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Example 1 with HugeEdge

use of in project incubator-hugegraph by apache.

the class CachedGraphTransaction method queryEdgesFromBackend.

@Watched(prefix = "graphcache")
protected final Iterator<HugeEdge> queryEdgesFromBackend(Query query) {
    RamTable ramtable = this.params().ramtable();
    if (ramtable != null && ramtable.matched(query)) {
        return ramtable.query(query);
    if (!this.enableCacheEdge() || query.empty() || query.paging() || query.bigCapacity()) {
        // Query all edges or query edges in paging, don't cache it
        return super.queryEdgesFromBackend(query);
    Id cacheKey = new QueryId(query);
    Object value = this.edgesCache.get(cacheKey);
    @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") Collection<HugeEdge> edges = (Collection<HugeEdge>) value;
    if (value != null) {
        for (HugeEdge edge : edges) {
            if (edge.expired()) {
                value = null;
    if (value != null) {
        // Not cached or the cache expired
        return edges.iterator();
    Iterator<HugeEdge> rs = super.queryEdgesFromBackend(query);
         * Iterator can't be cached, caching list instead
         * there may be super node and too many edges in a query,
         * try fetch a few of the head results and determine whether to cache.
    final int tryMax = 1 + MAX_CACHE_EDGES_PER_QUERY;
    assert tryMax > MAX_CACHE_EDGES_PER_QUERY;
    edges = new ArrayList<>(tryMax);
    for (int i = 0; rs.hasNext() && i < tryMax; i++) {
    if (edges.size() == 0) {
        this.edgesCache.update(cacheKey, Collections.emptyList());
    } else if (edges.size() <= MAX_CACHE_EDGES_PER_QUERY) {
        this.edgesCache.update(cacheKey, edges);
    return new ExtendableIterator<>(edges.iterator(), rs);
Also used : ExtendableIterator( QueryId( HugeEdge( Collection(java.util.Collection) RamTable( QueryId( Id( Watched(

Example 2 with HugeEdge

use of in project incubator-hugegraph by apache.

the class CustomizePathsTraverser method customizedPaths.

public List<Path> customizedPaths(Iterator<Vertex> vertices, List<WeightedEdgeStep> steps, boolean sorted, long capacity, long limit) {
    E.checkArgument(vertices.hasNext(), "The source vertices can't be empty");
    E.checkArgument(!steps.isEmpty(), "The steps can't be empty");
    MultivaluedMap<Id, Node> sources = newMultivalueMap();
    while (vertices.hasNext()) {
        HugeVertex vertex = (HugeVertex);
        Node node = sorted ? new WeightNode(, null, 0) : new Node(, null);
        sources.add(, node);
    int stepNum = steps.size();
    int pathCount = 0;
    long access = 0;
    MultivaluedMap<Id, Node> newVertices = null;
    root: for (WeightedEdgeStep step : steps) {
        newVertices = newMultivalueMap();
        Iterator<Edge> edges;
        // Traversal vertices of previous level
        for (Map.Entry<Id, List<Node>> entry : sources.entrySet()) {
            List<Node> adjacency = newList();
            edges = this.edgesOfVertex(entry.getKey(), step.step());
            while (edges.hasNext()) {
                HugeEdge edge = (HugeEdge);
                Id target =;
                for (Node n : entry.getValue()) {
                    // If have loop, skip target
                    if (n.contains(target)) {
                    Node newNode;
                    if (sorted) {
                        double w = step.weightBy() != null ? edge.value(step.weightBy().name()) : step.defaultWeight();
                        newNode = new WeightNode(target, n, w);
                    } else {
                        newNode = new Node(target, n);
                    checkCapacity(capacity, ++access, "customized paths");
            if (step.sample() > 0) {
                // Sample current node's adjacent nodes
                adjacency = sample(adjacency, step.sample());
            // Add current node's adjacent nodes
            for (Node node : adjacency) {
                newVertices.add(, node);
                // Avoid exceeding limit
                if (stepNum == 0) {
                    if (limit != NO_LIMIT && !sorted && ++pathCount >= limit) {
                        break root;
        // Re-init sources
        sources = newVertices;
    if (stepNum != 0) {
        return ImmutableList.of();
    List<Path> paths = newList();
    for (List<Node> nodes : newVertices.values()) {
        for (Node n : nodes) {
            if (sorted) {
                WeightNode wn = (WeightNode) n;
                paths.add(new WeightPath(wn.path(), wn.weights()));
            } else {
                paths.add(new Path(n.path()));
    return paths;
Also used : HugeEdge( HugeVertex( WeightedEdgeStep( Iterator(java.util.Iterator) List(java.util.List) ImmutableList( Id(

