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Example 6 with MetaDataException

use of in project fdb-record-layer by FoundationDB.

the class MetaDataProtoEditor method renameRecordType.

 * Rename a record type. This can be used to update any top-level record type defined within the
 * meta-data's records descriptor, including {@code NESTED} records or the union descriptor. However,
 * it cannot be used to rename nested messages (i.e., messages defined within other messages) or
 * records defined in imported files. In addition to updating the file descriptor, if the record type
 * is not {@code NESTED} or the union descriptor, update any other references to the record type
 * within the meta-data (such as within index definitions).
 * @param metaDataBuilder the meta-data builder
 * @param recordTypeName the name of the existing top-level record type
 * @param newRecordTypeName the new name to give to the record type
public static void renameRecordType(@Nonnull RecordMetaDataProto.MetaData.Builder metaDataBuilder, @Nonnull String recordTypeName, @Nonnull String newRecordTypeName) {
    // Create a copy of the records builder (rather than calling metaDataBuilder.getRecordsBuilder()) to avoid
    // corrupting the records builder in metaDataBuilder before all validation has been done.
    final DescriptorProtos.FileDescriptorProto records = metaDataBuilder.getRecords();
    boolean found = false;
    for (DescriptorProtos.DescriptorProto messageType : records.getMessageTypeList()) {
        if (messageType.getName().equals(recordTypeName)) {
            found = true;
        } else if (messageType.getName().equals(newRecordTypeName)) {
            throw new MetaDataException("Cannot rename record type to " + newRecordTypeName + " as it already exists");
    if (!found) {
        throw new MetaDataException("No record type found with name " + recordTypeName);
    if (recordTypeName.equals(newRecordTypeName)) {
        // From here on in, we can assume that recordTypeName != newRecordTypeName, which simplifies things.
    final DescriptorProtos.FileDescriptorProto.Builder recordsBuilder = records.toBuilder();
    // Determine the usage of the original record type by looking through the union builder.
    // If we find a field that matches, also update its name to be in the canonical form (i.e., "_" + recordTypeName)
    DescriptorProtos.DescriptorProto.Builder unionBuilder = fetchUnionBuilder(recordsBuilder);
    RecordMetaDataOptionsProto.RecordTypeOptions.Usage usage;
    if (unionBuilder.getName().equals(recordTypeName)) {
        usage = RecordMetaDataOptionsProto.RecordTypeOptions.Usage.UNION;
    } else {
        DescriptorProtos.FieldDescriptorProto.Builder unionFieldBuilder = fetchUnionFieldBuilder(recordsBuilder, unionBuilder, recordTypeName);
        if (unionFieldBuilder == null) {
            usage = RecordMetaDataOptionsProto.RecordTypeOptions.Usage.NESTED;
        } else {
            usage = RecordMetaDataOptionsProto.RecordTypeOptions.Usage.RECORD;
            // Change the name to the "canonical" form unless that would cause a field name conflict
            if (unionFieldBuilder.getName().equals("_" + recordTypeName)) {
                String newFieldName = "_" + newRecordTypeName;
                if (unionBuilder.getFieldBuilderList().stream().noneMatch(otherUnionField -> otherUnionField != unionFieldBuilder && otherUnionField.getName().equals(newFieldName))) {
    // Do not allow renaming to the default union name unless the record type is already the union
    if (newRecordTypeName.equals(RecordMetaDataBuilder.DEFAULT_UNION_NAME) && !RecordMetaDataOptionsProto.RecordTypeOptions.Usage.UNION.equals(usage)) {
        throw new MetaDataException("Cannot rename record type to the default union name", LogMessageKeys.RECORD_TYPE, recordTypeName);
    // Rename the record type within the file
    renameRecordTypeUsages(recordsBuilder, recordTypeName, newRecordTypeName);
    // If the record type is a top level record type, change its usage elsewhere in the meta-data
    if (RecordMetaDataOptionsProto.RecordTypeOptions.Usage.RECORD.equals(usage)) {
        renameTopLevelRecordType(metaDataBuilder, recordTypeName, newRecordTypeName);
    // Update the file descriptor
Also used : DescriptorProtos( MetaDataException(

Example 7 with MetaDataException

use of in project fdb-record-layer by FoundationDB.

the class IndexingBase method validateSameMetadataOrThrow.

