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Example 41 with CallContext

use of in project cosmic by MissionCriticalCloud.

the class VpcManagerImpl method shutdownVpc.

public boolean shutdownVpc(final long vpcId) throws ConcurrentOperationException, ResourceUnavailableException {
    final CallContext ctx = CallContext.current();
    final Account caller = ctx.getCallingAccount();
    // check if vpc exists
    final Vpc vpc = _vpcDao.findById(vpcId);
    if (vpc == null) {
        throw new InvalidParameterValueException("Unable to find vpc by id " + vpcId);
    // permission check
    _accountMgr.checkAccess(caller, null, false, vpc);
    // shutdown provider
    s_logger.debug("Shutting down vpc " + vpc);
    // TODO - shutdown all vpc resources here (ACLs, gateways, etc)
    boolean success = true;
    final List<Provider> providersToImplement = getVpcProviders(vpc.getId());
    final ReservationContext context = new ReservationContextImpl(null, null, _accountMgr.getActiveUser(ctx.getCallingUserId()), caller);
    for (final VpcProvider element : getVpcElements()) {
        if (providersToImplement.contains(element.getProvider())) {
            if (element.shutdownVpc(vpc, context)) {
                s_logger.debug("Vpc " + vpc + " has been shutdown succesfully");
            } else {
                s_logger.warn("Vpc " + vpc + " failed to shutdown");
                success = false;
    return success;
Also used : VpcProvider( Account( InvalidParameterValueException( CallContext( ReservationContextImpl( VpcProvider( Provider( ReservationContext(

Example 42 with CallContext

use of in project cosmic by MissionCriticalCloud.

the class VpcManagerImpl method createVpcPrivateGateway.

@ActionEvent(eventType = EventTypes.EVENT_PRIVATE_GATEWAY_CREATE, eventDescription = "creating VPC private gateway", create = true)
public PrivateGateway createVpcPrivateGateway(final long vpcId, final String ipAddress, final String gateway, final String netmask, final long gatewayDomainId, final Long networkId, final Boolean isSourceNat, final Long aclId) throws ResourceAllocationException, ConcurrentOperationException, InsufficientCapacityException {
    // Validate parameters
    final Vpc vpc = getActiveVpc(vpcId);
    if (vpc == null) {
        final InvalidParameterValueException ex = new InvalidParameterValueException("Unable to find Enabled VPC by id specified");
        ex.addProxyObject(String.valueOf(vpcId), "VPC");
        throw ex;
    // permission check on the VPC
    final CallContext ctx = CallContext.current();
    final Account caller = ctx.getCallingAccount();
    _accountMgr.checkAccess(caller, null, false, vpc);
    if (gateway != null || netmask != null) {
        throw new InvalidParameterValueException("Gateway/netmask fields are not supported anymore");
    final Network privateNtwk = _ntwkDao.findById(networkId);
    if (privateNtwk == null) {
        throw new InvalidParameterValueException("The private network specified could not be found.");
    if (privateNtwk.getDomainId() != vpc.getDomainId() && !_accountMgr.isRootAdmin(caller.getId())) {
        throw new InvalidParameterValueException("VPC '" + vpc.getName() + "' does not have permission to operate on private network '" + privateNtwk.getName() + "' as they need to belong to the same domain.");
    if (NetUtils.isNetworkAWithinNetworkB(privateNtwk.getCidr(), vpc.getCidr())) {
        throw new InvalidParameterValueException("CIDR of the private network to be connected " + privateNtwk.getCidr() + " should be outside of the VPC super CIDR " + vpc.getCidr());
    if (!NetUtils.isIpWithtInCidrRange(ipAddress, privateNtwk.getCidr())) {
        throw new InvalidParameterValueException("The specified ip address for the private network " + ipAddress + " should be within the CIDR of the private network " + privateNtwk.getCidr());
    final SortedSet<Long> availableIps = _ntwkModel.getAvailableIps(privateNtwk, ipAddress);
    if (availableIps == null || availableIps.isEmpty()) {
        throw new InvalidParameterValueException("The requested ip address " + ipAddress + " is not available in private network " + privateNtwk.getName());
    final Long privateNetworkId = privateNtwk.getId();
    final List<PrivateGateway> privateGateways = getVpcPrivateGateways(vpcId);
    for (final PrivateGateway privateGateway : privateGateways) {
        if (privateNetworkId == privateGateway.getNetworkId()) {
            throw new InvalidParameterValueException("VPC with uuid " + vpc.getUuid() + " is already connected to network '" + privateNtwk.getName() + "'");
    final VpcGatewayVO gatewayVO;
    try {
        gatewayVO = Transaction.execute(new TransactionCallbackWithException<VpcGatewayVO, Exception>() {

