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Example 1 with SequenceState

use of in project graphhopper by graphhopper.

the class MapMatching method computeViterbiSequence.

 * Computes the most likely state sequence for the observations.
private List<SequenceState<State, Observation, Path>> computeViterbiSequence(List<ObservationWithCandidateStates> timeSteps) {
    final HmmProbabilities probabilities = new HmmProbabilities(measurementErrorSigma, transitionProbabilityBeta);
    final ViterbiAlgorithm<State, Observation, Path> viterbi = new ViterbiAlgorithm<>();
    int timeStepCounter = 0;
    ObservationWithCandidateStates prevTimeStep = null;
    for (ObservationWithCandidateStates timeStep : timeSteps) {
        final Map<State, Double> emissionLogProbabilities = new HashMap<>();
        Map<Transition<State>, Double> transitionLogProbabilities = new HashMap<>();
        Map<Transition<State>, Path> roadPaths = new HashMap<>();
        for (State candidate : timeStep.candidates) {
            // distance from observation to road in meters
            final double distance = candidate.getSnap().getQueryDistance();
            emissionLogProbabilities.put(candidate, probabilities.emissionLogProbability(distance));
        if (prevTimeStep == null) {
            viterbi.startWithInitialObservation(timeStep.observation, timeStep.candidates, emissionLogProbabilities);
        } else {
            final double linearDistance = distanceCalc.calcDist(prevTimeStep.observation.getPoint().lat, prevTimeStep.observation.getPoint().lon, timeStep.observation.getPoint().lat, timeStep.observation.getPoint().lon);
            for (State from : prevTimeStep.candidates) {
                for (State to : timeStep.candidates) {
                    final Path path = createRouter().calcPath(from.getSnap().getClosestNode(), to.getSnap().getClosestNode(), from.isOnDirectedEdge() ? from.getOutgoingVirtualEdge().getEdge() : EdgeIterator.ANY_EDGE, to.isOnDirectedEdge() ? to.getIncomingVirtualEdge().getEdge() : EdgeIterator.ANY_EDGE);
                    if (path.isFound()) {
                        double transitionLogProbability = probabilities.transitionLogProbability(path.getDistance(), linearDistance);
                        Transition<State> transition = new Transition<>(from, to);
                        roadPaths.put(transition, path);
                        transitionLogProbabilities.put(transition, transitionLogProbability);
            viterbi.nextStep(timeStep.observation, timeStep.candidates, emissionLogProbabilities, transitionLogProbabilities, roadPaths);
        if (viterbi.isBroken()) {
            fail(timeStepCounter, prevTimeStep, timeStep);
        prevTimeStep = timeStep;
    return viterbi.computeMostLikelySequence();
Also used : Path(com.graphhopper.routing.Path) ViterbiAlgorithm( VirtualEdgeIteratorState(com.graphhopper.routing.querygraph.VirtualEdgeIteratorState) SequenceState( Transition(

Example 2 with SequenceState

use of in project graphhopper by graphhopper.

the class MapMatching method prepareEdgeMatches.

private List<EdgeMatch> prepareEdgeMatches(List<SequenceState<State, Observation, Path>> seq) {
    // This creates a list of directed edges (EdgeIteratorState instances turned the right way),
    // each associated with 0 or more of the observations.
    // These directed edges are edges of the real street graph, where nodes are intersections.
    // So in _this_ representation, the path that you get when you just look at the edges goes from
    // an intersection to an intersection.
    // Implementation note: We have to look at both states _and_ transitions, since we can have e.g. just one state,
    // or two states with a transition that is an empty path (observations snapped to the same node in the query graph),
    // but these states still happen on an edge, and for this representation, we want to have that edge.
    // (Whereas in the ResponsePath representation, we would just see an empty path.)
    // Note that the result can be empty, even when the input is not. Observations can be on nodes as well as on
    // edges, and when all observations are on the same node, we get no edge at all.
    // But apart from that corner case, all observations that go in here are also in the result.
    // (Consider totally forbidding candidate states to be snapped to a point, and make them all be on directed
    // edges, then that corner case goes away.)
    List<EdgeMatch> edgeMatches = new ArrayList<>();
    List<State> states = new ArrayList<>();
    EdgeIteratorState currentDirectedRealEdge = null;
    for (SequenceState<State, Observation, Path> transitionAndState : seq) {
        // transition (except before the first state)
        if (transitionAndState.transitionDescriptor != null) {
            for (EdgeIteratorState edge : transitionAndState.transitionDescriptor.calcEdges()) {
                EdgeIteratorState newDirectedRealEdge = resolveToRealEdge(edge);
                if (currentDirectedRealEdge != null) {
                    if (!equalEdges(currentDirectedRealEdge, newDirectedRealEdge)) {
                        EdgeMatch edgeMatch = new EdgeMatch(currentDirectedRealEdge, states);
                        states = new ArrayList<>();
                currentDirectedRealEdge = newDirectedRealEdge;
        // state
        if (transitionAndState.state.isOnDirectedEdge()) {
            // as opposed to on a node
            EdgeIteratorState newDirectedRealEdge = resolveToRealEdge(transitionAndState.state.getOutgoingVirtualEdge());
            if (currentDirectedRealEdge != null) {
                if (!equalEdges(currentDirectedRealEdge, newDirectedRealEdge)) {
                    EdgeMatch edgeMatch = new EdgeMatch(currentDirectedRealEdge, states);
                    states = new ArrayList<>();
            currentDirectedRealEdge = newDirectedRealEdge;
    if (currentDirectedRealEdge != null) {
        EdgeMatch edgeMatch = new EdgeMatch(currentDirectedRealEdge, states);
    return edgeMatches;
Also used : Path(com.graphhopper.routing.Path) VirtualEdgeIteratorState(com.graphhopper.routing.querygraph.VirtualEdgeIteratorState) SequenceState( VirtualEdgeIteratorState(com.graphhopper.routing.querygraph.VirtualEdgeIteratorState)


SequenceState ( Path (com.graphhopper.routing.Path)2 VirtualEdgeIteratorState (com.graphhopper.routing.querygraph.VirtualEdgeIteratorState)2 Transition ( ViterbiAlgorithm (