use of in project android by JetBrains.
the class GoToApkLocationTask method execute.
public void execute(@NotNull GradleInvocationResult result) {
try {
File apkPath = getExistingApkPath();
AndroidGradleNotification notification = AndroidGradleNotification.getInstance(myProject);
if (result.isBuildSuccessful()) {
if (ShowFilePathAction.isSupported()) {
notification.showBalloon(myNotificationTitle, "APK(s) generated successfully.", INFORMATION, new GoToPathHyperlink(apkPath));
} else {
String msg = String.format("APK(s) location is\n%1$s.", apkPath.getPath());
notification.showBalloon(myNotificationTitle, msg, INFORMATION);
} else {
String msg = "Errors while building APK. You can find the errors in the 'Messages' view.";
notification.showBalloon(myNotificationTitle, msg, ERROR);
} finally {
// See
use of in project android by JetBrains.
the class ProjectSubset method addResultAndPopulateProject.
* Adds the module in the given search results to the IDE. If the search result indicates the variant where the file is, this method
* will select such variant in the Android model.
* @param result the search result.
* @param projectInfo information about the project.
* @param selectedModules all the modules to be included in the project.
* @param file the file to include in the project.
private void addResultAndPopulateProject(@NotNull ModuleSearchResult result, @NotNull DataNode<ProjectData> projectInfo, @NotNull List<DataNode<ModuleData>> selectedModules, @NotNull File file) {
DataNode<ModuleData> moduleNode = result.moduleNode;
String moduleName = getNameOf(moduleNode);
String text;
if (result.selected) {
String tmp = String.format("File '%1$s' is already in module '%2$s'", file.getName(), moduleName);
SourceFileContainerInfo containerInfo = result.containerInfo;
if (containerInfo != null) {
Variant variant = containerInfo.variant;
if (variant != null) {
tmp += String.format(", variant '%1$s'", variant.getName());
text = tmp;
} else {
text = String.format("Module '%1$s' was added to the project.", moduleName);
SourceFileContainerInfo containerInfo = result.containerInfo;
if (containerInfo != null) {
invokeLaterIfNeeded(() -> {
AndroidGradleNotification notification = AndroidGradleNotification.getInstance(myProject);
notification.showBalloon(MODULE_LOOKUP_MESSAGE_TITLE, text, INFORMATION);
populate(myProject, projectInfo, selectedModules, DEFAULT_REQUEST);
use of in project android by JetBrains.
the class ProjectSubset method findAndIncludeModuleContainingSourceFile.
* Finds and includes the module that contains the given file.
* <p>
* When using the "Project Subset" feature it is possible that the user knows which file she wants to edit but not the module where
* such file is. This method tries to find the module that includes the given file in the folders that it marked as "source", either
* production or test code.
* </p>
* <p>
* The search is based on the Gradle models for both Android and Java modules. If the search finds more than one module that might contain
* the file, the IDE will display a dialog where the user can see the potential matches and choose the module to include in the project.
* </p>
* @param virtualFile the given file.
public void findAndIncludeModuleContainingSourceFile(@NotNull VirtualFile virtualFile) {
DataNode<ProjectData> projectInfo = DataNodeCaches.getInstance(myProject).getCachedProjectData();
if (projectInfo == null) {
Collection<DataNode<ModuleData>> moduleInfos = findAll(projectInfo, MODULE);
if (!moduleInfos.isEmpty()) {
File file = virtualToIoFile(virtualFile);
new Task.Modal(myProject, "Looking up Module", false) {
public void run(@NotNull ProgressIndicator indicator) {
List<ModuleSearchResult> results = Lists.newArrayList();
String[] storedSelection = getSelection();
Set<String> selection = storedSelection != null ? Sets.newHashSet(storedSelection) : Sets.newHashSet();
List<DataNode<ModuleData>> selectedModules = Lists.newArrayList();
int doneCount = 0;
for (DataNode<ModuleData> moduleNode : moduleInfos) {
indicator.setFraction(++doneCount / moduleInfos.size());
ModuleData module = moduleNode.getData();
String name = module.getExternalName();
boolean selected = selection.contains(name);
if (selected) {
// This module is already included in the project. We need to mark it as "selected" so when we are done searching we don't
// exclude it by accident.
ModuleSearchResult result = containsSourceFile(moduleNode, file, selected);
if (result != null) {
// Even though the module is already included, we add it to the search results, because the module might not be the one that
// actually contains the file, and the user might need to exclude it in the case that the module that contains the file has
// the same path as the already-included module.
int resultCount = results.size();
if (resultCount == 0) {
// Nothing found.
invokeLaterIfNeeded(() -> {
String text = String.format("Unable to find a module containing the file '%1$s' in a source directory.", file.getName());
AndroidGradleNotification notification = AndroidGradleNotification.getInstance(ProjectSubset.this.myProject);
notification.showBalloon(MODULE_LOOKUP_MESSAGE_TITLE, text, ERROR);
} else if (resultCount == 1) {
// If there is one result,just apply it.
addResultAndPopulateProject(results.get(0), projectInfo, selectedModules, file);
} else {
// We need to let user decide which modules to include.
showModuleSelectionDialog(results, projectInfo, selectedModules, file);
use of in project android by JetBrains.
the class HttpProxySettingsCleanUpTask method doCleanUp.
void doCleanUp(@NotNull Project project) {
HttpConfigurable ideHttpProxySettings = HttpConfigurable.getInstance();
if (!ideHttpProxySettings.USE_HTTP_PROXY || isEmpty(ideHttpProxySettings.PROXY_HOST)) {
GradleProperties properties;
try {
properties = new GradleProperties(project);
} catch (IOException e) {
getLogger().info("Failed to read file", e);
// Let sync continue, even though it may fail.
ProxySettings gradleProxySettings = properties.getHttpProxySettings();
ProxySettings ideProxySettings = new ProxySettings(ideHttpProxySettings);
if (!ideProxySettings.equals(gradleProxySettings)) {
ProxySettingsDialog dialog = new ProxySettingsDialog(project, ideProxySettings);
if (dialog.showAndGet()) {
try {;
} catch (IOException e) {
Throwable root = getRootCause(e);
String cause = root.getMessage();
String errMsg = "Failed to save HTTP proxy settings to file.";
if (isNotEmpty(cause)) {
if (!cause.endsWith(".")) {
cause += ".";
errMsg += String.format("\nCause: %1$s", cause);
AndroidGradleNotification notification = AndroidGradleNotification.getInstance(project);
notification.showBalloon("Proxy Settings", errMsg, ERROR);
getLogger().info("Failed to save changes to file", root);