Search in sources :

Example 1 with VMInstanceVO

use of in project cloudstack by apache.

the class VmwareStorageMotionStrategy method copyAsync.

public void copyAsync(Map<VolumeInfo, DataStore> volumeMap, VirtualMachineTO vmTo, Host srcHost, Host destHost, AsyncCompletionCallback<CopyCommandResult> callback) {
    Answer answer = null;
    String errMsg = null;
    try {
        VMInstanceVO instance = instanceDao.findById(vmTo.getId());
        if (instance != null) {
            if (srcHost.getClusterId().equals(destHost.getClusterId())) {
                answer = migrateVmWithVolumesWithinCluster(instance, vmTo, srcHost, destHost, volumeMap);
            } else {
                answer = migrateVmWithVolumesAcrossCluster(instance, vmTo, srcHost, destHost, volumeMap);
        } else {
            throw new CloudRuntimeException("Unsupported operation requested for moving data.");
    } catch (Exception e) {
        s_logger.error("copy failed", e);
        errMsg = e.toString();
    CopyCommandResult result = new CopyCommandResult(null, answer);
Also used : Answer( MigrateWithStorageAnswer( CloudRuntimeException( VMInstanceVO( CopyCommandResult( AgentUnavailableException( CloudRuntimeException( OperationTimedoutException(

Example 2 with VMInstanceVO

use of in project cloudstack by apache.

the class VirtualMachineModelTest method testCreateVirtualMachine.

public void testCreateVirtualMachine() throws IOException {
    String uuid = UUID.randomUUID().toString();
    ContrailManagerImpl contrailMgr = mock(ContrailManagerImpl.class);
    ModelController controller = mock(ModelController.class);
    ApiConnector api = new ApiConnectorMock(null, 0);
    // Create Virtual-Network (VN)
    NetworkVO network = mock(NetworkVO.class);
    when(contrailMgr.getProjectId(network.getDomainId(), network.getAccountId())).thenReturn("testProjectId");
    // Create Virtual-Machine (VM)
    VMInstanceVO vm = mock(VMInstanceVO.class);
    UserVmDao VmDao = mock(UserVmDao.class);
    VirtualMachineModel vmModel = new VirtualMachineModel(vm, uuid);
    assertEquals(vmModel.getInstanceName(), "testVM1");
    assertEquals(vmModel.getUuid(), uuid);, vm);
    try {
    } catch (Exception ex) {
        fail("virtual-network update failed ");
Also used : ContrailManagerImpl( NetworkVO( ApiConnector( VMInstanceVO( UserVmDao( ApiConnectorMock( IOException( Test(org.junit.Test)

Example 3 with VMInstanceVO

use of in project cloudstack by apache.

the class ResourceManagerImpl method doDeleteHost.

protected boolean doDeleteHost(final long hostId, final boolean isForced, final boolean isForceDeleteStorage) {
    // Verify that host exists
    final HostVO host = _hostDao.findById(hostId);
    if (host == null) {
        throw new InvalidParameterValueException("Host with id " + hostId + " doesn't exist");
    _accountMgr.checkAccessAndSpecifyAuthority(CallContext.current().getCallingAccount(), host.getDataCenterId());
    if (!isForced && host.getResourceState() != ResourceState.Maintenance) {
        throw new CloudRuntimeException("Host " + host.getUuid() + " cannot be deleted as it is not in maintenance mode. Either put the host into maintenance or perform a forced deletion.");
    // Get storage pool host mappings here because they can be removed as a
    // part of handleDisconnect later
    // TODO: find out the bad boy, what's a buggy logic!
    final List<StoragePoolHostVO> pools = _storagePoolHostDao.listByHostIdIncludingRemoved(hostId);
    final ResourceStateAdapter.DeleteHostAnswer answer = (ResourceStateAdapter.DeleteHostAnswer) dispatchToStateAdapters(ResourceStateAdapter.Event.DELETE_HOST, false, host, isForced, isForceDeleteStorage);
    if (answer == null) {
        throw new CloudRuntimeException("No resource adapter respond to DELETE_HOST event for " + host.getName() + " id = " + hostId + ", hypervisorType is " + host.getHypervisorType() + ", host type is " + host.getType());
    if (answer.getIsException()) {
        return false;
    if (!answer.getIsContinue()) {
        return true;
    Long clusterId = host.getClusterId();
    Transaction.execute(new TransactionCallbackNoReturn() {

