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Example 1 with Graph

use of com.centurylink.mdw.designer.display.Graph in project mdw-designer by CenturyLinkCloud.

the class CanvasCommon method objectAt.

public Object objectAt(Graph process, int x, int y, Graphics g) {
    Node node;
    Link link;
    if (selected_obj != null) {
        if (selected_obj instanceof Node) {
            node = (Node) selected_obj;
            if (onSelectableAnchor(x, y, node.x, node.y, node.w, node.h))
                return node;
            else if (node.labelOnPoint(g, x, y)) {
                at_anchor = -2;
                delta_x = x - node.x;
                delta_y = y - node.y;
                return node;
        } else if (selected_obj instanceof Link) {
            link = (Link) selected_obj;
            int cx, cy, n = link.getNumberOfControlPoints();
            for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
                cx = link.getControlPointX(i);
                cy = link.getControlPointY(i);
                if (Math.abs(cx - x) <= 3 && Math.abs(cy - y) <= 3) {
                    at_anchor = i;
                    delta_x = x - cx;
                    delta_y = y - cy;
                    return link;
            if (link.labelOnPoint(g, x, y)) {
                at_anchor = -2;
                delta_x = x - link.lx;
                delta_y = y -;
                return link;
        } else if (selected_obj instanceof SubGraph) {
            SubGraph subgraph = (SubGraph) selected_obj;
            if (subgraph.isSwimLane()) {
                if (onSelectableAnchor(x, y, subgraph.x, subgraph.y, SubGraph.SWIMLANE_LABEL_BAR_WIDTH, subgraph.h))
                    return subgraph;
            } else {
                if (onSelectableAnchor(x, y, subgraph.x, subgraph.y, subgraph.w, subgraph.h))
                    return subgraph;
        } else if (selected_obj instanceof Graph) {
            if (onSelectableAnchor(x, y, process.lx,, process.lw, process.lh))
                return process;
        } else if (selected_obj instanceof TextNote) {
            TextNote note = (TextNote) selected_obj;
            if (onSelectableAnchor(x, y, note.x, note.y, note.w, note.h))
                return note;
    at_anchor = -1;
    Object obj = process.objectAt(x, y, g);
    if (obj != null) {
        if (obj instanceof Node) {
            delta_x = x - ((Node) obj).x;
            delta_y = y - ((Node) obj).y;
        } else if (obj instanceof SubGraph) {
            delta_x = x - ((SubGraph) obj).x;
            delta_y = y - ((SubGraph) obj).y;
        } else if (obj instanceof Graph) {
            delta_x = x - ((Graph) obj).lx;
            delta_y = y - ((Graph) obj).ly;
        } else if (obj instanceof TextNote) {
            delta_x = x - ((TextNote) obj).x;
            delta_y = y - ((TextNote) obj).y;
        return obj;
    return null;
Also used : Graph(com.centurylink.mdw.designer.display.Graph) SubGraph(com.centurylink.mdw.designer.display.SubGraph) Node(com.centurylink.mdw.designer.display.Node) TextNote(com.centurylink.mdw.designer.display.TextNote) SubGraph(com.centurylink.mdw.designer.display.SubGraph) Link(com.centurylink.mdw.designer.display.Link)

Example 2 with Graph

use of com.centurylink.mdw.designer.display.Graph in project mdw-designer by CenturyLinkCloud.

the class CanvasCommon method mouseDragged.

