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Example 1 with RunIn

use of in project android by JetBrains.

the class GradleRenameModuleTest method testRenameModule.

public void testRenameModule() throws IOException {
    ProjectViewFixture.PaneFixture paneFixture = guiTest.ideFrame().getProjectView().selectProjectPane();
    paneFixture.selectByPath("SimpleApplication", "app");
    SelectRefactoringDialogFixture selectRefactoringDialog = SelectRefactoringDialogFixture.findByTitle(guiTest.robot());
    InputDialogFixture renameModuleDialog = InputDialogFixture.findByTitle(guiTest.robot(), "Rename Module");
    assertThat(guiTest.ideFrame().hasModule("app2")).named("app2 module exists").isTrue();
    assertThat(guiTest.ideFrame().hasModule("app")).named("app module exists").isFalse();
Also used : InputDialogFixture( SelectRefactoringDialogFixture( ProjectViewFixture( Test(org.junit.Test) RunIn(

Example 2 with RunIn

use of in project android by JetBrains.

the class InstantRunTest method hotSwap.

   * Verifies that instant run hot swap works as expected.
   * <p>
   * This is run to qualify releases. Please involve the test team in substantial changes.
   * <p>
   * TR ID: C14581583
   * <p>
   *   <pre>
   *   Test Steps:
   *   1. Import SimpleApplication.
   *   2. Update the gradle plugin version if necessary for testing purpose.
   *   3. Create an AVD with a system image API 21 or above.
   *   4. Run on the AVD
   *   5. Verify 1.
   *   6. Edit a java file.
   *   7. Run again.
   *   8. Verify 2.
   *   Verify:
   *   1. Make sure the right app is installed and started in Run tool window.
   *   2. Make sure the instant run hot swap is applied in Run tool window.
   *   </pre>
public void hotSwap() throws Exception {
    IdeFrameFixture ideFrameFixture = guiTest.importSimpleApplication();
    ideFrameFixture.getRunToolWindow().findContent(APP_NAME).waitForOutput(new PatternTextMatcher(RUN_OUTPUT), 120);
    ideFrameFixture.getEditor().open("app/src/main/java/google/simpleapplication/").enterText(Strings.repeat("\n", 10));
    ideFrameFixture.getRunToolWindow().findContent(APP_NAME).waitForOutput(new PatternTextMatcher(HOT_SWAP_OUTPUT), 120);
Also used : IdeFrameFixture( PatternTextMatcher(org.fest.swing.util.PatternTextMatcher) RunIn(

Example 3 with RunIn

use of in project android by JetBrains.

the class GradleBuildTest method compileWithJack.

   * Verifies that a simple app is configured to build using Jack and Jill.
   * <p>
   * This is run to qualify releases. Please involve the test team in substantial changes.
   * <p>
   * TR ID: C14581579
   * <p>
   *   <pre>
   *   Test Steps:
   *   1. Import the JackAndJillApp project.
   *   2. Build the project.
   *   Verify:
   *   The project builds.
   *   </pre>
   * <p>
   * This test does not try and run the project.
public void compileWithJack() throws IOException {
    GradleInvocationResult buildResult = guiTest.importProjectAndWaitForProjectSyncToFinish("JackAndJillApp").invokeProjectMake();
    assertThat(buildResult.isBuildSuccessful()).named("Gradle build successful").isTrue();
Also used : GradleInvocationResult( Ignore(org.junit.Ignore) Test(org.junit.Test) RunIn(

Example 4 with RunIn

use of in project android by JetBrains.

the class FlavorsExecutionTest method runBuildFlavors.

