use of com.bc.pmpheep.general.runnable.SpringThread in project pmph by BCSquad.
the class FileDownLoadController method declarationWord.
* 功能描述:申报表批量导出word
* @param materialId
* 教材id
* @param textBookids
* 书籍id集合
* @param realname
* 条件查询的账号或者姓名
* @param position
* 条件查询 职务
* @param title
* 条件查询 职称
* @param orgName
* 条件查询 工作单位
* @param unitName
* 条件查询 申报单位
* @param positionType
* 条件查询 申报职位 ;null全部 1主编 2副主编 3编委
* @param onlineProgress
* 1待审核 3已经审核
* @param offlineProgress
* 0 未 2 收到
* @param response
@LogDetail(businessType = BUSSINESS_TYPE, logRemark = "申报表批量导出word")
@RequestMapping(value = "/word/declaration", method = RequestMethod.GET)
public String declarationWord(Long materialId, String textBookids, String realname, String position, String title, String orgName, String unitName, Integer positionType, Integer onlineProgress, Integer offlineProgress) {
String id = String.valueOf(System.currentTimeMillis()).concat(String.valueOf(RandomUtil.getRandomNum()));
taskExecutor.execute(new SpringThread(zipHelper, wordHelper, materialService, textbookService, declarationService, materialId, textBookids, realname, position, title, orgName, unitName, positionType, onlineProgress, offlineProgress, id, materialExtensionService));
return '"' + id + '"';