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Example 1 with DHTTransportContact

use of com.biglybt.core.dht.transport.DHTTransportContact in project BiglyBT by BiglySoftware.

the class DHTDBImpl method republishCachedMappings.

protected int[] republishCachedMappings() {
    if (suspended) {
        logger.log("Cache republish skipped as suspended");
        return (new int[] { 0, 0, 0 });
    // first refresh any leaves that have not performed at least one lookup in the
    // last period
    final Map<HashWrapper, List<DHTDBValueImpl>> republish = new HashMap<>();
    List<DHTDBMapping> republish_via_survey = new ArrayList<>();
    long now = System.currentTimeMillis();
    try {
        for (Entry<HashWrapper, DHTDBMapping> entry : stored_values.entrySet()) {
            HashWrapper key = entry.getKey();
            DHTDBMapping mapping = entry.getValue();
            if (mapping.getDiversificationType() != DHT.DT_NONE) {
            Iterator<DHTDBValueImpl> it2 = mapping.getValues();
            boolean all_rf_values = it2.hasNext();
            List<DHTDBValueImpl> values = new ArrayList<>();
            while (it2.hasNext()) {
                DHTDBValueImpl value =;
                if (value.isLocal()) {
                    all_rf_values = false;
                } else {
                    if (value.getReplicationFactor() == DHT.REP_FACT_DEFAULT) {
                        all_rf_values = false;
                    if (now < value.getStoreTime()) {
                        // deal with clock changes
                    } else if (now - value.getStoreTime() <= cache_republish_interval) {
                    // System.out.println( "skipping store" );
                    } else {
            if (all_rf_values) {
                // if surveying is disabled then we swallow values here to prevent them
                // from being replicated using the existing technique and muddying the waters
                // handled by the survey process
            if (values.size() > 0) {
                republish.put(key, values);
    } finally {
    if (republish_via_survey.size() > 0) {
        // we still check for being too far away here
        List<HashWrapper> stop_caching = new ArrayList<>();
        for (DHTDBMapping mapping : republish_via_survey) {
            HashWrapper key = mapping.getKey();
            byte[] lookup_id = key.getHash();
            List<DHTTransportContact> contacts = control.getClosestKContactsList(lookup_id, false);
            // if we are no longer one of the K closest contacts then we shouldn't
            // cache the value
            boolean keep_caching = false;
            for (int j = 0; j < contacts.size(); j++) {
                if (router.isID(contacts.get(j).getID())) {
                    keep_caching = true;
            if (!keep_caching) {
                DHTLog.log("Dropping cache entry for " + DHTLog.getString(lookup_id) + " as now too far away");
        if (stop_caching.size() > 0) {
            try {
                for (int i = 0; i < stop_caching.size(); i++) {
                    DHTDBMapping mapping = stored_values.remove(stop_caching.get(i));
                    if (mapping != null) {
            } finally {
    final int[] values_published = { 0 };
    final int[] keys_published = { 0 };
    final int[] republish_ops = { 0 };
    final HashSet<DHTTransportContact> anti_spoof_done = new HashSet<>();
    if (republish.size() > 0) {
        // System.out.println( "cache replublish" );
        // The approach is to refresh all leaves in the smallest subtree, thus populating the tree with
        // sufficient information to directly know which nodes to republish the values
        // to.
        // However, I'm going to rely on the "refresh idle leaves" logic above
        // (that's required to keep the DHT alive in general) to ensure that all
        // k-buckets are reasonably up-to-date
        Iterator<Map.Entry<HashWrapper, List<DHTDBValueImpl>>> it1 = republish.entrySet().iterator();
        List<HashWrapper> stop_caching = new ArrayList<>();
        // build a map of contact -> list of keys to republish
        Map<HashWrapper, Object[]> contact_map = new HashMap<>();
        while (it1.hasNext()) {
            Map.Entry<HashWrapper, List<DHTDBValueImpl>> entry =;
            HashWrapper key = entry.getKey();
            byte[] lookup_id = key.getHash();
            // just use the closest contacts - if some have failed then they'll
            // get flushed out by this operation. Grabbing just the live ones
            // is a bad idea as failures may rack up against the live ones due
            // to network problems and kill them, leaving the dead ones!
            List<DHTTransportContact> contacts = control.getClosestKContactsList(lookup_id, false);
            // if we are no longer one of the K closest contacts then we shouldn't
            // cache the value
            boolean keep_caching = false;
            for (int j = 0; j < contacts.size(); j++) {
                if (router.isID(contacts.get(j).getID())) {
                    keep_caching = true;
            if (!keep_caching) {
                DHTLog.log("Dropping cache entry for " + DHTLog.getString(lookup_id) + " as now too far away");
            // we carry on and do one last publish
            for (int j = 0; j < contacts.size(); j++) {
                DHTTransportContact contact = contacts.get(j);
                if (router.isID(contact.getID())) {
                    // ignore ourselves
                Object[] data = contact_map.get(new HashWrapper(contact.getID()));
                if (data == null) {
                    data = new Object[] { contact, new ArrayList<HashWrapper>() };
                    contact_map.put(new HashWrapper(contact.getID()), data);
                ((List<HashWrapper>) data[1]).add(key);
        Iterator<Object[]> it2 = contact_map.values().iterator();
        final int con_tot = contact_map.size();
        int con_num = 0;
        while (it2.hasNext()) {
            final int f_con_num = con_num;
            final Object[] data =;
            final DHTTransportContact contact = (DHTTransportContact) data[0];
            // move to anti-spoof on cache forwards - gotta do a find-node first
            // to get the random id
            final AESemaphore sem = new AESemaphore("DHTDB:cacheForward");
            contact.sendFindNode(new DHTTransportReplyHandlerAdapter() {

