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Example 1 with StopWatch

use of com.graphhopper.util.StopWatch in project graphhopper by graphhopper.

the class ViaRoutingTemplate method calcPaths.

public List<Path> calcPaths(QueryGraph queryGraph, RoutingAlgorithmFactory algoFactory, AlgorithmOptions algoOpts) {
    long visitedNodesSum = 0L;
    boolean viaTurnPenalty = ghRequest.getHints().getBool(Routing.PASS_THROUGH, false);
    int pointCounts = ghRequest.getPoints().size();
    pathList = new ArrayList<>(pointCounts - 1);
    QueryResult fromQResult = queryResults.get(0);
    StopWatch sw;
    for (int placeIndex = 1; placeIndex < pointCounts; placeIndex++) {
        if (placeIndex == 1) {
            // enforce start direction
            queryGraph.enforceHeading(fromQResult.getClosestNode(), ghRequest.getFavoredHeading(0), false);
        } else if (viaTurnPenalty) {
            // enforce straight start after via stop
            Path prevRoute = pathList.get(placeIndex - 2);
            if (prevRoute.getEdgeCount() > 0) {
                EdgeIteratorState incomingVirtualEdge = prevRoute.getFinalEdge();
                queryGraph.unfavorVirtualEdgePair(fromQResult.getClosestNode(), incomingVirtualEdge.getEdge());
        QueryResult toQResult = queryResults.get(placeIndex);
        // enforce end direction
        queryGraph.enforceHeading(toQResult.getClosestNode(), ghRequest.getFavoredHeading(placeIndex), true);
        sw = new StopWatch().start();
        RoutingAlgorithm algo = algoFactory.createAlgo(queryGraph, algoOpts);
        String debug = ", algoInit:" + sw.stop().getSeconds() + "s";
        sw = new StopWatch().start();
        List<Path> tmpPathList = algo.calcPaths(fromQResult.getClosestNode(), toQResult.getClosestNode());
        debug += ", " + algo.getName() + "-routing:" + sw.stop().getSeconds() + "s";
        if (tmpPathList.isEmpty())
            throw new IllegalStateException("At least one path has to be returned for " + fromQResult + " -> " + toQResult);
        for (Path path : tmpPathList) {
            if (path.getTime() < 0)
                throw new RuntimeException("Time was negative. Please report as bug and include:" + ghRequest);
            debug += ", " + path.getDebugInfo();
        // reset all direction enforcements in queryGraph to avoid influencing next path
        if (algo.getVisitedNodes() >= algoOpts.getMaxVisitedNodes())
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("No path found due to maximum nodes exceeded " + algoOpts.getMaxVisitedNodes());
        visitedNodesSum += algo.getVisitedNodes();
        fromQResult = toQResult;
    ghResponse.getHints().put("visited_nodes.sum", visitedNodesSum);
    ghResponse.getHints().put("visited_nodes.average", (float) visitedNodesSum / (pointCounts - 1));
    return pathList;
Also used : GHPoint(com.graphhopper.util.shapes.GHPoint) StopWatch(com.graphhopper.util.StopWatch) QueryResult( EdgeIteratorState(com.graphhopper.util.EdgeIteratorState)

Example 2 with StopWatch

use of com.graphhopper.util.StopWatch in project graphhopper by graphhopper.

the class PrepareLandmarks method doWork.

public void doWork() {
    StopWatch sw = new StopWatch().start();"Start calculating " + lms.getLandmarkCount() + " landmarks, default active lms:" + defaultActiveLandmarks + ", weighting:" + lms.getLmSelectionWeighting() + ", " + Helper.getMemInfo());
    lms.flush();"Calculating landmarks for " + (lms.getSubnetworksWithLandmarks() - 1) + " subnetworks took:" + sw.stop().getSeconds() + " => " + lms.getLandmarksAsGeoJSON() + ", stored weights:" + lms.getLandmarkCount() + ", nodes:" + graph.getNodes() + ", " + Helper.getMemInfo());
Also used : StopWatch(com.graphhopper.util.StopWatch)

Example 3 with StopWatch

use of com.graphhopper.util.StopWatch in project graphhopper by graphhopper.

the class Location2IDQuadtree method prepareIndex.

