use of com.boredream.bdcodehelper.lean.entity.BaseResponse in project bdcodehelper by boredream.
the class LcErrorConstants method parseHttpErrorInfo.
* 解析服务器错误信息
public static String parseHttpErrorInfo(Throwable throwable) {
String errorInfo = throwable.getMessage();
if (throwable instanceof HttpException) {
// 如果是Retrofit的Http错误,则转换类型,获取信息
HttpException exception = (HttpException) throwable;
ResponseBody responseBody = exception.response().errorBody();
MediaType type = responseBody.contentType();
// 如果是application/json类型数据,则解析返回内容
if (type != null && type.type().equals("application") && type.subtype().equals("json")) {
try {
// 这里的返回内容是Bmob/AVOS/Parse等RestFul API文档中的错误代码和错误信息对象
BaseResponse errorResponse = new Gson().fromJson(responseBody.string(), BaseResponse.class);
errorInfo = getLocalErrorInfo(errorResponse);
} catch (Exception e) {
} else if (throwable instanceof LcErrorResponse) {
LcErrorResponse lce = (LcErrorResponse) throwable;
errorInfo = getLocalErrorInfo(lce.getError());
} else {
if (throwable instanceof UnknownHostException) {
errorInfo = "无法连接到服务器";
return errorInfo;