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Example 1 with UIFunctionsUserPrompter

use of com.biglybt.ui.UIFunctionsUserPrompter in project BiglyBT by BiglySoftware.

the class TagUIUtils method checkTagSharing.

public static void checkTagSharing(boolean start_of_day) {
    UIFunctions uiFunctions = UIFunctionsManager.getUIFunctions();
    if (uiFunctions != null) {
        TagManager tm = TagManagerFactory.getTagManager();
        if (start_of_day) {
            if (COConfigurationManager.getBooleanParameter("tag.sharing.default.checked", false)) {
            COConfigurationManager.setParameter("tag.sharing.default.checked", true);
            List<TagType> tag_types = tm.getTagTypes();
            boolean prompt_required = false;
            for (TagType tag_type : tag_types) {
                List<Tag> tags = tag_type.getTags();
                for (Tag tag : tags) {
                    if (tag.isPublic()) {
                        prompt_required = true;
            if (!prompt_required) {
        String title = MessageText.getString("tag.sharing.enable.title");
        String text = MessageText.getString("tag.sharing.enable.text");
        UIFunctionsUserPrompter prompter = uiFunctions.getUserPrompter(title, text, new String[] { MessageText.getString("Button.yes"), MessageText.getString("") }, 0);
        prompter.setRemember("tag.share.default", true, MessageText.getString("MessageBoxWindow.nomoreprompting"));
        boolean share = prompter.waitUntilClosed() == 0;
Also used : UIFunctions(com.biglybt.ui.UIFunctions) UIFunctionsUserPrompter(com.biglybt.ui.UIFunctionsUserPrompter)

Example 2 with UIFunctionsUserPrompter

use of com.biglybt.ui.UIFunctionsUserPrompter in project BiglyBT by BiglySoftware.

the class PluginUtils method installJavaScriptPlugin.

public static void installJavaScriptPlugin() {
    synchronized (PluginUtils.class) {
        if (js_plugin_installing) {
        js_plugin_installing = true;
    boolean installing = false;
    try {
        UIFunctions uif = UIFunctionsManager.getUIFunctions();
        if (uif == null) {
        if (!Constants.isJava8OrHigher) {
            String title = MessageText.getString("");
            String text = MessageText.getString("");
            UIFunctionsUserPrompter prompter = uif.getUserPrompter(title, text, new String[] { MessageText.getString("Button.ok") }, 0);
        String title = MessageText.getString("azjscripter.install");
        String text = MessageText.getString("azjscripter.install.text");
        UIFunctionsUserPrompter prompter = uif.getUserPrompter(title, text, new String[] { MessageText.getString("Button.yes"), MessageText.getString("") }, 0);
        String remember_id = "";
        if (remember_id != null) {
            prompter.setRemember(remember_id, false, MessageText.getString("MessageBoxWindow.nomoreprompting"));
        boolean install = prompter.waitUntilClosed() == 0;
        if (install) {
            uif.installPlugin("azjscripter", "azjscripter.install", new UIFunctions.actionListener() {

                public void actionComplete(Object result) {
                    try {
                    } finally {
                        synchronized (PluginUtils.class) {
                            js_plugin_installing = false;
            installing = true;
        } else {
    } finally {
        if (!installing) {
            synchronized (PluginUtils.class) {
                js_plugin_installing = false;
Also used : UIFunctions(com.biglybt.ui.UIFunctions) UIFunctionsUserPrompter(com.biglybt.ui.UIFunctionsUserPrompter)

Example 3 with UIFunctionsUserPrompter

use of com.biglybt.ui.UIFunctionsUserPrompter in project BiglyBT by BiglySoftware.

the class Utils method installTorBrowser.

private static boolean installTorBrowser(String remember_id, final boolean[] install_outcome, final Runnable callback) {
    synchronized (pending_ext_urls) {
        if (tb_installing) {
            Debug.out("Tor Browser already installing");
            return (false);
        tb_installing = true;
    boolean installing = false;
    try {
        UIFunctions uif = UIFunctionsManager.getUIFunctions();
        if (uif == null) {
            Debug.out("UIFunctions unavailable - can't install plugin");
            return (false);
        String title = MessageText.getString("aznettorbrowser.install");
        String text = MessageText.getString("aznettorbrowser.install.text");
        UIFunctionsUserPrompter prompter = uif.getUserPrompter(title, text, new String[] { MessageText.getString("Button.yes"), MessageText.getString("") }, 0);
        if (remember_id != null) {
            prompter.setRemember(remember_id, false, MessageText.getString("MessageBoxWindow.nomoreprompting"));
        boolean install = prompter.waitUntilClosed() == 0;
        if (install) {
            uif.installPlugin("aznettorbrowser", "aznettorbrowser.install", new UIFunctions.actionListener() {

                public void actionComplete(Object result) {
                    try {
                        if (callback != null) {
                            if (result instanceof Boolean) {
                                install_outcome[0] = (Boolean) result;
                    } finally {
                        synchronized (pending_ext_urls) {
                            tb_installing = false;
            installing = true;
        } else {
            Debug.out("Tor Browser install declined (either user reply or auto-remembered)");
        return (install);
    } finally {
        if (!installing) {
            synchronized (pending_ext_urls) {
                tb_installing = false;
Also used : UIFunctions(com.biglybt.ui.UIFunctions) UIFunctionsUserPrompter(com.biglybt.ui.UIFunctionsUserPrompter)

