use of in project concourse by cinchapi.
the class RemoteInvocationThread method run.
public final void run() {
int argCount = request.args.size() + (useLocalThriftArgs ? 3 : 0);
Object[] jargs = new Object[argCount];
int i = 0;
for (; i < request.args.size(); ++i) {
Object jarg = request.args.get(i).getJavaObject();
if (jarg instanceof ByteBuffer) {
// If any of the arguments are BINARY, we assume that the caller
// manually serialized a PluginSerializable object, so we must
// try to convert to the actual object so that the method is
// actually called.
jarg = serializer().deserialize((ByteBuffer) jarg);
jargs[i] = jarg;
if (useLocalThriftArgs) {
jargs[i++] = request.creds;
jargs[i++] = request.transaction;
jargs[i++] = request.environment;
RemoteMethodResponse response = null;
try {
if (request.method.equals("getServerVersion")) {
// getServerVersion, for some reason doesn't take any
// arguments...not even the standard meta arguments that all
// other methods take
jargs = new Object[0];
Object result0 = Reflection.callIf((method) -> Modifier.isPublic(method.getModifiers()) && !Reflection.isDeclaredAnnotationPresentInHierarchy(method, PluginRestricted.class), invokable, request.method, jargs);
if (result0 instanceof PluginSerializable) {
// CON-509: PluginSerializable objects must be wrapped as BINARY
// within a ComplexTObject
result0 = serializer().serialize(result0);
ComplexTObject result = ComplexTObject.fromJavaObject(result0);
response = new RemoteMethodResponse(request.creds, result);
} catch (Exception e) {
e = (Exception) Throwables.getRootCause(e);
response = new RemoteMethodResponse(request.creds, e);
logger.error("Remote invocation error: {}", e, e);
ByteBuffer buffer = serializer().serialize(response);