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Example 26 with Array

use of com.beanit.openiec61850.Array in project imageio-ext by geosolutions-it.

the class INGVConverter method run.

private void run(String fileNameIn, String fileNameOut) {
    try {
        final File fileIn = new File(fileNameIn);
        final NetcdfFile ncFileIn =;
        final File fileOut = new File(fileNameOut);
        // keep original name
        final File outputFile = File.createTempFile(fileIn.getName(), ".tmp");
        final NetcdfFileWriteable ncFileOut = NetcdfFileWriteable.createNew(outputFile.getAbsolutePath());
        boolean hasDepth = false;
        // input dimensions
        String timeName = "time_counter";
        Dimension timeOriginalDim = ncFileIn.findDimension(timeName);
        if (timeOriginalDim == null) {
            timeOriginalDim = ncFileIn.findDimension("time");
            timeName = "time";
        final Dimension yDim = ncFileIn.findDimension("y");
        final Dimension xDim = ncFileIn.findDimension("x");
        // input VARIABLES
        final Variable timeOriginalVar = ncFileIn.findVariable(timeName);
        final Array timeOriginalData =;
        final DataType timeDataType = timeOriginalVar.getDataType();
        final Variable navLat = ncFileIn.findVariable(NAV_LAT);
        final DataType navLatDataType = navLat.getDataType();
        final Variable navLon = ncFileIn.findVariable(NAV_LON);
        final DataType navLonDataType = navLon.getDataType();
        final int nLat = yDim.getLength();
        final int nLon = xDim.getLength();
        final int nTimes = timeOriginalDim.getLength();
        final Array latOriginalData ="0:" + (nLat - 1) + ":1, 0:0:1").reduce();
        final Array lonOriginalData ="0:0:1, 0:" + (nLon - 1) + ":1").reduce();
        // //
        // Depth related vars
        // //
        Array depthOriginalData = null;
        DataType depthDataType = null;
        int nDepths = 0;
        Array depthDestData = null;
        Dimension depthDim = null;
        String depthName = "depth";
        Variable depthOriginalVar = null;
        int dName = 0;
        while (depthOriginalVar == null) {
            if (dName == depthNames.length)
            String name = depthNames[dName++];
            // Depth
            depthOriginalVar = ncFileIn.findVariable(name);
        if (depthOriginalVar != null) {
            depthName = depthNames[dName - 1];
            nDepths = depthOriginalVar.getDimension(0).getLength();
            depthOriginalData =;
            hasDepth = true;
        Dimension timeDim = ncFileOut.addDimension("time", nTimes);
        Dimension latDim = ncFileOut.addDimension(NetCDFUtilities.LAT, nLat);
        Dimension lonDim = ncFileOut.addDimension(NetCDFUtilities.LON, nLon);
        if (hasDepth)
            depthDim = ncFileOut.addDimension(NetCDFUtilities.DEPTH, nDepths);
        // writing file
        NetCDFConverterUtilities.copyGlobalAttributes(ncFileOut, ncFileIn.getGlobalAttributes());
        // //
        // Time requires a special Management
        // //
        // time Variable
        Variable timeVar = ncFileOut.addVariable(NetCDFUtilities.TIME, timeDataType, new Dimension[] { timeDim });
        NetCDFConverterUtilities.setVariableAttributes(timeOriginalVar, ncFileOut, NetCDFUtilities.TIME);
        // Dimensions
        ncFileOut.addVariable(NetCDFUtilities.LAT, navLatDataType, new Dimension[] { latDim });
        NetCDFConverterUtilities.setVariableAttributes(navLat, ncFileOut, NetCDFUtilities.LAT);
        ncFileOut.addVariable(NetCDFUtilities.LON, navLonDataType, new Dimension[] { lonDim });
        NetCDFConverterUtilities.setVariableAttributes(navLon, ncFileOut, NetCDFUtilities.LON);
        Array lat1Data = NetCDFConverterUtilities.getArray(nLat, navLatDataType);
        NetCDFConverterUtilities.setData1D(latOriginalData, lat1Data, navLatDataType, nLat, true);
        // lon Variable
        Array lon1Data = NetCDFConverterUtilities.getArray(nLon, navLonDataType);
        NetCDFConverterUtilities.setData1D(lonOriginalData, lon1Data, navLonDataType, nLon, false);
        if (hasDepth) {
            depthDataType = depthOriginalVar.getDataType();
            ncFileOut.addVariable(NetCDFUtilities.DEPTH, depthDataType, new Dimension[] { depthDim });
            NetCDFConverterUtilities.setVariableAttributes(depthOriginalVar, ncFileOut, NetCDFUtilities.DEPTH);
        if (hasDepth) {
            // depth level Variable
            depthDestData = NetCDFConverterUtilities.getArray(nDepths, depthDataType);
            NetCDFConverterUtilities.setData1D(depthOriginalData, depthDestData, depthDataType, nDepths, false);
        // {} Variables
        final ArrayList<String> variables = new ArrayList<String>(5);
        final HashMap<String, String> updatingValidRange = new HashMap<String, String>(5);
        final HashMap<String, String> updatingFilLValue = new HashMap<String, String>(5);
        int numVars = 0;
        for (int i = 0; i < NUMVARS; i++) {
            String varName = (String) VARIABLES.get(i);
            Variable var = ncFileIn.findVariable(varName);
            if (var != null) {
                boolean hasLocalDepth = NetCDFConverterUtilities.hasThisDimension(var, depthName);
                if (hasDepth && hasLocalDepth)
                    ncFileOut.addVariable(varName, var.getDataType(), new Dimension[] { timeDim, depthDim, latDim, lonDim });
                    ncFileOut.addVariable(varName, var.getDataType(), new Dimension[] { timeDim, latDim, lonDim });
                // //
                // Check for updating valid range
                // //
                boolean hasMinMax = false;