            public VpcGatewayVO doInTransaction(final TransactionStatus status) throws ResourceAllocationException, ConcurrentOperationException, InsufficientCapacityException {
                // create the nic/ip as createPrivateNetwork doesn't do that work for us now
      "found and using existing network for vpc " + vpc + ": " + privateNtwk.getBroadcastUri());
                final DataCenterVO dc = _dcDao.lockRow(vpc.getZoneId(), true);
                // add entry to private_ip_address table
                PrivateIpVO privateIp = _privateIpDao.findByIpAndSourceNetworkId(privateNtwk.getId(), ipAddress);
                if (privateIp != null) {
                    throw new InvalidParameterValueException("Private IP address " + ipAddress + " already used for private gateway in zone " + _entityMgr.findById(DataCenter.class, vpc.getZoneId()).getName());
                final Long mac = dc.getMacAddress();
                final Long nextMac = mac + 1;
      "creating private IP address for VPC (" + ipAddress + ", " + privateNtwk.getId() + ", " + nextMac + ", " + vpcId + ", " + isSourceNat + ")");
                privateIp = new PrivateIpVO(ipAddress, privateNtwk.getId(), nextMac, vpcId, isSourceNat);
                _dcDao.update(dc.getId(), dc);
                long networkAclId = NetworkACL.DEFAULT_DENY;
                if (aclId != null) {
                    final NetworkACLVO aclVO = _networkAclDao.findById(aclId);
                    if (aclVO == null) {
                        throw new InvalidParameterValueException("Invalid network acl id passed ");
                    if (aclVO.getVpcId() != vpcId && !(aclId == NetworkACL.DEFAULT_DENY || aclId == NetworkACL.DEFAULT_ALLOW)) {
                        throw new InvalidParameterValueException("Private gateway and network acl are not in the same vpc");
                    networkAclId = aclId;
                // 2) create gateway entry
                final VpcGatewayVO gatewayVO = new VpcGatewayVO(ipAddress, VpcGateway.Type.Private, vpcId, privateNtwk.getDataCenterId(), privateNtwk.getId(), vpc.getAccountId(), vpc.getDomainId(), isSourceNat, networkAclId);
                s_logger.debug("Created vpc gateway entry " + gatewayVO);
                return gatewayVO;
    } catch (final Exception e) {
        ExceptionUtil.rethrow(e, InsufficientCapacityException.class);
        ExceptionUtil.rethrow(e, ResourceAllocationException.class);
        throw new IllegalStateException(e);
    CallContext.current().setEventDetails("Private Gateway Id: " + gatewayVO.getId());
    return getVpcPrivateGateway(gatewayVO.getId());
Also used : DataCenterVO( Account( TransactionCallbackWithException( TransactionStatus( CallContext( TransactionCallbackWithException( NetworkRuleConflictException( InsufficientCapacityException( InsufficientAddressCapacityException( ResourceUnavailableException( CloudRuntimeException( ExecutionException(java.util.concurrent.ExecutionException) ResourceAllocationException( ConcurrentOperationException( InvalidParameterValueException( ConfigurationException(javax.naming.ConfigurationException) PermissionDeniedException( ServerApiException( DataCenter( InvalidParameterValueException( Network( PhysicalNetwork( InsufficientCapacityException( ResourceAllocationException( ActionEvent( DB(

Example 43 with CallContext

use of in project cosmic by MissionCriticalCloud.

the class VirtualNetworkApplianceManagerImpl method stopRouter.

