160;
minY = 640 * dpi / 160;
case XLARGE:
minX = 720 * dpi / 160;
minY = 960 * dpi / 160;
ScreenRatioQualifier ratioQualifier = config.getScreenRatioQualifier();
ScreenRatio ratio = ratioQualifier != null ? ratioQualifier.getValue() : null;
ScreenOrientationQualifier orientationQualifier = config.getScreenOrientationQualifier();
ScreenOrientation orientation = orientationQualifier != null ? orientationQualifier.getValue() : null;
Polygon portrait = new Polygon();
Polygon landscape = new Polygon();
if (orientation == null || orientation.equals(ScreenOrientation.PORTRAIT)) {
constructPolygon(portrait, ratio, maxDim, true);
portrait.translate(x0, y0);
if (orientation == null || orientation.equals(ScreenOrientation.LANDSCAPE)) {
constructPolygon(landscape, ratio, maxDim, false);
landscape.translate(x0, y0);
Area portraitArea = new Area(portrait);
Area landscapeArea = new Area(landscape);
Area portraitBounds = new Area(new Rectangle(Coordinates.getSwingX(screenView, minX), Coordinates.getSwingY(screenView, minY), maxX >= 0 ? Coordinates.getSwingDimension(screenView, maxX - minX) : width, maxY >= 0 ? Coordinates.getSwingDimension(screenView, maxY - minY) : height));
Area landscapeBounds = new Area(new Rectangle(Coordinates.getSwingX(screenView, minY), Coordinates.getSwingY(screenView, minX), maxY >= 0 ? Coordinates.getSwingDimension(screenView, maxY - minY) : width, maxX >= 0 ? Coordinates.getSwingDimension(screenView, maxX - minX) : height));
return portraitArea;