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Example 1 with ModelWizardDialog

use of in project android by JetBrains.

the class SelectNdkDialog method doOKAction.

protected void doOKAction() {
    if (myDownloadNdkRadioButton.isSelected()) {
        List<String> requested = ImmutableList.of(SdkConstants.FD_NDK);
        ModelWizardDialog dialog = SdkQuickfixUtils.createDialogForPaths(myPanel, requested, false);
        if (dialog != null && dialog.showAndGet()) {
            File ndk = IdeSdks.getInstance().getAndroidNdkPath();
            if (ndk != null) {
                myNdkPath = ndk.getPath();
    if (mySelectValidNdkRadioButton.isSelected()) {
        myNdkPath = myNdkTextFieldWithButton.getText();
Also used : VirtualFile(com.intellij.openapi.vfs.VirtualFile) VfsUtilCore.virtualToIoFile(com.intellij.openapi.vfs.VfsUtilCore.virtualToIoFile) File( ModelWizardDialog(

Example 2 with ModelWizardDialog

use of in project android by JetBrains.

the class SystemImageList method installForDevice.

private void installForDevice() {
    int apiLevel = SdkVersionInfo.HIGHEST_KNOWN_STABLE_API;
    List<String> requestedPackages = Lists.newArrayListWithCapacity(3);
    requestedPackages.add(DetailsTypes.getSysImgPath(null, new AndroidVersion(apiLevel, null), DEFAULT_TAG, Abi.X86.toString()));
    requestedPackages.add(DetailsTypes.getSysImgPath(null, new AndroidVersion(apiLevel, null), WEAR_TAG, Abi.X86.toString()));
    requestedPackages.add(DetailsTypes.getSysImgPath(null, new AndroidVersion(apiLevel, null), TV_TAG, Abi.X86.toString()));
    ModelWizardDialog dialog = SdkQuickfixUtils.createDialogForPaths(this, requestedPackages, false);
    if (dialog != null) {;
Also used : AndroidVersion( ModelWizardDialog(

Example 3 with ModelWizardDialog

use of in project android by JetBrains.

the class AndroidRunConfigurationBase method getState.