     * Fill quadtree which will span a raster over the entire specified graph g. But do this in a
     * pre-defined resolution which is controlled via capacity. This data structure then uses approx.
     * capacity * 4 bytes. So maximum capacity is 2^30 where the quadtree would cover the world
     * boundaries every 1.3km - IMO enough for EU or US networks.
public LocationIndex prepareIndex() {
    initAlgo(latSize, lonSize);
    StopWatch sw = new StopWatch().start();
    GHBitSet filledIndices = fillQuadtree(latSize * lonSize);
    int fillQT = filledIndices.getCardinality();
    float res1 = sw.stop().getSeconds();
    sw = new StopWatch().start();
    int counter = fillEmptyIndices(filledIndices);
    float fillEmpty = sw.stop().getSeconds();"filled quadtree index array in " + res1 + "s. size is " + getCapacity() + " (" + fillQT + "). filled empty " + counter + " in " + fillEmpty + "s");
    return this;
Also used : GHBitSet(com.graphhopper.coll.GHBitSet) GHPoint(com.graphhopper.util.shapes.GHPoint) StopWatch(com.graphhopper.util.StopWatch)

Example 4 with StopWatch

use of com.graphhopper.util.StopWatch in project graphhopper by graphhopper.

the class ChangeGraphServlet method doPost.

protected void doPost(HttpServletRequest httpReq, HttpServletResponse httpRes) throws ServletException, IOException {
    String infoStr = httpReq.getRemoteAddr() + " " + httpReq.getPathInfo() + " " + httpReq.getQueryString();
    float took = -1;
    StopWatch sw = new StopWatch().start();
    try {
        JsonFeatureCollection collection = gson.fromJson(new InputStreamReader(httpReq.getInputStream(), Helper.UTF_CS), JsonFeatureCollection.class);
        // TODO make asynchronous!
        ChangeGraphResponse rsp = hopper.changeGraph(collection.getFeatures());
        JSONObject resObject = new JSONObject();
        resObject.put("updates", rsp.getUpdateCount());
        // prepare the consumer to get some changes not immediately when returning after POST
        resObject.put("scheduled_updates", 0);
        httpRes.setHeader("X-GH-Took", "" + Math.round(took * 1000));
        writeJson(httpReq, httpRes, resObject);
        took = sw.stop().getSeconds(); + " " + took);
    } catch (IllegalArgumentException ex) {
        took = sw.stop().getSeconds();
        logger.warn(infoStr + " " + took + ", " + ex.getMessage());
        writeError(httpRes, 400, "Wrong arguments for endpoint /change, " + infoStr);
    } catch (Exception ex) {
        took = sw.stop().getSeconds();
        logger.error(infoStr + " " + took, ex);
        writeError(httpRes, 500, "Error at endpoint /change, " + infoStr);
Also used : InputStreamReader( JSONObject(org.json.JSONObject) JsonFeatureCollection(com.graphhopper.json.geo.JsonFeatureCollection) ChangeGraphResponse( ServletException(javax.servlet.ServletException) IOException( StopWatch(com.graphhopper.util.StopWatch)

Example 5 with StopWatch

use of com.graphhopper.util.StopWatch in project graphhopper by graphhopper.

the class GraphHopperServlet method doGet.

