use of in project fdb-record-layer by FoundationDB.
the class AtomicMutationIndexMaintainer method updateIndexKeys.
protected <M extends Message> CompletableFuture<Void> updateIndexKeys(@Nonnull final FDBIndexableRecord<M> savedRecord, final boolean remove, @Nonnull final List<IndexEntry> indexEntries) {
final MutationType mutationType = mutation.getMutationType();
final int groupPrefixSize = getGroupingCount();
for (IndexEntry indexEntry : indexEntries) {
long startTime = System.nanoTime();
final Tuple groupKey;
final IndexEntry groupedValue;
if (groupPrefixSize <= 0) {
groupKey = TupleHelpers.EMPTY;
groupedValue = indexEntry;
} else if (groupPrefixSize == indexEntry.getKeySize()) {
groupKey = indexEntry.getKey();
groupedValue = indexEntry.subKey(0, 0);
} else {
groupKey = TupleHelpers.subTuple(indexEntry.getKey(), 0, groupPrefixSize);
groupedValue = indexEntry.subKey(groupPrefixSize, indexEntry.getKeySize());
final byte[] param = mutation.getMutationParam(groupedValue, remove);
if (param == null) {
// this is a bit of a hack here, but it's the minimally invasive way and most explicit way to do this
if (!mutation.allowsNegative()) {
Number numVal = (Number) groupedValue.getKeyValue(0);
if (numVal != null && numVal.longValue() < 0) {
throw new RecordCoreException("Attempted update of MAX_EVER_LONG or MIN_EVER_LONG index with negative value");
final byte[] key = state.indexSubspace.pack(groupKey);
if (AtomicMutation.Standard.MAX_EVER_VERSION.equals(mutation)) {
if (groupedValue.getKey().hasIncompleteVersionstamp()) {
// With an incomplete versionstamp, we need to call SET_VERSIONSTAMPED_VALUE.
// If multiple records (with possibly different local versions) are written with the same
// grouping key in the same context, we want to only write the one with the maximum
// local version. Choosing the one with the maximum byte representation will do this
// as all incomplete versionstamps are serialized with identical fake global versions.
state.context.updateVersionMutation(MutationType.SET_VERSIONSTAMPED_VALUE, key, param, (oldParam, newParam) -> ByteArrayUtil.compareUnsigned(oldParam, newParam) < 0 ? newParam : oldParam);
} else {
state.transaction.mutate(MutationType.BYTE_MAX, key, param);
} else {
state.transaction.mutate(mutationType, key, param);
final byte[] compareAndClear = mutation.getCompareAndClearParam();
if (compareAndClear != null) {
state.transaction.mutate(MutationType.COMPARE_AND_CLEAR, key, compareAndClear);
if ( != null) {, startTime);
return AsyncUtil.DONE;