public RunProfileState getState(@NotNull final Executor executor, @NotNull ExecutionEnvironment env) throws ExecutionException {
    final Module module = getConfigurationModule().getModule();
    assert module != null : "Enforced by fatal validation check in checkConfiguration.";
    final AndroidFacet facet = AndroidFacet.getInstance(module);
    assert facet != null : "Enforced by fatal validation check in checkConfiguration.";
    Project project = env.getProject();
    boolean forceColdswap = !InstantRunUtils.isInvokedViaHotswapAction(env);
    boolean couldHaveHotswapped = false;
    boolean debug = false;
    if (executor instanceof DefaultDebugExecutor) {
        if (!AndroidSdkUtils.activateDdmsIfNecessary(facet.getModule().getProject())) {
            throw new ExecutionException("Unable to obtain debug bridge. Please check if there is a different tool using adb that is active.");
        debug = true;
    DeviceFutures deviceFutures = null;
    AndroidSessionInfo info = AndroidSessionInfo.findOldSession(project, null, getUniqueID());
    if (info != null && supportsInstantRun()) {
        // if there is an existing previous session, then see if we can detect devices to fast deploy to
        deviceFutures = getFastDeployDevices(executor, facet, info);
        // that the ReRun is now a global action and doesn't really know much details about each run (and doing that seems like a hack too.)
        if (InstantRunUtils.isReRun(env)) {
            info = null;
    if (info != null && deviceFutures == null) {
        // If we should not be fast deploying, but there is an existing session, then terminate those sessions. Otherwise, we might end up
        // with 2 active sessions of the same launch, especially if we first think we can do a fast deploy, then end up doing a full launch
        boolean continueLaunch = promptAndKillSession(executor, project, info);
        if (!continueLaunch) {
            return null;
    } else if (info != null && forceColdswap) {
        // the user could have invoked the hotswap action in this scenario, but they chose to force a coldswap (by pressing run)
        couldHaveHotswapped = true;
        // forcibly kill app in case of run action (which forces a cold swap)
        // normally, installing the apk will force kill the app, but we need to forcibly kill it in the case that there were no changes
    // If we are not fast deploying, then figure out (prompting user if needed) where to deploy
    if (deviceFutures == null) {
        DeployTarget deployTarget = getDeployTarget(executor, env, debug, facet);
        if (deployTarget == null) {
            return null;
        DeployTargetState deployTargetState = getDeployTargetContext().getCurrentDeployTargetState();
        if (deployTarget.hasCustomRunProfileState(executor)) {
            return deployTarget.getRunProfileState(executor, env, deployTargetState);
        deviceFutures = deployTarget.getDevices(deployTargetState, facet, getDeviceCount(debug), debug, getUniqueID());
        if (deviceFutures == null) {
            // The user deliberately canceled, or some error was encountered and exposed by the chooser. Quietly exit.
            return null;
    if (deviceFutures.get().isEmpty()) {
        throw new ExecutionException(AndroidBundle.message(""));
    ApplicationIdProvider applicationIdProvider = getApplicationIdProvider(facet);
    InstantRunContext instantRunContext = null;
    if (supportsInstantRun() && InstantRunSettings.isInstantRunEnabled()) {
        InstantRunGradleSupport gradleSupport = canInstantRun(module, deviceFutures.getDevices());
        if (gradleSupport == TARGET_PLATFORM_NOT_INSTALLED) {
            AndroidVersion version = deviceFutures.getDevices().get(0).getVersion();
            String message = AndroidBundle.message("", SdkVersionInfo.getVersionWithCodename(version));
            int result = Messages.showYesNoDialog(project, message, "Instant Run", // yes button
            "Install and Continue", // no button
            "Proceed without Instant Run", Messages.getQuestionIcon());
            if (result == Messages.OK) {
                // if ok, install platform and continue with instant run
                ModelWizardDialog dialog = SdkQuickfixUtils.createDialogForPaths(project, ImmutableList.of(DetailsTypes.getPlatformPath(version)));
                if (dialog == null) {
                    LOG.warn("Unable to get quick fix wizard to install missing platform required for instant run.");
                } else if (dialog.showAndGet()) {
                    gradleSupport = SUPPORTED;
        if (gradleSupport == SUPPORTED) {
            if (!AndroidEnableAdbServiceAction.isAdbServiceEnabled()) {
                throw new ExecutionException("Instant Run requires 'Tools | Android | Enable ADB integration' to be enabled.");
            InstantRunUtils.setInstantRunEnabled(env, true);
            instantRunContext = InstantRunGradleUtils.createGradleProjectContext(facet);
        } else {
            InstantRunManager.LOG.warn("Instant Run enabled, but not doing an instant run build since: " + gradleSupport);
            String notificationText = gradleSupport.getUserNotification();
            if (notificationText != null) {
                InstantRunNotificationTask.showNotification(env.getProject(), null, notificationText);
    } else {
        String msg = "Not using instant run for this launch: ";
        if (InstantRunSettings.isInstantRunEnabled()) {
            msg += getType().getDisplayName() + " does not support instant run";
        } else {
            msg += "instant run is disabled";
    // Store the chosen target on the execution environment so before-run tasks can access it.
    AndroidRunConfigContext runConfigContext = new AndroidRunConfigContext();
    env.putCopyableUserData(AndroidRunConfigContext.KEY, runConfigContext);
    runConfigContext.setSameExecutorAsPreviousSession(info != null && executor.getId().equals(info.getExecutorId()));
    runConfigContext.setForceColdSwap(forceColdswap, couldHaveHotswapped);
    // Save the instant run context so that before-run task can access it
    env.putCopyableUserData(InstantRunContext.KEY, instantRunContext);
    if (debug) {
        String error = canDebug(deviceFutures, facet, module.getName());
        if (error != null) {
            throw new ExecutionException(error);
    LaunchOptions launchOptions = getLaunchOptions().setDebug(debug).build();
    ProcessHandler processHandler = null;
    if (info != null && info.getExecutorId().equals(executor.getId())) {
        processHandler = info.getProcessHandler();
    ApkProvider apkProvider = getApkProvider(facet, applicationIdProvider);
    LaunchTasksProviderFactory providerFactory = new AndroidLaunchTasksProviderFactory(this, env, facet, applicationIdProvider, apkProvider, deviceFutures, launchOptions, processHandler, instantRunContext);
    return new AndroidRunState(env, getName(), module, applicationIdProvider, getConsoleProvider(), deviceFutures, providerFactory, processHandler);
Also used : LaunchTasksProviderFactory( InstantRunGradleSupport( AndroidVersion( AndroidFacet( Project(com.intellij.openapi.project.Project) DefaultDebugExecutor(com.intellij.execution.executors.DefaultDebugExecutor) ProcessHandler(com.intellij.execution.process.ProcessHandler) Module(com.intellij.openapi.module.Module) ExecutionException(com.intellij.execution.ExecutionException) ModelWizardDialog(

Example 4 with ModelWizardDialog

use of in project android by JetBrains.

the class RenderService method warnIfObsoleteLayoutLib.