public void doGet(HttpServletRequest httpReq, HttpServletResponse httpRes) throws ServletException, IOException {
    List<GHPoint> requestPoints = getPoints(httpReq, "point");
    GHResponse ghRsp = new GHResponse();
    double minPathPrecision = getDoubleParam(httpReq, WAY_POINT_MAX_DISTANCE, 1d);
    boolean writeGPX = "gpx".equalsIgnoreCase(getParam(httpReq, "type", "json"));
    boolean enableInstructions = writeGPX || getBooleanParam(httpReq, INSTRUCTIONS, true);
    boolean calcPoints = getBooleanParam(httpReq, CALC_POINTS, true);
    boolean enableElevation = getBooleanParam(httpReq, "elevation", false);
    boolean pointsEncoded = getBooleanParam(httpReq, "points_encoded", true);
    String vehicleStr = getParam(httpReq, "vehicle", "car");
    String weighting = getParam(httpReq, "weighting", "fastest");
    String algoStr = getParam(httpReq, "algorithm", "");
    String localeStr = getParam(httpReq, "locale", "en");
    StopWatch sw = new StopWatch().start();
    if (!ghRsp.hasErrors()) {
        try {
            List<Double> favoredHeadings = Collections.EMPTY_LIST;
            try {
                favoredHeadings = getDoubleParamList(httpReq, "heading");
            } catch (NumberFormatException e) {
                throw new IllegalArgumentException("heading list in wrong format: " + e.getMessage());
            if (!hopper.getEncodingManager().supports(vehicleStr)) {
                throw new IllegalArgumentException("Vehicle not supported: " + vehicleStr);
            } else if (enableElevation && !hopper.hasElevation()) {
                throw new IllegalArgumentException("Elevation not supported!");
            } else if (favoredHeadings.size() > 1 && favoredHeadings.size() != requestPoints.size()) {
                throw new IllegalArgumentException("The number of 'heading' parameters must be <= 1 " + "or equal to the number of points (" + requestPoints.size() + ")");
            List<String> pointHints = new ArrayList<String>(Arrays.asList(getParams(httpReq, POINT_HINT)));
            if (pointHints.size() > 0 && pointHints.size() != requestPoints.size()) {
                throw new IllegalArgumentException("If you pass " + POINT_HINT + ", you need to pass a hint for every point, empty hints will be ignored");
            FlagEncoder algoVehicle = hopper.getEncodingManager().getEncoder(vehicleStr);
            GHRequest request;
            if (favoredHeadings.size() > 0) {
                // if only one favored heading is specified take as start heading
                if (favoredHeadings.size() == 1) {
                    List<Double> paddedHeadings = new ArrayList<Double>(Collections.nCopies(requestPoints.size(), Double.NaN));
                    paddedHeadings.set(0, favoredHeadings.get(0));
                    request = new GHRequest(requestPoints, paddedHeadings);
                } else {
                    request = new GHRequest(requestPoints, favoredHeadings);
            } else {
                request = new GHRequest(requestPoints);
            initHints(request.getHints(), httpReq.getParameterMap());
            request.setVehicle(algoVehicle.toString()).setWeighting(weighting).setAlgorithm(algoStr).setLocale(localeStr).setPointHints(pointHints).getHints().put(CALC_POINTS, calcPoints).put(INSTRUCTIONS, enableInstructions).put(WAY_POINT_MAX_DISTANCE, minPathPrecision);
            ghRsp = hopper.route(request);
        } catch (IllegalArgumentException ex) {
    float took = sw.stop().getSeconds();
    String infoStr = httpReq.getRemoteAddr() + " " + httpReq.getLocale() + " " + httpReq.getHeader("User-Agent");
    String logStr = httpReq.getQueryString() + " " + infoStr + " " + requestPoints + ", took:" + took + ", " + algoStr + ", " + weighting + ", " + vehicleStr;
    httpRes.setHeader("X-GH-Took", "" + Math.round(took * 1000));
    int alternatives = ghRsp.getAll().size();
    if (writeGPX && alternatives > 1)
        ghRsp.addError(new IllegalArgumentException("Alternatives are currently not yet supported for GPX"));
    if (ghRsp.hasErrors()) {
        logger.error(logStr + ", errors:" + ghRsp.getErrors());
    } else {
        PathWrapper altRsp0 = ghRsp.getBest(); + ", alternatives: " + alternatives + ", distance0: " + altRsp0.getDistance() + ", time0: " + Math.round(altRsp0.getTime() / 60000f) + "min" + ", points0: " + altRsp0.getPoints().getSize() + ", debugInfo: " + ghRsp.getDebugInfo());
    if (writeGPX) {
        if (ghRsp.hasErrors()) {
        } else {
            // no error => we can now safely call getFirst
            String xml = createGPXString(httpReq, httpRes, ghRsp.getBest());
            writeResponse(httpRes, xml);
    } else {
        Map<String, Object> map = routeSerializer.toJSON(ghRsp, calcPoints, pointsEncoded, enableElevation, enableInstructions);
        Object infoMap = map.get("info");
        if (infoMap != null)
            ((Map) infoMap).put("took", Math.round(took * 1000));
        if (ghRsp.hasErrors())
            writeJsonError(httpRes, SC_BAD_REQUEST, new JSONObject(map));
        else {
            writeJson(httpReq, httpRes, new JSONObject(map));
Also used : FlagEncoder(com.graphhopper.routing.util.FlagEncoder) GHResponse(com.graphhopper.GHResponse) GHPoint(com.graphhopper.util.shapes.GHPoint) StopWatch(com.graphhopper.util.StopWatch) PathWrapper(com.graphhopper.PathWrapper) JSONObject(org.json.JSONObject) GHRequest(com.graphhopper.GHRequest) JSONObject(org.json.JSONObject) GHPoint(com.graphhopper.util.shapes.GHPoint)


StopWatch (com.graphhopper.util.StopWatch)6 GHPoint (com.graphhopper.util.shapes.GHPoint)3 JSONObject (org.json.JSONObject)2 GHRequest (com.graphhopper.GHRequest)1 GHResponse (com.graphhopper.GHResponse)1 GraphHopper (com.graphhopper.GraphHopper)1 PathWrapper (com.graphhopper.PathWrapper)1 GHBitSet (com.graphhopper.coll.GHBitSet)1 JsonFeatureCollection (com.graphhopper.json.geo.JsonFeatureCollection)1 PrinctonReader (com.graphhopper.reader.PrinctonReader)1 EncodingManager (com.graphhopper.routing.util.EncodingManager)1 FlagEncoder (com.graphhopper.routing.util.FlagEncoder)1 HintsMap (com.graphhopper.routing.util.HintsMap)1 AlgoHelperEntry (com.graphhopper.routing.util.TestAlgoCollector.AlgoHelperEntry)1 Directory ( GraphBuilder ( GraphHopperStorage ( ChangeGraphResponse ( LocationIndexTree ( QueryResult (