use of ucar.ma2.Index in project sis by apache.
the class VariableWrapper method read.
* Reads a sub-sampled sub-area of the variable.
* @param areaLower index of the first value to read along each dimension.
* @param areaUpper index after the last value to read along each dimension.
* @param subsampling sub-sampling along each dimension. 1 means no sub-sampling.
* @return the data as an array of a Java primitive type.
public Vector read(final int[] areaLower, final int[] areaUpper, final int[] subsampling) throws IOException, DataStoreException {
final int[] size = new int[areaUpper.length];
for (int i = 0; i < size.length; i++) {
size[i] = areaUpper[i] - areaLower[i];
final Array array;
try {
array = Section(areaLower, size, subsampling));
} catch (InvalidRangeException e) {
throw new DataStoreContentException(e);
return Vector.create(array.get1DJavaArray(array.getElementType()), variable.isUnsigned());
use of ucar.ma2.Index in project vcell by virtualcell.
the class NetCDFWriter method writeHybridInputFile.
* Write the model to a NetCDF file which serves as an input for stoch hybrid simulator.
* To write to a NetCDF file is a bit complicated. First, we have to create a NetCDF-3
* file. And then feed in the data.
* Creation date: (5/22/2007 5:36:03 PM)
public void writeHybridInputFile(String[] parameterNames) throws Exception, cbit.vcell.parser.ExpressionException, IOException, MathException, InvalidRangeException {
Simulation simulation = simTask.getSimulation();
SimulationSymbolTable simSymbolTable = simTask.getSimulationJob().getSimulationSymbolTable();
if (initialize()) {
// we need to get model and control information first
NetcdfFileWriteable ncfile = NetcdfFileWriteable.createNew(filename, false);
// Model info. will be extracted from subDomain of mathDescription
java.util.Enumeration<SubDomain> e = simulation.getMathDescription().getSubDomains();
// remember we are dealing with compartmental model here. only 1 subdomain.
SubDomain subDomain = e.nextElement();
JumpProcess[] reactions = (JumpProcess[]) subDomain.getJumpProcesses().toArray(new JumpProcess[subDomain.getJumpProcesses().size()]);
// get species variable names
Variable[] variables = simSymbolTable.getVariables();
String[] speciesNames = new String[variables.length];
for (int i = 0; i < variables.length; i++) speciesNames[i] = variables[i].getName();
// the probabilities for reactions
Expression[] probs = new Expression[reactions.length];
for (int i = 0; i < reactions.length; i++) {
probs[i] = simSymbolTable.substituteFunctions(reactions[i].getProbabilityRate());
probs[i] = probs[i].flatten();
VarIniCondition[] varInis = (VarIniCondition[]) subDomain.getVarIniConditions().toArray(new VarIniCondition[subDomain.getVarIniConditions().size()]);
// the non-constant stoch variables
Vector<Variable> vars = new Vector<Variable>();
for (int i = 0; i < varInis.length; i++) {
if (varInis[i].getVar() instanceof StochVolVariable) {
// get reaction rate law types and rate constants
ReactionRateLaw[] reactionRateLaws = getReactionRateLaws(probs);
SolverTaskDescription solverTaskDescription = simulation.getSolverTaskDescription();
TimeBounds timeBounds = solverTaskDescription.getTimeBounds();
UniformOutputTimeSpec timeSpec = (UniformOutputTimeSpec) solverTaskDescription.getOutputTimeSpec();
UniformOutputTimeSpec outputTimeSpec = ((UniformOutputTimeSpec) solverTaskDescription.getOutputTimeSpec());
NonspatialStochSimOptions stochOpt = solverTaskDescription.getStochOpt();
// create an empty NetCDF-3 file
// define dimensions
/* these sizes must match the buffers allocated in corresponding Fortran code -- see globalvariables.f90
in numerics Hy3S/src directory */