                public void findNodeReply(DHTTransportContact _contact, DHTTransportContact[] _contacts) {
                    try {
                        // System.out.println( "cacheForward: pre-store findNode OK" );
                        List<HashWrapper> keys = (List<HashWrapper>) data[1];
                        byte[][] store_keys = new byte[keys.size()][];
                        DHTTransportValue[][] store_values = new DHTTransportValue[store_keys.length][];
                        keys_published[0] += store_keys.length;
                        for (int i = 0; i < store_keys.length; i++) {
                            HashWrapper wrapper = keys.get(i);
                            store_keys[i] = wrapper.getHash();
                            List<DHTDBValueImpl> values = republish.get(wrapper);
                            store_values[i] = new DHTTransportValue[values.size()];
                            values_published[0] += store_values[i].length;
                            for (int j = 0; j < values.size(); j++) {
                                DHTDBValueImpl value = values.get(j);
                                // we reduce the cache distance by 1 here as it is incremented by the
                                // recipients
                                store_values[i][j] = value.getValueForRelay(local_contact);
                        List<DHTTransportContact> contacts = new ArrayList<>();
                        control.putDirectEncodedKeys(store_keys, "Republish cache: " + f_con_num + " of " + con_tot, store_values, contacts);
                    } finally {

                public void failed(DHTTransportContact _contact, Throwable _error) {
                    try {
                        // System.out.println( "cacheForward: pre-store findNode Failed" );
                        DHTLog.log("cacheForward: pre-store findNode failed " + DHTLog.getString(_contact) + " -> failed: " + _error.getMessage());
                        router.contactDead(_contact.getID(), false);
                    } finally {
            }, contact.getProtocolVersion() >= DHTTransportUDP.PROTOCOL_VERSION_ANTI_SPOOF2 ? new byte[0] : new byte[20], DHT.FLAG_LOOKUP_FOR_STORE);
        try {
            for (int i = 0; i < stop_caching.size(); i++) {
                DHTDBMapping mapping = stored_values.remove(stop_caching.get(i));
                if (mapping != null) {
        } finally {
    DHTStorageBlock[] direct_key_blocks = getDirectKeyBlocks();
    if (direct_key_blocks.length > 0) {
        for (int i = 0; i < direct_key_blocks.length; i++) {
            final DHTStorageBlock key_block = direct_key_blocks[i];
            List contacts = control.getClosestKContactsList(key_block.getKey(), false);
            boolean forward_it = false;
            for (int j = 0; j < contacts.size(); j++) {
                final DHTTransportContact contact = (DHTTransportContact) contacts.get(j);
                if (router.isID(contact.getID())) {
                    forward_it = true;
            for (int j = 0; forward_it && j < contacts.size(); j++) {
                final DHTTransportContact contact = (DHTTransportContact) contacts.get(j);
                if (key_block.hasBeenSentTo(contact)) {
                if (router.isID(contact.getID())) {
                    // ignore ourselves
                if (contact.getProtocolVersion() >= DHTTransportUDP.PROTOCOL_VERSION_BLOCK_KEYS) {
                    final Runnable task = new Runnable() {

