use of in project concourse by cinchapi.
the class Stores method serialSelect.
* Select the values stored for {@code key} in {@code record} at
* {@code timestamp} from the {@code store}.
* <p>
* If the {@code key} is primitive, the store retrieval is usually a simple
* {@link Store#select(long) select}. However, if the key is a navigation
* key, this method will process it via
* {@link Operations#traverseKeyRecordOptionalAtomic(String, long, long, AtomicOperation)}
* if the {@code store} is an {@link AtomicOperation} or
* {@link AtomicSupport supports} starting one.
* </p>
* @param store
* @param key
* @param record
* @param timestamp
* @return the values stored for {@code key} in {@code record} at
* {@code timestamp} according to the {@code store}
protected static Set<TObject> serialSelect(Store store, String key, long record, long timestamp) {
Function evalFunc;
if (Keys.isNavigationKey(key)) {
if (store instanceof AtomicOperation || timestamp != Time.NONE) {
return Operations.traverseKeyRecordOptionalAtomic(key, record, timestamp, store);
} else if (store instanceof AtomicSupport) {
AtomicReference<Set<TObject>> value = new AtomicReference<>(ImmutableSet.of());
AtomicOperations.executeWithRetry((AtomicSupport) store, (atomic) -> {
value.set(Operations.traverseKeyRecordOptionalAtomic(key, record, timestamp, atomic));
return value.get();
} else {
throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Cannot fetch the current values of a navigation key using a Store that does not support atomic operations");
} else if ((evalFunc = Keys.tryParseFunction(key)) != null) {
String method = Calculations.alias(evalFunc.operation()) + "KeyRecordAtomic";
Number value = Reflection.callStatic(Operations.class, method, evalFunc.key(), record, timestamp, store);
return value != null ? ImmutableSet.of(Convert.javaToThrift(value)) : ImmutableSet.of();
} else if (key.equals(Constants.JSON_RESERVED_IDENTIFIER_NAME)) {
return ImmutableSet.of(Convert.javaToThrift(record));
} else {
Source source;
if (Command.isSet()) {
Strategy strategy = new Strategy(Command.current(), store);
source = strategy.source(key, record);
} else {
source = Source.FIELD;
Set<TObject> values;
if (source == Source.RECORD) {
// @formatter:off
Map<String, Set<TObject>> data = timestamp == Time.NONE ? :, timestamp);
values = data.getOrDefault(key, ImmutableSet.of());
// @formatter:on
} else if (source == Source.FIELD) {
// @formatter:off
values = timestamp == Time.NONE ?, record) :, record, timestamp);
// @formatter:on
} else {
// source == Source.INDEX
// @formatter:off
values = timestamp == Time.NONE ? store.gather(key, record) : store.gather(key, record, timestamp);
// @formatter:on
return values;
use of in project concourse by cinchapi.
the class Stores method find.
* Find the records that contain values that are stored for {@code key} and
* satisfy {@code operator} in relation to the specified {@code values} at
* {@code timestamp}.
* <p>
* If the {@code key} is primitive, the store lookup is usually a simple
* {@link Store#find(String, Operator, TObject[]) find}. However, if the key
* is a navigation key, this method will process it by
* {@link #browse(Store, String) browsing} the destination values and
* checking the operator validity of each if and only if the {@code store}
* is an {@link AtomicOperation} or {@link AtomicSupport supports} starting
* one.
* </p>
* @param store
* @param timestamp
* @param key
* @param operator
* @param values
* @return the records that satisfy the query
public static Set<Long> find(Store store, long timestamp, String key, Operator operator, TObject... values) {
for (int i = 0; i < values.length; ++i) {
TObject value = values[i];
if (value.getType() == Type.FUNCTION) {
Function function = (Function) Convert.thriftToJava(value);
TemporalFunction func = (TemporalFunction) function;
String method = Calculations.alias(function.operation());
ArrayBuilder<Object> args = ArrayBuilder.builder();
method += "Key";
if (function instanceof KeyRecordsFunction || function instanceof KeyConditionFunction) {
method += "Records";
Collection<Long> records = function instanceof KeyRecordsFunction ? ((KeyRecordsFunction) function).source() : Finder.instance().visit(((KeyConditionFunction) function).source(), store);
} else if (!(function instanceof IndexFunction)) {
throw new IllegalStateException("Invalid function value");
method += "Atomic";
values[i] = Convert.javaToThrift(Reflection.callStatic(Operations.class, method,;
if (Keys.isNavigationKey(key)) {
Map<TObject, Set<Long>> index = timestamp == Time.NONE ? browse(store, key) : browse(store, key, timestamp);
Set<Long> records = index.entrySet().stream().filter(e -> e.getKey().is(operator, values)).map(e -> e.getValue()).flatMap(Set::stream).collect(Collectors.toCollection(LinkedHashSet::new));
return records;
} else if (Keys.isFunctionKey(key)) {
Set<Long> records = Sets.newLinkedHashSet();
for (long record : store.getAllRecords()) {
Set<TObject> aggregate = select(store, key, record, timestamp);
for (TObject tobject : aggregate) {
if (, values)) {
return records;
} else {
return timestamp == Time.NONE ? store.find(key, operator, values) : store.find(timestamp, key, operator, values);
use of in project concourse by cinchapi.
the class ConcourseServer method selectKeysCriteriaTimePage.
public Map<Long, Map<String, Set<TObject>>> selectKeysCriteriaTimePage(List<String> keys, TCriteria criteria, long timestamp, TPage page, AccessToken creds, TransactionToken transaction, String environment) throws TException {
AbstractSyntaxTree ast = compiler.parse(criteria);
AtomicSupport store = getStore(transaction, environment);
Supplier<SortableTable<Set<TObject>>> supplier = () -> emptySortableResultDataset();
return Operations.selectKeysAstOptionalAtomic(store, keys, ast, timestamp, Orders.from(NO_ORDER), Pages.from(page), supplier);
use of in project concourse by cinchapi.
the class ConcourseServer method averageKeyCcl.
public TObject averageKeyCcl(String key, String ccl, AccessToken creds, TransactionToken transaction, String environment) throws TException {
AbstractSyntaxTree ast = compiler.parse(ccl);
AtomicSupport store = getStore(transaction, environment);
return AtomicOperations.supplyWithRetry(store, (atomic) -> {
Set<Long> records = ast.accept(Finder.instance(), atomic);
Number average = Operations.avgKeyRecordsAtomic(key, records, Time.NONE, atomic);
return Convert.javaToThrift(average);
use of in project concourse by cinchapi.
the class ConcourseServer method findKeyOperatorValuesOrderPage.
public Set<Long> findKeyOperatorValuesOrderPage(String key, Operator operator, List<TObject> values, TOrder order, TPage page, AccessToken creds, TransactionToken transaction, String environment) throws TException {
TObject[] tValues = values.toArray(Array.containing());
AtomicSupport store = getStore(transaction, environment);
return AtomicOperations.supplyWithRetry(store, atomic -> {
SortableSet<Set<TObject>> records = SortableSet.of(Stores.find(atomic, key, operator, tValues));
records.sort(Sorting.byValues(Orders.from(order), atomic));
return, Pages.from(page));