use of in project incubator-hugegraph-toolchain by apache.
the class DataTypeUtil method split.
private static List<Object> split(String key, String rawValue, InputSource source) {
List<Object> valueColl = new ArrayList<>();
if (rawValue.isEmpty()) {
return valueColl;
E.checkState(AbstractSource.class.isAssignableFrom(source.getClass()), "Only accept AbstractSource when parse multi values, " + "but got '%s'", source.getClass().getName());
ListFormat listFormat = ((AbstractSource) source).listFormat();
E.checkArgumentNotNull(listFormat, "The list_format must be set when " + "parse list or set values");
String startSymbol = listFormat.startSymbol();
String endSymbol = listFormat.endSymbol();
E.checkArgument(rawValue.length() >= startSymbol.length() + endSymbol.length(), "The value(key='%s') '%s' length(%s) must be >= " + "start symbol '%s' + end symbol '%s' length", key, rawValue, rawValue.length(), startSymbol, endSymbol);
E.checkArgument(rawValue.startsWith(startSymbol) && rawValue.endsWith(endSymbol), "The value(key='%s') must start with '%s' and " + "end with '%s', but got '%s'", key, startSymbol, endSymbol, rawValue);
rawValue = rawValue.substring(startSymbol.length(), rawValue.length() - endSymbol.length());
String elemDelimiter = listFormat.elemDelimiter();
Splitter.on(elemDelimiter).split(rawValue).forEach(value -> {
if (!listFormat.ignoredElems().contains(value)) {
return valueColl;