protected void mouseDragged(MouseEvent arg0, Graph main_graph) {
    int x = arg0.getX();
    int y = arg0.getY();
    if (selected_obj != null) {
        if (main_graph.zoom != 100) {
            x = x * 100 / main_graph.zoom;
            y = y * 100 / main_graph.zoom;
        dragging = true;
        if (at_anchor >= 0) {
            if (selected_obj instanceof Node) {
                resizeNode(x, y, main_graph);
            } else if (selected_obj instanceof Link) {
                ((Link) selected_obj).moveControlPoint(at_anchor, x - delta_x, y - delta_y, main_graph.arrowstyle);
                if (!main_graph.isReadonly())
            } else if (selected_obj instanceof SubGraph) {
                resizeSubGraph(x, y);
            } else if (selected_obj instanceof TextNote) {
                resizeTextNote(x, y, main_graph);
        } else {
            if (drag_to_create_link) {
                drag_x = x;
                drag_y = y;
            } else if (selected_obj instanceof Node) {
                moveNode(x, y);
            } else if (selected_obj instanceof Link && at_anchor == -2) {
                // move link label
                Link link = (Link) selected_obj;
                link.lx = x - delta_x;
       = y - delta_y;
            } else if (selected_obj instanceof SubGraph) {
                if (((SubGraph) selected_obj).isSwimLane())
                    moveSubgraph(0, y);
                    moveSubgraph(x, y);
            } else if (selected_obj instanceof Graph) {
                moveGraphLabel(x, y);
            } else if (selected_obj instanceof GraphFragment) {
                ((GraphFragment) selected_obj).shift(main_graph, x - drag_x, y - drag_y, main_graph.arrowstyle);
                drag_x = x;
                drag_y = y;
                if (!main_graph.isReadonly())
            } else if (selected_obj instanceof TextNote) {
                moveTextNote(x, y);
    } else if (marquee != null) {
        if (x < 0)
            x = 0;
        else if (x > this.getWidth())
            x = this.getWidth();
        if (y < 0)
            y = 0;
        else if (y > this.getHeight())
            y = this.getHeight();
        drawRubberBand(marquee, x - marquee.x, y - marquee.y);
Also used : Graph(com.centurylink.mdw.designer.display.Graph) SubGraph(com.centurylink.mdw.designer.display.SubGraph) Node(com.centurylink.mdw.designer.display.Node) GraphFragment(com.centurylink.mdw.designer.display.GraphFragment) TextNote(com.centurylink.mdw.designer.display.TextNote) SubGraph(com.centurylink.mdw.designer.display.SubGraph) Link(com.centurylink.mdw.designer.display.Link)

Example 3 with Graph

use of com.centurylink.mdw.designer.display.Graph in project mdw-designer by CenturyLinkCloud.

the class ExportHelper method printProcessBodyHtml.

private void printProcessBodyHtml(StringBuilder sb, GraphCommon graph) throws Exception {
    String tmp = null;
    if (graph instanceof SubGraph) {
        SubGraph subgraph = (SubGraph) graph;
        String id = subgraph.getDisplayId(nodeIdType);
        if (id == null || id.length() == 0)
            id = subgraph.getId().toString();
        tmp = "Subprocess " + id + " - " + subgraph.getName().replace('\n', ' ');
    if (tmp != null)
    String summary = (graph instanceof SubGraph) ? ((SubGraph) graph).getProcessVO().getProcessDescription() : ((Graph) graph).getProcessVO().getProcessDescription();
    if (summary != null && summary.length() > 0)
        sb.append("<span style='font-weight:bold'>").append(summary).append("</span>");
    if (options.contains(DOCUMENTATION)) {
        String detail = graph.getProcessVO().getAttribute(WorkAttributeConstant.DOCUMENTATION);
        if (detail != null && detail.length() > 0) {
            printParagraphsHtml(sb, detail);
    if (options.contains(ATTRIBUTES) && graph instanceof SubGraph) {
        printAttributesHtml(sb, graph.getProcessVO().getAttributes());
Also used : Graph(com.centurylink.mdw.designer.display.Graph) SubGraph(com.centurylink.mdw.designer.display.SubGraph) SubGraph(com.centurylink.mdw.designer.display.SubGraph)

Example 4 with Graph

use of com.centurylink.mdw.designer.display.Graph in project mdw-designer by CenturyLinkCloud.

the class ProcessInstanceLoader method loadCompletionMap.

public Graph loadCompletionMap(ProcessVO procdef, ProcessInstanceVO processInstance, DesignerDataAccess dao) throws Exception {
    ProcessInstanceVO fullInfo = dao.getProcessInstanceAll(processInstance.getId(), procdef);
    Graph graph = new Graph(procdef, processInstance, page.getDataModel().getNodeMetaInfo(), page.frame.getIconFactory());
    if (graph.subgraphs != null) {
        if (procdef.isInRuleSet()) {
            Map<String, String> pMap = new HashMap<String, String>();
            pMap.put("owner", OwnerType.MAIN_PROCESS_INSTANCE);
            pMap.put("ownerId", processInstance.getId().toString());
            pMap.put("processId", procdef.getProcessId().toString());
            List<ProcessInstanceVO> childProcessInstances = dao.getProcessInstanceList(pMap, 0, QueryRequest.ALL_ROWS, procdef, null).getItems();
            for (ProcessInstanceVO childInst : childProcessInstances) {
                ProcessInstanceVO fullChildInfo = dao.getProcessInstanceAll(childInst.getId(), procdef);
                Long subprocId = new Long(childInst.getComment());
                for (SubGraph subgraph : graph.subgraphs) {
                    if (subgraph.getProcessVO().getProcessId().equals(subprocId)) {
                        List<ProcessInstanceVO> insts = subgraph.getInstances();
                        if (insts == null) {
                            insts = new ArrayList<ProcessInstanceVO>();
        } else {
            for (SubGraph subgraph : graph.subgraphs) {
                Map<String, String> pMap = new HashMap<String, String>();
                pMap.put("owner", OwnerType.PROCESS_INSTANCE);
                pMap.put("ownerId", processInstance.getId().toString());
                pMap.put("processId", subgraph.getProcessVO().getProcessId().toString());
                List<ProcessInstanceVO> childProcessInstances = dao.getProcessInstanceList(pMap, 0, QueryRequest.ALL_ROWS, procdef, null).getItems();
                for (ProcessInstanceVO childInst : childProcessInstances) {
                    ProcessInstanceVO fullChildInfo = dao.getProcessInstanceAll(childInst.getId(), procdef);
    StringBuffer errmsg_buffer = new StringBuffer();
    if (errmsg_buffer.length() > 0) {
        errmsg = "There are runtime information about activities and transitions\n" + " that are not found in process definition.\n" + "This may happen when the process definition has been modified.\n" + errmsg_buffer.toString();
    return graph;
Also used : Graph(com.centurylink.mdw.designer.display.Graph) SubGraph(com.centurylink.mdw.designer.display.SubGraph) HashMap(java.util.HashMap) SubGraph(com.centurylink.mdw.designer.display.SubGraph) ProcessInstanceVO(com.centurylink.mdw.model.value.process.ProcessInstanceVO)

