use of in project CloudStack-archive by CloudStack-extras.
the class LibvirtComputingResource method execute.
protected Answer execute(CreateCommand cmd) {
StorageFilerTO pool = cmd.getPool();
DiskProfile dskch = cmd.getDiskCharacteristics();
KVMPhysicalDisk BaseVol = null;
KVMStoragePool primaryPool = null;
KVMPhysicalDisk vol = null;
long disksize;
try {
primaryPool = _storagePoolMgr.getStoragePool(pool.getUuid());
if (cmd.getTemplateUrl() != null) {
BaseVol = primaryPool.getPhysicalDisk(cmd.getTemplateUrl());
vol = _storagePoolMgr.createDiskFromTemplate(BaseVol, UUID.randomUUID().toString(), primaryPool);
if (vol == null) {
return new Answer(cmd, false, " Can't create storage volume on storage pool");
disksize = vol.getSize();
} else {
disksize = dskch.getSize();
vol = primaryPool.createPhysicalDisk(UUID.randomUUID().toString(), dskch.getSize());
VolumeTO volume = new VolumeTO(cmd.getVolumeId(), dskch.getType(), pool.getType(), pool.getUuid(), pool.getPath(), vol.getName(), vol.getName(), disksize, null);
return new CreateAnswer(cmd, volume);
} catch (CloudRuntimeException e) {
s_logger.debug("Failed to create volume: " + e.toString());
return new CreateAnswer(cmd, e);
use of in project cloudstack by apache.
the class LibvirtCreateCommandWrapper method execute.
public Answer execute(final CreateCommand command, final LibvirtComputingResource libvirtComputingResource) {
final StorageFilerTO pool = command.getPool();
final DiskProfile dskch = command.getDiskCharacteristics();
KVMPhysicalDisk baseVol = null;
KVMStoragePool primaryPool = null;
KVMPhysicalDisk vol = null;
long disksize;
try {
final KVMStoragePoolManager storagePoolMgr = libvirtComputingResource.getStoragePoolMgr();
primaryPool = storagePoolMgr.getStoragePool(pool.getType(), pool.getUuid());
disksize = dskch.getSize();
if (command.getTemplateUrl() != null) {
if (primaryPool.getType() == StoragePoolType.CLVM) {
vol = libvirtComputingResource.templateToPrimaryDownload(command.getTemplateUrl(), primaryPool, dskch.getPath());
} else {
baseVol = primaryPool.getPhysicalDisk(command.getTemplateUrl());
vol = storagePoolMgr.createDiskFromTemplate(baseVol, dskch.getPath(), dskch.getProvisioningType(), primaryPool, 0);
if (vol == null) {
return new Answer(command, false, " Can't create storage volume on storage pool");
} else {
vol = primaryPool.createPhysicalDisk(dskch.getPath(), dskch.getProvisioningType(), dskch.getSize());
if (vol == null) {
return new Answer(command, false, " Can't create Physical Disk");
final VolumeTO volume = new VolumeTO(command.getVolumeId(), dskch.getType(), pool.getType(), pool.getUuid(), pool.getPath(), vol.getName(), vol.getName(), disksize, null);
return new CreateAnswer(command, volume);
} catch (final CloudRuntimeException e) {
s_logger.debug("Failed to create volume: " + e.toString());
return new CreateAnswer(command, e);
use of in project cloudstack by apache.
the class CitrixCreateCommandWrapper method execute.
