use of in project narayana by jbosstm.
the class ContextFactoryImple method create.
* Creates a coordination context.
* @param coordinationTypeURI
* the coordination type uri
* @param expires
* the expire date/time for the returned context, can be null
* @param currentContext
* the current context, can be null
* @return the created coordination context
* @throws com.arjuna.wsc.InvalidCreateParametersException
* if a parameter passed is invalid this activity identifier.
public CoordinationContext create(final String coordinationTypeURI, final Long expires, final CoordinationContextType currentContext, final boolean isSecure) throws InvalidCreateParametersException {
if (coordinationTypeURI.equals(AtomicTransactionConstants.WSAT_PROTOCOL)) {
try {
if (currentContext == null) {
// make sure no transaction is currently associated
final int timeout;
if (expires == null) {
timeout = 0;
} else {
final long timeoutVal = expires.longValue();
timeout = (timeoutVal > Integer.MAX_VALUE ? Integer.MAX_VALUE : (int) timeoutVal);
_coordManager.begin(ArjunaContextImple.serviceType, timeout);
final ArjunaContextImple arjunaContext = ArjunaContextImple.getContext();
final ServiceRegistry serviceRegistry = PrivilegedServiceRegistryFactory.getInstance().getServiceRegistry();
final String registrationCoordinatorURI = serviceRegistry.getServiceURI(CoordinationConstants.REGISTRATION_SERVICE_NAME, isSecure);
final CoordinationContext coordinationContext = new CoordinationContext();
CoordinationContextType.Identifier identifier = new CoordinationContextType.Identifier();
identifier.setValue("urn:" + arjunaContext.getTransactionIdentifier());
final int transactionExpires = arjunaContext.getTransactionExpires();
if (transactionExpires > 0) {
Expires expiresInstance = new Expires();
W3CEndpointReference registrationCoordinator = getRegistrationCoordinator(registrationCoordinatorURI, arjunaContext);
* Now add the registrar for this specific coordinator to the
* mapper.
_coordManager.enlistSynchronization(new CleanupSynchronization(_coordManager.identifier().toString(), _theRegistrar));
* TODO Uughh! This does a suspend for us! Left over from original
* WS-AS stuff.
return coordinationContext;
} else {
// we need to create a subordinate transaction and register it as both a durable and volatile
// participant with the registration service defined in the current context
SubordinateATCoordinator subTx = (SubordinateATCoordinator) createSubordinate();
// hmm, need to create wrappers here as the subTx is in WSCF which only knows
// about WSAS and WS-C and the participant is in WS-T
String vtppid = subTx.getVolatile2PhaseId();
String dtppid = subTx.getDurable2PhaseId();
Volatile2PCParticipant vtpp = new SubordinateVolatile2PCStub(subTx);
Durable2PCParticipant dtpp = new SubordinateDurable2PCStub(subTx);
final String messageId = MessageId.getMessageId();
W3CEndpointReference participant;
W3CEndpointReference coordinator;
participant = getParticipant(vtppid, isSecure);
coordinator = RegistrationCoordinator.register(currentContext, messageId, participant, AtomicTransactionConstants.WSAT_SUB_PROTOCOL_VOLATILE_2PC);
ParticipantProcessor.getProcessor().activateParticipant(new ParticipantEngine(vtpp, vtppid, coordinator), vtppid);
participant = getParticipant(dtppid, isSecure);
coordinator = RegistrationCoordinator.register(currentContext, messageId, participant, AtomicTransactionConstants.WSAT_SUB_PROTOCOL_DURABLE_2PC);
ParticipantProcessor.getProcessor().activateParticipant(new ParticipantEngine(dtpp, dtppid, coordinator), dtppid);
// ok now create the context
final ServiceRegistry serviceRegistry = PrivilegedServiceRegistryFactory.getInstance().getServiceRegistry();
final String registrationCoordinatorURI = serviceRegistry.getServiceURI(CoordinationConstants.REGISTRATION_SERVICE_NAME, isSecure);
final CoordinationContext coordinationContext = new CoordinationContext();
CoordinationContextType.Identifier identifier = new CoordinationContextType.Identifier();
String txId = subTx.get_uid().stringForm();
identifier.setValue("urn:" + txId);
Expires expiresInstance = currentContext.getExpires();
final long transactionExpires = (expiresInstance != null ? expiresInstance.getValue() : 0);
if (transactionExpires > 0) {
expiresInstance = new Expires();
W3CEndpointReference registrationCoordinator = getRegistrationCoordinator(registrationCoordinatorURI, txId);
// now associate the tx id with the sub transaction
return coordinationContext;
} catch (NoActivityException ex) {
throw new InvalidCreateParametersException();
} catch (SystemException ex) {
} catch ( ex) {
throw new InvalidCreateParametersException();
} catch (Exception ex) {
// TODO handle properly
} else {
wstxLogger.i18NLogger.warn_mwlabs_wst_at_Context11FactoryImple_1(AtomicTransactionConstants.WSAT_PROTOCOL, coordinationTypeURI);
throw new InvalidCreateParametersException(wstxLogger.i18NLogger.get_mwlabs_wst_at_Context11FactoryImple_3() + " < " + AtomicTransactionConstants.WSAT_PROTOCOL + ", " + coordinationTypeURI + " >");
return null;
use of in project narayana by jbosstm.
the class ContextFactoryImple method createBridgedTransaction.