Example 5 with Graph

use of com.centurylink.mdw.designer.display.Graph in project mdw-designer by CenturyLinkCloud.

the class RunTimeDesignerCanvas method paintComponent.

     * (non-Javadoc)
     * @see javax.swing.JComponent#paintComponent(java.awt.Graphics)
public void paintComponent(Graphics g) {
    Graph process = page.getProcess();
    if (process != null) {
        if (g instanceof Graphics2D) {
            Graphics2D g2d = (Graphics2D) g;
            g2d.setRenderingHint(RenderingHints.KEY_ANTIALIASING, RenderingHints.VALUE_ANTIALIAS_ON);
            g2d.setRenderingHint(RenderingHints.KEY_STROKE_CONTROL, RenderingHints.VALUE_STROKE_PURE);
            if (process.zoom != 100) {
                double scale = process.zoom / 100.0;
                g2d.scale(scale, scale);
        draw_graph(g, process, true);
        if (page.frame != null && !page.frame.isVisible() && selected_obj != null) {
            if (selected_obj instanceof Node) {
                drawSelectionBox(g, (Node) selected_obj);
            } else if (selected_obj instanceof Link) {
                drawSelectionBox(g, (Link) selected_obj);
            } else if (selected_obj instanceof SubGraph) {
                drawSelectionBox(g, (SubGraph) selected_obj);
            } else if (selected_obj instanceof Graph) {
                drawSelectionBox(g, (Graph) selected_obj);
Also used : Graph(com.centurylink.mdw.designer.display.Graph) SubGraph(com.centurylink.mdw.designer.display.SubGraph) Node(com.centurylink.mdw.designer.display.Node) SubGraph(com.centurylink.mdw.designer.display.SubGraph) Link(com.centurylink.mdw.designer.display.Link) Graphics2D(java.awt.Graphics2D)


Graph (com.centurylink.mdw.designer.display.Graph)31 SubGraph (com.centurylink.mdw.designer.display.SubGraph)31 Link (com.centurylink.mdw.designer.display.Link)9 Node (com.centurylink.mdw.designer.display.Node)9 ValidationException (com.centurylink.mdw.designer.utils.ValidationException)7 DataAccessException (com.centurylink.mdw.common.exception.DataAccessException)6 TextNote (com.centurylink.mdw.designer.display.TextNote)5 ProcessVO (com.centurylink.mdw.model.value.process.ProcessVO)5 RemoteException (java.rmi.RemoteException)5 ProcessInstanceVO (com.centurylink.mdw.model.value.process.ProcessInstanceVO)4 CodeTimer (com.centurylink.mdw.plugin.CodeTimer)4 FlowchartPage (com.centurylink.mdw.designer.pages.FlowchartPage)3 GraphFragment (com.centurylink.mdw.designer.display.GraphFragment)2 ProcessValidator (com.centurylink.mdw.designer.utils.ProcessValidator)2 ProcessWorker (com.centurylink.mdw.designer.utils.ProcessWorker)2 ActivityInstanceVO ( WorkTransitionInstanceVO ( WorkflowProcess (com.centurylink.mdw.plugin.designer.model.WorkflowProcess)2 Graphics2D (java.awt.Graphics2D)2 ArrayList (java.util.ArrayList)2