Search in sources :

Example 66 with PropertyKey

use of in project incubator-hugegraph by apache.

the class AbstractTransaction method injectOlapPkIfNeeded.

private void injectOlapPkIfNeeded(Query query) {
    if (!query.resultType().isVertex() || !this.graph.readMode().showOlap()) {
         * Control olap access by auth, only accessible olap property key
         * will be queried
    Set<Id> olapPks = new IdSet(CollectionType.EC);
    for (PropertyKey propertyKey : this.graph.graph().propertyKeys()) {
        if (propertyKey.olap()) {
Also used : IdSet( Id( PropertyKey(

Example 67 with PropertyKey

use of in project incubator-hugegraph by apache.

the class IndexLabelBuilder method build.

public IndexLabel build() {
    Id id = this.validOrGenerateId(HugeType.INDEX_LABEL,,;
    HugeGraph graph = this.graph();
    IndexLabel indexLabel = new IndexLabel(graph, id,;
    SchemaLabel schemaLabel = this.loadBaseLabel();
    for (String field : this.indexFields) {
        PropertyKey propertyKey = graph.propertyKey(field);
    return indexLabel;
Also used : HugeGraph( IndexLabel( SchemaLabel( Id( PropertyKey(

Example 68 with PropertyKey

use of in project incubator-hugegraph by apache.

the class IndexLabelBuilder method hasSameProperties.

 * Check whether this has same properties with existedIndexLabel.
 * Only baseType, baseValue, indexType, indexFields are checked.
 * The id, checkExist, userdata are not checked.
 * @param existedIndexLabel to be compared with
 * @return true if this has same properties with existedIndexLabel
private boolean hasSameProperties(IndexLabel existedIndexLabel) {
    // baseType is null, it means HugeType.SYS_SCHEMA
    if ((this.baseType == null && existedIndexLabel.baseType() != HugeType.SYS_SCHEMA) || (this.baseType != null && this.baseType != existedIndexLabel.baseType())) {
        return false;
    SchemaLabel schemaLabel = this.loadBaseLabel();
    if (! {
        return false;
    if (this.indexType == null) {
        // The default index type is SECONDARY
        if (existedIndexLabel.indexType() != IndexType.SECONDARY) {
            return false;
    } else {
        // NOTE: IndexType.RANGE.isRange() return false
        if (this.indexType == IndexType.RANGE) {
            // existedIndexLabel index type format: RANGE_INT, RANGE_LONG
            if (!existedIndexLabel.indexType().isRange()) {
                return false;
        } else if (this.indexType != existedIndexLabel.indexType()) {
            return false;
    List<Id> existedIndexFieldIds = existedIndexLabel.indexFields();
    if (this.indexFields.size() != existedIndexFieldIds.size()) {
        return false;
    for (String field : this.indexFields) {
        PropertyKey propertyKey = graph().propertyKey(field);
        if (!existedIndexFieldIds.contains( {
            return false;
    // all properties are same, return true.
    return true;
Also used : SchemaLabel( Id( PropertyKey(

Example 69 with PropertyKey

use of in project incubator-hugegraph by apache.

the class IndexLabelBuilder method allStringIndex.

private boolean allStringIndex(List<?> fields) {
    for (Object field : fields) {
        PropertyKey pk = field instanceof Id ? this.graph().propertyKey((Id) field) : this.graph().propertyKey((String) field);
        DataType dataType = pk.dataType();
        if (dataType.isNumber() || dataType.isDate()) {
            return false;
    return true;
Also used : DataType( Id( PropertyKey(

Example 70 with PropertyKey

use of in project incubator-hugegraph by apache.

the class EdgeLabelBuilder method hasSameProperties.

 * Check whether this has same properties with existedEdgeLabel.
 * Only sourceId, targetId, frequency, enableLabelIndex, properties, sortKeys,
 * nullableKeys are checked.
 * The id, ttl, ttlStartTime, userdata are not checked.
 * @param existedEdgeLabel to be compared with
 * @return true if this has same properties with existedVertexLabel
private boolean hasSameProperties(EdgeLabel existedEdgeLabel) {
    HugeGraph graph = this.graph();
    Id sourceId = graph.vertexLabel(this.sourceLabel).id();
    if (!existedEdgeLabel.sourceLabel().equals(sourceId)) {
        return false;
    Id targetId = graph.vertexLabel(this.targetLabel).id();
    if (!existedEdgeLabel.targetLabel().equals(targetId)) {
        return false;
    if ((this.frequency == Frequency.DEFAULT && existedEdgeLabel.frequency() != Frequency.SINGLE) || (this.frequency != Frequency.DEFAULT && this.frequency != existedEdgeLabel.frequency())) {
        return false;
    // this.enableLabelIndex == null, it means true.
    if (this.enableLabelIndex == null || this.enableLabelIndex) {
        if (!existedEdgeLabel.enableLabelIndex()) {
            return false;
    } else {
        // this false
        if (existedEdgeLabel.enableLabelIndex()) {
            return false;
    Set<Id> existedProperties =;
    if ( != existedProperties.size()) {
        return false;
    for (String key : {
        PropertyKey propertyKey = graph.propertyKey(key);
        if (!existedProperties.contains( {
            return false;
    List<Id> existedSortKeys = existedEdgeLabel.sortKeys();
    if (this.sortKeys.size() != existedSortKeys.size()) {
        return false;
    for (String key : this.sortKeys) {
        PropertyKey propertyKey = graph.propertyKey(key);
        if (!existedSortKeys.contains( {
            return false;
    Set<Id> existedNullableKeys = existedEdgeLabel.nullableKeys();
    if (this.nullableKeys.size() != existedNullableKeys.size()) {
        return false;
    for (String nullableKeyName : this.nullableKeys) {
        PropertyKey nullableKey = graph.propertyKey(nullableKeyName);
        if (!existedNullableKeys.contains( {
            return false;
    return true;
Also used : HugeGraph( Id( PropertyKey(


PropertyKey ( Id ( Test (org.junit.Test)24 VertexLabel ( SchemaManager ( HugeGraph ( EdgeLabel ( EdgeId ( HugeVertex ( BaseUnitTest ( ConditionQuery ( FakeObjects ( Watched ( HugeEdge ( DataType ( Map (java.util.Map)6 IndexLabel ( Timed (com.codahale.metrics.annotation.Timed)5 RolesAllowed ( Collection (java.util.Collection)5