                        public void run() {
                            contact.sendKeyBlock(new DHTTransportReplyHandlerAdapter() {

                                public void keyBlockReply(DHTTransportContact _contact) {
                                    DHTLog.log("key block forward ok " + DHTLog.getString(_contact));

                                public void failed(DHTTransportContact _contact, Throwable _error) {
                                    DHTLog.log("key block forward failed " + DHTLog.getString(_contact) + " -> failed: " + _error.getMessage());
                            }, key_block.getRequest(), key_block.getCertificate());
                    if (anti_spoof_done.contains(contact)) {
                    } else {
                        contact.sendFindNode(new DHTTransportReplyHandlerAdapter() {

                            public void findNodeReply(DHTTransportContact contact, DHTTransportContact[] contacts) {

                            public void failed(DHTTransportContact _contact, Throwable _error) {
                                // System.out.println( "nodeAdded: pre-store findNode Failed" );
                                DHTLog.log("pre-kb findNode failed " + DHTLog.getString(_contact) + " -> failed: " + _error.getMessage());
                                router.contactDead(_contact.getID(), false);
                        }, contact.getProtocolVersion() >= DHTTransportUDP.PROTOCOL_VERSION_ANTI_SPOOF2 ? new byte[0] : new byte[20], DHT.FLAG_LOOKUP_FOR_STORE);
    return (new int[] { values_published[0], keys_published[0], republish_ops[0] });
Also used : Entry(java.util.Map.Entry) DHTTransportValue(com.biglybt.core.dht.transport.DHTTransportValue) DHTTransportContact(com.biglybt.core.dht.transport.DHTTransportContact) DHTTransportReplyHandlerAdapter(com.biglybt.core.dht.transport.DHTTransportReplyHandlerAdapter)

Example 2 with DHTTransportContact

use of com.biglybt.core.dht.transport.DHTTransportContact in project BiglyBT by BiglySoftware.

the class DHTDBMapping method add.

