use of in project incubator-hugegraph by apache.
the class CustomizePathsTraverser method customizedPaths.
public List<Path> customizedPaths(Iterator<Vertex> vertices, List<WeightedEdgeStep> steps, boolean sorted, long capacity, long limit) {
E.checkArgument(vertices.hasNext(), "The source vertices can't be empty");
E.checkArgument(!steps.isEmpty(), "The steps can't be empty");
MultivaluedMap<Id, Node> sources = newMultivalueMap();
while (vertices.hasNext()) {
HugeVertex vertex = (HugeVertex);
Node node = sorted ? new WeightNode(, null, 0) : new Node(, null);
sources.add(, node);
int stepNum = steps.size();
int pathCount = 0;
long access = 0;
MultivaluedMap<Id, Node> newVertices = null;
root: for (WeightedEdgeStep step : steps) {
newVertices = newMultivalueMap();
Iterator<Edge> edges;
// Traversal vertices of previous level
for (Map.Entry<Id, List<Node>> entry : sources.entrySet()) {
List<Node> adjacency = newList();
edges = this.edgesOfVertex(entry.getKey(), step.step());
while (edges.hasNext()) {
HugeEdge edge = (HugeEdge);
Id target =;
for (Node n : entry.getValue()) {
// If have loop, skip target
if (n.contains(target)) {
Node newNode;
if (sorted) {
double w = step.weightBy() != null ? edge.value(step.weightBy().name()) : step.defaultWeight();
newNode = new WeightNode(target, n, w);
} else {
newNode = new Node(target, n);
checkCapacity(capacity, ++access, "customized paths");
if (step.sample() > 0) {
// Sample current node's adjacent nodes
adjacency = sample(adjacency, step.sample());
// Add current node's adjacent nodes
for (Node node : adjacency) {
newVertices.add(, node);
// Avoid exceeding limit
if (stepNum == 0) {
if (limit != NO_LIMIT && !sorted && ++pathCount >= limit) {
break root;
// Re-init sources
sources = newVertices;
if (stepNum != 0) {
return ImmutableList.of();
List<Path> paths = newList();
for (List<Node> nodes : newVertices.values()) {
for (Node n : nodes) {
if (sorted) {
WeightNode wn = (WeightNode) n;
paths.add(new WeightPath(wn.path(), wn.weights()));
} else {
paths.add(new Path(n.path()));
return paths;
use of in project incubator-hugegraph by apache.
the class CustomizedPathsAPI method step.
private static List<WeightedEdgeStep> step(HugeGraph graph, PathRequest req) {
int stepSize = req.steps.size();
List<WeightedEdgeStep> steps = new ArrayList<>(stepSize);
for (Step step : req.steps) {
return steps;
use of in project incubator-hugegraph by apache.
the class CustomizedPathsAPI method post.
public String post(@Context GraphManager manager, @PathParam("graph") String graph, PathRequest request) {
E.checkArgumentNotNull(request, "The path request body can't be null");
E.checkArgumentNotNull(request.sources, "The sources of path request can't be null");
E.checkArgument(request.steps != null && !request.steps.isEmpty(), "The steps of path request can't be empty");
if (request.sortBy == null) {
request.sortBy = SortBy.NONE;
LOG.debug("Graph [{}] get customized paths from source vertex '{}', " + "with steps '{}', sort by '{}', capacity '{}', limit '{}' " + "and with_vertex '{}'", graph, request.sources, request.steps, request.sortBy, request.capacity, request.limit, request.withVertex);
HugeGraph g = graph(manager, graph);
Iterator<Vertex> sources = request.sources.vertices(g);
List<WeightedEdgeStep> steps = step(g, request);
boolean sorted = request.sortBy != SortBy.NONE;
CustomizePathsTraverser traverser = new CustomizePathsTraverser(g);
List<HugeTraverser.Path> paths;
paths = traverser.customizedPaths(sources, steps, sorted, request.capacity, request.limit);
if (sorted) {
boolean incr = request.sortBy == SortBy.INCR;
paths = CustomizePathsTraverser.topNPath(paths, incr, request.limit);
if (!request.withVertex) {
return manager.serializer(g).writePaths("paths", paths, false);
Set<Id> ids = new HashSet<>();
for (HugeTraverser.Path p : paths) {
Iterator<Vertex> iter = QueryResults.emptyIterator();
if (!ids.isEmpty()) {
iter = g.vertices(ids.toArray());
return manager.serializer(g).writePaths("paths", paths, false, iter);