Search in sources :

Example 21 with Directions

use of in project incubator-hugegraph by apache.

the class RamTable method matched.

public boolean matched(Query query) {
    if (this.edgesSize() == 0L || this.loading) {
        return false;
    if (!query.resultType().isEdge() || !(query instanceof ConditionQuery)) {
        return false;
    ConditionQuery cq = (ConditionQuery) query;
    int conditionsSize = cq.conditionsSize();
    Object owner = cq.condition(HugeKeys.OWNER_VERTEX);
    Directions direction = cq.condition(HugeKeys.DIRECTION);
    Id label = cq.condition(HugeKeys.LABEL);
    if (direction == null && conditionsSize > 1) {
        for (Condition cond : cq.conditions()) {
            if (cond.equals(BOTH_COND)) {
                direction = Directions.BOTH;
    int matchedConds = 0;
    if (owner != null) {
    } else {
        return false;
    if (direction != null) {
    if (label != null) {
    return matchedConds == cq.conditionsSize();
Also used : Condition( ConditionQuery( Directions( Id( Watched(

Example 22 with Directions

use of in project incubator-hugegraph by apache.

the class FusiformSimilarityTraverser method fusiformSimilarityForVertex.

private Set<Similar> fusiformSimilarityForVertex(HugeVertex vertex, Directions direction, String label, int minNeighbors, double alpha, int minSimilars, int top, String groupProperty, int minGroups, long degree, long capacity, boolean withIntermediary) {
    boolean matched = this.matchMinNeighborCount(vertex, direction, label, minNeighbors, degree);
    if (!matched) {
        // Ignore current vertex if its neighbors number is not enough
        return ImmutableSet.of();
    Id labelId = this.getEdgeLabelId(label);
    // Get similar nodes and counts
    Iterator<Edge> edges = this.edgesOfVertex(, direction, labelId, degree);
    Map<Id, MutableInt> similars = newMap();
    MultivaluedMap<Id, Id> intermediaries = new MultivaluedHashMap<>();
    Set<Id> neighbors = newIdSet();
    while (edges.hasNext()) {
        Id target = ((HugeEdge);
        if (neighbors.contains(target)) {
        checkCapacity(capacity, ++this.accessed, "fusiform similarity");
        Directions backDir = direction.opposite();
        Iterator<Edge> backEdges = this.edgesOfVertex(target, backDir, labelId, degree);
        Set<Id> currentSimilars = newIdSet();
        while (backEdges.hasNext()) {
            Id node = ((HugeEdge);
            if (currentSimilars.contains(node)) {
            if (withIntermediary) {
                intermediaries.add(node, target);
            MutableInt count = similars.get(node);
            if (count == null) {
                count = new MutableInt(0);
                similars.put(node, count);
                checkCapacity(capacity, ++this.accessed, "fusiform similarity");
    // Delete source vertex
    assert similars.containsKey(;
    if (similars.isEmpty()) {
        return ImmutableSet.of();
    // Match alpha
    double neighborNum = neighbors.size();
    Map<Id, Double> matchedAlpha = newMap();
    for (Map.Entry<Id, MutableInt> entry : similars.entrySet()) {
        double score = entry.getValue().intValue() / neighborNum;
        if (score >= alpha) {
            matchedAlpha.put(entry.getKey(), score);
    if (matchedAlpha.size() < minSimilars) {
        return ImmutableSet.of();
    // Sorted and topN if needed
    Map<Id, Double> topN;
    if (top > 0) {
        topN = topN(matchedAlpha, true, top);
    } else {
        topN = matchedAlpha;
    // Filter by groupCount by property
    if (groupProperty != null) {
        Set<Object> values = newSet();
        // Add groupProperty value of source vertex
        for (Id id : topN.keySet()) {
            Vertex v = graph().vertices(id).next();
        if (values.size() < minGroups) {
            return ImmutableSet.of();
    // Construct result
    Set<Similar> result = InsertionOrderUtil.newSet();
    for (Map.Entry<Id, Double> entry : topN.entrySet()) {
        Id similar = entry.getKey();
        double score = entry.getValue();
        List<Id> inters = withIntermediary ? intermediaries.get(similar) : ImmutableList.of();
        result.add(new Similar(similar, score, inters));
    return result;
Also used : Vertex(org.apache.tinkerpop.gremlin.structure.Vertex) HugeVertex( Directions( MultivaluedHashMap( MutableInt(org.apache.commons.lang3.mutable.MutableInt) Id( HugeEdge( Edge(org.apache.tinkerpop.gremlin.structure.Edge) ImmutableMap( MultivaluedHashMap( MultivaluedMap( Map(java.util.Map)