protected void validateSameMetadataOrThrow(FDBRecordStore store) {
    final RecordMetaData metaData = store.getRecordMetaData();
    final RecordMetaDataProvider recordMetaDataProvider = common.getRecordStoreBuilder().getMetaDataProvider();
    if (recordMetaDataProvider == null || !metaData.equals(recordMetaDataProvider.getRecordMetaData())) {
        throw new MetaDataException("Store does not have the same metadata");
Also used : RecordMetaData( RecordMetaDataProvider( MetaDataException(

Example 8 with MetaDataException

use of in project fdb-record-layer by FoundationDB.

the class FDBMetaDataStore method saveAndSetCurrent.

 * Build meta-data to use from Protobuf and save.
 * @param metaDataProto the Protobuf form of the meta-data to save
 * @return a future that completes when the save is done
public CompletableFuture<Void> saveAndSetCurrent(@Nonnull RecordMetaDataProto.MetaData metaDataProto) {
    RecordMetaData validatedMetaData = buildMetaData(metaDataProto, true);
    // Load even if not maintaining history so as to get compatibility upgrade before (over-)writing.
    CompletableFuture<Void> future = loadCurrentSerialized().thenApply(oldSerialized -> {
        if (oldSerialized != null) {
            RecordMetaDataProto.MetaData oldProto = parseMetaDataProto(oldSerialized);
            int oldVersion = oldProto.getVersion();
            if (metaDataProto.getVersion() <= oldVersion) {
                LOGGER.warn(KeyValueLogMessage.of("Meta-data version did not increase", subspaceProvider.logKey(), subspaceProvider.toString(context), LogMessageKeys.OLD, oldVersion, LogMessageKeys.NEW, metaDataProto.getVersion()));
                throw new MetaDataException("meta-data version must increase");
            // Build the meta-data, but don't use the local file descriptor as this should validate the original descriptors
            // against each other.
            RecordMetaData oldMetaData = buildMetaData(oldProto, true, false);
            RecordMetaData newMetaData = buildMetaData(metaDataProto, true, false);
            evolutionValidator.validate(oldMetaData, newMetaData);
            if (maintainHistory) {
                SplitHelper.saveWithSplit(context, getSubspace(), HISTORY_KEY_PREFIX.add(oldVersion), oldSerialized, null);
        return null;
    future = future.thenApply(vignore -> {
        recordMetaData = validatedMetaData;
        byte[] serialized = metaDataProto.toByteArray();
        SplitHelper.saveWithSplit(context, getSubspace(), CURRENT_KEY, serialized, null);
        if (cache != null) {
            cache.setCurrentVersion(context, recordMetaData.getVersion());
        return null;
    return instrument(FDBStoreTimer.Events.SAVE_META_DATA, future);
Also used : MetaDataEvolutionValidator( RecordMetaData( SpotBugsSuppressWarnings( LogMessageKeys( Descriptors( LoggerFactory(org.slf4j.LoggerFactory) CompletableFuture(java.util.concurrent.CompletableFuture) AsyncUtil( MetaDataException( Subspace( ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList) Tuple( KeyValueLogMessage( RecordCoreException( RecordMetaDataProto( RecordMetaDataOptionsProto( Nonnull(javax.annotation.Nonnull) Nullable(javax.annotation.Nullable) InvalidProtocolBufferException( KeyExpression( Logger(org.slf4j.Logger) RecordMetaDataBuilder( RecordTypeBuilder( Consumer(java.util.function.Consumer) KeySpacePath( List(java.util.List) RecordMetaDataProvider( Index( ExtensionRegistry( TupleHelpers( API( VisibleForTesting( RecordMetaData( RecordMetaDataProto( MetaDataException( Nonnull(javax.annotation.Nonnull)

Example 9 with MetaDataException

use of in project fdb-record-layer by FoundationDB.

the class RecordMetaData method toProto.

