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Example 1 with PathWrapper

use of com.graphhopper.PathWrapper in project graphhopper by graphhopper.

the class RoundTripRoutingTemplate method isReady.

public boolean isReady(PathMerger pathMerger, Translation tr) {
    altResponse = new PathWrapper();
    pathMerger.doWork(altResponse, pathList, tr);
    // with potentially retrying, including generating new route points, for now disabled
    return true;
Also used : PathWrapper(com.graphhopper.PathWrapper)

Example 2 with PathWrapper

use of com.graphhopper.PathWrapper in project graphhopper by graphhopper.

the class GraphHopperWebTest method testReadEncoded.

// see also GraphHopperServletIT.testGraphHopperWeb for real routes against local jetty service    
public void testReadEncoded() throws Exception {
    Downloader downloader = new Downloader("GraphHopper Test") {

        public InputStream fetch(HttpURLConnection conn, boolean readErrorStreamNoException) throws IOException {
            return getClass().getResourceAsStream("test_encoded.json");
    GraphHopperWeb instance = new GraphHopperWeb();
    GHResponse rsp = instance.route(new GHRequest(52.47379, 13.362808, 52.4736925, 13.3904394));
    PathWrapper arsp = rsp.getBest();
    assertEquals(2138.3, arsp.getDistance(), 1e-1);
    assertEquals(17, arsp.getPoints().getSize());
    assertEquals(5, arsp.getInstructions().getSize());
    assertEquals("(0,Geradeaus auf A 100,1268.519329705091,65237)", arsp.getInstructions().get(0).toString());
    assertEquals(11, arsp.getInstructions().get(0).getPoints().size());
    assertEquals(43.73595, arsp.getWaypoints().getLat(0), 1e-4);
    assertEquals(7.42015, arsp.getWaypoints().getLon(0), 1e-4);
    assertEquals(43.73761, arsp.getWaypoints().getLat(1), 1e-4);
Also used : HttpURLConnection( PathWrapper(com.graphhopper.PathWrapper) GHRequest(com.graphhopper.GHRequest) Downloader(com.graphhopper.util.Downloader) GHResponse(com.graphhopper.GHResponse) Test(org.junit.Test)

Example 3 with PathWrapper

use of com.graphhopper.PathWrapper in project graphhopper by graphhopper.

the class ShapeFileReaderTest method testOneWay.

public void testOneWay() {
    // We setup 2 points very close together on a one-way street.
    // As its a one way street, the ordering of the start and end requires
    // going around the block to serve them.
    // As the scenario is simple, we should get the same results from both
    // shapefile and pbf.
    // We should also get route distance to be many times physical distance
    FromToPair pair = new FromToPair(35.898324, 14.510729, 35.898328, 14.510681);
    PathWrapper shp = pair.getPath(hopperShp, true);
    PathWrapper pbf = pair.getPath(hopperPbf, true);
    double metresShp = shp.getDistance();
    double metresPbf = pbf.getDistance();
    // should be many times the physical separation between the points (as
    // we had to go round the block)
    double straightLineDistMetres = distCalc.calcDist(, pair.from.lon,,;
    assertTrue(metresShp > straightLineDistMetres * 25);
    // should be the same to within 1 cm
    assertEquals(metresShp, metresPbf, 0.01);
Also used : PathWrapper(com.graphhopper.PathWrapper) Test(org.junit.Test)

Example 4 with PathWrapper

use of com.graphhopper.PathWrapper in project graphhopper by graphhopper.

the class ShapeFileReaderTest method testTravelTimesBetweenRandomLocations.

public void testTravelTimesBetweenRandomLocations() {
    int nTests = 200;
    final Random random = new Random(123);
    final GHPoint min = new GHPoint(35.882931, 14.403076);
    final GHPoint max = new GHPoint(35.913523, 14.448566);
    class RandPointGenerator {

        double rand(double min, double max) {
            return min + random.nextDouble() * (max - min);

