Search in sources :

Example 1 with Directions

use of in project incubator-hugegraph by apache.

the class HugeVertex method edges.

@Watched(prefix = "vertex")
public Iterator<Edge> edges(Direction tinkerpopDir, String... edgeLabels) {
    Directions direction = Directions.convert(tinkerpopDir);
    // NOTE: get edges from memory if load all edges when loading vertex.
    if (this.existsEdges()) {
        return this.getEdges(direction, edgeLabels);
    Id[] edgeLabelIds = this.graph().mapElName2Id(edgeLabels);
    Query query = GraphTransaction.constructEdgesQuery(, direction, edgeLabelIds);
    return this.graph().edges(query);
Also used : Query( ConditionQuery( Directions( Id( Watched(

Example 2 with Directions

use of in project incubator-hugegraph by apache.

the class RaysAPI method get.

public String get(@Context GraphManager manager, @PathParam("graph") String graph, @QueryParam("source") String sourceV, @QueryParam("direction") String direction, @QueryParam("label") String edgeLabel, @QueryParam("max_depth") int depth, @QueryParam("max_degree") @DefaultValue(DEFAULT_MAX_DEGREE) long maxDegree, @QueryParam("capacity") @DefaultValue(DEFAULT_CAPACITY) long capacity, @QueryParam("limit") @DefaultValue(DEFAULT_PATHS_LIMIT) long limit) {
    LOG.debug("Graph [{}] get rays paths from '{}' with " + "direction '{}', edge label '{}', max depth '{}', " + "max degree '{}', capacity '{}' and limit '{}'", graph, sourceV, direction, edgeLabel, depth, maxDegree, capacity, limit);
    Id source = VertexAPI.checkAndParseVertexId(sourceV);
    Directions dir = Directions.convert(EdgeAPI.parseDirection(direction));
    HugeGraph g = graph(manager, graph);
    SubGraphTraverser traverser = new SubGraphTraverser(g);
    HugeTraverser.PathSet paths = traverser.rays(source, dir, edgeLabel, depth, maxDegree, capacity, limit);
    return manager.serializer(g).writePaths("rays", paths, false);
Also used : SubGraphTraverser( HugeGraph( Directions( HugeTraverser( Id( Produces( Timed(com.codahale.metrics.annotation.Timed) GET(

Example 3 with Directions

use of in project incubator-hugegraph by apache.

the class ShortestPathAPI method get.

public String get(@Context GraphManager manager, @PathParam("graph") String graph, @QueryParam("source") String source, @QueryParam("target") String target, @QueryParam("direction") String direction, @QueryParam("label") String edgeLabel, @QueryParam("max_depth") int depth, @QueryParam("max_degree") @DefaultValue(DEFAULT_MAX_DEGREE) long maxDegree, @QueryParam("skip_degree") @DefaultValue("0") long skipDegree, @QueryParam("capacity") @DefaultValue(DEFAULT_CAPACITY) long capacity) {
    LOG.debug("Graph [{}] get shortest path from '{}', to '{}' with " + "direction {}, edge label {}, max depth '{}', " + "max degree '{}', skipped maxDegree '{}' and capacity '{}'", graph, source, target, direction, edgeLabel, depth, maxDegree, skipDegree, capacity);
    Id sourceId = VertexAPI.checkAndParseVertexId(source);
    Id targetId = VertexAPI.checkAndParseVertexId(target);
    Directions dir = Directions.convert(EdgeAPI.parseDirection(direction));
    HugeGraph g = graph(manager, graph);
    ShortestPathTraverser traverser = new ShortestPathTraverser(g);
    List<String> edgeLabels = edgeLabel == null ? ImmutableList.of() : ImmutableList.of(edgeLabel);
    HugeTraverser.Path path = traverser.shortestPath(sourceId, targetId, dir, edgeLabels, depth, maxDegree, skipDegree, capacity);
    return manager.serializer(g).writeList("path", path.vertices());
Also used : HugeGraph( ShortestPathTraverser( Directions( HugeTraverser( Id( Produces( Timed(com.codahale.metrics.annotation.Timed) GET(

Example 4 with Directions

use of in project incubator-hugegraph by apache.

the class ResourceAllocationAPI method create.

public String create(@Context GraphManager manager, @PathParam("graph") String graph, @QueryParam("vertex") String current, @QueryParam("other") String other, @QueryParam("direction") String direction, @QueryParam("label") String edgeLabel, @QueryParam("max_degree") @DefaultValue(DEFAULT_MAX_DEGREE) long maxDegree, @QueryParam("limit") @DefaultValue(DEFAULT_ELEMENTS_LIMIT) long limit) {
    LOG.debug("Graph [{}] get resource allocation between '{}' and '{}' " + "with direction {}, edge label {}, max degree '{}' and " + "limit '{}'", graph, current, other, direction, edgeLabel, maxDegree, limit);
    Id sourceId = VertexAPI.checkAndParseVertexId(current);
    Id targetId = VertexAPI.checkAndParseVertexId(other);
    E.checkArgument(!current.equals(other), "The source and target vertex id can't be same");
    Directions dir = Directions.convert(EdgeAPI.parseDirection(direction));
    HugeGraph g = graph(manager, graph);
    PredictionTraverser traverser = new PredictionTraverser(g);
    double score = traverser.resourceAllocation(sourceId, targetId, dir, edgeLabel, maxDegree, limit);
    return JsonUtil.toJson(ImmutableMap.of("resource_allocation", score));
Also used : HugeGraph( PredictionTraverser( Directions( Id( Produces( Timed(com.codahale.metrics.annotation.Timed) GET(

Example 5 with Directions

use of in project incubator-hugegraph by apache.

the class KneighborAPI method get.

public String get(@Context GraphManager manager, @PathParam("graph") String graph, @QueryParam("source") String sourceV, @QueryParam("direction") String direction, @QueryParam("label") String edgeLabel, @QueryParam("max_depth") int depth, @QueryParam("max_degree") @DefaultValue(DEFAULT_MAX_DEGREE) long maxDegree, @QueryParam("limit") @DefaultValue(DEFAULT_ELEMENTS_LIMIT) long limit) {
    LOG.debug("Graph [{}] get k-neighbor from '{}' with " + "direction '{}', edge label '{}', max depth '{}', " + "max degree '{}' and limit '{}'", graph, sourceV, direction, edgeLabel, depth, maxDegree, limit);
    Id source = VertexAPI.checkAndParseVertexId(sourceV);
    Directions dir = Directions.convert(EdgeAPI.parseDirection(direction));
    HugeGraph g = graph(manager, graph);
    Set<Id> ids;
    try (KneighborTraverser traverser = new KneighborTraverser(g)) {
        ids = traverser.kneighbor(source, dir, edgeLabel, depth, maxDegree, limit);
    return manager.serializer(g).writeList("vertices", ids);
Also used : KneighborTraverser( HugeGraph( Directions( Id( Produces( Timed(com.codahale.metrics.annotation.Timed) GET(


Id ( Directions ( HugeGraph ( Timed (com.codahale.metrics.annotation.Timed)14 GET ( Produces ( HugeTraverser ( EdgeId ( Condition ( ConditionQuery ( Vertex (org.apache.tinkerpop.gremlin.structure.Vertex)3 RangeConditions ( IdPrefixQuery ( IdRangeQuery ( BinaryId ( Watched ( PathsTraverser ( PredictionTraverser ( ShortestPathTraverser ( SingleSourceShortestPathTraverser (