use of in project trex-stateless-gui by cisco-system-traffic-generator.
the class PGIDStatsStorage method handlePGIDStatsReceived.
private void handlePGIDStatsReceived(final WorkerStateEvent event) {
final PGIDStatsService service = (PGIDStatsService) event.getSource();
final PGIdStatsRPCResult receivedPGIDStats = service.getValue();
final double time = System.currentTimeMillis() / 1000.0;
final Map<String, FlowStat> flowStatMap = receivedPGIDStats.getFlowStats();
if (flowStatMap != null) {
processFlowStats(receivedPGIDStats.getFlowStats(), time);
final Map<String, LatencyStat> latencyStatMap = receivedPGIDStats.getLatency();
if (latencyStatMap != null) {
processLatencyStats(receivedPGIDStats.getLatency(), time);
use of in project trex-stateless-gui by cisco-system-traffic-generator.
the class PGIDStatsStorage method processLatencyStats.
private void processLatencyStats(final Map<String, LatencyStat> latencyStatMap, final double time) {
synchronized (latencyLock) {
final Set<Integer> unvisitedStreams = new HashSet<>(latencyStatPointHistoryMap.keySet());
final Set<String> histogramKeysSet = new HashSet<>();
latencyStatMap.forEach((final String pgID, final LatencyStat latencyStat) -> {
int intPGID;
try {
intPGID = Integer.valueOf(pgID);
} catch (NumberFormatException exc) {
final LatencyStatPoint statsFlowHistoryPoint = new LatencyStatPoint(latencyStat, time);
ArrayHistory<LatencyStatPoint> history = latencyStatPointHistoryMap.get(intPGID);
if (history == null) {
history = new ArrayHistory<>(HISTORY_SIZE);
latencyStatPointHistoryMap.put(intPGID, history);
latencyStatPointShadowMap.putIfAbsent(intPGID, statsFlowHistoryPoint);
histogramKeys = new String[histogramKeysSet.size()];
Arrays.sort(histogramKeys, PGIDStatsStorage::compareHistogramKeys);
unvisitedStreams.forEach((final Integer pgID) -> {
use of in project trex-stateless-gui by cisco-system-traffic-generator.
the class Latency method renderHistogram.
private void renderHistogram() {
final PGIDStatsStorage pgIDStatsStorage = StatsStorage.getInstance().getPGIDStatsStorage();
final Map<Integer, ArrayHistory<LatencyStatPoint>> latencyStatPointHistoryMap = pgIDStatsStorage.getLatencyStatPointHistoryMap();
final Map<Integer, LatencyStatPoint> latencyStatPointShadowMap = pgIDStatsStorage.getLatencyStatPointShadowMap();
final String[] histogramKeys = pgIDStatsStorage.getHistogramKeys(HISTOGRAM_SIZE);
int hCol = 0;
table.add(new HeaderCell(FIRST_COLUMN_WIDTH, "PG ID"), 0, hCol++);
for (final String key : histogramKeys) {
table.add(new StatisticLabelCell(key, FIRST_COLUMN_WIDTH, hCol % 2 == 0, CellType.DEFAULT_CELL, false), 0, hCol++);
table.add(new StatisticLabelCell("Dropped", FIRST_COLUMN_WIDTH, hCol % 2 == 0, CellType.DEFAULT_CELL, false), 0, hCol++);
table.add(new StatisticLabelCell("Dup", FIRST_COLUMN_WIDTH, hCol % 2 == 0, CellType.DEFAULT_CELL, false), 0, hCol++);
table.add(new StatisticLabelCell("Out Of Order", FIRST_COLUMN_WIDTH, hCol % 2 == 0, CellType.DEFAULT_CELL, false), 0, hCol++);
table.add(new StatisticLabelCell("Seq To High", FIRST_COLUMN_WIDTH, hCol % 2 == 0, CellType.DEFAULT_CELL, false), 0, hCol++);
table.add(new StatisticLabelCell("Seq To Low", FIRST_COLUMN_WIDTH, hCol % 2 == 0, CellType.DEFAULT_CELL, false), 0, hCol);
int rowIndex = 1;
synchronized (pgIDStatsStorage.getLatencyLock()) {