                Attribute validMax = var.findAttribute(NetCDFUtilities.DatasetAttribs.VALID_MAX);
                Attribute validMin = var.findAttribute(NetCDFUtilities.DatasetAttribs.VALID_MIN);
                Attribute fillValue = var.findAttribute(NetCDFUtilities.DatasetAttribs.FILL_VALUE);
                boolean hasMissingValue = false;
                boolean hasFillValue = true;
                if (fillValue == null) {
                    hasFillValue = false;
                    fillValue = var.findAttribute(NetCDFUtilities.DatasetAttribs.MISSING_VALUE);
                    if (fillValue != null)
                        hasMissingValue = true;
                Attribute validRange = var.findAttribute(NetCDFUtilities.DatasetAttribs.VALID_RANGE);
                boolean hasValidRange = false;
                boolean rewriteAttribute = false;
                if (validMin != null && validMax != null && fillValue != null) {
                    rewriteAttribute = !NetCDFConverterUtilities.isFillValueOutsideValidRange(validMax, validMin, fillValue, var.getDataType());
                    hasMinMax = true;
                } else if (validRange != null && fillValue != null) {
                    rewriteAttribute = !NetCDFConverterUtilities.isFillValueOutsideValidRange(validRange, fillValue, var.getDataType());
                    hasValidRange = true;
                } else {
                    rewriteAttribute = true;
                if (rewriteAttribute) {
                    updatingValidRange.put(varName, "");
                    DataType varDatatype = var.getDataType();
                    Array range = NetCDFConverterUtilities.getRangeArray(varDatatype);
                    ncFileOut.addVariableAttribute(varName, NetCDFUtilities.DatasetAttribs.VALID_RANGE, range);
                    if (hasMissingValue && !hasFillValue) {
                        updatingFilLValue.put(varName, "");
                        Number fillVal = NetCDFConverterUtilities.getNumber(varDatatype);
                        ncFileOut.addVariableAttribute(varName, NetCDFUtilities.DatasetAttribs.FILL_VALUE, fillVal);
                String[] exceptions = null;
                if (hasMinMax) {
                    if (hasMissingValue)
                        exceptions = new String[] { NetCDFUtilities.DatasetAttribs.VALID_MAX, NetCDFUtilities.DatasetAttribs.VALID_MIN, NetCDFUtilities.DatasetAttribs.MISSING_VALUE };
                        exceptions = new String[] { NetCDFUtilities.DatasetAttribs.VALID_MAX, NetCDFUtilities.DatasetAttribs.VALID_MIN };
                } else if (hasValidRange) {
                    if (hasMissingValue)
                        exceptions = new String[] { NetCDFUtilities.DatasetAttribs.VALID_RANGE, NetCDFUtilities.DatasetAttribs.MISSING_VALUE };
                        exceptions = new String[] { NetCDFUtilities.DatasetAttribs.VALID_RANGE };
                } else if (hasMissingValue)
                    exceptions = new String[] { NetCDFUtilities.DatasetAttribs.MISSING_VALUE };
                NetCDFConverterUtilities.setVariableAttributes(var, ncFileOut, exceptions);
        // writing bin data ...
        Array timeData = NetCDFConverterUtilities.getArray(nTimes, timeDataType);
        NetCDFConverterUtilities.setData1D(timeOriginalData, timeData, timeDataType, nTimes, false);
        ncFileOut.write("time", timeData);
        timeVar = ncFileOut.findVariable("time");
        ncFileOut.write(NetCDFUtilities.LAT, lat1Data);
        ncFileOut.write(NetCDFUtilities.LON, lon1Data);
        if (hasDepth) {
            Variable depthVar = ncFileOut.findVariable("depth");
            ncFileOut.write(NetCDFUtilities.DEPTH, depthDestData);
        for (int i = 0; i < numVars; i++) {
            String varName = (String) variables.get(i);
            Variable var = ncFileIn.findVariable(varName);
            final boolean hasLocalDepth = NetCDFConverterUtilities.hasThisDimension(var, depthName);
            Array originalVarArray =;
            DataType varDataType = var.getDataType();
            Array destArray = null;
            int[] dimensions = null;
            final boolean setDepth = hasDepth && hasLocalDepth;
            if (setDepth) {
                dimensions = new int[] { timeDim.getLength(), depthDim.getLength(), latDim.getLength(), lonDim.getLength() };
            } else {
                dimensions = new int[] { timeDim.getLength(), latDim.getLength(), lonDim.getLength() };
            destArray = NetCDFConverterUtilities.getArray(dimensions, varDataType);
            boolean findNewRange = updatingValidRange.containsKey(varName);
            boolean updateFillValue = updatingFilLValue.containsKey(varName);
            final int[] loopLengths;
            if (setDepth)
                loopLengths = new int[] { nTimes, nDepths, nLat, nLon };
                loopLengths = new int[] { nTimes, nLat, nLon };
            NetCDFConverterUtilities.writeData(ncFileOut, varName, var, originalVarArray, destArray, findNewRange, updateFillValue, loopLengths, true);
    } catch (Exception e) {
        // something bad happened
        if (NetCDFConverterUtilities.LOGGER.isLoggable(Level.INFO))
            NetCDFConverterUtilities.LOGGER.log(Level.INFO, e.getLocalizedMessage(), e);
Also used : NetcdfFileWriteable(ucar.nc2.NetcdfFileWriteable) Variable(ucar.nc2.Variable) HashMap(java.util.HashMap) Attribute(ucar.nc2.Attribute) ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList) Dimension(ucar.nc2.Dimension) IOException( NetcdfFile(ucar.nc2.NetcdfFile) Array(ucar.ma2.Array) DataType(ucar.ma2.DataType) NetcdfFile(ucar.nc2.NetcdfFile) File(

Example 27 with Array

use of com.beanit.openiec61850.Array in project imageio-ext by geosolutions-it.

the class MercatorOceanConverter method run.