Dimension numTrial = ncfile.addDimension("NumTrials", (int) stochOpt.getNumOfTrials());
Dimension numSpecies = ncfile.addDimension("NumSpecies", vars.size());
Dimension numReactions = ncfile.addDimension("NumReactions", subDomain.getJumpProcesses().size());
int outPoints = ((int) ((timeBounds.getEndingTime() - timeBounds.getStartingTime()) / outputTimeSpec.getOutputTimeStep())) + 1;
Dimension numTimePoints = ncfile.addDimension("NumTimePoints", outPoints);
Dimension numModels = ncfile.addDimension("NumModels", 1);
Dimension numMaxDepList = ncfile.addDimension("NumMaxDepList", 6);
Dimension numMaxStoichList = ncfile.addDimension("NumMaxStoichList", 25);
Dimension stringLen = ncfile.addDimension("StringLen", 72);
// define variables
// jms info
ArrayList<Dimension> dims = new ArrayList<Dimension>();
if (bMessaging) {
ncfile.addVariable("JMS_BROKER", DataType.CHAR, dims);
ncfile.addVariable("JMS_USER", DataType.CHAR, dims);
ncfile.addVariable("JMS_PASSWORD", DataType.CHAR, dims);
ncfile.addVariable("JMS_QUEUE", DataType.CHAR, dims);
ncfile.addVariable("JMS_TOPIC", DataType.CHAR, dims);
ncfile.addVariable("VCELL_USER", DataType.CHAR, dims);
ncfile.addVariable("SIMULATION_KEY", DataType.INT, new ArrayList<Dimension>());
ncfile.addVariable("JOB_INDEX", DataType.INT, new ArrayList<Dimension>());
// scalars
ncfile.addVariable("TStart", DataType.DOUBLE, new ArrayList<Dimension>());
ncfile.addVariable("TEnd", DataType.DOUBLE, new ArrayList<Dimension>());
ncfile.addVariable("SaveTime", DataType.DOUBLE, new ArrayList<Dimension>());
ncfile.addVariable("Volume", DataType.DOUBLE, new ArrayList<Dimension>());
ncfile.addVariable("CellGrowthTime", DataType.DOUBLE, new ArrayList<Dimension>());
ncfile.addVariable("CellGrowthTimeSD", DataType.DOUBLE, new ArrayList<Dimension>());
ncfile.addVariable("ExpType", DataType.INT, new ArrayList<Dimension>());
ncfile.addVariable("LastTrial", DataType.INT, new ArrayList<Dimension>());
ncfile.addVariable("LastModel", DataType.INT, new ArrayList<Dimension>());
ncfile.addVariable("MaxNumModels", DataType.INT, new ArrayList<Dimension>());
ncfile.addVariable("NumModels", DataType.INT, new ArrayList<Dimension>());
// variables with at least 1 dimension
ArrayList<Dimension> dimspecies = new ArrayList<Dimension>();
ArrayList<Dimension> dimreactions = new ArrayList<Dimension>();
ncfile.addVariable("SpeciesSplitOnDivision", DataType.INT, dimspecies);
ncfile.addVariable("SaveSpeciesData", DataType.INT, dimspecies);
ncfile.addVariable("Reaction_Rate_Laws", DataType.INT, dimreactions);
ncfile.addVariable("Reaction_DListLen", DataType.INT, dimreactions);
ncfile.addVariable("Reaction_StoichListLen", DataType.INT, dimreactions);
ncfile.addVariable("Reaction_OptionalData", DataType.INT, dimreactions);
ncfile.addVariable("Reaction_StoichCoeff", DataType.INT, dims);
ncfile.addVariable("Reaction_StoichSpecies", DataType.INT, dims);
ncfile.addVariable("Reaction_DepList", DataType.INT, dims);
ncfile.addVariable("Reaction_names", DataType.CHAR, dims);
ncfile.addVariable("Species_names", DataType.CHAR, dims);
ncfile.addVariable("SpeciesIC", DataType.INT, dimspecies);
ncfile.addVariable("Reaction_Rate_Constants", DataType.DOUBLE, dims);
// create the file
try {
} catch (IOException ioe) {
throw new IOException("Error creating hybrid file " + filename + ": " + ioe.getMessage());
// write data to the NetCDF file
try {
// write jms info
if (bMessaging) {
ArrayChar.D1 jmsString = new ArrayChar.D1(stringLen.getLength());
String jmshost = PropertyLoader.getRequiredProperty(PropertyLoader.jmsSimHostExternal);
// Used for new REST HTTP messaging api (USE THIS WHEN Hyrbid Solvers are compiled).