@ActionEvent(eventType = EventTypes.EVENT_ROUTER_STOP, eventDescription = "stopping router Vm", async = true)
public VirtualRouter stopRouter(final long routerId, final boolean forced) throws ResourceUnavailableException, ConcurrentOperationException {
    final CallContext context = CallContext.current();
    final Account account = context.getCallingAccount();
    // verify parameters
    final DomainRouterVO router = _routerDao.findById(routerId);
    if (router == null) {
        throw new InvalidParameterValueException("Unable to find router by id " + routerId + ".");
    _accountMgr.checkAccess(account, null, true, router);
    final UserVO user = _userDao.findById(CallContext.current().getCallingUserId());
    final VirtualRouter virtualRouter = stop(router, forced, user, account);
    if (virtualRouter == null) {
        throw new CloudRuntimeException("Failed to stop router with id " + routerId);
    // Clear stop pending flag after stopped successfully
    if (router.isStopPending()) {"Clear the stop pending flag of router " + router.getHostName() + " after stop router successfully");
    return virtualRouter;
Also used : Account( UserVO( InvalidParameterValueException( CloudRuntimeException( CallContext( DomainRouterVO( ActionEvent(

Example 44 with CallContext

use of in project cosmic by MissionCriticalCloud.

the class ProjectManagerImpl method deleteProject.

@ActionEvent(eventType = EventTypes.EVENT_PROJECT_DELETE, eventDescription = "deleting project", async = true)
public boolean deleteProject(final long projectId) {
    final CallContext ctx = CallContext.current();
    final ProjectVO project = getProject(projectId);
    // verify input parameters
    if (project == null) {
        throw new InvalidParameterValueException("Unable to find project by id " + projectId);
    _accountMgr.checkAccess(ctx.getCallingAccount(), AccessType.ModifyProject, true, _accountMgr.getAccount(project.getProjectAccountId()));
    return deleteProject(ctx.getCallingAccount(), ctx.getCallingUserId(), project);
Also used : InvalidParameterValueException( CallContext( ActionEvent(

Example 45 with CallContext

use of in project cosmic by MissionCriticalCloud.

the class RulesManagerImpl method disableStaticNat.

@ActionEvent(eventType = EventTypes.EVENT_DISABLE_STATIC_NAT, eventDescription = "disabling static nat", async = true)
public boolean disableStaticNat(final long ipId) throws ResourceUnavailableException, NetworkRuleConflictException, InsufficientAddressCapacityException {
    final CallContext ctx = CallContext.current();
    final Account caller = ctx.getCallingAccount();
    final IPAddressVO ipAddress = _ipAddressDao.findById(ipId);
    checkIpAndUserVm(ipAddress, null, caller, false);
    if (ipAddress.getSystem()) {
        final InvalidParameterValueException ex = new InvalidParameterValueException("Can't disable static nat for system IP address with specified id");
        ex.addProxyObject(ipAddress.getUuid(), "ipId");
        throw ex;
    final Long vmId = ipAddress.getAssociatedWithVmId();
    if (vmId == null) {
        final InvalidParameterValueException ex = new InvalidParameterValueException("Specified IP address id is not associated with any vm Id");
        ex.addProxyObject(ipAddress.getUuid(), "ipId");
        throw ex;
    // if network has elastic IP functionality supported, we first have to disable static nat on old ip in order to
    // re-enable it on the new one enable static nat takes care of that
    final Network guestNetwork = _networkModel.getNetwork(ipAddress.getAssociatedWithNetworkId());
    final NetworkOffering offering = _entityMgr.findById(NetworkOffering.class, guestNetwork.getNetworkOfferingId());
    if (offering.getElasticIp()) {
        if (offering.getAssociatePublicIP()) {
            getSystemIpAndEnableStaticNatForVm(_vmDao.findById(vmId), true);
            return true;
    return disableStaticNat(ipId, caller, ctx.getCallingUserId(), false);
Also used : Account( InvalidParameterValueException( NetworkOffering( Network( IPAddressVO( CallContext( ActionEvent(


CallContext ( Account ( User ( InvalidParameterValueException ( VmWorkJobVO ( ActionEvent ( ResourceUnavailableException ( CloudRuntimeException ( DB ( LoadBalancerVO ( VMInstanceVO ( NetworkRuleConflictException ( ServerApiException ( FirewallRule ( ConcurrentOperationException ( InsufficientAddressCapacityException ( InsufficientCapacityException ( ResourceAllocationException ( Network ( PermissionDeniedException (