private void run(String fileNameIn, String fileNameOut) {
    try {
        final File fileIn = new File(fileNameIn);
        final NetcdfFile ncFileIn =;
        final File fileOut = new File(fileNameOut);
        // keep original name
        final File outputFile = File.createTempFile(fileIn.getName(), ".tmp");
        final NetcdfFileWriteable ncFileOut = NetcdfFileWriteable.createNew(outputFile.getAbsolutePath());
        // input dimensions
        final Dimension latOriginalDim = ncFileIn.findDimension(NetCDFUtilities.LATITUDE);
        final Dimension lonOriginalDim = ncFileIn.findDimension(NetCDFUtilities.LONGITUDE);
        // input VARIABLES
        // Variable time_0 = ncFileIn.findVariable("time");
        // Array time_0_Data =;
        // Index time_0_Index = time_0_Data.getIndex();
        final Variable lonOriginalVar = ncFileIn.findVariable(NetCDFUtilities.LONGITUDE);
        final int nLon = lonOriginalDim.getLength();
        final Variable latOriginalVar = ncFileIn.findVariable(NetCDFUtilities.LATITUDE);
        final int nLat = latOriginalDim.getLength();
        final Array latOriginalData =;
        final Index latOriginalIndex = latOriginalData.getIndex();
        final Array lonOriginalData =;
        final Index lonOriginalIndex = lonOriginalData.getIndex();
        final Variable depthOriginalVar = ncFileIn.findVariable(// Depth
        final int nLevels = depthOriginalVar.getDimension(0).getLength();
        final Array depthOriginalData =;
        // Dimension timeDim = ncFileOut.addDimension("time",
        // timeDim0.getLength());
        Dimension latDim = ncFileOut.addDimension(NetCDFUtilities.LAT, nLat);
        Dimension lonDim = ncFileOut.addDimension(NetCDFUtilities.LON, nLon);
        Dimension depthDim = ncFileOut.addDimension(NetCDFUtilities.DEPTH, nLevels);
        Dimension timeDim = ncFileOut.addDimension(NetCDFUtilities.TIME, 1);
        // writing file
        computeMatrixExtremes(latOriginalData, lonOriginalData, nLon, nLat, latOriginalIndex, lonOriginalIndex);
        NetCDFConverterUtilities.copyGlobalAttributes(ncFileOut, ncFileIn.getGlobalAttributes());
        // //
        // Time requires a special Management
        // //
        // time Variable
        Variable timeVar = ncFileOut.addVariable(NetCDFUtilities.TIME, DataType.FLOAT, new Dimension[] { timeDim });
        Attribute referenceTime = ncFileIn.findGlobalAttribute(TIME_ORIGIN);
        Attribute forecastDate = ncFileIn.findGlobalAttribute(FORECAST_DAY);
        int numDay = 0;
        if (referenceTime != null && forecastDate != null) {
            numDay = setTime(ncFileOut, referenceTime, forecastDate);
        // final float referenceTime = setTimeVariableAttributes(timeVar,
        // ncFileOut);
        // lat Variable
        ArrayFloat latDestData = new ArrayFloat(new int[] { latOriginalDim.getLength() });
        Index latDestIndex = latDestData.getIndex();
        ncFileOut.addVariable(NetCDFUtilities.LAT, DataType.FLOAT, new Dimension[] { latDim });
        // NOTE: A Strange BUG (I guess)
        // when you copy attributes from old vars to new vars, it overwrite
        // coordvars!!!
        ncFileOut.addVariableAttribute(NetCDFUtilities.LAT, "long_name", NetCDFUtilities.LATITUDE);
        ncFileOut.addVariableAttribute(NetCDFUtilities.LAT, UNITS, latOriginalVar.getUnitsString());
        // new String[] { "long_name", UNITS, "step" , "axis"});
        for (int yPos = 0; yPos < latOriginalDim.getLength(); yPos++) {
            latDestData.setFloat(latDestIndex.set(yPos), new Float(this.ymax - (new Float(yPos).floatValue() * this.periodY)).floatValue());
        // lon Variable
        ArrayFloat lonDestData = new ArrayFloat(new int[] { lonOriginalDim.getLength() });
        Index lonDestIndex = lonDestData.getIndex();
        ncFileOut.addVariable(NetCDFUtilities.LON, DataType.FLOAT, new Dimension[] { lonDim });
        ncFileOut.addVariableAttribute(NetCDFUtilities.LON, "long_name", NetCDFUtilities.LONGITUDE);
        ncFileOut.addVariableAttribute(NetCDFUtilities.LON, UNITS, lonOriginalVar.getUnitsString());
        // new String[] { "long_name", UNITS, "step", "axis"});
        for (int xPos = 0; xPos < lonOriginalDim.getLength(); xPos++) {
            lonDestData.setFloat(lonDestIndex.set(xPos), new Float(this.xmin + (new Float(xPos).floatValue() * this.periodX)).floatValue());
        // depth level Variable
        ArrayFloat depthDestData = new ArrayFloat(new int[] { depthDim.getLength() });
        Index depthDestIndex = depthDestData.getIndex();
        ncFileOut.addVariable(NetCDFUtilities.DEPTH, DataType.FLOAT, new Dimension[] { depthDim });
        ncFileOut.addVariableAttribute(NetCDFUtilities.DEPTH, "long_name", NetCDFUtilities.DEPTH);
        ncFileOut.addVariableAttribute(NetCDFUtilities.DEPTH, UNITS, depthOriginalVar.getUnitsString());
        final Attribute positiveAttrib = depthOriginalVar.findAttribute("positive");
        String positiveValue = "down";
        if (positiveAttrib != null)
            positiveValue = positiveAttrib.getStringValue();
        ncFileOut.addVariableAttribute(NetCDFUtilities.DEPTH, "positive", positiveValue);
        for (int wPos = 0; wPos < depthDim.getLength(); wPos++) {
