use of in project fdb-record-layer by FoundationDB.
the class MatchableSortExpression method forPartialMatch.
* This synthesizes a list of {@link BoundKeyPart}s from the current partial match and the ordering information
* contained in this expression. Using the list of parameter ids, each {@link BoundKeyPart} links together the
* (1) normalized key expression that originally produced the key (from index, or common primary key)
* (2) a comparison range for this parameter which is contained in the already existent partial match
* (3) the predicate on the query part that participated and bound this parameter (and implicitly was used to
* synthesize the comparison range in (2)
* (4) the candidate predicate on the candidate side that is the {@link Placeholder} for the parameter
* @param partialMatch the pre-existing partial match on {@code (expression, this)} that the caller wants to adjust.
* @return a list of bound key parts that express the order of the outgoing data stream and their respective mappings
* between query and match candidate
private List<BoundKeyPart> forPartialMatch(@Nonnull PartialMatch partialMatch) {
final MatchCandidate matchCandidate = partialMatch.getMatchCandidate();
final MatchInfo matchInfo = partialMatch.getMatchInfo();
final Map<CorrelationIdentifier, ComparisonRange> parameterBindingMap = matchInfo.getParameterBindingMap();
final PredicateMap accumulatedPredicateMap = matchInfo.getAccumulatedPredicateMap();
final ImmutableMap<CorrelationIdentifier, QueryPredicate> parameterBindingPredicateMap = accumulatedPredicateMap.entries().stream().filter(entry -> {
final PredicateMapping predicateMapping = entry.getValue();
return predicateMapping.getParameterAliasOptional().isPresent();
}).collect(ImmutableMap.toImmutableMap(entry -> {
final PredicateMapping predicateMapping = entry.getValue();
return Objects.requireNonNull(predicateMapping.getParameterAliasOptional().orElseThrow(() -> new RecordCoreException("parameter alias should have been set")));
}, entry -> Objects.requireNonNull(entry.getKey())));
final List<KeyExpression> normalizedKeys = matchCandidate.getAlternativeKeyExpression().normalizeKeyForPositions();
final ImmutableList.Builder<BoundKeyPart> builder = ImmutableList.builder();
final List<CorrelationIdentifier> candidateParameterIds = matchCandidate.getParameters();
for (final CorrelationIdentifier parameterId : sortParameterIds) {
final int ordinalInCandidate = candidateParameterIds.indexOf(parameterId);
Verify.verify(ordinalInCandidate >= 0);
final KeyExpression normalizedKey = normalizedKeys.get(ordinalInCandidate);
@Nullable final ComparisonRange comparisonRange = parameterBindingMap.get(parameterId);
@Nullable final QueryPredicate queryPredicate = parameterBindingPredicateMap.get(parameterId);
Verify.verify(comparisonRange == null || comparisonRange.getRangeType() == ComparisonRange.Type.EMPTY || queryPredicate != null);
builder.add(BoundKeyPart.of(normalizedKey, comparisonRange == null ? ComparisonRange.Type.EMPTY : comparisonRange.getRangeType(), queryPredicate, isReverse));