for (final Map.Entry<Integer, ArrayHistory<LatencyStatPoint>> entry : latencyStatPointHistoryMap.entrySet()) {
final int pgID = entry.getKey();
final ArrayHistory<LatencyStatPoint> latencyHistory = latencyStatPointHistoryMap.get(pgID);
if (latencyHistory == null || latencyHistory.isEmpty()) {
final LatencyStat latencyStat = latencyHistory.last().getLatencyStat();
final Map<String, Long> histogram = latencyStat.getLat().getHistogram();
final LatencyStatErr latencyStatErr = latencyStat.getErr();
long drp = latencyStatErr.getDrp();
long dup = latencyStatErr.getDup();
long ooo = latencyStatErr.getOoo();
long sth = latencyStatErr.getSth();
long stl = latencyStatErr.getStl();
final LatencyStatPoint latencyShadow = latencyStatPointShadowMap.get(pgID);
Map<String, Long> shadowHistogram;
if (latencyShadow != null) {
final LatencyStatErr latencyStatShadowErr = latencyShadow.getLatencyStat().getErr();
drp -= latencyStatShadowErr.getDrp();
dup -= latencyStatShadowErr.getDup();
ooo -= latencyStatShadowErr.getOoo();
sth -= latencyStatShadowErr.getSth();
stl -= latencyStatShadowErr.getStl();
shadowHistogram = latencyShadow.getLatencyStat().getLat().getHistogram();
} else {
shadowHistogram = new HashMap<>();
int col = 0;
table.add(new HeaderCell(COLUMN_WIDTH, String.valueOf(pgID)), rowIndex, col++);
for (final String key : histogramKeys) {
final long value = histogram.getOrDefault(key, 0L);
final long shadowValue = shadowHistogram.getOrDefault(key, 0L);
table.add(new StatisticLabelCell(String.valueOf(value - shadowValue), COLUMN_WIDTH, col % 2 == 0, CellType.DEFAULT_CELL, true), rowIndex, col++);
table.add(new StatisticLabelCell(String.valueOf(drp), COLUMN_WIDTH, col % 2 == 0, CellType.ERROR_CELL, true), rowIndex, col++);
table.add(new StatisticLabelCell(String.valueOf(dup), COLUMN_WIDTH, col % 2 == 0, CellType.ERROR_CELL, true), rowIndex, col++);
table.add(new StatisticLabelCell(String.valueOf(ooo), COLUMN_WIDTH, col % 2 == 0, CellType.ERROR_CELL, true), rowIndex, col++);
table.add(new StatisticLabelCell(String.valueOf(sth), COLUMN_WIDTH, col % 2 == 0, CellType.ERROR_CELL, true), rowIndex, col++);
table.add(new StatisticLabelCell(String.valueOf(stl), COLUMN_WIDTH, col % 2 == 0, CellType.ERROR_CELL, true), rowIndex, col);
use of in project trex-stateless-gui by cisco-system-traffic-generator.
the class Latency method renderWindow.
private void renderWindow() {
int hCol = 0;
table.add(new HeaderCell(FIRST_COLUMN_WIDTH, "PG ID"), 0, hCol++);
table.add(new StatisticLabelCell("Tx pkt", FIRST_COLUMN_WIDTH, hCol % 2 == 0, CellType.DEFAULT_CELL, false), 0, hCol++);
table.add(new StatisticLabelCell("Rx pkt", FIRST_COLUMN_WIDTH, hCol % 2 == 0, CellType.DEFAULT_CELL, false), 0, hCol++);
table.add(new StatisticLabelCell("Max Latency", FIRST_COLUMN_WIDTH, hCol % 2 == 0, CellType.DEFAULT_CELL, false), 0, hCol++);
table.add(new StatisticLabelCell("Avg Latency", FIRST_COLUMN_WIDTH, hCol % 2 == 0, CellType.DEFAULT_CELL, false), 0, hCol++);
table.add(new StatisticLabelCell("Last (max)", FIRST_COLUMN_WIDTH, hCol % 2 == 0, CellType.DEFAULT_CELL, false), 0, hCol++);
for (int i = 0; i < WINDOW_SIZE - 1; ++i) {
table.add(new StatisticLabelCell(String.format("Last-%d", i + 1), FIRST_COLUMN_WIDTH, hCol % 2 == 0, CellType.DEFAULT_CELL, false), 0, hCol++);
table.add(new StatisticLabelCell("Jitter", FIRST_COLUMN_WIDTH, hCol % 2 == 0, CellType.DEFAULT_CELL, false), 0, hCol++);