Example 4 with UIFunctionsUserPrompter

use of com.biglybt.ui.UIFunctionsUserPrompter in project BiglyBT by BiglySoftware.

the class BaseMdiEntry method importStandAlone.

public static SWTSkinObjectContainer importStandAlone(SWTSkinObjectContainer soParent, Map<String, Object> map, Runnable callback) {
    String mdi_type = (String) map.get("mdi");
    String skin_ref = (String) map.get("skin_ref");
    String skin_id = (String) map.get("skin_id");
    SWTSkin skin = SWTSkinFactory.lookupSkin(skin_id);
    String parent_id = (String) map.get("parent_id");
    String id = (String) map.get("id");
    Object data_source = map.get("data_source");
    if (data_source != null) {
        if (data_source instanceof Map) {
            Map<String, Object> ds_map = (Map<String, Object>) data_source;
            if (ds_map != null) {
                ds_map = new HashMap<String, Object>(ds_map);
                ds_map.put("callback", callback);
            data_source = ds_map == null ? null : DataSourceResolver.importDataSource(ds_map);
        } else if (data_source instanceof List) {
            List l = (List) data_source;
            String type = (String) l.get(0);
            Long value = (Long) l.get(1);
            if (type.equals("i")) {
                data_source = value.intValue();
    int control_type = ((Number) map.get("control_type")).intValue();
    Map<String, Object> el_map = (Map<String, Object>) map.get("event_listener");
    UISWTViewEventListener event_listener = null;
    if (el_map != null) {
        try {
            String class_name = (String) el_map.get("name");
            if (class_name != null) {
                Class<? extends UISWTViewCoreEventListenerEx> cla = (Class<? extends UISWTViewCoreEventListenerEx>) Class.forName(class_name);
                List p_types = (List) el_map.get("p_types");
                List p_vals = (List) el_map.get("p_vals");
                if (p_types != null && !p_types.isEmpty()) {
                    List<Class> types = new ArrayList<>();
                    List<Object> args = new ArrayList<>();
                    for (int i = 0; i < p_types.size(); i++) {
                        String type = (String) p_types.get(i);
                        Object val = p_vals.get(i);
                        if (type.equals("bool")) {
                            args.add(((Long) val) != 0);
                        } else if (type.equals("long")) {
                            args.add((Long) val);
                        } else if (type.equals("string")) {
                            args.add((String) val);
                        } else {
                            Debug.out("Unsupported type: " + type);
                    event_listener = cla.getConstructor(types.toArray(new Class<?>[types.size()])).newInstance(args.toArray(new Object[args.size()]));
                } else {
                    event_listener = cla.newInstance();
            } else {
                String plugin_id = (String) el_map.get("plugin_id");
                PluginInterface pi = CoreFactory.getSingleton().getPluginManager().getPluginInterfaceByID(plugin_id);
                if (pi != null) {
                    String ipc_method = (String) el_map.get("ipc_method");
                    List p_types = (List) el_map.get("p_types");
                    List p_vals = (List) el_map.get("p_vals");
                    List<Object> args = new ArrayList<>();
                    if (p_types != null && !p_types.isEmpty()) {
                        List<Class> types = new ArrayList<>();
                        for (int i = 0; i < p_types.size(); i++) {
                            String type = (String) p_types.get(i);
                            Object val = p_vals.get(i);
                            if (type.equals("bool")) {
                                args.add(((Long) val) != 0);
                            } else if (type.equals("long")) {
                                args.add((Long) val);
                            } else if (type.equals("string")) {
                                args.add((String) val);
                            } else {
                                Debug.out("Unsupported type: " + type);
                    event_listener = (UISWTViewEventListener) pi.getIPC().invoke(ipc_method, args.toArray(new Object[args.size()]));
                } else {
                    boolean try_install = false;
                    synchronized (installing_pids) {
                        if (!installing_pids.contains(plugin_id)) {
                            try_install = true;
                    if (try_install) {
                        boolean went_async = false;
                        try {
                            UIFunctions uif = UIFunctionsManager.getUIFunctions();
                            String plugin_name = (String) el_map.get("plugin_name");
                            String remember_id = "basemdi.import.view.install." + plugin_id;
                            String title = MessageText.getString("plugin.required");
                            String text = MessageText.getString("", new String[] { plugin_name });
                            UIFunctionsUserPrompter prompter = uif.getUserPrompter(title, text, new String[] { MessageText.getString("Button.yes"), MessageText.getString("") }, 0);
                            if (remember_id != null) {
                                prompter.setRemember(remember_id, false, MessageText.getString("MessageBoxWindow.nomoreprompting"));
                            boolean install = prompter.waitUntilClosed() == 0;
                            if (install) {
                                went_async = true;
                                uif.installPlugin(plugin_id, "plugin.generic.install", new UIFunctions.actionListener() {