// All values have
// 1) a key
// 2) a value
// 3) an originator (the contact who originally published it)
// 4) a sender  (the contact who sent it, could be diff for caches)
// rethink time :P
// a) for a value where sender + originator are the same we store a single value
// b) where sender + originator differ we store an entry per originator/value pair as the
// send can legitimately forward multiple values but their originator should differ
// c) the code that adds values is responsible for not accepting values that are either
// to "far away" from our ID, or that are cache-forwards from a contact "too far"
// away.
// for a given key
// c) we only allow up to 8 entries per sending IP address (excluding port)
// d) if multiple entries have the same value the value is only returned once
// e) only the originator can delete an entry
// a) prevents a single sender from filling up the mapping with garbage
// b) prevents the same key->value mapping being held multiple times when sent by different caches
// c) prevents multiple senders from same IP filling up, but supports multiple machines behind NAT
// d) optimises responses.
// Note that we can't trust the originator value in cache forwards, we therefore
// need to prevent someone from overwriting a valid originator->value1 mapping
// with an invalid originator->value2 mapping - that is we can't use uniqueness of
// originator
// a value can be "volatile" - this means that the cacher can ping the originator
// periodically and delete the value if it is dead
// the aim here is to
// 1) 	reduce ability for single contacts to spam the key while supporting up to 8
// contacts on a given IP (assuming NAT is being used)
// 2)	stop one contact deleting or overwriting another contact's entry
// 3)	support garbage collection for contacts that don't delete entries on exit
// TODO: we should enforce a max-values-per-sender restriction to stop a sender from spamming
// lots of keys - however, for a small DHT we need to be careful
protected void add(DHTDBValueImpl new_value) {
    // don't replace a closer cache value with a further away one. in particular
    // we have to avoid the case where the original publisher of a key happens to
    // be close to it and be asked by another node to cache it!
    DHTTransportContact originator = new_value.getOriginator();
    DHTTransportContact sender = new_value.getSender();
    HashWrapper originator_id = new HashWrapper(originator.getID());
    boolean direct = Arrays.equals(originator.getID(), sender.getID());
    if (direct) {
        // direct contact from the originator is straight forward
        addDirectValue(originator_id, new_value);
        // remove any indirect values we might already have for this
        Iterator<Map.Entry<HashWrapper, DHTDBValueImpl>> it = indirect_originator_value_map.entrySet().iterator();
        List<HashWrapper> to_remove = new ArrayList<>();
        while (it.hasNext()) {
            Map.Entry<HashWrapper, DHTDBValueImpl> entry =;
            HashWrapper existing_key = entry.getKey();
            DHTDBValueImpl existing_value = entry.getValue();
            if (Arrays.equals(existing_value.getOriginator().getID(), originator.getID())) {
        for (int i = 0; i < to_remove.size(); i++) {
            removeIndirectValue((HashWrapper) to_remove.get(i));
    } else {
        if (direct_originator_map_may_be_null != null && direct_originator_map_may_be_null.get(originator_id) != null) {
        // rule (b) - one entry per originator/value pair
        HashWrapper originator_value_id = getOriginatorValueID(new_value);
        DHTDBValueImpl existing_value = indirect_originator_value_map.get(originator_value_id);
        if (existing_value != null) {
            addIndirectValue(originator_value_id, new_value);
        // System.out.println( "    replacing existing" );
        } else {
            if (diversification_state == DHT.DT_NONE) {
                addIndirectValue(originator_value_id, new_value);
Also used : DHTTransportContact(com.biglybt.core.dht.transport.DHTTransportContact) HashWrapper(com.biglybt.core.util.HashWrapper)

Example 3 with DHTTransportContact

use of com.biglybt.core.dht.transport.DHTTransportContact in project BiglyBT by BiglySoftware.

the class DHTLog method getString.

public static String getString(Set s) {
    if (logging_on) {
        StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(128);
        Iterator it = s.iterator();
        while (it.hasNext()) {
            if (sb.length() > 1) {
        return (sb.toString());
    } else {
        return ("");
Also used : DHTTransportContact(com.biglybt.core.dht.transport.DHTTransportContact) Iterator(java.util.Iterator)

Example 4 with DHTTransportContact

use of com.biglybt.core.dht.transport.DHTTransportContact in project BiglyBT by BiglySoftware.

the class DHTSpeedTesterImpl method findContacts.

protected void findContacts() {
    DHTTransportContact[] reachables = dht.getTransport().getReachableContacts();
    for (int i = 0; i < reachables.length; i++) {
        DHTTransportContact contact = reachables[i];
        byte[] address = contact.getAddress().getAddress().getAddress();
        if (tried_bloom == null || tried_bloom.getEntryCount() > 500) {
            tried_bloom = BloomFilterFactory.createAddOnly(4096);
        if (!tried_bloom.contains(address)) {
            synchronized (pending_contacts) {
                potentialPing ping = new potentialPing(contact, DHTNetworkPositionManager.estimateRTT(contact.getNetworkPositions(), dht.getTransport().getLocalContact().getNetworkPositions()));
                pending_contacts.add(0, ping);
                if (pending_contacts.size() > 60) {
Also used : DHTTransportContact(com.biglybt.core.dht.transport.DHTTransportContact)