* create a bridged to subordinate WS-AT 1.1 transaction, associate it with the registrar and create and return
* a coordination context for it. n.b. this is a private, behind-the-scenes method for use by the JTA-AT
* transaction bridge code.
* @param subordinateType a unique string which groups subordinates for the benefit of their parent tx/app and
* allows them to be identified and retrieved as a group during recovery
* @param expires the timeout for the bridged to AT transaction
* @param isSecure true if the registration cooridnator URL should use a secure address, otherwise false.
* @return a coordination context for the bridged to transaction
public BridgeTxData createBridgedTransaction(String subordinateType, final Long expires, final boolean isSecure) {
// we must have a type and it must not be the AT-AT subordinate type
if (subordinateType == null || SubordinateATCoordinator.SUBORDINATE_TX_TYPE_AT_AT.equals(subordinateType)) {
return null;
// we need to create a subordinate transaction and register it as both a durable and volatile
// participant with the registration service defined in the current context
SubordinateATCoordinator subTx = null;
try {
subTx = (SubordinateATCoordinator) createSubordinate(subordinateType);
} catch (NoActivityException e) {
// will not happen
return null;
} catch (InvalidProtocolException e) {
// will not happen
return null;
} catch (SystemException e) {
// may happen
return null;
// ok now create the context
final ServiceRegistry serviceRegistry = PrivilegedServiceRegistryFactory.getInstance().getServiceRegistry();
final String registrationCoordinatorURI = serviceRegistry.getServiceURI(CoordinationConstants.REGISTRATION_SERVICE_NAME, isSecure);
final CoordinationContext coordinationContext = new CoordinationContext();
CoordinationContextType.Identifier identifier = new CoordinationContextType.Identifier();
String txId = subTx.get_uid().stringForm();
identifier.setValue("urn:" + txId);
if (expires != null && expires.longValue() > 0) {
Expires expiresInstance = new Expires();
W3CEndpointReference registrationCoordinator = getRegistrationCoordinator(registrationCoordinatorURI, txId);
try {
} catch (Exception e) {
// will not happen
BridgeTxData bridgeTxData = new BridgeTxData();
bridgeTxData.context = coordinationContext;
bridgeTxData.coordinator = subTx;
bridgeTxData.identifier = txId;
return bridgeTxData;
use of in project narayana by jbosstm.
the class ContextFactoryImple method createSubordinate.
public final Object createSubordinate(String subordinateType) throws NoActivityException, InvalidProtocolException, SystemException {
try {
CoordinatorServiceImple coordManager = (CoordinatorServiceImple) _coordManager;
CoordinatorControl theControl = coordManager.coordinatorControl();
ATCoordinator subordinateTransaction = theControl.createSubordinate(subordinateType);
* Now add the registrar for this specific coordinator to the
* mapper.
subordinateTransaction.enlistSynchronization(new CleanupSynchronization(subordinateTransaction.get_uid().stringForm(), _theRegistrar));
return subordinateTransaction;
} catch (Exception ex) {
throw new SystemException(ex.toString());
use of in project narayana by jbosstm.
the class UserActivityImple method end.
* Complete the activity with the completion status provided.
* @param cs The CompletionStatus to use.
* @exception InvalidActivityException Thrown if the current activity is
* invalid in the execution environment.
* @exception ActiveChildException Thrown if the current activity is a
* @exception WrongStateException Thrown if the current activity is not in a
* state that allows it to be completed, or is incompatible with the
* completion status provided.
* @exception ProtocolViolationException Thrown if the a violation of the
* activity service or HLS protocol occurs.
* @exception NoActivityException Thrown if there is no activity
* associated with the invoking thread or none with the given type of coordinator.
* @exception NoPermissionException Thrown if the invoking thread does
* not have permission to terminate the transaction.
* @exception SystemException Thrown if some other error occurred.
* @return the result of completing the activity. Null is valid and must
* be interpreted within the context of any HLS that may exist.
* @see
public Outcome end(CompletionStatus cs) throws InvalidActivityException, WrongStateException, ProtocolViolationException, SystemException, NoActivityException, NoPermissionException, ActiveChildException {
ActivityImple currentActivity = current();
if (currentActivity == null) {
throw new NoActivityException();
if (currentActivity.parent() != null)
throw new ActiveChildException();
Outcome res = null;
String serviceType = currentActivity.serviceType();
try {
res = currentActivity.end(cs);
} catch (Exception ex) {
HLS hls = HLSManager.getHighLevelService(serviceType);
if (hls != null) {
try {
} catch (SystemException ex) {
return res;
use of in project narayana by jbosstm.
the class UserActivityImple method setCompletionStatus.
* Set the termination status for the current activity, if any.
* @param endStatus The state in which the activity
* should attempt to terminate. This may
* be one of the default values provided by WSAS or may be extended in
* an implementation specific manner by an HLS.
* @exception NoActivityException Thrown if there is no activity
* associated with the invoking thread.
* @exception WrongStateException Thrown if the completion status is
* incompatible with the current state of the activity.
* @exception SystemException Thrown if any other error occurs.
public void setCompletionStatus(CompletionStatus endStatus) throws NoActivityException, WrongStateException, SystemException {
ActivityImple curr = current();
if (curr == null)
throw new NoActivityException();