                                    public void actionComplete(Object result) {
                                        try {
                                            if (callback != null) {
                                                if (result instanceof Boolean) {
                                                    if ((Boolean) result) {
                                        } finally {
                                            synchronized (installing_pids) {
                        } finally {
                            if (!went_async) {
                                synchronized (installing_pids) {
        } catch (Throwable e) {
    if (mdi_type.equals("sidebar")) {
        return (SideBarEntrySWT.buildStandAlone(soParent, skin_ref, skin, parent_id, id, data_source, control_type, null, event_listener, true));
    } else {
        return (TabbedEntry.buildStandAlone(soParent, skin_ref, skin, parent_id, id, data_source, control_type, null, event_listener, true));
Also used : UIFunctionsUserPrompter(com.biglybt.ui.UIFunctionsUserPrompter) UIFunctions(com.biglybt.ui.UIFunctions) List(java.util.List) PluginInterface(com.biglybt.pif.PluginInterface) UISWTViewEventListener(com.biglybt.ui.swt.pif.UISWTViewEventListener) SWTSkin( SWTSkinObject( PluginUISWTSkinObject(com.biglybt.ui.swt.pif.PluginUISWTSkinObject)

Example 5 with UIFunctionsUserPrompter

use of com.biglybt.ui.UIFunctionsUserPrompter in project BiglyBT by BiglySoftware.

the class AEPluginProxyHandler method installTor.

private static boolean installTor(String extra_text, String remember_id, final boolean[] install_outcome, final Runnable callback) {
    String decline_key = remember_id;
    if (decline_key == null) {
        decline_key = extra_text;
    if (decline_key == null) {
        decline_key = "generic";
    synchronized (tor_install_lock) {
        Long decline = declines.get(decline_key);
        if (decline != null && SystemTime.getMonotonousTime() - decline < 60 * 1000) {
            return (false);
        if (tor_installing) {
            Debug.out("Tor Helper already installing");
            return (false);
        tor_installing = true;
    boolean installing = false;
    boolean declined = false;
    try {
        UIFunctions uif = UIFunctionsManager.getUIFunctions();
        if (uif == null) {
            Debug.out("UIFunctions unavailable - can't install plugin");
            return (false);
        String title = MessageText.getString("aznettor.install");
        String text = "";
        if (extra_text != null) {
            text = extra_text + "\n\n";
        text += MessageText.getString("aznettor.install.text");
        UIFunctionsUserPrompter prompter = uif.getUserPrompter(title, text, new String[] { MessageText.getString("Button.yes"), MessageText.getString("") }, 0);
        if (remember_id != null) {
            prompter.setRemember(remember_id, false, MessageText.getString("MessageBoxWindow.nomoreprompting"));
        boolean install = prompter.waitUntilClosed() == 0;
        if (install) {
            installing = true;
            uif.installPlugin("aznettor", "aznettor.install", new UIFunctions.actionListener() {

                public void actionComplete(Object result) {
                    try {
                        if (callback != null) {
                            if (result instanceof Boolean) {
                                install_outcome[0] = (Boolean) result;
                    } finally {
                        synchronized (tor_install_lock) {
                            tor_installing = false;
        } else {
            declined = true;
            Debug.out("Tor Helper install declined (either user reply or auto-remembered)");
        return (install);
    } finally {
        synchronized (tor_install_lock) {
            if (!installing) {
                tor_installing = false;
            if (declined) {
                declines.put(decline_key, SystemTime.getMonotonousTime());
Also used : UIFunctions(com.biglybt.ui.UIFunctions) UIFunctionsUserPrompter(com.biglybt.ui.UIFunctionsUserPrompter)


UIFunctions (com.biglybt.ui.UIFunctions)6 UIFunctionsUserPrompter (com.biglybt.ui.UIFunctionsUserPrompter)6 PluginInterface (com.biglybt.pif.PluginInterface)1 PluginUISWTSkinObject (com.biglybt.ui.swt.pif.PluginUISWTSkinObject)1 UISWTViewEventListener (com.biglybt.ui.swt.pif.UISWTViewEventListener)1 SWTSkin ( SWTSkinObject ( List (java.util.List)1