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Example 1 with ParseError

use of in project Douya by DreaminginCodeZH.

the class ApiRequest method parseNetworkResponse.

protected Response<T> parseNetworkResponse(NetworkResponse response) {
    Gson gson = GsonHelper.get();
    String responseString;
    try {
        responseString = new String(, HttpHeaderParser.parseCharset(response.headers));
    } catch (UnsupportedEncodingException e) {
        return Response.error(new ParseError(e));
    try {
        return Response.success(gson.<T>fromJson(responseString, mType), HttpHeaderParser.parseCacheHeaders(response));
    } catch (JsonParseException | OutOfMemoryError e) {
        LogUtils.e("Error when parsing response: " + responseString);
        return Response.error(new ParseError(e));
Also used : Gson( UnsupportedEncodingException( ParseError( JsonParseException(

Example 2 with ParseError

use of in project Space-Station-Tracker by Kiarasht.

the class PeopleinSpace method display_people.

     * Displays a list of astronauts in a RecyclerView
private void display_people() {
    final String url = "";
    final List<Astronaut> peopleInSpace = new ArrayList<>();
    JsonObjectRequest jsonObjectRequest = new JsonObjectRequest(Request.Method.GET, url, null, new Response.Listener<JSONObject>() {

        public void onResponse(JSONObject response) {
            try {
                LinearLayoutManager layoutManager = new LinearLayoutManager(mActivity, LinearLayoutManager.VERTICAL, false);
                mAdapter = new PeopleInSpaceAdapter(mActivity, peopleInSpace);
            } catch (Exception e) {
    }, new Response.ErrorListener() {

        public void onErrorResponse(VolleyError e) {
    }) {

        protected Response<JSONObject> parseNetworkResponse(NetworkResponse response) {
            try {
                String jsonString = new String(, HttpHeaderParser.parseCharset(response.headers, PROTOCOL_CHARSET));
                JSONObject jsonResponse = new JSONObject(jsonString);
                try {
                    JSONArray astronauts = jsonResponse.getJSONArray("people");
                    for (int i = 0; i < astronauts.length(); ++i) {
                        JSONObject anAstronaut = astronauts.getJSONObject(i);
                        final String name = anAstronaut.getString("name");
                        final String image = anAstronaut.getString("biophoto");
                        final String countryLink = anAstronaut.getString("countryflag");
                        final String launchDate = anAstronaut.getString("launchdate");
                        String role = anAstronaut.getString("title");
                        final String location = anAstronaut.getString("location");
                        final String bio = anAstronaut.getString("bio");
                        final String wiki = anAstronaut.getString("biolink");
                        final String twitter = anAstronaut.getString("twitter");
                        if (role != null && !role.isEmpty())
                            role = role.substring(0, 1).toUpperCase() + role.substring(1);
                        Astronaut storeAnAstronaut = new Astronaut(name, image, countryLink, launchDate, role, location, bio, wiki, twitter);
                } catch (Exception e) {
                return Response.success(new JSONObject(jsonString), HttpHeaderParser.parseCacheHeaders(response));
            } catch (UnsupportedEncodingException e) {
                return Response.error(new ParseError(e));
            } catch (JSONException je) {
                return Response.error(new ParseError(je));
Also used : VolleyError( Astronaut( ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList) JSONArray(org.json.JSONArray) UnsupportedEncodingException( JSONException(org.json.JSONException) LinearLayoutManager( PeopleInSpaceAdapter(com.restart.spacestationtracker.adapter.PeopleInSpaceAdapter) JSONException(org.json.JSONException) UnsupportedEncodingException( Response( NetworkResponse( JSONObject(org.json.JSONObject) NetworkResponse( ParseError( JsonObjectRequest(

Example 3 with ParseError

use of in project OkVolley by googolmo.

the class BaseRequest method parseNetworkResponse.

protected // 解析返回的数据
Response<JSONObject> parseNetworkResponse(NetworkResponse response) {
    try {
        byte[] data =;
        String json = new String(data, HttpHeaderParser.parseCharset(response.headers));
        if (VolleyLog.DEBUG) {
            VolleyLog.d("response:%s", json);
        return Response.success(new JSONObject(json), HttpHeaderParser.parseCacheHeaders(response));
    } catch (UnsupportedEncodingException e) {
        return Response.error(new ParseError(e));
    } catch (JSONException e) {
        return Response.error(new ParseError(e));
Also used : JSONObject(org.json.JSONObject) UnsupportedEncodingException( JSONException(org.json.JSONException) ParseError(

Example 4 with ParseError

use of in project android-volley by mcxiaoke.

the class ImageRequest method doParse.

