use of in project incubator-hugegraph by apache.
the class GraphIndexTransaction method queryByLabel.
@Watched(prefix = "index")
private IdHolderList queryByLabel(ConditionQuery query) {
HugeType queryType = query.resultType();
IndexLabel il = IndexLabel.label(queryType);
Id label = query.condition(HugeKeys.LABEL);
assert label != null;
HugeType indexType;
SchemaLabel schemaLabel;
if (queryType.isVertex()) {
indexType = HugeType.VERTEX_LABEL_INDEX;
schemaLabel = this.graph().vertexLabel(label);
} else if (queryType.isEdge()) {
indexType = HugeType.EDGE_LABEL_INDEX;
schemaLabel = this.graph().edgeLabel(label);
} else {
throw new HugeException("Can't query %s by label", queryType);
if (! && !schemaLabel.enableLabelIndex()) {
throw new NoIndexException("Don't accept query by label '%s', " + "label index is disabled", schemaLabel);
ConditionQuery indexQuery = new ConditionQuery(indexType, query);
indexQuery.eq(HugeKeys.FIELD_VALUES, label);
* We can avoid redundant element ids if set limit, but if there are
* label index overridden by other vertices with different label,
* query with limit like g.V().hasLabel('xx').limit(10) may lose some
* results, so can't set limit here. But in this case, the following
* query results may be still different:
* g.V().hasLabel('xx').count() // label index count
* g.V().hasLabel('xx').limit(-1).count() // actual vertices count
* It’s a similar situation for the offset, like:
* g.V().hasLabel('xx').range(26, 27)
* g.V().hasLabel('xx').range(27, 28)
* we just reset limit here, but don't reset offset due to performance
* optimization with index+offset query, see Query.skipOffsetIfNeeded().
* NOTE: if set offset the backend itself will skip the offset
IdHolder idHolder = this.doIndexQuery(il, indexQuery);
IdHolderList holders = new IdHolderList(query.paging());
return holders;