use of in project android by JetBrains.
the class PatchInstallingRestarter method processPatch.
* Either restart and install the given patch or delete it (if it's already installed).
private void processPatch(File androidSdkPath, StudioLoggerProgressIndicator progress, File patchDir) {
RepoPackage pendingPackage = null;
File installDir = null;
try {
RepoManager mgr = mySdkHandler.getSdkManager(progress);
Repository repo = InstallerUtil.readPendingPackageXml(patchDir, mgr, myFileOp, progress);
if (repo != null) {
File patch = new File(patchDir, PatchInstallerUtil.PATCH_JAR_FN);
pendingPackage = repo.getLocalPackage();
boolean remote = false;
if (pendingPackage != null) {
// If the pending package was local, use the corresponding installed local package.
installDir = mgr.getPackages().getLocalPackages().get(pendingPackage.getPath()).getLocation();
} else {
// Otherwise it's remote.
pendingPackage = repo.getRemotePackage().get(0);
installDir = ((RemotePackage) pendingPackage).getInstallDir(mgr, progress);
remote = true;
File existingPackageXml = new File(installDir, LocalRepoLoaderImpl.PACKAGE_XML_FN);
File oldPackageXml = new File(patchDir, OLD_PACKAGE_XML_FN);
if (patch.exists() && existingPackageXml.renameTo(oldPackageXml)) {
// This will exit the app.
// Main.installPatch("sdk", PatchInstallerUtil.PATCH_JAR_FN, FileUtil.getTempDirectory(), patch, installDir.getAbsolutePath());
} else {
// The patch is already installed, or was cancelled.
String relativePath = FileOpUtils.makeRelative(androidSdkPath, installDir, myFileOp);
// Use the old mechanism to get the version, since it's actually part of the package itself. Thus we can tell if the patch
// has already been applied.
Revision rev = AndroidCommonUtils.parsePackageRevision(androidSdkPath.getPath(), relativePath);
if (rev != null && rev.equals(pendingPackage.getVersion())) {
// We need to make sure the listeners are fired, so create an installer that does nothing and invoke it.
InstallerFactory dummyFactory = new DummyInstallerFactory();
dummyFactory.setListenerFactory(new StudioSdkInstallListenerFactory(mySdkHandler));
if (remote) {
Installer installer = dummyFactory.createInstaller((RemotePackage) pendingPackage, mgr, new StudioDownloader(), myFileOp);
} else {
Uninstaller uninstaller = dummyFactory.createUninstaller((LocalPackage) pendingPackage, mgr, myFileOp);
} else {
// something went wrong. Move the old package.xml back into place.
progress.logWarning("Failed to find version information in " + new File(androidSdkPath, SdkConstants.FN_SOURCE_PROP));
} catch (Exception e) {
StringBuilder message = new StringBuilder("A problem occurred while installing ");
message.append(pendingPackage != null ? pendingPackage.getDisplayName() : "an SDK package");
if (installDir != null) {
message.append(" in ").append(installDir);
message.append(". Please try again.");
Messages.showErrorDialog(message.toString(), "Error Launching SDK Component Installer");
progress.logWarning("Failed to install SDK package", e);
// If we get here we either got an error or the patch was already installed. Delete the patch dir.
try {
} catch (Exception e) {
progress.logWarning("Problem during patch cleanup", e);