            depthDestData.setFloat(depthDestIndex.set(wPos), depthOriginalData.getFloat(depthDestIndex));
        int numVars = 0;
        final ArrayList<String> variables = new ArrayList<String>(5);
        // {} Variables
        for (int i = 0; i < NUMVARS; i++) {
            String varName = (String) VARIABLES.get(i);
            Variable var = ncFileIn.findVariable(varName);
            if (var != null) {
                boolean hasLocalDepth = NetCDFConverterUtilities.hasThisDimension(var, "depth");
                if (hasLocalDepth)
                    ncFileOut.addVariable(varName, var.getDataType(), new Dimension[] { timeDim, depthDim, latDim, lonDim });
                    ncFileOut.addVariable(varName, var.getDataType(), new Dimension[] { timeDim, latDim, lonDim });
                NetCDFConverterUtilities.setVariableAttributes(var, ncFileOut, new String[] { "positions" });
        // writing bin data ...
        ArrayFloat timeData = new ArrayFloat(new int[] { timeDim.getLength() });
        Index timeIndex = timeData.getIndex();
        timeData.setFloat(timeIndex.set(0), numDay);
        ncFileOut.write(NetCDFUtilities.TIME, timeData);
        Variable latitudeVar = ncFileOut.findVariable(NetCDFUtilities.LAT);
        ncFileOut.write(NetCDFUtilities.LAT, latDestData);
        Variable longitudeVar = ncFileOut.findVariable(NetCDFUtilities.LON);
        ncFileOut.write(NetCDFUtilities.LON, lonDestData);
        Variable depthVar = ncFileOut.findVariable(NetCDFUtilities.DEPTH);
        ncFileOut.write(NetCDFUtilities.DEPTH, depthDestData);
        for (int i = 0; i < numVars; i++) {
            final String varName = (String) variables.get(i);
            final Variable var = ncFileIn.findVariable(varName);
            final boolean hasLocalDepth = NetCDFConverterUtilities.hasThisDimension(var, "depth");
            final Array originalData =;
            Index varIndex = originalData.getIndex();
            final DataType varDataType = var.getDataType();
            final Attribute fv = var.findAttribute("_FillValue");
            float fillValue = Float.NaN;
            if (fv != null) {
                fillValue = (fv.getNumericValue()).floatValue();
            Array destArray = null;
            int[] dimensions = null;
            if (hasLocalDepth) {
                dimensions = new int[] { timeDim.getLength(), depthDim.getLength(), nLat, nLon };
            } else {
                dimensions = new int[] { timeDim.getLength(), nLat, nLon };
            destArray = NetCDFConverterUtilities.getArray(dimensions, varDataType);
            Index destIndex = destArray.getIndex();
            ArrayFloat tempData = new ArrayFloat(new int[] { latOriginalDim.getLength(), lonOriginalDim.getLength() });
            Index tempIndex = tempData.getIndex();
            if (hasLocalDepth) {
                for (int levelPos = 0; levelPos < depthDim.getLength(); levelPos++) {
                    for (int yPos = 0; yPos < latOriginalDim.getLength(); yPos++) {
                        for (int xPos = 0; xPos < lonOriginalDim.getLength(); xPos++) {
                            tempData.setFloat(tempIndex.set(yPos, xPos), originalData.getFloat(varIndex.set(levelPos, yPos, xPos)));
                    final WritableRaster outData = Resampler(latOriginalData, lonOriginalData, lonOriginalDim.getLength(), latOriginalDim.getLength(), 2, tempData, fillValue);
                    for (int j = 0; j < latOriginalDim.getLength(); j++) {
                        for (int k = 0; k < lonOriginalDim.getLength(); k++) {
                            float sample = outData.getSampleFloat(k, j, 0);
                            destArray.setFloat(destIndex.set(0, levelPos, j, k), sample);
            } else {
                for (int yPos = 0; yPos < latOriginalDim.getLength(); yPos++) {
                    for (int xPos = 0; xPos < lonOriginalDim.getLength(); xPos++) {
                        tempData.setFloat(tempIndex.set(yPos, xPos), originalData.getFloat(varIndex.set(yPos, xPos)));
                final WritableRaster outData = Resampler(latOriginalData, lonOriginalData, lonOriginalDim.getLength(), latOriginalDim.getLength(), 2, tempData, fillValue);
                for (int j = 0; j < latOriginalDim.getLength(); j++) {
                    for (int k = 0; k < lonOriginalDim.getLength(); k++) {
                        float sample = outData.getSampleFloat(k, j, 0);
                        destArray.setFloat(destIndex.set(0, j, k), sample);
            // }
            ncFileOut.write(varName, destArray);
    } catch (Exception e) {
        // something bad happened
        if (LOGGER.isLoggable(Level.INFO))
            LOGGER.log(Level.INFO, e.getLocalizedMessage(), e);
Also used : NetcdfFileWriteable(ucar.nc2.NetcdfFileWriteable) Variable(ucar.nc2.Variable) Attribute(ucar.nc2.Attribute) ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList) Index(ucar.ma2.Index) ArrayFloat(ucar.ma2.ArrayFloat) Dimension(ucar.nc2.Dimension) ParseException(java.text.ParseException) IOException( NetcdfFile(ucar.nc2.NetcdfFile) Array(ucar.ma2.Array) ArrayFloat(ucar.ma2.ArrayFloat) WritableRaster(java.awt.image.WritableRaster) DataType(ucar.ma2.DataType) File( NetcdfFile(ucar.nc2.NetcdfFile)