// String jmsrestport = PropertyLoader.getRequiredProperty(PropertyLoader.jmsRestPortExternal);
// String jmsurl = jmshost+":"+jmsrestport;
// connect to messaging using legacy AMQP protocol instead of new REST api. Needed for legacy pre-compiled solvers.
String jmsport = PropertyLoader.getRequiredProperty(PropertyLoader.jmsSimPortExternal);
String jmsurl = "failover:(tcp://" + jmshost + ":" + jmsport + ")";
ncfile.write("JMS_BROKER", jmsString);
ncfile.write("JMS_USER", jmsString);
String jmsPassword = PropertyLoader.getSecretValue(PropertyLoader.jmsPasswordValue, PropertyLoader.jmsPasswordFile);
ncfile.write("JMS_PASSWORD", jmsString);
ncfile.write("JMS_QUEUE", jmsString);
ncfile.write("JMS_TOPIC", jmsString);
ncfile.write("VCELL_USER", jmsString);
ArrayInt.D0 scalarJMS = new ArrayInt.D0();
scalarJMS.set(Integer.parseInt(simulation.getVersion().getVersionKey() + ""));
ncfile.write("SIMULATION_KEY", scalarJMS);
ncfile.write("JOB_INDEX", scalarJMS);
ArrayDouble.D0 scalarDouble = new ArrayDouble.D0();
// TStart, TEnd, SaveTime
if ((timeBounds.getEndingTime() > timeBounds.getStartingTime()) && (outputTimeSpec.getOutputTimeStep() > 0)) {
ncfile.write("TStart", scalarDouble);
ncfile.write("TEnd", scalarDouble);
ncfile.write("SaveTime", scalarDouble);
} else {
System.err.println("Time setting error. Ending time smaller than starting time or save interval is not a positive value.");
throw new RuntimeException("Time setting error. Ending time smaller than starting time or save interval is not a positive value.");
// Volume
// we set volume to 1. This model file cannot support multi-compartmental sizes.
// When writting the rate constants, we must take the volume into account according to the reaction type.
ncfile.write("Volume", scalarDouble);
// CellGrowthTime, CellGrowthTimeSD,
ncfile.write("CellGrowthTime", scalarDouble);
ncfile.write("CellGrowthTimeSD", scalarDouble);
// ExpType, Last Trial, Last Model, MaxNumModels, NumModels
ArrayInt.D0 scalarInt = new ArrayInt.D0();
ncfile.write("LastTrial", scalarInt);
ncfile.write("LastModel", scalarInt);
ncfile.write("ExpType", scalarInt);
ncfile.write("MaxNumModels", scalarInt);
ncfile.write("NumModels", scalarInt);
// SpeciesSplitOnDivision
ArrayInt A1 = new ArrayInt.D1(numSpecies.getLength());
Index idx = A1.getIndex();
for (int i = 0; i < numSpecies.getLength(); i++) {
A1.setInt(idx.set(i), 0);
ncfile.write("SpeciesSplitOnDivision", new int[1], A1);
// SaveSpeciesData
ArrayInt A2 = new ArrayInt.D1(numSpecies.getLength());
idx = A2.getIndex();
for (int i = 0; i < numSpecies.getLength(); i++) {
A2.setInt(idx.set(i), 1);
ncfile.write("SaveSpeciesData", new int[1], A2);
// Reaction_Rate_Laws
ArrayInt A3 = new ArrayInt.D1(numReactions.getLength());
idx = A3.getIndex();
for (int i = 0; i < numReactions.getLength(); i++) {
A3.setInt(idx.set(i), reactionRateLaws[i].getLawType());