Example 5 with DHTTransportContact

use of com.biglybt.core.dht.transport.DHTTransportContact in project BiglyBT by BiglySoftware.

the class DHTPlugin method initialize.

public void initialize(PluginInterface _plugin_interface) {
    plugin_interface = _plugin_interface;
    dht_data_port = UDPNetworkManager.getSingleton().getUDPNonDataListeningPortNumber();
    log = plugin_interface.getLogger().getTimeStampedChannel(PLUGIN_NAME);
    UIManager ui_manager = plugin_interface.getUIManager();
    final BasicPluginViewModel model = ui_manager.createBasicPluginViewModel(PLUGIN_RESOURCE_ID);
    BasicPluginConfigModel config = ui_manager.createBasicPluginConfigModel(ConfigSection.SECTION_PLUGINS, PLUGIN_CONFIGSECTION_ID);
    final BooleanParameter enabled_param = config.addBooleanParameter2("dht.enabled", "dht.enabled", true);
    plugin_interface.getPluginconfig().addListener(new PluginConfigListener() {

        public void configSaved() {
            int new_dht_data_port = UDPNetworkManager.getSingleton().getUDPNonDataListeningPortNumber();
            if (new_dht_data_port != dht_data_port) {
    LabelParameter reseed_label = config.addLabelParameter2("dht.reseed.label");
    final StringParameter reseed_ip = config.addStringParameter2("dht.reseed.ip", "dht.reseed.ip", "");
    final IntParameter reseed_port = config.addIntParameter2("dht.reseed.port", "dht.reseed.port", 0);
    reseed = config.addActionParameter2("", "dht.reseed");
    config.createGroup("", new Parameter[] { reseed_label, reseed_ip, reseed_port, reseed });
    final BooleanParameter ipfilter_logging_param = config.addBooleanParameter2("dht.ipfilter.log", "dht.ipfilter.log", true);
    ipfilter_logging[0] = ipfilter_logging_param.getValue();
    ipfilter_logging_param.addListener(new ParameterListener() {

        public void parameterChanged(Parameter p) {
            ipfilter_logging[0] = ipfilter_logging_param.getValue();
    warn_user = config.addBooleanParameter2("dht.warn.user", "dht.warn.user", true);
    prefer_i2p = config.addBooleanParameter2("dht.prefer.i2p", "dht.prefer.i2p", false);
    BooleanParameter sleeping = config.addBooleanParameter2("", "", false);
    AERunStateHandler.addListener(new AERunStateHandler.RunStateChangeListener() {

        public void runStateChanged(long run_state) {
    }, true);
    sleeping.addListener(new ParameterListener() {

        public void parameterChanged(Parameter param) {
    final BooleanParameter advanced = config.addBooleanParameter2("dht.advanced", "dht.advanced", false);
    LabelParameter advanced_label = config.addLabelParameter2("dht.advanced.label");
    final StringParameter override_ip = config.addStringParameter2("dht.override.ip", "dht.override.ip", "");
    config.createGroup("", new Parameter[] { advanced_label, override_ip });
    final StringParameter command = config.addStringParameter2("dht.execute.command", "dht.execute.command", "print");
    ActionParameter execute = config.addActionParameter2("", "dht.execute");
    final BooleanParameter logging = config.addBooleanParameter2("dht.logging", "dht.logging", false);
    config.createGroup("", new Parameter[] { command, execute, logging });
    logging.addListener(new ParameterListener() {

        public void parameterChanged(Parameter param) {
            if (dhts != null) {
                for (int i = 0; i < dhts.length; i++) {
    final DHTPluginOperationListener log_polistener = new DHTPluginOperationListener() {

        public boolean diversified() {
            return (true);

