use of in project fdb-record-layer by FoundationDB.
the class RecordQuerySortPlan method executePlan.
public <M extends Message> RecordCursor<QueryResult> executePlan(@Nonnull FDBRecordStoreBase<M> store, @Nonnull EvaluationContext context, @Nullable byte[] continuation, @Nonnull ExecuteProperties executeProperties) {
// Since we are sorting, we need to feed through everything from the inner plan,
// even just to get the top few.
final ExecuteProperties executeInner = executeProperties.clearSkipAndLimit();
final Function<byte[], RecordCursor<FDBQueriedRecord<M>>> innerCursor = innerContinuation -> getChild().executePlan(store, context, innerContinuation, executeInner).map(result -> result.<M>getQueriedRecord(0));
final int skip = executeProperties.getSkip();
final int limit = executeProperties.getReturnedRowLimitOrMax();
final int maxRecordsToRead = limit == Integer.MAX_VALUE ? limit : skip + limit;
final RecordQuerySortAdapter<M> adapter = key.getAdapter(store, maxRecordsToRead);
final FDBStoreTimer timer = store.getTimer();
final RecordCursor<FDBQueriedRecord<M>> sorted;
if (adapter.isMemoryOnly()) {
sorted = MemorySortCursor.create(adapter, innerCursor, timer, continuation).skipThenLimit(skip, limit);
} else {
sorted = FileSortCursor.create(adapter, innerCursor, timer, continuation, skip, limit);