Example 28 with Array

use of com.beanit.openiec61850.Array in project imageio-ext by geosolutions-it.

the class NetCDFConverterUtilities method getRangeArray.

public static Array getRangeArray(DataType varDataType) {
    int[] dim = new int[] { 2 };
    if (varDataType == DataType.FLOAT) {
        Array array = new ArrayFloat(dim);
        Index index = array.getIndex();
        array.setFloat(index.set(0), Float.MIN_VALUE);
        array.setFloat(index.set(1), Float.MAX_VALUE);
        return array;
    } else if (varDataType == DataType.DOUBLE) {
        Array array = new ArrayDouble(dim);
        Index index = array.getIndex();
        array.setDouble(index.set(0), Double.MIN_VALUE);
        array.setDouble(index.set(1), Double.MAX_VALUE);
        return array;
    } else if (varDataType == DataType.BYTE) {
        Array array = new ArrayByte(dim);
        Index index = array.getIndex();
        array.setByte(index.set(0), Byte.MIN_VALUE);
        array.setByte(index.set(1), Byte.MAX_VALUE);
        return array;
    } else if (varDataType == DataType.SHORT) {
        Array array = new ArrayShort(dim);
        Index index = array.getIndex();
        array.setShort(index.set(0), Short.MIN_VALUE);
        array.setShort(index.set(1), Short.MAX_VALUE);
        return array;
    } else if (varDataType == DataType.INT) {
        Array array = new ArrayInt(dim);
        Index index = array.getIndex();
        array.setInt(index.set(0), Integer.MIN_VALUE);
        array.setInt(index.set(1), Integer.MAX_VALUE);
        return array;
    throw new IllegalArgumentException("Actually unsupported Datatype");
Also used : Array(ucar.ma2.Array) ArrayDouble(ucar.ma2.ArrayDouble) ArrayFloat(ucar.ma2.ArrayFloat) Index(ucar.ma2.Index) ArrayByte(ucar.ma2.ArrayByte) ArrayInt(ucar.ma2.ArrayInt) ArrayShort(ucar.ma2.ArrayShort)

Example 29 with Array

use of com.beanit.openiec61850.Array in project imageio-ext by geosolutions-it.

the class NetCDFConverterUtilities method writeData.