        public void starts(byte[] key) {

        public void valueRead(DHTPluginContact originator, DHTPluginValue value) {
            log.log("valueRead: " + new String(value.getValue()) + " from " + originator.getName() + "/" + originator.getAddress() + ", flags=" + Integer.toHexString(value.getFlags() & 0x00ff));
            if ((value.getFlags() & DHTPlugin.FLAG_STATS) != 0) {
                DHTPluginKeyStats stats = decodeStats(value);
                log.log("    stats: size=" + (stats == null ? "null" : stats.getSize()));

        public void valueWritten(DHTPluginContact target, DHTPluginValue value) {
            log.log("valueWritten:" + new String(value.getValue()) + " to " + target.getName() + "/" + target.getAddress());

        public void complete(byte[] key, boolean timeout_occurred) {
            log.log("complete: timeout = " + timeout_occurred);
    execute.addListener(new ParameterListener() {

        public void parameterChanged(Parameter param) {
            AEThread2 t = new AEThread2("DHT:commandrunner", true) {

                public void run() {
                    try {
                        if (dhts == null) {
                        String c = command.getValue().trim();
                        String lc = c.toLowerCase();
                        if (lc.equals("suspend")) {
                            if (!setSuspended(true)) {
                                Debug.out("Suspend failed");
                        } else if (lc.equals("resume")) {
                            if (!setSuspended(false)) {
                                Debug.out("Resume failed");
                        } else if (lc.equals("bridge_put")) {
                            try {
                                List<DistributedDatabase> ddbs = plugin_interface.getUtilities().getDistributedDatabases(new String[] { AENetworkClassifier.AT_I2P });
                                DistributedDatabase ddb = ddbs.get(0);
                                DistributedDatabaseKey key = ddb.createKey("fred");
                                ddb.write(new DistributedDatabaseListener() {

                                    public void event(DistributedDatabaseEvent event) {
                                    // TODO Auto-generated method stub
                                }, key, ddb.createValue("bill"));
                            } catch (Throwable e) {
                        for (int i = 0; i < dhts.length; i++) {
                            DHT dht = dhts[i].getDHT();
                            DHTTransportUDP transport = (DHTTransportUDP) dht.getTransport();
                            if (lc.equals("print")) {
                            } else if (lc.equals("pingall")) {
                                if (i == 1) {
                            } else if (lc.equals("versions")) {
                                List<DHTRouterContact> contacts = dht.getRouter().getAllContacts();
                                Map<Byte, Integer> counts = new TreeMap<>();
                                for (DHTRouterContact r : contacts) {
                                    DHTControlContact contact = (DHTControlContact) r.getAttachment();
                                    byte v = contact.getTransportContact().getProtocolVersion();
                                    Integer count = counts.get(v);
                                    if (count == null) {
                                        counts.put(v, 1);
                                    } else {
                                        counts.put(v, count + 1);
                                log.log("Net " + dht.getTransport().getNetwork());
                                int total = contacts.size();
                                if (total == 0) {
                                    log.log("   no contacts");
                                } else {
                                    String ver = "";
                                    for (Map.Entry<Byte, Integer> entry : counts.entrySet()) {
                                        ver += (ver.length() == 0 ? "" : ", ") + entry.getKey() + "=" + 100 * entry.getValue() / total + "%";
                                    log.log("    contacts=" + total + ": " + ver);
                            } else if (lc.equals("testca")) {
                                ((DHTTransportUDPImpl) transport).testExternalAddressChange();
                            } else if (lc.equals("testnd")) {
                                ((DHTTransportUDPImpl) transport).testNetworkAlive(false);
                            } else if (lc.equals("testna")) {
                                ((DHTTransportUDPImpl) transport).testNetworkAlive(true);
                            } else {
                                int pos = c.indexOf(' ');
                                if (pos != -1) {
                                    String lhs = lc.substring(0, pos);
                                    String rhs = c.substring(pos + 1);
                                    if (lhs.equals("set")) {
                                        pos = rhs.indexOf('=');
                                        if (pos != -1) {
                                            DHTPlugin.this.put(rhs.substring(0, pos).getBytes(), "DHT Plugin: set", rhs.substring(pos + 1).getBytes(), (byte) 0, log_polistener);
                                    } else if (lhs.equals("get")) {
                                        DHTPlugin.this.get(rhs.getBytes("UTF-8"), "DHT Plugin: get", (byte) 0, 1, 10000, true, false, log_polistener);
                                    } else if (lhs.equals("query")) {
                                        DHTPlugin.this.get(rhs.getBytes("UTF-8"), "DHT Plugin: get", DHTPlugin.FLAG_STATS, 1, 10000, true, false, log_polistener);
                                    } else if (lhs.equals("punch")) {
                                        Map originator_data = new HashMap();
                                        originator_data.put("hello", "mum");
                                        DHTNATPuncher puncher = dht.getNATPuncher();
                                        if (puncher != null) {
                                            puncher.punch("Test", transport.getLocalContact(), null, originator_data);
                                    } else if (lhs.equals("stats")) {
                                        try {
                                            pos = rhs.lastIndexOf(":");
                                            DHTTransportContact contact;
                                            if (pos == -1) {
                                                contact = transport.getLocalContact();
                                            } else {
                                                String host = rhs.substring(0, pos);
                                                int port = Integer.parseInt(rhs.substring(pos + 1));
                                                contact = transport.importContact(new InetSocketAddress(host, port), transport.getProtocolVersion(), false);
                                            log.log("Stats request to " + contact.getName());
                                            DHTTransportFullStats stats = contact.getStats();
                                            log.log("Stats:" + (stats == null ? "<null>" : stats.getString()));
                                            DHTControlActivity[] activities = dht.getControl().getActivities();
                                            for (int j = 0; j < activities.length; j++) {
                                                log.log("    act:" + activities[j].getString());
                                        } catch (Throwable e) {
                    } catch (Throwable e) {
    reseed.addListener(new ParameterListener() {