ncfile.write("Reaction_Rate_Laws", new int[1], A3);
// Reaction_DListLen
ArrayInt A4 = new ArrayInt.D1(numReactions.getLength());
idx = A4.getIndex();
for (int i = 0; i < numReactions.getLength(); i++) {
if (reactionRateLaws[i].getLawType() == ReactionRateLaw.order_0)
A4.setInt(idx.set(i), 0);
else if ((reactionRateLaws[i].getLawType() == ReactionRateLaw.order_1) || (reactionRateLaws[i].getLawType() == ReactionRateLaw.order_2_1substrate) || (reactionRateLaws[i].getLawType() == ReactionRateLaw.order_3_1substrate))
A4.setInt(idx.set(i), 1);
else if ((reactionRateLaws[i].getLawType() == ReactionRateLaw.order_2_2substrate) || (reactionRateLaws[i].getLawType() == ReactionRateLaw.order_3_2substrate))
A4.setInt(idx.set(i), 2);
else if (reactionRateLaws[i].getLawType() == ReactionRateLaw.order_3_3substrate)
A4.setInt(idx.set(i), 3);
ncfile.write("Reaction_DListLen", new int[1], A4);
// Reaction_StoichListLen
ArrayInt A5 = new ArrayInt.D1(numReactions.getLength());
idx = A5.getIndex();
for (int i = 0; i < numReactions.getLength(); i++) {
A5.setInt(idx.set(i), reactions[i].getActions().size());
ncfile.write("Reaction_StoichListLen", new int[1], A5);
// Reaction_OptionalData
ArrayInt A6 = new ArrayInt.D1(numReactions.getLength());
idx = A6.getIndex();
for (int i = 0; i < numReactions.getLength(); i++) {
A6.setInt(idx.set(i), 0);
ncfile.write("Reaction_OptionalData", new int[1], A6);
// Reaction_StoichCoeff
ArrayInt A7 = new ArrayInt.D2(numReactions.getLength(), numMaxStoichList.getLength());
idx = A7.getIndex();
for (int i = 0; i < numReactions.getLength(); i++) {
Action[] actions = (Action[]) reactions[i].getActions().toArray(new Action[reactions[i].getActions().size()]);
for (int j = 0; j < actions.length; j++) {
try {
int coeff = (int) Math.round(actions[j].getOperand().evaluateConstant());
A7.setInt(idx.set(i, j), coeff);
} catch (ExpressionException ex) {
throw new ExpressionException(ex.getMessage());
ncfile.write("Reaction_StoichCoeff", new int[2], A7);
// Reaction_StoichSpecies
ArrayInt A8 = new ArrayInt.D2(numReactions.getLength(), numMaxStoichList.getLength());
idx = A8.getIndex();
for (int i = 0; i < numReactions.getLength(); i++) {
ArrayList<Action> actions = reactions[i].getActions();
for (int j = 0; j < actions.size(); j++) {
A8.setInt(idx.set(i, j), getVariableIndex(((Action) actions.get(j)).getVar().getName(), vars));
ncfile.write("Reaction_StoichSpecies", new int[2], A8);
// Reaction_DepList
ArrayInt A9 = new ArrayInt.D2(numReactions.getLength(), numMaxDepList.getLength());
idx = A9.getIndex();
for (int i = 0; i < numReactions.getLength(); i++) {
ReactionRateLaw rl = reactionRateLaws[i];
Hashtable<String, Integer> tem = varInProbOrderHash[i];
Enumeration<String> varnames = tem.keys();
if (rl.getLawType() == ReactionRateLaw.order_0) {
// don't do anything here.