public static void writeData(NetcdfFileWriteable ncFileOut, final String varName, Variable var, final Array originalVarData, final Array destArray, final boolean findNewRange, final boolean updateFillValue, final int[] loopLengths, final boolean flipY) throws IOException, InvalidRangeException {
    final int nestedLoops = loopLengths.length;
    final boolean setDepth = nestedLoops > 3;
    // timeDim
    final int timePositions = loopLengths[0];
    final int depthPositions;
    final int latPositions;
    final int lonPositions;
    if (setDepth) {
        depthPositions = loopLengths[1];
        latPositions = loopLengths[2];
        lonPositions = loopLengths[3];
    } else {
        depthPositions = -1;
        latPositions = loopLengths[1];
        lonPositions = loopLengths[2];
    final DataType varDataType = var.getDataType();
    Attribute fv = null;
    if (updateFillValue)
        fv = var.findAttribute(NetCDFUtilities.DatasetAttribs.MISSING_VALUE);
        fv = var.findAttribute(NetCDFUtilities.DatasetAttribs.FILL_VALUE);
    Index varIndex = originalVarData.getIndex();
    Index destIndex = destArray.getIndex();
    // //
    if (varDataType == DataType.FLOAT) {
        float min = Float.MAX_VALUE;
        float max = Float.MIN_VALUE;
        float fillValue = Float.MAX_VALUE;
        if (fv != null) {
            fillValue = (fv.getNumericValue()).floatValue();
        if (setDepth) {
            for (int tPos = 0; tPos < timePositions; tPos++) {
                for (int levelPos = 0; levelPos < depthPositions; levelPos++) {
                    for (int yPos = 0; yPos < latPositions; yPos++) {
                        for (int xPos = 0; xPos < lonPositions; xPos++) {
                            float sVal = originalVarData.getFloat(varIndex.set(tPos, levelPos, yPos, xPos));
                            if (findNewRange) {
                                if (sVal >= max && sVal != fillValue)
                                    max = sVal;
                                if (sVal <= min && sVal != fillValue)
                                    min = sVal;
                            int newYpos = yPos;
                            // Flipping y
                            if (flipY) {
                                newYpos = latPositions - yPos - 1;
                            destArray.setFloat(destIndex.set(tPos, levelPos, newYpos, xPos), sVal);
        } else {
            for (int tPos = 0; tPos < timePositions; tPos++) {
                for (int yPos = 0; yPos < latPositions; yPos++) {
                    for (int xPos = 0; xPos < lonPositions; xPos++) {
                        float sVal = originalVarData.getFloat(varIndex.set(tPos, yPos, xPos));
                        if (findNewRange) {
                            if (sVal >= max && sVal != fillValue)
                                max = sVal;
                            if (sVal <= min && sVal != fillValue)
                                min = sVal;
                        // Flipping y
                        int newYpos = yPos;
                        // Flipping y
                        if (flipY) {
                            newYpos = latPositions - yPos - 1;
                        destArray.setFloat(destIndex.set(tPos, newYpos, xPos), sVal);
        ncFileOut.write(varName, destArray);
        if (findNewRange) {
            Array range = NetCDFConverterUtilities.getRangeArray(varDataType);
            Index index = range.getIndex();
            range.setFloat(index.set(0), min);
            range.setFloat(index.set(1), max);
            ncFileOut.updateAttribute(ncFileOut.findVariable(varName), new Attribute(NetCDFUtilities.DatasetAttribs.VALID_RANGE, range));
        if (updateFillValue) {
            ncFileOut.updateAttribute(ncFileOut.findVariable(varName), new Attribute(NetCDFUtilities.DatasetAttribs.FILL_VALUE, new Float(fillValue)));
    // //
    // DOUBLE
    // //
    } else if (varDataType == DataType.DOUBLE) {
        double min = Double.MAX_VALUE;
        double max = Double.MIN_VALUE;
        double fillValue = Double.MAX_VALUE;
        if (fv != null) {
            fillValue = (fv.getNumericValue()).doubleValue();
        if (setDepth) {
            for (int tPos = 0; tPos < timePositions; tPos++) {
                for (int levelPos = 0; levelPos < depthPositions; levelPos++) {
                    for (int yPos = 0; yPos < latPositions; yPos++) {
                        for (int xPos = 0; xPos < lonPositions; xPos++) {
                            double sVal = originalVarData.getDouble(varIndex.set(tPos, levelPos, yPos, xPos));
                            if (findNewRange) {
                                if (sVal >= max && sVal != fillValue)
                                    max = sVal;
                                if (sVal <= min && sVal != fillValue)
                                    min = sVal;
                            int newYpos = yPos;
                            // Flipping y
                            if (flipY) {
                                newYpos = latPositions - yPos - 1;
                            destArray.setDouble(destIndex.set(tPos, levelPos, newYpos, xPos), sVal);
        } else {
            for (int tPos = 0; tPos < timePositions; tPos++) {
                for (int yPos = 0; yPos < latPositions; yPos++) {
                    for (int xPos = 0; xPos < lonPositions; xPos++) {
                        double sVal = originalVarData.getDouble(varIndex.set(tPos, yPos, xPos));
                        if (findNewRange) {
                            if (sVal >= max && sVal != fillValue)
                                max = sVal;
                            if (sVal <= min && sVal != fillValue)
                                min = sVal;
                        // Flipping y
                        int newYpos = yPos;
                        // Flipping y
                        if (flipY) {
                            newYpos = latPositions - yPos - 1;
                        destArray.setDouble(destIndex.set(tPos, newYpos, xPos), sVal);
        ncFileOut.write(varName, destArray);
        if (findNewRange) {
            Array range = NetCDFConverterUtilities.getRangeArray(varDataType);
            Index index = range.getIndex();
            range.setDouble(index.set(0), min);
            range.setDouble(index.set(1), max);
            ncFileOut.updateAttribute(ncFileOut.findVariable(varName), new Attribute(NetCDFUtilities.DatasetAttribs.VALID_RANGE, range));
        if (updateFillValue) {
            ncFileOut.updateAttribute(ncFileOut.findVariable(varName), new Attribute(NetCDFUtilities.DatasetAttribs.FILL_VALUE, new Double(fillValue)));
    // //
    // BYTE
    // //
    } else if (varDataType == DataType.BYTE) {
        byte min = Byte.MAX_VALUE;
        byte max = Byte.MIN_VALUE;
        byte fillValue = Byte.MAX_VALUE;
        if (fv != null) {
            fillValue = (fv.getNumericValue()).byteValue();
        if (setDepth) {
            for (int tPos = 0; tPos < timePositions; tPos++) {
                for (int levelPos = 0; levelPos < depthPositions; levelPos++) {
                    for (int yPos = 0; yPos < latPositions; yPos++) {
                        for (int xPos = 0; xPos < lonPositions; xPos++) {
                            byte sVal = originalVarData.getByte(varIndex.set(tPos, levelPos, yPos, xPos));
                            if (findNewRange) {
                                if (sVal >= max && sVal != fillValue)
                                    max = sVal;
                                if (sVal <= min && sVal != fillValue)
                                    min = sVal;
