use of com.auth0.json.mgmt.Connection in project chemvantage by chuckwight.
the class Token method doGet.
// This servlet is the OpenID Connection starting point for platforms to reach ChemVantage
// The servlet identifies the deployment corresponding to the request, and returns a Java Web Token
// containing information needed for the subsequent launch request or other service request.
protected void doGet(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) throws ServletException, IOException {
StringBuffer debug = new StringBuffer("Issuing auth token:<br>");
try {
// store parameters required by third-party initiated login procedure:
// this should be the platform_id URL (aud)
String platform_id = request.getParameter("iss");
debug.append("iss: " + platform_id + "<br>");
String login_hint = request.getParameter("login_hint");
debug.append("login_hint: " + login_hint + "<br>");
String target_link_uri = request.getParameter("target_link_uri");
debug.append("target_link_uri: " + target_link_uri + "<br>");
debug.append("parameters: " + request.getParameterMap().keySet().toString() + "<br>");
if (platform_id == null)
throw new Exception("Missing required iss parameter.");
if (login_hint == null)
throw new Exception("Missing required login_hint parameter.");
if (target_link_uri == null)
throw new Exception("Missing required target_link_uri parameter.");
String deployment_id = request.getParameter("lti_deployment_id");
debug.append("deployment_id: " + deployment_id + "<br>");
String client_id = request.getParameter("client_id");
debug.append("client_id: " + client_id + "<br>");
Deployment d = getDeployment(platform_id, deployment_id, client_id);
if (d == null)
throw new Exception("ChemVantage was unable to identify the deployment from your LMS. " + "Please check the registration to ensure the correct deployment_id and client_id. If your " + "platform registered multiple deployments with ChemVantage, it must provide the client_id " + "and/or deployment_id to uniquely identify one of them with each auth token request.<br/>" + "Contact for assistance.");
String redirect_uri = target_link_uri;
Date now = new Date();
// 5 minutes from now
Date exp = new Date(now.getTime() + 300000L);
String nonce = Nonce.generateNonce();
Algorithm algorithm = Algorithm.HMAC256(Subject.getHMAC256Secret());
debug.append("JWT algorithm loaded OK.<br>");
String iss = "https://" + request.getServerName();
String token = JWT.create().withIssuer(iss).withSubject(login_hint).withAudience(platform_id).withExpiresAt(exp).withIssuedAt(now).withClaim("nonce", nonce).withClaim("deployment_id", d.getDeploymentId()).withClaim("client_id", d.client_id).withClaim("redirect_uri", redirect_uri).sign(algorithm);
debug.append("JWT constructed and signed OK<br>");
String lti_message_hint = request.getParameter("lti_message_hint");
String oidc_auth_url = d.oidc_auth_url + "?response_type=id_token" + "&response_mode=form_post" + "&scope=openid" + "&prompt=none" + "&login_hint=" + login_hint + "&redirect_uri=" + redirect_uri + (lti_message_hint == null ? "" : "<i_message_hint=" + lti_message_hint) + "&client_id=" + d.client_id + "&state=" + token + "&nonce=" + nonce;
debug.append("Sending token: " + oidc_auth_url + "<p>");
// = oidc_auth_url;
// ofy().save().entity(d);
} catch (Exception e) {
response.getWriter().println("<h3>Failed Auth Token</h3>" + e.toString() + " " + e.getMessage() + "<br>" + debug.toString());
use of com.auth0.json.mgmt.Connection in project auth0-java by auth0.
the class OrganizationsEntity method deleteConnection.
* Delete a connection from an organization. A token with {@code delete:organization_connections} scope is required.
* @param orgId the ID of the organization
* @param connectionId the ID of the connection to delete
* @return a Request to execute
* @see <a href="!/Organizations/delete_enabled_connections_by_connectionId">!/Organizations/delete_enabled_connections_by_connectionId</a>
public Request<Void> deleteConnection(String orgId, String connectionId) {
Asserts.assertNotNull(orgId, "organization ID");
Asserts.assertNotNull(connectionId, "connection ID");
String url = baseUrl.newBuilder().addPathSegments(ORGS_PATH).addPathSegment(orgId).addPathSegment("enabled_connections").addPathSegment(connectionId).build().toString();
VoidRequest voidRequest = new VoidRequest(client, url, "DELETE");
voidRequest.addHeader(AUTHORIZATION_HEADER, "Bearer " + apiToken);
return voidRequest;
use of com.auth0.json.mgmt.Connection in project auth0-java by auth0.
the class ConnectionsEntity method deleteUser.
* Delete an existing User from the given Database Connection. A token with scope delete:users is needed.
* See!/Connections/delete_users_by_email
* @param connectionId the connection id where the user is stored.
* @param email the email of the user to delete.
* @return a Request to execute.
public Request<Void> deleteUser(String connectionId, String email) {
Asserts.assertNotNull(connectionId, "connection id");
Asserts.assertNotNull(email, "email");
String url = baseUrl.newBuilder().addPathSegments("api/v2/connections").addPathSegment(connectionId).addPathSegment("users").addQueryParameter("email", email).build().toString();
VoidRequest request = new VoidRequest(this.client, url, "DELETE");
request.addHeader("Authorization", "Bearer " + apiToken);
return request;
use of com.auth0.json.mgmt.Connection in project auth0-java by auth0.
the class JobsEntityTest method shouldRequestUsersImport.
public void shouldRequestUsersImport() throws Exception {
Request<Job> request ="con_123456789", usersFile, null);
assertThat(request, is(notNullValue()));
server.jsonResponse(MGMT_JOB_POST_USERS_IMPORTS, 200);
Job response = request.execute();
RecordedRequest recordedRequest = server.takeRequest();
assertThat(recordedRequest, hasMethodAndPath("POST", "/api/v2/jobs/users-imports"));
assertThat(recordedRequest, hasHeader("Authorization", "Bearer apiToken"));
String ctHeader = recordedRequest.getHeader("Content-Type");
assertThat(ctHeader, startsWith("multipart/form-data"));
String[] ctParts = ctHeader.split("multipart/form-data; boundary=");
RecordedMultipartRequest recordedMultipartRequest = new RecordedMultipartRequest(recordedRequest);
assertThat(recordedMultipartRequest.getPartsCount(), is(2));
assertThat(recordedMultipartRequest.getBoundary(), is(notNullValue()));
assertThat(recordedMultipartRequest.getBoundary(), is(ctParts[1]));
// Connection ID
KeyValuePart formParam = recordedMultipartRequest.getKeyValuePart("connection_id");
assertThat(formParam, is(notNullValue()));
assertThat(formParam.getValue(), is("con_123456789"));
// Users JSON
FilePart jsonFile = recordedMultipartRequest.getFilePart("users");
assertThat(jsonFile, is(notNullValue()));
String utf8Contents = new String(Files.readAllBytes(usersFile.toPath()));
assertThat(jsonFile.getContentType(), is("text/json"));
assertThat(jsonFile.getFilename(), is("job_post_users_imports_input.json"));
assertThat(jsonFile.getValue(), is(utf8Contents));
assertThat(response, is(notNullValue()));
use of com.auth0.json.mgmt.Connection in project auth0-java by auth0.
the class JobsEntityTest method shouldThrowOnRequestUsersImportWithNullConnectionId.
public void shouldThrowOnRequestUsersImportWithNullConnectionId() {
exception.expectMessage("'connection id' cannot be null!");
File usersFile = mock(File.class);
UsersImportOptions options = mock(UsersImportOptions.class);, usersFile, options);