use of com.carrotsearch.hppc.IntContainer in project graphhopper by graphhopper.
the class PrepareContractionHierarchies method contractNodesUsingHeuristicNodeOrdering.
private void contractNodesUsingHeuristicNodeOrdering() {
StopWatch sw = new StopWatch().start();"Building initial queue of nodes to be contracted: {} nodes, {}", nodes, getMemInfo());
// note that we update the priorities before preparing the node contractor. this does not make much sense,
// but has always been like that and changing it would possibly require retuning the contraction parameters
updatePrioritiesOfRemainingNodes();"Finished building queue, took: {}s, {}", sw.stop().getSeconds(), getMemInfo());
final int initSize = sortedNodes.size();
int level = 0;
checkCounter = 0;
final long logSize = params.getLogMessagesPercentage() == 0 ? Long.MAX_VALUE : Math.round(Math.max(10, initSize * (params.getLogMessagesPercentage() / 100d)));
// specifies after how many contracted nodes the queue of remaining nodes is rebuilt. this takes time but the
// more often we do this the more up-to-date the node priorities will be
// todo: instead of using a fixed interval size maybe try adjusting it depending on the number of remaining
// nodes ?
final long periodicUpdatesCount = params.getPeriodicUpdatesPercentage() == 0 ? Long.MAX_VALUE : Math.round(Math.max(10, initSize * (params.getPeriodicUpdatesPercentage() / 100d)));
int updateCounter = 0;
// enable lazy updates for last x percentage of nodes. lazy updates make preparation slower but potentially
// keep node priorities more up to date, possibly resulting in a better preparation.
final long lastNodesLazyUpdates = Math.round(initSize * (params.getLastNodesLazyUpdatePercentage() / 100d));
// according to paper "Polynomial-time Construction of Contraction Hierarchies for Multi-criteria Objectives" by Funke and Storandt
// we don't need to wait for all nodes to be contracted
final long nodesToAvoidContract = Math.round(initSize * ((100 - params.getNodesContractedPercentage()) / 100d));
// Recompute priority of (the given percentage of) uncontracted neighbors. Doing neighbor updates takes additional
// time during preparation but keeps node priorities more up to date. this potentially improves query time and
// reduces number of shortcuts.
final boolean neighborUpdate = (params.getNeighborUpdatePercentage() != 0);
while (!sortedNodes.isEmpty()) {
// periodically update priorities of ALL nodes
if (checkCounter > 0 && checkCounter % periodicUpdatesCount == 0) {
if (sortedNodes.isEmpty())
throw new IllegalStateException("Cannot prepare as no unprepared nodes where found. Called preparation twice?");
if (checkCounter % logSize == 0) {
int polledNode = sortedNodes.poll();
if (!sortedNodes.isEmpty() && sortedNodes.size() < lastNodesLazyUpdates) {
float priority = calculatePriority(polledNode);
if (priority > sortedNodes.peekValue()) {
// current node got more important => insert as new value and contract it later
sortedNodes.push(polledNode, priority);
// contract node v!
IntContainer neighbors = contractNode(polledNode, level);
if (sortedNodes.size() < nodesToAvoidContract)
// skipped nodes are already set to maxLevel
int neighborCount = 0;
// there might be multiple edges going to the same neighbor nodes -> only calculate priority once per node
for (IntCursor neighbor : neighbors) {
if (neighborUpdate && (params.getMaxNeighborUpdates() < 0 || neighborCount < params.getMaxNeighborUpdates()) && rand.nextInt(100) < params.getNeighborUpdatePercentage()) {
float priority = calculatePriority(neighbor.value);
sortedNodes.update(neighbor.value, priority);
logHeuristicStats(updateCounter);"new shortcuts: " + nf(nodeContractor.getAddedShortcutsCount()) + ", initSize:" + nf(initSize) + ", " + chConfig.getWeighting() + ", periodic:" + params.getPeriodicUpdatesPercentage() + ", lazy:" + params.getLastNodesLazyUpdatePercentage() + ", neighbor:" + params.getNeighborUpdatePercentage() + ", " + getTimesAsString() + ", lazy-overhead: " + (int) (100 * ((checkCounter / (double) initSize) - 1)) + "%" + ", " + Helper.getMemInfo());
// Preparation works only once so we can release temporary data.
// The preparation object itself has to be intact to create the algorithm.
use of com.carrotsearch.hppc.IntContainer in project crate by crate.
the class NodeFetchResponseTest method setUpStreamBucketsAndStreamer.
public void setUpStreamBucketsAndStreamer() throws Exception {
streamers = new IntObjectHashMap<>(1);
streamers.put(1, new Streamer[] { DataTypes.BOOLEAN.streamer() });
IntObjectHashMap<IntContainer> toFetch = new IntObjectHashMap<>();
IntHashSet docIds = new IntHashSet(3);
toFetch.put(1, docIds);
StreamBucket.Builder builder = new StreamBucket.Builder(streamers.get(1), RamAccounting.NO_ACCOUNTING);
builder.add(new RowN(new Object[] { true }));
fetched = new IntObjectHashMap<>(1);