        public void parameterChanged(Parameter param) {
            AEThread2 t = new AEThread2("DHT:reseeder", true) {

                public void run() {
                    try {
                        String ip = reseed_ip.getValue().trim();
                        if (dhts == null) {
                        int port = reseed_port.getValue();
                        for (int i = 0; i < dhts.length; i++) {
                            DHTPluginImpl dht = dhts[i];
                            if (ip.length() == 0 || port == 0) {
                            } else {
                                DHTTransportContact seed = dht.importSeed(ip, port);
                                if (seed != null) {
                                    dht.integrateDHT(false, seed);
                    } finally {
    log.addListener(new LoggerChannelListener() {

        public void messageLogged(int type, String message) {
            model.getLogArea().appendText(message + "\n");

        public void messageLogged(String str, Throwable error) {
            model.getLogArea().appendText(error.toString() + "\n");
    dht_log = new DHTLogger() {

        public void log(String str) {

        public void log(Throwable e) {

        public void log(int log_type, String str) {
            if (isEnabled(log_type)) {

        public boolean isEnabled(int log_type) {
            if (log_type == DHTLogger.LT_IP_FILTER) {
                return ipfilter_logging[0];
            return (true);

        public PluginInterface getPluginInterface() {
            return (log.getLogger().getPluginInterface());
    if (!enabled_param.getValue()) {
        status = STATUS_DISABLED;
    plugin_interface.addListener(new PluginListener() {

        public void initializationComplete() {
            PluginInterface pi_upnp = plugin_interface.getPluginManager().getPluginInterfaceByClass(UPnPPlugin.class);
            if (pi_upnp == null) {
                log.log("UPnP plugin not found, can't map port");
            } else {
                upnp_mapping = ((UPnPPlugin) pi_upnp.getPlugin()).addMapping(plugin_interface.getPluginName(), false, dht_data_port, true);
            String ip = null;
            if (advanced.getValue()) {
                ip = override_ip.getValue().trim();
                if (ip.length() == 0) {
                    ip = null;
            initComplete(model.getStatus(), logging.getValue(), ip);

        public void closedownInitiated() {
            if (dhts != null) {
                for (int i = 0; i < dhts.length; i++) {

