use of com.bakdata.quick.common.api.model.KeyValueEnum.VALUE in project quick by bakdata.
the class KafkaTopicService method createTopic.
public Completable createTopic(final String name, final QuickTopicType keyType, final QuickTopicType valueType, final TopicCreationData requestData) {"Create new topic {} with data {}", name, requestData);
// we don't need the cache, so make sure we get the current information
// first, check if topic might already exist in topic registry or kafka itself and then make also sure there
final Completable kafkaStateCheck = Completable.mergeArray(this.checkKafka(name), this.checkTopicRegistry(name));
final Single<Optional<QuickSchemas>> keySchema = this.getQuickSchemas(requestData.getKeySchema()).cache();
final Single<Optional<QuickSchemas>> valueSchema = this.getQuickSchemas(requestData.getValueSchema()).cache();
final Completable schemaRegistryCheck = Completable.defer(() -> Completable.mergeArray(keySchema.flatMapCompletable(schema -> this.checkSchemaRegistry(name + "-key", schema)), valueSchema.flatMapCompletable(schema -> this.checkSchemaRegistry(name + "-value", schema))));
final Completable stateCheck = kafkaStateCheck.andThen(schemaRegistryCheck);
// create topic in kafka and deploy a mirror application
final Completable kafkaTopicCreation = this.createKafkaTopic(name);
final Completable mirrorCreation = this.createMirror(name, requestData.getRetentionTime());
// default to mutable topic write type
final TopicWriteType writeType = Objects.requireNonNullElse(requestData.getWriteType(), TopicWriteType.MUTABLE);
// register at topic registry (value schema can be nullable)
// todo evaluate whether the schema should be part of the topic registry
final Completable topicRegister = Completable.defer(() -> {
log.debug("Register subject '{}' with topic registry", name);
return valueSchema.flatMapCompletable(schema -> {
final String graphQLSchema =;
final TopicData topicData = new TopicData(name, writeType, keyType, valueType, graphQLSchema);
return this.topicRegistryClient.register(name, topicData);
// register potential avro schema with the schema registry
final Completable keyRegister = keySchema.flatMapCompletable(schemas -> this.registerSchema(name, schemas, KEY));
final Completable valueRegister = valueSchema.flatMapCompletable(schemas -> this.registerSchema(name, schemas, VALUE));
final Completable creationOperations = Completable.mergeArray(kafkaTopicCreation, mirrorCreation, topicRegister, keyRegister, valueRegister);
return stateCheck.andThen(creationOperations.doOnError(ignored -> this.deleteTopic(name)));