                            int newYpos = yPos;
                            // Flipping y
                            if (flipY) {
                                newYpos = latPositions - yPos - 1;
                            destArray.setByte(destIndex.set(tPos, levelPos, newYpos, xPos), sVal);
        } else {
            for (int tPos = 0; tPos < timePositions; tPos++) {
                for (int yPos = 0; yPos < latPositions; yPos++) {
                    for (int xPos = 0; xPos < lonPositions; xPos++) {
                        byte sVal = originalVarData.getByte(varIndex.set(tPos, yPos, xPos));
                        if (findNewRange) {
                            if (sVal >= max && sVal != fillValue)
                                max = sVal;
                            if (sVal <= min && sVal != fillValue)
                                min = sVal;
                        // Flipping y
                        int newYpos = yPos;
                        // Flipping y
                        if (flipY) {
                            newYpos = latPositions - yPos - 1;
                        destArray.setByte(destIndex.set(tPos, newYpos, xPos), sVal);
        ncFileOut.write(varName, destArray);
        if (findNewRange) {
            Array range = NetCDFConverterUtilities.getRangeArray(varDataType);
            Index index = range.getIndex();
            range.setByte(index.set(0), min);
            range.setByte(index.set(1), max);
            ncFileOut.updateAttribute(ncFileOut.findVariable(varName), new Attribute(NetCDFUtilities.DatasetAttribs.VALID_RANGE, range));
        if (updateFillValue) {
            ncFileOut.updateAttribute(ncFileOut.findVariable(varName), new Attribute(NetCDFUtilities.DatasetAttribs.FILL_VALUE, new Byte(fillValue)));
    // //
    // SHORT
    // //
    } else if (varDataType == DataType.SHORT) {
        short min = Short.MAX_VALUE;
        short max = Short.MIN_VALUE;
        short fillValue = Short.MAX_VALUE;
        if (fv != null) {
            fillValue = (fv.getNumericValue()).shortValue();
        if (setDepth) {
            for (int tPos = 0; tPos < timePositions; tPos++) {
                for (int levelPos = 0; levelPos < depthPositions; levelPos++) {
                    for (int yPos = 0; yPos < latPositions; yPos++) {
                        for (int xPos = 0; xPos < lonPositions; xPos++) {
                            short sVal = originalVarData.getShort(varIndex.set(tPos, levelPos, yPos, xPos));
                            if (findNewRange) {
                                if (sVal >= max && sVal != fillValue)
                                    max = sVal;
                                if (sVal <= min && sVal != fillValue)
                                    min = sVal;
                            int newYpos = yPos;
                            // Flipping y
                            if (flipY) {
                                newYpos = latPositions - yPos - 1;
                            destArray.setShort(destIndex.set(tPos, levelPos, newYpos, xPos), sVal);
        } else {
            for (int tPos = 0; tPos < timePositions; tPos++) {
                for (int yPos = 0; yPos < latPositions; yPos++) {
                    for (int xPos = 0; xPos < lonPositions; xPos++) {
                        short sVal = originalVarData.getShort(varIndex.set(tPos, yPos, xPos));
                        if (findNewRange) {
                            if (sVal >= max && sVal != fillValue)
                                max = sVal;
                            if (sVal <= min && sVal != fillValue)
                                min = sVal;
                        // Flipping y
                        int newYpos = yPos;
                        // Flipping y
                        if (flipY) {
                            newYpos = latPositions - yPos - 1;
                        destArray.setShort(destIndex.set(tPos, newYpos, xPos), sVal);
        ncFileOut.write(varName, destArray);
        if (findNewRange) {
            Array range = NetCDFConverterUtilities.getRangeArray(varDataType);
            Index index = range.getIndex();
            range.setShort(index.set(0), min);
            range.setShort(index.set(1), max);
            ncFileOut.updateAttribute(ncFileOut.findVariable(varName), new Attribute(NetCDFUtilities.DatasetAttribs.VALID_RANGE, range));
        if (updateFillValue) {
            ncFileOut.updateAttribute(ncFileOut.findVariable(varName), new Attribute(NetCDFUtilities.DatasetAttribs.FILL_VALUE, new Short(fillValue)));
    } else // //
    if (varDataType == DataType.INT) {
        int min = Integer.MAX_VALUE;
        int max = Integer.MIN_VALUE;
        int fillValue = Integer.MAX_VALUE;
        if (fv != null) {
            fillValue = (fv.getNumericValue()).intValue();
        if (setDepth) {
            for (int tPos = 0; tPos < timePositions; tPos++) {
                for (int levelPos = 0; levelPos < depthPositions; levelPos++) {
                    for (int yPos = 0; yPos < latPositions; yPos++) {
                        for (int xPos = 0; xPos < lonPositions; xPos++) {
                            int sVal = originalVarData.getInt(varIndex.set(tPos, levelPos, yPos, xPos));
                            if (findNewRange) {
                                if (sVal >= max && sVal != fillValue)
                                    max = sVal;
                                if (sVal <= min && sVal != fillValue)
                                    min = sVal;
                            int newYpos = yPos;
                            // Flipping y
                            if (flipY) {
                                newYpos = latPositions - yPos - 1;
                            destArray.setInt(destIndex.set(tPos, levelPos, newYpos, xPos), sVal);
        } else {
            for (int tPos = 0; tPos < timePositions; tPos++) {
                for (int yPos = 0; yPos < latPositions; yPos++) {
                    for (int xPos = 0; xPos < lonPositions; xPos++) {
                        int sVal = originalVarData.getInt(varIndex.set(tPos, yPos, xPos));
                        if (findNewRange) {
                            if (sVal >= max && sVal != fillValue)
                                max = sVal;
                            if (sVal <= min && sVal != fillValue)
                                min = sVal;
                        // Flipping y
                        int newYpos = yPos;
                        // Flipping y
                        if (flipY) {
                            newYpos = latPositions - yPos - 1;
                        destArray.setInt(destIndex.set(tPos, newYpos, xPos), sVal);
        ncFileOut.write(varName, destArray);
        if (findNewRange) {
            Array range = NetCDFConverterUtilities.getRangeArray(varDataType);
            Index index = range.getIndex();
            range.setInt(index.set(0), min);
            range.setInt(index.set(1), max);
            ncFileOut.updateAttribute(ncFileOut.findVariable(varName), new Attribute(NetCDFUtilities.DatasetAttribs.VALID_RANGE, range));
        if (updateFillValue) {
            ncFileOut.updateAttribute(ncFileOut.findVariable(varName), new Attribute(NetCDFUtilities.DatasetAttribs.FILL_VALUE, new Integer(fillValue)));
    } else
        throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unsupported DataType");
Also used : Attribute(ucar.nc2.Attribute) Index(ucar.ma2.Index) ArrayDouble(ucar.ma2.ArrayDouble) Array(ucar.ma2.Array) ArrayFloat(ucar.ma2.ArrayFloat) ArrayByte(ucar.ma2.ArrayByte) DataType(ucar.ma2.DataType) ArrayShort(ucar.ma2.ArrayShort)