Example 3 with HugeEdge

use of in project incubator-hugegraph by apache.

the class CountTraverser method count.

public long count(Id source, List<EdgeStep> steps, boolean containsTraversed, long dedupSize) {
    E.checkNotNull(source, "source vertex id");
    this.checkVertexExist(source, "source vertex");
    E.checkArgument(steps != null && !steps.isEmpty(), "The steps can't be empty");
    this.containsTraversed = containsTraversed;
    this.dedupSize = dedupSize;
    if (this.containsTraversed) {
    int stepNum = steps.size();
    EdgeStep firstStep = steps.get(0);
    if (stepNum == 1) {
        // Just one step, query count and return
        long edgesCount = this.edgesCount(source, firstStep);
        return this.count.longValue();
    // Multiple steps, construct first step to iterator
    Iterator<Edge> edges = this.edgesOfVertexWithCount(source, firstStep);
    // Wrap steps to Iterator except last step
    for (int i = 1; i < stepNum - 1; i++) {
        EdgeStep currentStep = steps.get(i);
        edges = new FlatMapperIterator<>(edges, (edge) -> {
            Id target = ((HugeEdge) edge).id().otherVertexId();
            return this.edgesOfVertexWithCount(target, currentStep);
    // The last step, just query count
    EdgeStep lastStep = steps.get(stepNum - 1);
    while (edges.hasNext()) {
        Id target = ((HugeEdge);
        if (this.dedup(target)) {
        // Count last layer vertices(without dedup size)
        long edgesCount = this.edgesCount(target, lastStep);
    return this.count.longValue();
Also used : Iterator(java.util.Iterator) QueryResults( FlatMapperIterator( HugeEdge( EdgeStep( Set(java.util.Set) List(java.util.List) FilterIterator( HugeGraph( Id( E( MutableLong(org.apache.commons.lang.mutable.MutableLong) Edge(org.apache.tinkerpop.gremlin.structure.Edge) EdgeStep( HugeEdge( Id( HugeEdge( Edge(org.apache.tinkerpop.gremlin.structure.Edge)

Example 4 with HugeEdge

use of in project incubator-hugegraph by apache.

the class KoutTraverser method customizedKout.

public KoutRecords customizedKout(Id source, EdgeStep step, int maxDepth, boolean nearest, long capacity, long limit) {
    E.checkNotNull(source, "source vertex id");
    this.checkVertexExist(source, "source vertex");
    checkPositive(maxDepth, "k-out max_depth");
    long[] depth = new long[1];
    depth[0] = maxDepth;
    boolean concurrent = maxDepth >= this.concurrentDepth();
    KoutRecords records = new KoutRecords(concurrent, source, nearest);
    Consumer<Id> consumer = v -> {
        if (this.reachLimit(limit, depth[0], records.size())) {
        Iterator<Edge> edges = edgesOfVertex(v, step);
        while (!this.reachLimit(limit, depth[0], records.size()) && edges.hasNext()) {
            Id target = ((HugeEdge);
            records.addPath(v, target);
            this.checkCapacity(capacity, records.accessed(), depth[0]);
    while (depth[0]-- > 0) {
        this.traverseIds(records.keys(), consumer, concurrent);
    return records;
Also used : Consumer(java.util.function.Consumer) HugeException( KoutRecords( Iterator(java.util.Iterator) Directions( HugeGraph( HugeEdge( Id( EdgeStep( Set(java.util.Set) E( Edge(org.apache.tinkerpop.gremlin.structure.Edge) KoutRecords( Iterator(java.util.Iterator) HugeEdge( Id(

Example 5 with HugeEdge

use of in project incubator-hugegraph by apache.