 * Serializes the record meta-data to a <code>MetaData</code> proto message. This operates like
 * {@link #toProto()} except that any dependency in the excluded list is not included in the
 * serialized proto message. If the list is set to {@code null}, then all dependencies will be serialized
 * to the proto message including those that are execluded by default.
 * @param excludedDependencies a list of dependencies not to include in the serialized proto
 * @return the serialized <code>MetaData</code> proto message
 * @throws KeyExpression.SerializationException on any serialization failures
 * @throws MetaDataException if this {@code RecordMetaData} was initialized with a
 *      {@linkplain RecordMetaDataBuilder#setLocalFileDescriptor(Descriptors.FileDescriptor) local file descriptor}
 * @see #toProto()
public RecordMetaDataProto.MetaData toProto(@Nullable Descriptors.FileDescriptor[] excludedDependencies) throws KeyExpression.SerializationException {
    if (usesLocalRecordsDescriptor) {
        throw new MetaDataException("cannot serialize meta-data with a local records descriptor to proto");
    RecordMetaDataProto.MetaData.Builder builder = RecordMetaDataProto.MetaData.newBuilder();
    // Set the root records.
    // Convert the exclusion list to a map
    Map<String, Descriptors.FileDescriptor> excludeMap = null;
    if (excludedDependencies != null) {
        excludeMap = new HashMap<>(excludedDependencies.length);
        for (Descriptors.FileDescriptor dependency : excludedDependencies) {
            excludeMap.put(dependency.getName(), dependency);
    // Add in the rest of dependencies.
    Map<String, Descriptors.FileDescriptor> allDependencies = new TreeMap<>();
    getDependencies(recordsDescriptor, allDependencies, excludeMap);
    for (Descriptors.FileDescriptor dependency : allDependencies.values()) {
    // Create builders for each index so that we can then add associated record types (etc.).
    Map<String, RecordMetaDataProto.Index.Builder> indexBuilders = new TreeMap<>();
    for (Map.Entry<String, Index> entry : indexes.entrySet()) {
        indexBuilders.put(entry.getKey(), entry.getValue().toProto().toBuilder());
    for (RecordType recordType : getRecordTypes().values()) {
        // Add this record type to each appropriate index.
        for (Index index : recordType.getIndexes()) {
        for (Index index : recordType.getMultiTypeIndexes()) {
        RecordMetaDataProto.RecordType.Builder typeBuilder = builder.addRecordTypesBuilder().setName(recordType.getName()).setPrimaryKey(recordType.getPrimaryKey().toKeyExpression());
        if (recordType.getSinceVersion() != null) {
        if (recordType.hasExplicitRecordTypeKey()) {
    // Add in the former indexes.
    for (FormerIndex formerIndex : getFormerIndexes()) {
    // Add in the final options.
    if (usesSubspaceKeyCounter()) {
    if (recordCountKey != null) {
    for (SyntheticRecordType<?> syntheticRecordType : syntheticRecordTypes.values()) {
        if (syntheticRecordType instanceof JoinedRecordType) {
            builder.addJoinedRecordTypes(((JoinedRecordType) syntheticRecordType).toProto());
Also used : JoinedRecordType( FormerIndex( Index( TreeMap(java.util.TreeMap) MetaDataException( FormerIndex( JoinedRecordType( RecordType( SyntheticRecordType( Descriptors( ConcurrentHashMap(java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap) HashMap(java.util.HashMap) TreeMap(java.util.TreeMap) Map(java.util.Map) Nonnull(javax.annotation.Nonnull)

Example 10 with MetaDataException

use of in project fdb-record-layer by FoundationDB.

the class RecordMetaDataBuilder method removeIndex.

public void removeIndex(@Nonnull String name) {
    Index index = indexes.remove(name);
    if (index == null) {
        throw new MetaDataException("No index named " + name + " defined");
    for (RecordTypeBuilder recordType : recordTypes.values()) {
    formerIndexes.add(new FormerIndex(index.getSubspaceKey(), index.getAddedVersion(), ++version, name));
Also used : FormerIndex( FormerIndex( Index( SyntheticRecordTypeBuilder( RecordTypeBuilder( JoinedRecordTypeBuilder( MetaDataException(


MetaDataException ( Test (org.junit.jupiter.api.Test)33 RecordMetaData ( ParameterizedTest (org.junit.jupiter.params.ParameterizedTest)28 MetaDataProtoTest ( Nonnull (javax.annotation.Nonnull)24 Index ( Descriptors ( Tuple ( List (java.util.List)12 ScanProperties ( TupleRange ( KeyExpression ( IndexEntry ( IndexTypes ( DescriptorProtos ( TestRecords1Proto ( Message ( Collectors ( IndexScanType (