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Example 1 with MobileEngine

use of com.axway.ats.uiengine.engine.MobileEngine in project ats-framework by Axway.

the class MobileDriver method start.

 * Start session to device and load the application <br>
 * @param appPath filesystem path to the application - absolute or relative to the Appium server current dir
 * <pre>
 *       <b>iOS</b>: absolute path to simulator-compiled .app file or the bundle_id of the desired target on device
 *       <b>Android</b>: absolute path to .apk file
 * </pre>
public void start(String appPath) {"Starting mobile testing session to device: " + getDeviceDescription());
    URL url = null;
    String platformName = null;
    try {
        url = new URL("http://" + + ":" + this.port + "/wd/hub");
        DesiredCapabilities desiredCapabilities = new DesiredCapabilities();
        desiredCapabilities.setCapability(MobileCapabilityType.AUTOMATION_NAME, "Appium");
        if (isAndroidAgent) {
            if (this.adbLocation == null) {
                // try to set Android home and adb location from the ANDROID_HOME environment variable
                if (this.adbLocation == null) {
                    throw new MobileOperationException("You must specify a valid Android home location or define " + ANDROID_HOME_ENV_VAR + " environment variable." + " The ADB executable must be located in a 'platform-tools/' subfolder");
            platformName = "Android";
        } else {
            desiredCapabilities.setCapability(MobileCapabilityType.AUTOMATION_NAME, AutomationName.IOS_XCUI_TEST);
            platformName = "iOS";
        desiredCapabilities.setCapability("platformName", platformName);
        desiredCapabilities.setCapability("deviceName", deviceName);
        desiredCapabilities.setCapability("platformVersion", this.platformVersion);
        if (!StringUtils.isNullOrEmpty(this.udid)) {
            desiredCapabilities.setCapability("udid", this.udid);
        desiredCapabilities.setCapability(MobileCapabilityType.APP, /*"app" */
        desiredCapabilities.setCapability("autoLaunch", true);
        desiredCapabilities.setCapability("newCommandTimeout", 30 * 60);
        desiredCapabilities.setCapability("noReset", // don’t reset settings and app state before this session
        // sometimes environment has performance problems
        // in ms
        desiredCapabilities.setCapability(IOSMobileCapabilityType.LAUNCH_TIMEOUT, 500_000);
        if (isAndroidAgent) {
            driver = new AndroidDriver<WebElement>(url, desiredCapabilities);
        } else {
            driver = new IOSDriver<WebElement>(url, desiredCapabilities);
        // the following timeout only works for NATIVE context, but we will handle it in MobileElementState.
        // Also there is a problem when != 0. In some reason, for iOS only(maybe), this timeout acts as session timeout ?!?
        driver.manage().timeouts().implicitlyWait(0, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS);
        // driver.manage().timeouts().pageLoadTimeout( 30000, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS ); // UnsupportedCommandException
        // driver.manage().timeouts().setScriptTimeout( 10000, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS ); // WebDriverException: Not yet implemented
        // must be called in NATIVE context
        this.screenDimensions = driver.manage().window().getSize();
        mobileEngine = new MobileEngine(this, this.mobileDeviceUtils);
    //"Application file at " +  appPath + " is started and initialized");
    } catch (Exception e) {
        throw new MobileOperationException("Error starting connection to " + platformName + " device and application " + "under test. Check if there is connection to the device and the Appium " + "server at " + url + " is running.", e);
Also used : DesiredCapabilities(org.openqa.selenium.remote.DesiredCapabilities) MobileOperationException(com.axway.ats.uiengine.exceptions.MobileOperationException) WebElement(org.openqa.selenium.WebElement) MobileEngine(com.axway.ats.uiengine.engine.MobileEngine) URL( MobileOperationException(com.axway.ats.uiengine.exceptions.MobileOperationException) NotSupportedOperationException(com.axway.ats.uiengine.exceptions.NotSupportedOperationException) PublicAtsApi(com.axway.ats.common.PublicAtsApi)


PublicAtsApi (com.axway.ats.common.PublicAtsApi)1 MobileEngine (com.axway.ats.uiengine.engine.MobileEngine)1 MobileOperationException (com.axway.ats.uiengine.exceptions.MobileOperationException)1 NotSupportedOperationException (com.axway.ats.uiengine.exceptions.NotSupportedOperationException)1 URL ( WebElement (org.openqa.selenium.WebElement)1 DesiredCapabilities (org.openqa.selenium.remote.DesiredCapabilities)1