Example 30 with Array

use of com.beanit.openiec61850.Array in project imageio-ext by geosolutions-it.

the class NetCDFImageReader method read.

 * @see javax.imageio.ImageReader#read(int, javax.imageio.ImageReadParam)
public BufferedImage read(int imageIndex, ImageReadParam param) throws IOException {
    Variable variable = null;
    Range indexRange = null;
    NetCDFVariableWrapper wrapper = null;
    Map<Range, ?> indexMap = reader.getIndexMap();
    for (Range range : indexMap.keySet()) {
        if (range.contains(imageIndex) && range.first() <= imageIndex && imageIndex < range.last()) {
            wrapper = (NetCDFVariableWrapper) indexMap.get(range);
            indexRange = range;
    variable = wrapper.getVariable();
         * Fetches the parameters that are not already processed by utility
         * methods like 'getDestination' or 'computeRegions' (invoked below).
    final int strideX, strideY;
    final int[] srcBands, dstBands;
    if (param != null) {
        strideX = param.getSourceXSubsampling();
        strideY = param.getSourceYSubsampling();
        srcBands = param.getSourceBands();
        dstBands = param.getDestinationBands();
    } else {
        strideX = 1;
        strideY = 1;
        srcBands = null;
        dstBands = null;
    final int rank = wrapper.getRank();
    final int bandDimension = rank - NetCDFUtilities.Z_DIMENSION;
         * Gets the destination image of appropriate size. We create it now
         * since it is a convenient way to get the number of destination bands.
    final int width = wrapper.getWidth();
    final int height = wrapper.getHeight();
         * Computes the source region (in the NetCDF file) and the destination
         * region (in the buffered image). Copies those informations into UCAR
         * Range structure.
    final Rectangle srcRegion = new Rectangle();
    final Rectangle destRegion = new Rectangle();
    computeRegions(param, width, height, null, srcRegion, destRegion);
    // flipVertically(param, height, srcRegion);
    int destWidth = destRegion.x + destRegion.width;
    int destHeight = destRegion.y + destRegion.height;
    final List<Range> ranges = new LinkedList<Range>();
    for (int i = 0; i < rank; i++) {
        final int first, length, stride;
        switch(rank - i) {
            case NetCDFUtilities.X_DIMENSION:
                    first = srcRegion.x;
                    length = srcRegion.width;
                    stride = strideX;
            case NetCDFUtilities.Y_DIMENSION:
                    first = srcRegion.y;
                    length = srcRegion.height;
                    stride = strideY;
                    if (i == bandDimension) {
                        first = NetCDFUtilities.getZIndex(variable, indexRange, imageIndex);
                    } else {
                        first = NetCDFUtilities.getTIndex(variable, indexRange, imageIndex);
                    length = 1;
                    stride = 1;
        try {
            ranges.add(new Range(first, first + length - 1, stride));
        } catch (InvalidRangeException e) {
            throw netcdfFailure(e);
    final Section sections = new Section(ranges);
         * Setting SampleModel and ColorModel.
    final SampleModel sampleModel = wrapper.getSampleModel().createCompatibleSampleModel(destWidth, destHeight);
    final ColorModel colorModel = ImageIOUtilities.createColorModel(sampleModel);
    final WritableRaster raster = Raster.createWritableRaster(sampleModel, new Point(0, 0));
    final BufferedImage image = new BufferedImage(colorModel, raster, colorModel.isAlphaPremultiplied(), null);
         * Reads the requested sub-region only.
    final int numDstBands = 1;
    final float toPercent = 100f / numDstBands;
    final int type = raster.getSampleModel().getDataType();
    final int xmin = destRegion.x;
    final int ymin = destRegion.y;
    final int xmax = destRegion.width + xmin;
    final int ymax = destRegion.height + ymin;
    for (int zi = 0; zi < numDstBands; zi++) {
        // final int srcBand = (srcBands == null) ? zi : srcBands[zi];
        final int dstBand = (dstBands == null) ? zi : dstBands[zi];
        final Array array;
        try {
            array =;
        } catch (InvalidRangeException e) {
            throw netcdfFailure(e);
        final IndexIterator it = array.getIndexIterator();
        // for (int y = ymax; --y >= ymin;) {
        for (int y = ymin; y < ymax; y++) {
            for (int x = xmin; x < xmax; x++) {
                switch(type) {
                    case DataBuffer.TYPE_DOUBLE:
                            raster.setSample(x, y, dstBand, it.getDoubleNext());
                    case DataBuffer.TYPE_FLOAT:
                            raster.setSample(x, y, dstBand, it.getFloatNext());
                    case DataBuffer.TYPE_BYTE:
                            byte b = it.getByteNext();
                            // int myByte = (0x000000FF & ((int) b));
                            // short anUnsignedByte = (short) myByte;
                            // raster.setSample(x, y, dstBand, anUnsignedByte);
                            raster.setSample(x, y, dstBand, b);
                            raster.setSample(x, y, dstBand, it.getIntNext());
             * Checks for abort requests after reading. It would be a waste of a
             * potentially good image (maybe the abort request occurred after we
             * just finished the reading) if we didn't implemented the
             * 'isCancel()' method. But because of the later, which is checked
             * by the NetCDF library, we can't assume that the image is
             * complete.
        if (abortRequested()) {
            return image;
             * Reports progress here, not in the deeper loop, because the costly
             * part is the call to '' which can't report
             * progress. The loop that copy pixel values is fast, so reporting
             * progress there would be pointless.
        processImageProgress(zi * toPercent);
    if (lastError != null) {
        throw new IIOException(lastError);
    return image;
Also used : Variable(ucar.nc2.Variable) InvalidRangeException(ucar.ma2.InvalidRangeException) Rectangle(java.awt.Rectangle) IIOException(javax.imageio.IIOException) Point(java.awt.Point) IndexIterator(ucar.ma2.IndexIterator) Range(ucar.ma2.Range) Section(ucar.ma2.Section) Point(java.awt.Point) LinkedList(java.util.LinkedList) BufferedImage(java.awt.image.BufferedImage) Array(ucar.ma2.Array) SampleModel(java.awt.image.SampleModel) BandedSampleModel(java.awt.image.BandedSampleModel) ColorModel(java.awt.image.ColorModel) WritableRaster(java.awt.image.WritableRaster)


Array (ucar.ma2.Array)30 IOException ( Attribute (ucar.nc2.Attribute)17 Variable (ucar.nc2.Variable)15 Index (ucar.ma2.Index)14 ArrayFloat (ucar.ma2.ArrayFloat)11 Dimension (ucar.nc2.Dimension)10 NetcdfFile (ucar.nc2.NetcdfFile)10 File ( InvalidRangeException (ucar.ma2.InvalidRangeException)9 WritableRaster (java.awt.image.WritableRaster)8 NetcdfFileWriteable (ucar.nc2.NetcdfFileWriteable)8 ArrayList (java.util.ArrayList)7 DataType (ucar.ma2.DataType)6 ArrayDouble (ucar.ma2.ArrayDouble)5 ArrayShort (ucar.ma2.ArrayShort)5 Array (com.beanit.openiec61850.Array)4 Array (org.openmuc.openiec61850.Array)4 ArrayInt (ucar.ma2.ArrayInt)4 Range (ucar.ma2.Range)4