        public void closedownComplete() {
    final int sample_frequency = 60 * 1000;
    // every 15 mins
    final int sample_stats_ticks = 15;
    plugin_interface.getUtilities().createTimer("DHTStats", true).addPeriodicEvent(sample_frequency, new UTTimerEventPerformer() {

        public void perform(UTTimerEvent event) {
            if (dhts != null) {
                for (int i = 0; i < dhts.length; i++) {
Also used : DHTTransportUDP(com.biglybt.core.dht.transport.udp.DHTTransportUDP) LoggerChannelListener(com.biglybt.pif.logging.LoggerChannelListener) InetSocketAddress( UIManager(com.biglybt.pif.ui.UIManager) DHTLogger(com.biglybt.core.dht.DHTLogger) DistributedDatabaseListener(com.biglybt.pif.ddb.DistributedDatabaseListener) DHTRouterContact(com.biglybt.core.dht.router.DHTRouterContact) DHTTransportFullStats(com.biglybt.core.dht.transport.DHTTransportFullStats) DHTTransportUDPImpl(com.biglybt.core.dht.transport.udp.impl.DHTTransportUDPImpl) DHTNATPuncher(com.biglybt.core.dht.nat.DHTNATPuncher) DistributedDatabaseEvent(com.biglybt.pif.ddb.DistributedDatabaseEvent) UTTimerEvent(com.biglybt.pif.utils.UTTimerEvent) DHTTransportContact(com.biglybt.core.dht.transport.DHTTransportContact) UPnPPlugin(com.biglybt.plugin.upnp.UPnPPlugin) DHTControlContact(com.biglybt.core.dht.control.DHTControlContact) DistributedDatabase(com.biglybt.pif.ddb.DistributedDatabase) BasicPluginViewModel(com.biglybt.pif.ui.model.BasicPluginViewModel) DHT(com.biglybt.core.dht.DHT) DHTControlActivity(com.biglybt.core.dht.control.DHTControlActivity) DHTPluginImpl(com.biglybt.plugin.dht.impl.DHTPluginImpl) DistributedDatabaseKey(com.biglybt.pif.ddb.DistributedDatabaseKey) BasicPluginConfigModel(com.biglybt.pif.ui.model.BasicPluginConfigModel) UTTimerEventPerformer(com.biglybt.pif.utils.UTTimerEventPerformer)


DHTTransportContact (com.biglybt.core.dht.transport.DHTTransportContact)16 InetSocketAddress ( DHT (com.biglybt.core.dht.DHT)4 DHTNATPuncher (com.biglybt.core.dht.nat.DHTNATPuncher)4 DHTTransportReplyHandlerAdapter (com.biglybt.core.dht.transport.DHTTransportReplyHandlerAdapter)3 DHTTransportValue (com.biglybt.core.dht.transport.DHTTransportValue)2 HashWrapper (com.biglybt.core.util.HashWrapper)2 BloomFilter (com.biglybt.core.util.bloom.BloomFilter)2 PluginInterface (com.biglybt.pif.PluginInterface)2 DHTPlugin (com.biglybt.plugin.dht.DHTPlugin)2 Map (java.util.Map)2 DHTLogger (com.biglybt.core.dht.DHTLogger)1 DHTControlActivity (com.biglybt.core.dht.control.DHTControlActivity)1 DHTControlContact (com.biglybt.core.dht.control.DHTControlContact)1 DHTNATPuncherListener (com.biglybt.core.dht.nat.DHTNATPuncherListener)1 DHTRouterContact (com.biglybt.core.dht.router.DHTRouterContact)1 DHTTransportFullStats (com.biglybt.core.dht.transport.DHTTransportFullStats)1 DHTTransportUDP (com.biglybt.core.dht.transport.udp.DHTTransportUDP)1 DHTTransportUDPImpl (com.biglybt.core.dht.transport.udp.impl.DHTTransportUDPImpl)1 NATTraversalHandler (com.biglybt.core.nat.NATTraversalHandler)1