private static void warnIfObsoleteLayoutLib(@NotNull final Module module, @NotNull RenderLogger logger, @Nullable final EditorDesignSurface surface, @NotNull IAndroidTarget target) {
    if (!ourWarnAboutObsoleteLayoutLibVersions) {
    if (!LayoutLibraryLoader.USE_SDK_LAYOUTLIB) {
        // We are using the version shipped with studio, it can never be obsolete. StudioEmbeddedRenderTarget does not implement getVersion.
        ourWarnAboutObsoleteLayoutLibVersions = false;
    if (target instanceof CompatibilityRenderTarget) {
        target = ((CompatibilityRenderTarget) target).getRenderTarget();
    final AndroidVersion version = target.getVersion();
    final int revision;
    // are minimum revisions; if a later version is available, it will be installed.
    switch(version.getFeatureLevel()) {
        case 23:
            revision = 2;
        case 22:
            revision = 2;
        case 21:
            revision = 2;
        case 20:
            revision = 2;
        case 19:
            revision = 4;
        case 18:
            revision = 3;
        case 17:
            revision = 3;
        case 16:
            revision = 5;
        case 15:
            revision = 5;
        case 14:
            revision = 4;
        case 13:
            revision = 1;
        case 12:
            revision = 3;
        case 11:
            revision = 2;
        case 10:
            revision = 2;
        case 8:
            revision = 3;
            revision = -1;
    if (revision >= 0 && target.getRevision() < revision) {
        RenderProblem.Html problem = RenderProblem.create(WARNING);
        HtmlBuilder builder = problem.getHtmlBuilder();
        builder.add("Using an obsolete version of the " + target.getVersionName() + " layout library which contains many known bugs: ");
        builder.addLink("Install Update", logger.getLinkManager().createRunnableLink(() -> {
            // Don't warn again
            //noinspection AssignmentToStaticFieldFromInstanceMethod
            ourWarnAboutObsoleteLayoutLibVersions = false;
            List<String> requested = Lists.newArrayList();
            // The revision to install. Note that this will install a higher version than this if available;
            // e.g. even if we ask for version 4, if revision 7 is available it will be installed, not revision 4.
            ModelWizardDialog dialog = SdkQuickfixUtils.createDialogForPaths(module.getProject(), requested);
            if (dialog != null && dialog.showAndGet()) {
                if (surface != null) {
                    // Force the target to be recomputed; this will pick up the new revision object from the local sdk.
                    Configuration configuration = surface.getConfiguration();
                    if (configuration != null) {
                    // However, due to issue it may not yet
                    // take effect.
                    Messages.showInfoMessage(module.getProject(), "Note: Due to a bug you may need to restart the IDE for the new layout library to fully take effect", "Restart Recommended");
        builder.addLink(", ", "Ignore For Now", null, logger.getLinkManager().createRunnableLink(() -> {
            //noinspection AssignmentToStaticFieldFromInstanceMethod
            ourWarnAboutObsoleteLayoutLibVersions = false;
            if (surface != null) {
Also used : CompatibilityRenderTarget( Configuration( HtmlBuilder( List(java.util.List) AndroidVersion( ModelWizardDialog(

Example 5 with ModelWizardDialog

use of in project android by JetBrains.

the class StudioWizardDialogBuilder method build.

public ModelWizardDialog build() {
    StudioWizardLayout customLayout = new StudioWizardLayout();
    ModelWizardDialog dialog;
    if (myParent != null) {
        dialog = new ModelWizardDialog(myWizard, myTitle, myParent, customLayout, myHelpUrl, myCancellationPolicy);
    } else {
        dialog = new ModelWizardDialog(myWizard, myTitle, customLayout, myProject, myHelpUrl, myModalityType, myCancellationPolicy);
    Dimension screenSize = Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit().getScreenSize();
    Dimension clampedSize = new Dimension(Math.min(myMinimumSize.width, (int) (screenSize.width * SCREEN_PERCENT)), Math.min(myMinimumSize.height, (int) (screenSize.height * SCREEN_PERCENT)));
    dialog.setSize(clampedSize.width, clampedSize.height);
    return dialog;
Also used : ModelWizardDialog( NotNull(org.jetbrains.annotations.NotNull)


ModelWizardDialog ( Project (com.intellij.openapi.project.Project)7 AndroidVersion ( File ( NotNull (org.jetbrains.annotations.NotNull)4 AvdInfo ( AndroidSdkHandler ( StudioDownloader ( StudioSettingsController ( StudioLoggerProgressIndicator ( ImmutableList ( VirtualFile (com.intellij.openapi.vfs.VirtualFile)3 Nullable (org.jetbrains.annotations.Nullable)3 AndroidLocation ( RemotePackage ( RepoManager ( DEFAULT_EXPIRATION_PERIOD_MS ( GradleSyncInvoker ( AndroidSdks ( StudioProgressRunner (