the class NeighborRankTraverser method neighborRank.

public List<Map<Id, Double>> neighborRank(Id source, List<Step> steps) {
    E.checkNotNull(source, "source vertex id");
    this.checkVertexExist(source, "source vertex");
    E.checkArgument(!steps.isEmpty(), "The steps can't be empty");
    MultivaluedMap<Id, Node> sources = newMultivalueMap();
    sources.add(source, new Node(source, null));
    boolean sameLayerTransfer = true;
    long access = 0;
    // Results: ranks of each layer
    List<Ranks> ranks = newList();
    ranks.add(Ranks.of(source, 1.0));
    for (Step step : steps) {
        Ranks lastLayerRanks = ranks.get(ranks.size() - 1);
        Map<Id, Double> sameLayerIncrRanks = newMap();
        List<Adjacencies> adjacencies = newList();
        MultivaluedMap<Id, Node> newVertices = newMultivalueMap();
        // Traversal vertices of previous level
        for (Map.Entry<Id, List<Node>> entry : sources.entrySet()) {
            Id vertex = entry.getKey();
            Iterator<Edge> edges = this.edgesOfVertex(vertex, step.edgeStep);
            Adjacencies adjacenciesV = new Adjacencies(vertex);
            Set<Id> sameLayerNodesV = newIdSet();
            Map<Integer, Set<Id>> prevLayerNodesV = newMap();
            while (edges.hasNext()) {
                HugeEdge edge = (HugeEdge);
                Id target =;
                // Determine whether it belongs to the same layer
                if (this.belongToSameLayer(sources.keySet(), target, sameLayerNodesV)) {
                     * Determine whether it belongs to the previous layers,
                     * if it belongs to, update the weight, but don't pass
                     * any more
                if (this.belongToPrevLayers(ranks, target, prevLayerNodesV)) {
                for (Node n : entry.getValue()) {
                    // If have loop, skip target
                    if (n.contains(target)) {
                    Node newNode = new Node(target, n);
                    // Add adjacent nodes to sources of next step
                    newVertices.add(target, newNode);
                    checkCapacity(this.capacity, ++access, "neighbor rank");
            long degree = sameLayerNodesV.size() + prevLayerNodesV.size() + adjacenciesV.nodes().size();
            if (degree == 0L) {
            double incr = lastLayerRanks.getOrDefault(vertex, 0.0) * this.alpha / degree;
            // Merge the increment of the same layer node
            this.mergeSameLayerIncrRanks(sameLayerNodesV, incr, sameLayerIncrRanks);
            // Adding contributions to the previous layers
            this.contributePrevLayers(ranks, incr, prevLayerNodesV);
        Ranks newLayerRanks;
        if (sameLayerTransfer) {
            // First contribute to last layer, then pass to the new layer
            this.contributeLastLayer(sameLayerIncrRanks, lastLayerRanks);
            newLayerRanks = this.contributeNewLayer(adjacencies, lastLayerRanks, step.capacity);
        } else {
            // First pass to the new layer, then contribute to last layer
            newLayerRanks = this.contributeNewLayer(adjacencies, lastLayerRanks, step.capacity);
            this.contributeLastLayer(sameLayerIncrRanks, lastLayerRanks);
        // Re-init sources
        sources = newVertices;
    return this.topRanks(ranks, steps);
Also used : Set(java.util.Set) HugeEdge( EdgeStep( List(java.util.List) Id( MultivaluedMap( Map(java.util.Map) OrderLimitMap( HugeEdge( Edge(org.apache.tinkerpop.gremlin.structure.Edge)


HugeEdge ( HugeVertex ( Id ( Edge (org.apache.tinkerpop.gremlin.structure.Edge)22 Test (org.junit.Test)20 HugeGraph ( EdgeId ( EdgeLabel ( BaseUnitTest ( Vertex (org.apache.tinkerpop.gremlin.structure.Vertex)9 BackendEntry ( FakeObjects ( PropertyKey ( EdgeStep ( Iterator (java.util.Iterator)6 List (java.util.List)6 Set (java.util.Set)6 HugeException ( ConditionQuery ( HugeConfig (