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Example 1 with ModelAndView

use of com.blade.mvc.view.ModelAndView in project blade by biezhi.

the class MethodArgument method getArgs.

public static Object[] getArgs(Request request, Response response, Method actionMethod) throws Exception {
    Class<?>[] parameters = actionMethod.getParameterTypes();
    Annotation[][] annotations = actionMethod.getParameterAnnotations();
    Object[] args = new Object[parameters.length];
    String[] paramaterNames = AsmKit.getMethodParamNames(actionMethod);
    for (int i = 0, len = parameters.length; i < len; i++) {
        Class<?> argType = parameters[i];
        if (argType == Request.class) {
            args[i] = request;
        if (argType == Response.class) {
            args[i] = response;
        if (argType == Session.class) {
            args[i] = request.session();
        if (argType == ModelAndView.class) {
            args[i] = new ModelAndView();
        if (argType == Map.class) {
            args[i] = request.querys();
        Annotation annotation = annotations[i][0];
        if (null != annotation) {
            // query param
            if (annotation.annotationType() == QueryParam.class) {
                QueryParam queryParam = (QueryParam) annotation;
                String paramName = queryParam.value();
                String val = request.query(paramName);
                boolean required = queryParam.required();
                if (StringKit.isBlank(paramName)) {
                    assert paramaterNames != null;
                    paramName = paramaterNames[i];
                    val = request.query(paramName);
                if (StringKit.isBlank(val)) {
                    val = queryParam.defaultValue();
                if (required && StringKit.isBlank(val)) {
                    throw new RouteException("query param [" + paramName + "] not is empty.");
                args[i] = getRequestParam(argType, val);
            // path param
            if (annotation.annotationType() == PathParam.class) {
                PathParam pathParam = (PathParam) annotation;
                String paramName = pathParam.value();
                String val = request.pathParam(paramName);
                if (StringKit.isBlank(paramName)) {
                    assert paramaterNames != null;
                    paramName = paramaterNames[i];
                    val = request.pathParam(paramName);
                if (StringKit.isBlank(val)) {
                    val = pathParam.defaultValue();
                args[i] = getRequestParam(argType, val);
            // header param
            if (annotation.annotationType() == HeaderParam.class) {
                HeaderParam headerParam = (HeaderParam) annotation;
                String paramName = headerParam.value();
                String val = request.header(paramName);
                boolean required = headerParam.required();
                if (StringKit.isBlank(paramName)) {
                    assert paramaterNames != null;
                    paramName = paramaterNames[i];
                    val = request.header(paramName);
                if (StringKit.isBlank(val)) {
                    val = headerParam.defaultValue();
                if (required && StringKit.isBlank(val)) {
                    throw new RouteException("header param [" + paramName + "] not is empty.");
                args[i] = getRequestParam(argType, val);
            // cookie param
            if (annotation.annotationType() == CookieParam.class) {
                CookieParam cookieParam = (CookieParam) annotation;
                String paramName = cookieParam.value();
                String val = request.cookie(paramName);
                boolean required = cookieParam.required();
                if (StringKit.isBlank(paramName)) {
                    assert paramaterNames != null;
                    paramName = paramaterNames[i];
                    val = request.cookie(paramName);
                if (StringKit.isBlank(val)) {
                    val = cookieParam.defaultValue();
                if (required && StringKit.isBlank(val)) {
                    throw new RouteException("cookie param [" + paramName + "] not is empty.");
                args[i] = getRequestParam(argType, val);
            // form multipart
            if (annotation.annotationType() == MultipartParam.class && argType == FileItem.class) {
                MultipartParam multipartParam = (MultipartParam) annotation;
                String paramName = multipartParam.value();
                FileItem val = request.fileItem(paramName);
                if (StringKit.isBlank(paramName)) {
                    assert paramaterNames != null;
                    paramName = paramaterNames[i];
                    val = request.fileItem(paramName);
                args[i] = val;
    return args;
Also used : RouteException(com.blade.exception.RouteException) ModelAndView(com.blade.mvc.view.ModelAndView) Annotation(java.lang.annotation.Annotation) FileItem(com.blade.mvc.multipart.FileItem)

Example 2 with ModelAndView

use of com.blade.mvc.view.ModelAndView in project blade by biezhi.

the class DispatcherHandler method render404.

