use of in project fdb-record-layer by FoundationDB.
the class LocatableResolverTest method testResolveWithWeakReadSemantics.
* Test that if a value is resolved and, due to read version caching, it may read stale data and therefore miss
* the most recent update, that upon an internal retry, it gets a fresh version (rather than getting a bunch of
* conflicts).
public void testResolveWithWeakReadSemantics() {
final boolean tracksReadVersions = database.isTrackLastSeenVersionOnRead();
final boolean tracksCommitVersions = database.isTrackLastSeenVersionOnCommit();
try {
// disable commit version tracking so that stale read version is cached
final String key = "hello " + UUID.randomUUID();
long resolvedValue;
try (FDBRecordContext context = database.openContext()) {
resolvedValue = globalScope.resolve(context, key).join();
// Clear the cache to ensure the database must be consulted
// Using a stale read version should first read from the database, see that there is
final FDBRecordContextConfig config = FDBRecordContextConfig.newBuilder().setWeakReadSemantics(new FDBDatabase.WeakReadSemantics(0, Long.MAX_VALUE, true)).build();
try (FDBRecordContext context = database.openContext(config)) {
long resolvedAgainValue = globalScope.resolve(context, key).join();
assertEquals(resolvedValue, resolvedAgainValue, "resolved value changed between transactions");
} finally {