        GHPoint randPoint() {
            return new GHPoint(rand(,, rand(min.lon, max.lon));
    RandPointGenerator pointGenerator = new RandPointGenerator();
    int nbFails = 0;
    DoubleSummaryStatistics stats = new DoubleSummaryStatistics();
    for (int i = 0; i < nTests; i++) {
        FromToPair pair = new FromToPair(pointGenerator.randPoint(), pointGenerator.randPoint());
        // paths from random points can fail to don't assert on failure
        PathWrapper shpPath = pair.getPath(hopperShp, false);
        PathWrapper pbfPath = pair.getPath(hopperPbf, false);
        // the road network)
        if (shpPath == null || pbfPath == null) {
        double shpSecs = getSecondsTravel(shpPath);
        double pbfSecs = getSecondsTravel(pbfPath);
        double frac = shpSecs / pbfSecs;
        double percentageDeviation = Math.abs(1.0 - frac) * 100;
    assertTrue("Number of fails should be small for the chosen box", nbFails < nTests / 3);
    // Test mean fraction. There will be some deviation as not all tags are
    // considered etc,
    // but we expect it to be small for a large number of tests
    double mean = stats.getAverage();
    assertTrue("Should have a mean deviation in travel times of less than 1%", mean < 1.0);
Also used : Random(java.util.Random) PathWrapper(com.graphhopper.PathWrapper) DoubleSummaryStatistics(java.util.DoubleSummaryStatistics) GHPoint(com.graphhopper.util.shapes.GHPoint) GHPoint(com.graphhopper.util.shapes.GHPoint) Test(org.junit.Test)

Example 5 with PathWrapper

use of com.graphhopper.PathWrapper in project graphhopper by graphhopper.

the class GraphHopperWebIT method testSimpleRoute.

public void testSimpleRoute() {
    GHRequest req = new GHRequest().addPoint(new GHPoint(49.6724, 11.3494)).addPoint(new GHPoint(49.6550, 11.4180));
    req.getHints().put("elevation", false);
    req.getHints().put("instructions", true);
    req.getHints().put("calc_points", true);
    GHResponse res = gh.route(req);
    assertFalse("errors:" + res.getErrors().toString(), res.hasErrors());
    PathWrapper alt = res.getBest();
    isBetween(200, 250, alt.getPoints().size());
    isBetween(11000, 12000, alt.getDistance());
    isBetween(310, 320, alt.getAscend());
    isBetween(235, 245, alt.getDescend());
    isBetween(1000, 1500, alt.getRouteWeight());
    // change vehicle
    res = gh.route(new GHRequest(49.6724, 11.3494, 49.6550, 11.4180).setVehicle("bike"));
    alt = res.getBest();
    assertFalse("errors:" + res.getErrors().toString(), res.hasErrors());
    isBetween(9000, 9500, alt.getDistance());
Also used : PathWrapper(com.graphhopper.PathWrapper) GHRequest(com.graphhopper.GHRequest) GHPoint(com.graphhopper.util.shapes.GHPoint) GHResponse(com.graphhopper.GHResponse) Test(org.junit.Test)


PathWrapper (com.graphhopper.PathWrapper)19 GHPoint (com.graphhopper.util.shapes.GHPoint)12 GHResponse (com.graphhopper.GHResponse)9 Test (org.junit.Test)9 GHRequest (com.graphhopper.GHRequest)8 JsonNode (com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.JsonNode)2 PointList (com.graphhopper.util.PointList)2 PathDetail (com.graphhopper.util.details.PathDetail)2 JSONArray (org.json.JSONArray)2 JSONObject (org.json.JSONObject)2 GTFSFeed (com.conveyal.gtfs.GTFSFeed)1 Stop (com.conveyal.gtfs.model.Stop)1 StopTime (com.conveyal.gtfs.model.StopTime)1 ObjectMapper (com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.ObjectMapper)1 InvalidProtocolBufferException ( GtfsRealtime ( GraphHopperAPI (com.graphhopper.GraphHopperAPI)1 Trip (com.graphhopper.Trip)1 Fares (com.graphhopper.gtfs.fare.Fares)1 Label.reverseEdges (com.graphhopper.reader.gtfs.Label.reverseEdges)1