   * To verify that the selected app flavor activity can be launched using build variants
   * <p>This is run to qualify releases. Please involve the test team in substantial changes.
   * <p>TR ID: C14578811
   * <pre>
   *   Test Steps:
   *   1. Create a new project
   *   2. Open Project Structure Dialog
   *   3. Select app module, add two new flavors (Flavor1 and Flavor2)
   *   4. Switch to Project View
   *   5. Select app
   *   6. Add launcher activities under Flavor1 and Flavor2 and name them F1_Main_Activity and F2_Main_Activity
   *   7. Open Build variants window and select flavor1Debug
   *   8. Deploy the project on an AVD (Verify 1)
   *   9. Select flavor2Debug from Build variants
   *   10. Deploy the project on an AVD (Verify 2)
   *   Verification:
   *   1. Verify in Android Run tool window for the launch of F1_Main_Activity
   *   2. Verify in Android Run tool window for the launch of F2_Main_Activity
   * </pre>
public void runBuildFlavors() throws Exception {
    guiTest.ideFrame().openFromMenu(ProjectStructureDialogFixture::find, "File", "Project Structure...").selectConfigurable("app").selectFlavorsTab().clickAddButton().setFlavorName("flavor1").clickAddButton().setFlavorName("flavor2").clickOk();
    guiTest.ideFrame().getProjectView().selectProjectPane().selectByPath("SimpleApplication", "app");
    guiTest.ideFrame().openFromMenu(NewActivityWizardFixture::find, "File", "New", "Activity", "Basic Activity").getConfigureActivityStep().enterTextFieldValue(ConfigureBasicActivityStepFixture.ActivityTextField.NAME, FIRST_ACTIVITY_NAME).enterTextFieldValue(ConfigureBasicActivityStepFixture.ActivityTextField.LAYOUT, "activity_f1_main").selectLauncherActivity().setTargetSourceSet("flavor1").clickFinish().waitForGradleProjectSyncToFinish();
    guiTest.ideFrame().getProjectView().selectProjectPane().selectByPath("SimpleApplication", "app");
    guiTest.ideFrame().openFromMenu(NewActivityWizardFixture::find, "File", "New", "Activity", "Basic Activity").getConfigureActivityStep().enterTextFieldValue(ConfigureBasicActivityStepFixture.ActivityTextField.NAME, SECOND_ACTIVITY_NAME).enterTextFieldValue(ConfigureBasicActivityStepFixture.ActivityTextField.LAYOUT, "activity_f2_main").selectLauncherActivity().setTargetSourceSet("flavor2").clickFinish().waitForGradleProjectSyncToFinish();
    guiTest.ideFrame().getBuildVariantsWindow().selectVariantForModule("app", "flavor1Debug");
    guiTest.ideFrame().getRunToolWindow().findContent("app").waitForOutput(new PatternTextMatcher(Pattern.compile(ACTIVITY_OUTPUT_PATTERN.replace("Main_Activity", FIRST_ACTIVITY_NAME))), 120);
    guiTest.ideFrame().getBuildVariantsWindow().selectVariantForModule("app", "flavor2Debug");
    guiTest.ideFrame().getRunToolWindow().findContent("app").waitForOutput(new PatternTextMatcher(Pattern.compile(ACTIVITY_OUTPUT_PATTERN.replace("Main_Activity", SECOND_ACTIVITY_NAME))), 120);
Also used : PatternTextMatcher(org.fest.swing.util.PatternTextMatcher) RunIn(

Example 5 with RunIn

use of in project android by JetBrains.

the class InstantRunTest method changeManifest.

   * Verifies that instant run works as expected when AndroidManifest is changed.
   * <p>
   * This is run to qualify releases. Please involve the test team in substantial changes.
   * <p>
   * TR ID: C14581585
   * <p>
   *   <pre>
   *   Test Steps:
   *   1. Import SimpleApplication.
   *   2. Update the gradle plugin version if necessary for testing purpose.
   *   3. Create an AVD with a system image API 21 or above.
   *   4. Run on the AVD
   *   5. Verify 1.
   *   6. Edit AndroidManifest.
   *   7. Run again.
   *   8. Verify 2.
   *   Verify:
   *   1. Make sure the right app is installed and started in Run tool window.
   *   2. Make sure the instant run is applied in EventLog tool window.
   *   </pre>
public void changeManifest() throws Exception {
    IdeFrameFixture ideFrameFixture = guiTest.importSimpleApplication();
    ideFrameFixture.getRunToolWindow().findContent(APP_NAME).waitForOutput(new PatternTextMatcher(RUN_OUTPUT), 120);
    ideFrameFixture.getEditor().open("app/src/main/AndroidManifest.xml", EditorFixture.Tab.EDITOR).moveBetween("", "<application").enterText("<uses-permission android:name=\"android.permission.INTERNET\" /\n");
    ideFrameFixture.getRunToolWindow().findContent(APP_NAME).waitForOutput(new PatternTextMatcher(RUN_OUTPUT), 120);
    Wait.seconds(1).expecting("The notification is showing").until(() -> {
        try {
            Notification notification = Iterables.getLast(EventLog.getLogModel(ideFrameFixture.getProject()).getNotifications());
            return true;
        } catch (Exception e) {
            return false;
Also used : IdeFrameFixture( PatternTextMatcher(org.fest.swing.util.PatternTextMatcher) Notification(com.intellij.notification.Notification) IOException( RunIn(


RunIn ( Test (org.junit.Test)13 IdeFrameFixture ( PatternTextMatcher (org.fest.swing.util.PatternTextMatcher)6 NlEditorFixture ( EditorFixture ( Ignore (org.junit.Ignore)3 GradleInvocationResult ( ProjectStructureDialogFixture ( GradleBuildModel ( InputDialogFixture ( ProjectViewFixture ( SelectRefactoringDialogFixture ( WelcomeFrameFixture ( AvdEditWizardFixture ( AvdManagerDialogFixture ( ChooseSystemImageStepFixture ( ConfigureAvdOptionsStepFixture ( BrowseSamplesWizardFixture ( ConfigureAndroidProjectStepFixture (