 * The real guts of parseNetworkResponse. Broken out for readability.
private Response<Bitmap> doParse(NetworkResponse response) {
    byte[] data =;
    BitmapFactory.Options decodeOptions = new BitmapFactory.Options();
    Bitmap bitmap = null;
    if (mMaxWidth == 0 && mMaxHeight == 0) {
        decodeOptions.inPreferredConfig = mDecodeConfig;
        bitmap = BitmapFactory.decodeByteArray(data, 0, data.length, decodeOptions);
    } else {
        // If we have to resize this image, first get the natural bounds.
        decodeOptions.inJustDecodeBounds = true;
        BitmapFactory.decodeByteArray(data, 0, data.length, decodeOptions);
        int actualWidth = decodeOptions.outWidth;
        int actualHeight = decodeOptions.outHeight;
        // Then compute the dimensions we would ideally like to decode to.
        int desiredWidth = getResizedDimension(mMaxWidth, mMaxHeight, actualWidth, actualHeight, mScaleType);
        int desiredHeight = getResizedDimension(mMaxHeight, mMaxWidth, actualHeight, actualWidth, mScaleType);
        // Decode to the nearest power of two scaling factor.
        decodeOptions.inJustDecodeBounds = false;
        // TODO(ficus): Do we need this or is it okay since API 8 doesn't support it?
        // decodeOptions.inPreferQualityOverSpeed = PREFER_QUALITY_OVER_SPEED;
        decodeOptions.inSampleSize = findBestSampleSize(actualWidth, actualHeight, desiredWidth, desiredHeight);
        Bitmap tempBitmap = BitmapFactory.decodeByteArray(data, 0, data.length, decodeOptions);
        // If necessary, scale down to the maximal acceptable size.
        if (tempBitmap != null && (tempBitmap.getWidth() > desiredWidth || tempBitmap.getHeight() > desiredHeight)) {
            bitmap = Bitmap.createScaledBitmap(tempBitmap, desiredWidth, desiredHeight, true);
        } else {
            bitmap = tempBitmap;
    if (bitmap == null) {
        return Response.error(new ParseError(response));
    } else {
        return Response.success(bitmap, HttpHeaderParser.parseCacheHeaders(response));
Also used : Bitmap( ParseError( BitmapFactory(

Example 5 with ParseError

use of in project SimplifyReader by chentao0707.

the class ImageRequest method doParse.

 * The real guts of parseNetworkResponse. Broken out for readability.
private Response<Bitmap> doParse(NetworkResponse response) {
    byte[] data =;
    BitmapFactory.Options decodeOptions = new BitmapFactory.Options();
    Bitmap bitmap = null;
    if (mMaxWidth == 0 && mMaxHeight == 0) {
        decodeOptions.inPreferredConfig = mDecodeConfig;
        bitmap = BitmapFactory.decodeByteArray(data, 0, data.length, decodeOptions);
    } else {
        // If we have to resize this image, first get the natural bounds.
        decodeOptions.inJustDecodeBounds = true;
        BitmapFactory.decodeByteArray(data, 0, data.length, decodeOptions);
        int actualWidth = decodeOptions.outWidth;
        int actualHeight = decodeOptions.outHeight;
        // Then compute the dimensions we would ideally like to decode to.
        int desiredWidth = getResizedDimension(mMaxWidth, mMaxHeight, actualWidth, actualHeight, mScaleType);
        int desiredHeight = getResizedDimension(mMaxHeight, mMaxWidth, actualHeight, actualWidth, mScaleType);
        // Decode to the nearest power of two scaling factor.
        decodeOptions.inJustDecodeBounds = false;
        // TODO(ficus): Do we need this or is it okay since API 8 doesn't support it?
        // decodeOptions.inPreferQualityOverSpeed = PREFER_QUALITY_OVER_SPEED;
        decodeOptions.inSampleSize = findBestSampleSize(actualWidth, actualHeight, desiredWidth, desiredHeight);
        Bitmap tempBitmap = BitmapFactory.decodeByteArray(data, 0, data.length, decodeOptions);
        // If necessary, scale down to the maximal acceptable size.
        if (tempBitmap != null && (tempBitmap.getWidth() > desiredWidth || tempBitmap.getHeight() > desiredHeight)) {
            bitmap = Bitmap.createScaledBitmap(tempBitmap, desiredWidth, desiredHeight, true);
        } else {
            bitmap = tempBitmap;
    if (bitmap == null) {
        return Response.error(new ParseError(response));
    } else {
        return Response.success(bitmap, HttpHeaderParser.parseCacheHeaders(response));
Also used : Bitmap( ParseError( BitmapFactory(


ParseError ( Bitmap ( BitmapFactory ( UnsupportedEncodingException ( JSONException (org.json.JSONException)2 JSONObject (org.json.JSONObject)2 LinearLayoutManager ( NetworkResponse ( Response ( VolleyError ( JsonObjectRequest ( Gson ( JsonParseException ( PeopleInSpaceAdapter (com.restart.spacestationtracker.adapter.PeopleInSpaceAdapter)1 Astronaut ( Articles (com.stylingandroid.designlibrary.rss.model.Articles)1 ByteArrayInputStream ( InputStream ( ArrayList (java.util.ArrayList)1 JSONArray (org.json.JSONArray)1