use of com.authlete.jaxrs.server.obb.model.Consent in project java-oauth-server by authlete.
the class ConsentsEndpoint method delete.
public Response delete(@Context HttpServletRequest request, @HeaderParam(X_FAPI_INTERACTION_ID) String incomingInteractionId, @PathParam("consentId") String consentId) {
String code = "Consent Delete";
// Compute a value for the "x-fapi-interaction-id" HTTP response header.
String outgoingInteractionId = ObbUtils.computeOutgoingInteractionId(code, incomingInteractionId);
// Validate the access token.
AuthleteApi authleteApi = AuthleteApiFactory.getDefaultApi();
IntrospectionResponse info = ObbUtils.validateAccessToken(outgoingInteractionId, code, authleteApi, request, "consents");
// Find "consent".
Consent consent = ConsentDao.getInstance().read(consentId);
// Validate the consent.
validateConsent(outgoingInteractionId, code, consent, info);
// Delete the refresh token associated with the consent.
deleteRefreshToken(outgoingInteractionId, code, authleteApi, consent.getRefreshToken());
// Delete the consent.
// Build a successful response.
return ObbUtils.noContent(outgoingInteractionId);
use of com.authlete.jaxrs.server.obb.model.Consent in project java-oauth-server by authlete.
the class ConsentDao method create.
public Consent create(CreateConsent createConsent, long clientId) {
CreateConsentData data = createConsent.getData();
String consentId = generateConsentId();
String now = ObbUtils.formatNow();
Consent consent = new Consent().setConsentId(consentId).setPermissions(data.getPermissions()).setStatus("AWAITING_AUTHORISATION").setCreationDateTime(now).setExpirationDateTime(data.getExpirationDateTime()).setStatusUpdateDateTime(now).setClientId(clientId);
getStore().put(consentId, consent);
return consent;
use of com.authlete.jaxrs.server.obb.model.Consent in project java-oauth-server by authlete.
the class ConsentsEndpoint method read.
public Response read(@Context HttpServletRequest request, @HeaderParam(X_FAPI_INTERACTION_ID) String incomingInteractionId, @PathParam("consentId") String consentId) {
String code = "Consent Read";
// Compute a value for the "x-fapi-interaction-id" HTTP response header.
String outgoingInteractionId = ObbUtils.computeOutgoingInteractionId(code, incomingInteractionId);
// Validate the access token.
AuthleteApi authleteApi = AuthleteApiFactory.getDefaultApi();
IntrospectionResponse info = ObbUtils.validateAccessToken(outgoingInteractionId, code, authleteApi, request, "consents");
// Find "consent".
Consent consent = ConsentDao.getInstance().read(consentId);
// Validate the consent.
validateConsent(outgoingInteractionId, code, consent, info);
// Build a response body.
ResponseConsent rc = ResponseConsent.create(consent);
// Build a successful response.
return ObbUtils.ok(outgoingInteractionId, rc);
use of com.authlete.jaxrs.server.obb.model.Consent in project java-oauth-server by authlete.
the class ConsentsEndpoint method create.
public Response create(@Context HttpServletRequest request, @HeaderParam(X_FAPI_INTERACTION_ID) String incomingInteractionId, CreateConsent createConsent) {
String code = "Consent Create";
// Compute a value for the "x-fapi-interaction-id" HTTP response header.
String outgoingInteractionId = ObbUtils.computeOutgoingInteractionId(code, incomingInteractionId);
// Validate the access token.
AuthleteApi authleteApi = AuthleteApiFactory.getDefaultApi();
IntrospectionResponse info = ObbUtils.validateAccessToken(outgoingInteractionId, code, authleteApi, request, "consents");
// Validate the input.
validateCreateConsent(outgoingInteractionId, code, createConsent);
// Create "consent".
Consent consent = ConsentDao.getInstance().create(createConsent, info.getClientId());
// Build a response body.
ResponseConsent rc = ResponseConsent.create(consent);
// Build a successful response.
return ObbUtils.created(outgoingInteractionId, rc);
use of com.authlete.jaxrs.server.obb.model.Consent in project java-oauth-server by authlete.
the class OBBTokenTask method process.
public void process(AuthleteApi authleteApi, HttpServletRequest request, MultivaluedMap<String, String> requestParams, Response response, Map<String, Object> responseParams) {
// If further processing is not needed.
if (!needsProcessing(requestParams, response, responseParams)) {
// Nothing to do.
// Get the consent ID associated with the access token.
String consentId = extractConsentId(responseParams);
// If no consent ID is associated with the access token.
if (consentId == null) {
// Nothing to do.
// Get the consent corresponding to the consent ID.
Consent consent = ConsentDao.getInstance().read(consentId);
// If there is no consent which corresponds to the consent ID.
if (consent == null) {
// Delete the access token (and the refresh token).
deleteAccessToken(authleteApi, responseParams);
// Return an error response to the client application.
throw badRequestException("invalid_request", String.format("There is no consent corresponding to the consent ID '%s'.", consentId));
// Task on a refresh token.
doConsentTaskOnRefreshToken(authleteApi, responseParams, consent);