} else if ((rl.getLawType() == ReactionRateLaw.order_1) || (rl.getLawType() == ReactionRateLaw.order_2_1substrate) || (rl.getLawType() == ReactionRateLaw.order_3_1substrate) || (rl.getLawType() == ReactionRateLaw.order_2_2substrate) || (rl.getLawType() == ReactionRateLaw.order_3_3substrate)) {
int j = 0;
while (varnames.hasMoreElements()) {
String name = varnames.nextElement();
A9.setInt(idx.set(i, j), getVariableIndex(name, vars));
} else if (rl.getLawType() == ReactionRateLaw.order_3_2substrate) {
int order = 0;
String highOrderName = "";
String lowOrderName = "";
// we must make sure to put the higher order species first.
while (varnames.hasMoreElements()) {
lowOrderName = varnames.nextElement();
if (tem.get(lowOrderName) > order) {
String s = highOrderName;
highOrderName = lowOrderName;
lowOrderName = s;
order = tem.get(highOrderName);
A9.setInt(idx.set(i, 0), getVariableIndex(highOrderName, vars));
A9.setInt(idx.set(i, 1), getVariableIndex(lowOrderName, vars));
ncfile.write("Reaction_DepList", new int[2], A9);
// Reaction_names
ArrayChar A10 = new ArrayChar.D2(numReactions.getLength(), stringLen.getLength());
for (int i = 0; i < numReactions.getLength(); i++) {
String name = reactions[i].getName();
int diff = stringLen.getLength() - name.length();
if (diff >= 0) {
for (int j = 0; j < diff; j++) {
name = name + " ";
A10.setString(i, name);
} else
throw new RuntimeException("Name of Reaction:" + name + " is too long. Please shorten to " + stringLen.getLength() + " chars.");
ncfile.write("Reaction_names", A10);
// Species_names
ArrayChar A11 = new ArrayChar.D2(numSpecies.getLength(), stringLen.getLength());
for (int i = 0; i < numSpecies.getLength(); i++) {
String name = vars.elementAt(i).getName();
int diff = stringLen.getLength() - name.length();
if (diff >= 0) {
for (int j = 0; j < diff; j++) {
name = name + " ";
A11.setString(i, name);
} else
throw new RuntimeException("Name of Species:" + name + " is too long. Please shorten to " + stringLen.getLength() + " chars.");
ncfile.write("Species_names", A11);
// Species Initial Condition (in number of molecules).
// Species iniCondition are sampled from a poisson distribution(which has a mean of the current iniExp value)
RandomDataGenerator dist = new RandomDataGenerator();
if (stochOpt.isUseCustomSeed()) {
Integer randomSeed = stochOpt.getCustomSeed();
if (randomSeed != null) {
ArrayLong A12 = new ArrayLong.D1(numSpecies.getLength());
idx = A12.getIndex();
for (int i = 0; i < numSpecies.getLength(); i++) {
try {
VarIniCondition varIniCondition = subDomain.getVarIniCondition(vars.elementAt(i));
Expression varIniExp = varIniCondition.getIniVal();
varIniExp = simSymbolTable.substituteFunctions(varIniExp).flatten();
double expectedCount = varIniExp.evaluateConstant();
long varCount = 0;
if (varIniCondition instanceof VarIniCount) {
varCount = (long) expectedCount;
} else {
if (expectedCount > 0) {
varCount = dist.nextPoisson(expectedCount);
A12.setLong(idx.set(i), varCount);
} catch (ExpressionException ex) {
throw new ExpressionException(ex.getMessage());
ncfile.write("SpeciesIC", new int[1], A12);
// Reaction_Rate_Constants(NumReactions, NumMaxDepList) ;
ArrayDouble A13 = new ArrayDouble.D2(numReactions.getLength(), numMaxDepList.getLength());
idx = A13.getIndex();
for (int i = 0; i < numReactions.getLength(); i++) {
ReactionRateLaw rl = reactionRateLaws[i];
A13.setDouble(idx.set(i, 0), rl.getRateConstant());
ncfile.write("Reaction_Rate_Constants", A13);
} catch (IOException ioe) {
throw new IOException("Error writing hybrid input file " + filename + ": " + ioe.getMessage());
} catch (InvalidRangeException ire) {
throw new InvalidRangeException("Error writing hybrid input file " + filename + ": " + ire.getMessage());
try {
} catch (IOException ioe) {
throw new IOException("Error closing file " + filename + ". " + ioe.getMessage());