Example 23 with Directions

use of in project incubator-hugegraph by apache.

the class HugeVertexStep method constructEdgesQuery.

protected ConditionQuery constructEdgesQuery(Traverser.Admin<Vertex> traverser) {
    HugeGraph graph = TraversalUtil.getGraph(this);
    // Query for edge with conditions(else conditions for vertex)
    boolean withEdgeCond = this.withEdgeCondition();
    boolean withVertexCond = this.withVertexCondition();
    Id vertex = (Id) traverser.get().id();
    Directions direction = Directions.convert(this.getDirection());
    Id[] edgeLabels = graph.mapElName2Id(this.getEdgeLabels());
    LOG.debug("HugeVertexStep.edges(): vertex={}, direction={}, " + "edgeLabels={}, has={}", vertex, direction, edgeLabels, this.hasContainers);
    ConditionQuery query = GraphTransaction.constructEdgesQuery(vertex, direction, edgeLabels);
    // Query by sort-keys
    if (withEdgeCond && edgeLabels.length == 1) {
        TraversalUtil.fillConditionQuery(query, this.hasContainers, graph);
        if (!GraphTransaction.matchPartialEdgeSortKeys(query, graph)) {
            // Can't query by sysprop and by index (HugeGraph-749)
        } else if (GraphTransaction.matchFullEdgeSortKeys(query, graph)) {
            // All sysprop conditions are in sort-keys
            withEdgeCond = false;
        } else {
            // Partial sysprop conditions are in sort-keys
            assert query.userpropKeys().size() > 0;
    // Query by has(id)
    if (query.idsSize() > 0) {
        // Ignore conditions if query by edge id in has-containers
        // FIXME: should check that the edge id matches the `vertex`
        LOG.warn("It's not recommended to query by has(id)");
         * Unset limit when needed to filter property after store query
         * like query: outE().has(k,v).limit(n)
         * NOTE: outE().limit(m).has(k,v).limit(n) will also be unset limit,
         * Can't unset limit if query by paging due to page position will be
         * exceeded when reaching the limit in tinkerpop layer
    if (withEdgeCond || withVertexCond) {!this.queryInfo().paging(), "Can't query by paging " + "and filtering");
    query = this.injectQueryInfo(query);
    return query;
Also used : HugeGraph( ConditionQuery( Directions( Id(

Example 24 with Directions

use of in project incubator-hugegraph by apache.

the class PersonalRankTraverser method personalRank.

public Map<Id, Double> personalRank(Id source, String label, WithLabel withLabel) {
    E.checkNotNull(source, "source vertex id");
    this.checkVertexExist(source, "source vertex");
    E.checkArgumentNotNull(label, "The edge label can't be null");
    Map<Id, Double> ranks = newMap();
    ranks.put(source, 1.0);
    Id labelId = this.graph().edgeLabel(label).id();
    Directions dir = this.getStartDirection(source, label);
    Set<Id> outSeeds = newIdSet();
    Set<Id> inSeeds = newIdSet();
    if (dir == Directions.OUT) {
    } else {
    Set<Id> rootAdjacencies = newIdSet();
    for (long i = 0; i < this.maxDepth; i++) {
        Map<Id, Double> newRanks = this.calcNewRanks(outSeeds, inSeeds, labelId, ranks);
        ranks = this.compensateRoot(source, newRanks);
        if (i == 0) {
    // Remove directly connected neighbors
    removeAll(ranks, rootAdjacencies);
    // Remove unnecessary label
    if (withLabel == WithLabel.SAME_LABEL) {
        removeAll(ranks, dir == Directions.OUT ? inSeeds : outSeeds);
    } else if (withLabel == WithLabel.OTHER_LABEL) {
        removeAll(ranks, dir == Directions.OUT ? outSeeds : inSeeds);
    return ranks;
Also used : Directions( Id(


Id ( Directions ( HugeGraph ( Timed (com.codahale.metrics.annotation.Timed)14 GET ( Produces ( HugeTraverser ( EdgeId ( Condition ( ConditionQuery ( Vertex (org.apache.tinkerpop.gremlin.structure.Vertex)3 RangeConditions ( IdPrefixQuery ( IdRangeQuery ( BinaryId ( Watched ( PathsTraverser ( PredictionTraverser ( ShortestPathTraverser ( SingleSourceShortestPathTraverser (