table.add(new StatisticLabelCell("Errors", FIRST_COLUMN_WIDTH, hCol % 2 == 0, CellType.DEFAULT_CELL, false), 0, hCol);
final PGIDStatsStorage pgIDStatsStorage = StatsStorage.getInstance().getPGIDStatsStorage();
final Map<Integer, ArrayHistory<FlowStatPoint>> flowStatPointHistoryMap = pgIDStatsStorage.getFlowStatPointHistoryMap();
final Map<Integer, FlowStatPoint> flowStatPointShadowMap = pgIDStatsStorage.getFlowStatPointShadowMap();
final Map<Integer, ArrayHistory<LatencyStatPoint>> latencyStatPointHistoryMap = pgIDStatsStorage.getLatencyStatPointHistoryMap();
final Map<Integer, LatencyStatPoint> latencyStatPointShadowMap = pgIDStatsStorage.getLatencyStatPointShadowMap();
int rowIndex = 1;
synchronized (pgIDStatsStorage.getFlowLock()) {
synchronized (pgIDStatsStorage.getLatencyLock()) {
for (final Map.Entry<Integer, ArrayHistory<FlowStatPoint>> entry : flowStatPointHistoryMap.entrySet()) {
final int pgID = entry.getKey();
final ArrayHistory<FlowStatPoint> flowHistory = entry.getValue();
if (flowHistory == null || flowHistory.isEmpty()) {
final FlowStatPoint flowStatPoint = flowHistory.last();
final ArrayHistory<LatencyStatPoint> latencyHistory = latencyStatPointHistoryMap.get(pgID);
if (latencyHistory == null || latencyHistory.isEmpty()) {
final LatencyStat latencyStat = latencyHistory.last().getLatencyStat();
final long[] window = new long[WINDOW_SIZE];
for (int i = 0; i < WINDOW_SIZE; ++i) {
window[i] = 0;
final int latencyHistorySize = latencyHistory.size();
final int size = Math.min(latencyHistorySize, WINDOW_SIZE);
for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) {
window[i] = latencyHistory.get(latencyHistorySize - 1 - i).getLatencyStat().getLat().getLastMax();
long tp = flowStatPoint.getTp();
long rp = flowStatPoint.getRp();
final FlowStatPoint flowShadow = flowStatPointShadowMap.get(pgID);
if (flowShadow != null) {
tp -= flowShadow.getTp();
rp -= flowShadow.getRp();
long totalErr = latencyStat.getErr().getTotal();
final LatencyStatPoint latencyShadow = latencyStatPointShadowMap.get(pgID);
if (latencyShadow != null) {
totalErr -= latencyShadow.getLatencyStat().getErr().getTotal();
final LatencyStatLat lat = latencyStat.getLat();
int col = 0;
table.add(new HeaderCell(COLUMN_WIDTH, String.valueOf(pgID)), rowIndex, col++);
table.add(new StatisticLabelCell(Util.getFormatted(String.valueOf(tp), true, "pkts"), COLUMN_WIDTH, col % 2 == 0, CellType.DEFAULT_CELL, true), rowIndex, col++);
table.add(new StatisticLabelCell(Util.getFormatted(String.valueOf(rp), true, "pkts"), COLUMN_WIDTH, col % 2 == 0, CellType.DEFAULT_CELL, true), rowIndex, col++);
table.add(new StatisticLabelCell(String.format("%d µs", lat.getTotalMax()), COLUMN_WIDTH, col % 2 == 0, CellType.DEFAULT_CELL, true), rowIndex, col++);
table.add(new StatisticLabelCell(String.format(Locale.US, "%.2f µs", round(lat.getAverage())), COLUMN_WIDTH, col % 2 == 0, CellType.DEFAULT_CELL, true), rowIndex, col++);
for (int i = 0; i < WINDOW_SIZE; ++i) {
table.add(new StatisticLabelCell(String.valueOf(window[i]), COLUMN_WIDTH, col % 2 == 0, CellType.DEFAULT_CELL, true), rowIndex, col++);
table.add(new StatisticLabelCell(String.format("%d µs", lat.getJit()), COLUMN_WIDTH, col % 2 == 0, CellType.DEFAULT_CELL, true), rowIndex, col++);
table.add(new StatisticLabelCell(String.valueOf(totalErr), COLUMN_WIDTH, true, CellType.ERROR_CELL, true), rowIndex, col++);