     * 404 view render
     * @param response response object
     * @param uri      404 uri
     * @throws IOException
     * @throws TemplateException
private void render404(Response response, String uri) throws Exception {
    String view404 = ViewSettings.$().getView404();
    if (StringKit.isNotBlank(view404)) {
        ModelAndView modelAndView = new ModelAndView(view404);
        modelAndView.add("viewName", uri);
    } else {
        response.html(String.format(Const.VIEW_404, uri));
Also used : ModelAndView(com.blade.mvc.view.ModelAndView)

Example 3 with ModelAndView

use of com.blade.mvc.view.ModelAndView in project blade by biezhi.

the class DispatcherHandler method render405.

private void render405(Response response, String uri) throws Exception {
    String view404 = ViewSettings.$().getView404();
    if (StringKit.isNotBlank(view404)) {
        ModelAndView modelAndView = new ModelAndView(view404);
        modelAndView.add("viewName", uri);
    } else {
        response.html(String.format(Const.VIEW_405, uri));
Also used : ModelAndView(com.blade.mvc.view.ModelAndView)

Example 4 with ModelAndView

use of com.blade.mvc.view.ModelAndView in project blade by biezhi.

the class ServletResponse method render.

public Response render(String view) {
    String viewPath = Path.cleanPath(view);
    ModelAndView modelAndView = new ModelAndView(viewPath);
    try {
        templateEngine.render(modelAndView, response.getWriter());
    } catch (Exception e) {
        LOGGER.error("", e);
    return this;
Also used : ModelAndView(com.blade.mvc.view.ModelAndView) IOException( UnsupportedEncodingException(

Example 5 with ModelAndView

use of com.blade.mvc.view.ModelAndView in project blade by biezhi.

the class MethodArgumentN method getArgs.

public static Object[] getArgs(Request request, Response response, Method actionMethod) throws Exception {
    int parameterCount = 0;
    for (final Parameter parameter : actionMethod.getParameters()) {
        System.out.println("\targ" + parameterCount++ + ": " + (parameter.isNamePresent() ? parameter.getName() : "Parameter Name not provided,") + (isParameterFinal(parameter) ? " IS " : " is NOT ") + "final, type " + parameter.getType().getCanonicalName() + ", and parameterized type of " + parameter.getParameterizedType() + " and " + (parameter.isVarArgs() ? "IS " : "is NOT ") + "variable.");
    Parameter[] parameters = actionMethod.getParameters();
    Object[] args = new Object[parameters.length];
    for (int i = 0, len = parameters.length; i < len; i++) {
        Parameter parameter = parameters[i];
        Class<?> argType = parameter.getType();
        if (argType == Request.class) {
            args[i] = request;
        if (argType == Response.class) {
            args[i] = response;
        if (argType == ModelAndView.class) {
            args[i] = new ModelAndView();
        if (argType == Map.class) {
            args[i] = request.querys();
        QueryParam queryParam = parameter.getAnnotation(QueryParam.class);
        if (null != queryParam) {
            String paramName = queryParam.value();
            String val = request.query(paramName);
            if (StringKit.isBlank(paramName)) {
                paramName = parameter.getName();
                val = request.query(paramName);
            if (StringKit.isBlank(val)) {
                val = queryParam.defaultValue();
            args[i] = MethodArgument.getRequestParam(argType, val);
        PathParam pathParam = parameter.getAnnotation(PathParam.class);
        if (null != pathParam) {
            String paramName = pathParam.value();
            String val = request.pathParam(paramName);
            if (StringKit.isBlank(paramName)) {
                paramName = parameter.getName();
                val = request.pathParam(paramName);
            if (StringKit.isBlank(val)) {
                throw new NotFoundException("path param [" + paramName + "] is null");
            args[i] = MethodArgument.getRequestParam(argType, val);
        HeaderParam headerParam = parameter.getAnnotation(HeaderParam.class);
        if (null != headerParam) {
            String paramName = headerParam.value();
            String val = request.header(paramName);
            if (StringKit.isBlank(paramName)) {
                paramName = parameter.getName();
                val = request.header(paramName);
            args[i] = MethodArgument.getRequestParam(argType, val);
        CookieParam cookieParam = parameter.getAnnotation(CookieParam.class);
        if (null != cookieParam) {
            String paramName = cookieParam.value();
            String val = request.cookie(paramName);
            if (StringKit.isBlank(paramName)) {
                paramName = parameter.getName();
                val = request.cookie(paramName);
            args[i] = MethodArgument.getRequestParam(argType, val);
        MultipartParam multipartParam = parameter.getAnnotation(MultipartParam.class);
        if (null != multipartParam && argType == FileItem.class) {
            String paramName = multipartParam.value();
            FileItem val = request.fileItem(paramName);
            if (StringKit.isBlank(paramName)) {
                paramName = parameter.getName();
                val = request.fileItem(paramName);
            args[i] = val;
    return args;
Also used : ModelAndView(com.blade.mvc.view.ModelAndView) NotFoundException(com.blade.exception.NotFoundException) FileItem(com.blade.mvc.multipart.FileItem) Parameter(java.lang.reflect.Parameter)


ModelAndView (com.blade.mvc.view.ModelAndView)6 FileItem (com.blade.mvc.multipart.FileItem)2 BladeException (com.blade.exception.BladeException)1 NotFoundException (com.blade.exception.NotFoundException)1 RouteException (com.blade.exception.RouteException)1 JSON (com.blade.mvc.annotation.JSON)1 RestController (com.blade.mvc.annotation.RestController)1 IOException ( UnsupportedEncodingException ( Annotation (java.lang.annotation.Annotation)1 InvocationTargetException (java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException)1 Method (java.lang.reflect.Method)1 Parameter (java.lang.reflect.Parameter)1