public Answer execute(final CreateCommand command, final CitrixResourceBase citrixResourceBase) {
final Connection conn = citrixResourceBase.getConnection();
final StorageFilerTO pool = command.getPool();
final DiskProfile dskch = command.getDiskCharacteristics();
VDI vdi = null;
try {
final SR poolSr = citrixResourceBase.getStorageRepository(conn, pool.getUuid());
if (command.getTemplateUrl() != null) {
VDI tmpltvdi = null;
tmpltvdi = citrixResourceBase.getVDIbyUuid(conn, command.getTemplateUrl());
vdi = tmpltvdi.createClone(conn, new HashMap<String, String>());
vdi.setNameLabel(conn, dskch.getName());
} else {
final VDI.Record vdir = new VDI.Record();
vdir.nameLabel = dskch.getName();
vdir.SR = poolSr;
vdir.type = Types.VdiType.USER;
vdir.virtualSize = dskch.getSize();
vdi = VDI.create(conn, vdir);
VDI.Record vdir;
vdir = vdi.getRecord(conn);
s_logger.debug("Succesfully created VDI for " + command + ". Uuid = " + vdir.uuid);
final VolumeTO vol = new VolumeTO(command.getVolumeId(), dskch.getType(), pool.getType(), pool.getUuid(), vdir.nameLabel, pool.getPath(), vdir.uuid, vdir.virtualSize, null);
return new CreateAnswer(command, vol);
} catch (final Exception e) {
s_logger.warn("Unable to create volume; Pool=" + pool + "; Disk: " + dskch, e);
return new CreateAnswer(command, e);
use of in project CloudStack-archive by CloudStack-extras.
the class MockStorageManagerImpl method createVolume.
public CreateAnswer createVolume(CreateCommand cmd) {
StorageFilerTO sf = cmd.getPool();
DiskProfile dskch = cmd.getDiskCharacteristics();
MockStoragePoolVO storagePool = _mockStoragePoolDao.findByUuid(sf.getUuid());
if (storagePool == null) {
return new CreateAnswer(cmd, "Failed to find storage pool: " + sf.getUuid());
String volumeName = UUID.randomUUID().toString();
MockVolumeVO volume = new MockVolumeVO();
volume.setPath(storagePool.getMountPoint() + volumeName);
volume = _mockVolumeDao.persist(volume);
VolumeTO volumeTo = new VolumeTO(cmd.getVolumeId(), dskch.getType(), sf.getType(), sf.getUuid(), volume.getName(), storagePool.getMountPoint(), volume.getPath(), volume.getSize(), null);
return new CreateAnswer(cmd, volumeTo);
use of in project cloudstack by apache.
the class HypervDirectConnectResourceTest method testCreateCommand.
public final void testCreateCommand() {
String sample = "{\"volId\":10,\"pool\":{\"id\":201,\"uuid\":\"" + s_testLocalStoreUUID + "\",\"host\":\"\"" + ",\"path\":" + s_testLocalStorePathJSON + ",\"port\":0,\"type\":\"Filesystem\"}," + "\"diskCharacteristics\":{\"size\":0," + "\"tags\":[],\"type\":\"ROOT\",\"name\":\"ROOT-9\"," + "\"useLocalStorage\":true,\"recreatable\":true," + "\"diskOfferingId\":11," + "\"volumeId\":10,\"hyperType\":\"Hyperv\"}," + "\"templateUrl\":" + s_testSampleTemplateURLJSON + ",\"contextMap\":{},\"wait\":0}";
File destDir = new File(s_testLocalStorePath);
File testSampleTemplateURLFile = new File(s_testLocalStorePath + File.separator + s_gson.fromJson(s_testSampleTemplateURLJSON, String.class));
Assert.assertTrue("The template that create should make" + " volumes from is missing from path " + testSampleTemplateURLFile.getPath(), testSampleTemplateURLFile.exists());
int fileCount = destDir.listFiles().length;
s_logger.debug(" test local store has " + fileCount + "files");
// Test requires there to be a template at the tempalteUrl, which is its
// location in the local file system.
CreateCommand cmd = s_gson.fromJson(sample, CreateCommand.class);
CreateAnswer ans = (CreateAnswer) s_hypervresource.executeRequest(cmd);
Assert.assertTrue(ans.getDetails(), ans.getResult());
Assert.assertTrue("CreateCommand should add a file to the folder", fileCount + 1 == destDir.listFiles().length);
File newFile = new File(ans.getVolume().getPath());
Assert.assertTrue("The new file should have a size greater than zero", newFile.length() > 0);