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Example 1 with GetVmConfigAnswer

use of in project cloudstack by apache.

the class HypervDirectConnectResource method getVmFreeNicIndex.

protected int getVmFreeNicIndex(final String vmName) {
    final GetVmConfigCommand vmConfig = new GetVmConfigCommand(vmName);
    URI agentUri = null;
    int nicposition = -1;
    try {
        final String cmdName = GetVmConfigCommand.class.getName();
        agentUri = new URI("https", null, _agentIp, _port, "/api/HypervResource/" + cmdName, null, null);
    } catch (final URISyntaxException e) {
        final String errMsg = "Could not generate URI for Hyper-V agent";
        s_logger.error(errMsg, e);
    final String ansStr = postHttpRequest(s_gson.toJson(vmConfig), agentUri);
    final Answer[] result = s_gson.fromJson(ansStr, Answer[].class);
    s_logger.debug("GetVmConfigCommand response received " + s_gson.toJson(result));
    if (result.length > 0) {
        final GetVmConfigAnswer ans = (GetVmConfigAnswer) result[0];
        final List<NicDetails> nics = ans.getNics();
        for (final NicDetails nic : nics) {
            if (nic.getState() == false) {
                nicposition = nics.indexOf(nic);
    return nicposition;
Also used : UnsupportedAnswer( CheckSshAnswer( GetDomRVersionAnswer( CheckS2SVpnConnectionsAnswer( SetPortForwardingRulesAnswer( SetSourceNatAnswer( PlugNicAnswer( GetVmConfigAnswer( NetworkUsageAnswer( Answer( UnPlugNicAnswer( SetStaticNatRulesAnswer( IpAssocAnswer( SetFirewallRulesAnswer( CheckRouterAnswer( SetStaticRouteAnswer( GetVmConfigCommand( GetVmConfigAnswer( URISyntaxException( URI( NicDetails(

Example 2 with GetVmConfigAnswer

use of in project cloudstack by apache.

the class HypervDirectConnectResource method getVmNics.

protected int getVmNics(final String vmName, String vlanid) {
    final GetVmConfigCommand vmConfig = new GetVmConfigCommand(vmName);
    URI agentUri = null;
    int nicposition = -1;
    if (vlanid.equalsIgnoreCase("untagged")) {
        vlanid = "-1";
    try {
        final String cmdName = GetVmConfigCommand.class.getName();
        agentUri = new URI("https", null, _agentIp, _port, "/api/HypervResource/" + cmdName, null, null);
    } catch (final URISyntaxException e) {
        final String errMsg = "Could not generate URI for Hyper-V agent";
        s_logger.error(errMsg, e);
    final String ansStr = postHttpRequest(s_gson.toJson(vmConfig), agentUri);
    final Answer[] result = s_gson.fromJson(ansStr, Answer[].class);
    s_logger.debug("executeRequest received response " + s_gson.toJson(result));
    if (result.length > 0) {
        final GetVmConfigAnswer ans = (GetVmConfigAnswer) result[0];
        final List<NicDetails> nics = ans.getNics();
        for (final NicDetails nic : nics) {
            if (nicposition > 1 && nic.getVlanid().equals(vlanid)) {
    return nicposition;
Also used : UnsupportedAnswer( CheckSshAnswer( GetDomRVersionAnswer( CheckS2SVpnConnectionsAnswer( SetPortForwardingRulesAnswer( SetSourceNatAnswer( PlugNicAnswer( GetVmConfigAnswer( NetworkUsageAnswer( Answer( UnPlugNicAnswer( SetStaticNatRulesAnswer( IpAssocAnswer( SetFirewallRulesAnswer( CheckRouterAnswer( SetStaticRouteAnswer( GetVmConfigCommand( GetVmConfigAnswer( URISyntaxException( URI( NicDetails(


Answer ( CheckRouterAnswer ( CheckS2SVpnConnectionsAnswer ( GetDomRVersionAnswer ( GetVmConfigAnswer ( NicDetails ( GetVmConfigCommand ( NetworkUsageAnswer ( PlugNicAnswer ( UnPlugNicAnswer ( UnsupportedAnswer ( CheckSshAnswer ( IpAssocAnswer ( SetFirewallRulesAnswer ( SetPortForwardingRulesAnswer ( SetSourceNatAnswer ( SetStaticNatRulesAnswer ( SetStaticRouteAnswer ( URI ( URISyntaxException (