        public void doInTransactionWithoutResult(final TransactionStatus status) {
            _dcDao.releasePrivateIpAddress(host.getPrivateIpAddress(), host.getDataCenterId(), null);
            _agentMgr.disconnectWithoutInvestigation(hostId, Status.Event.Remove);
            // delete host details
            // if host is GPU enabled, delete GPU entries
            // delete host tags
            final Long clusterId = host.getClusterId();
            _hostDao.update(host.getId(), host);
            if (clusterId != null) {
                final List<HostVO> hosts = listAllHostsInCluster(clusterId);
                if (hosts.size() == 0) {
                    final ClusterVO cluster = _clusterDao.findById(clusterId);
                    _clusterDao.update(clusterId, cluster);
            try {
                resourceStateTransitTo(host, ResourceState.Event.DeleteHost, _nodeId);
            } catch (final NoTransitionException e) {
                s_logger.debug("Cannot transmit host " + host.getId() + " to Enabled state", e);
            // Delete the associated entries in host ref table
            // Make sure any VMs that were marked as being on this host are cleaned up
            final List<VMInstanceVO> vms = _vmDao.listByHostId(hostId);
            for (final VMInstanceVO vm : vms) {
                // this is how VirtualMachineManagerImpl does it when it syncs VM states
            // where
            for (final StoragePoolHostVO pool : pools) {
                final Long poolId = pool.getPoolId();
                final StoragePoolVO storagePool = _storagePoolDao.findById(poolId);
                if (storagePool.isLocal() && isForceDeleteStorage) {
                    _storagePoolDao.update(poolId, storagePool);
                    s_logger.debug("Local storage id=" + poolId + " is removed as a part of host removal id=" + hostId);
            // delete the op_host_capacity entry
            final Object[] capacityTypes = { Capacity.CAPACITY_TYPE_CPU, Capacity.CAPACITY_TYPE_MEMORY };
            final SearchCriteria<CapacityVO> hostCapacitySC = _capacityDao.createSearchCriteria();
            hostCapacitySC.addAnd("hostOrPoolId", SearchCriteria.Op.EQ, hostId);
            hostCapacitySC.addAnd("capacityType", SearchCriteria.Op.IN, capacityTypes);
            // remove from dedicated resources
            final DedicatedResourceVO dr = _dedicatedDao.findByHostId(hostId);
            if (dr != null) {
    if (clusterId != null) {
        _agentMgr.notifyMonitorsOfRemovedHost(host.getId(), clusterId);
    return true;
Also used : ClusterVO( StoragePoolHostVO( TransactionStatus( VMInstanceVO( TransactionCallbackNoReturn( StoragePoolHostVO( HostVO( SearchCriteria( InvalidParameterValueException( CloudRuntimeException( NoTransitionException( StoragePoolVO( ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList) List(java.util.List) DedicatedResourceVO( DB(

Example 4 with VMInstanceVO

use of in project cloudstack by apache.

the class ResourceManagerImpl method doCancelMaintenance.

private boolean doCancelMaintenance(final long hostId) {
    HostVO host;
    host = _hostDao.findById(hostId);
    if (host == null || host.getRemoved() != null) {
        s_logger.warn("Unable to find host " + hostId);
        return true;
         * TODO: think twice about returning true or throwing out exception, I
         * really prefer to exception that always exposes bugs
    if (host.getResourceState() != ResourceState.PrepareForMaintenance && host.getResourceState() != ResourceState.Maintenance && host.getResourceState() != ResourceState.ErrorInMaintenance) {
        throw new CloudRuntimeException("Cannot perform cancelMaintenance when resource state is " + host.getResourceState() + ", hostId = " + hostId);
    /* TODO: move to listener */
    boolean vms_migrating = false;
    final List<VMInstanceVO> vms = _haMgr.findTakenMigrationWork();
    for (final VMInstanceVO vm : vms) {
        if (vm.getHostId() != null && vm.getHostId() == hostId) {
            s_logger.warn("Unable to cancel migration because the vm is being migrated: " + vm + ", hostId = " + hostId);
            vms_migrating = true;
    try {
        resourceStateTransitTo(host, ResourceState.Event.AdminCancelMaintenance, _nodeId);
        // for kvm, need to log into kvm host, restart cloudstack-agent
        if ((host.getHypervisorType() == HypervisorType.KVM && !vms_migrating) || host.getHypervisorType() == HypervisorType.LXC) {
            final boolean sshToAgent = Boolean.parseBoolean(_configDao.getValue(Config.KvmSshToAgentEnabled.key()));
            if (!sshToAgent) {
      "Configuration tells us not to SSH into Agents. Please restart the Agent (" + hostId + ")  manually");
                return true;
            final String password = host.getDetail("password");
            final String username = host.getDetail("username");
            if (password == null || username == null) {
                s_logger.debug("Can't find password/username");
                return false;
            final com.trilead.ssh2.Connection connection = SSHCmdHelper.acquireAuthorizedConnection(host.getPrivateIpAddress(), 22, username, password);
            if (connection == null) {
                s_logger.debug("Failed to connect to host: " + host.getPrivateIpAddress());
                return false;
            try {
                SSHCmdHelper.sshExecuteCmdOneShot(connection, "service cloudstack-agent restart");
            } catch (final SshException e) {
                return false;
        return true;
    } catch (final NoTransitionException e) {
        s_logger.debug("Cannot transmit host " + host.getId() + "to Enabled state", e);
        return false;
Also used : CloudRuntimeException( NoTransitionException( VMInstanceVO( SshException( StoragePoolHostVO( HostVO(

Example 5 with VMInstanceVO

use of in project cloudstack by apache.

the class CloudOrchestrator method createVirtualMachineFromScratch.

public VirtualMachineEntity createVirtualMachineFromScratch(String id, String owner, String isoId, String hostName, String displayName, String hypervisor, String os, int cpu, int speed, long memory, Long diskSize, List<String> computeTags, List<String> rootDiskTags, Map<String, NicProfile> networkNicMap, DeploymentPlan plan) throws InsufficientCapacityException {
    // VirtualMachineEntityImpl vmEntity = new VirtualMachineEntityImpl(id, owner, hostName, displayName, cpu, speed, memory, computeTags, rootDiskTags, networks, vmEntityManager);
    VirtualMachineEntityImpl vmEntity = ComponentContext.inject(VirtualMachineEntityImpl.class);
    vmEntity.init(id, owner, hostName, displayName, cpu, speed, memory, computeTags, rootDiskTags, new ArrayList<String>(networkNicMap.keySet()));
    //load vm instance and offerings and call virtualMachineManagerImpl
    VMInstanceVO vm = _vmDao.findByUuid(id);
    ServiceOfferingVO computeOffering = _serviceOfferingDao.findById(vm.getId(), vm.getServiceOfferingId());
    DiskOfferingInfo rootDiskOfferingInfo = new DiskOfferingInfo();
    Long diskOfferingId = vm.getDiskOfferingId();
    if (diskOfferingId == null) {
        throw new InvalidParameterValueException("Installing from ISO requires a disk offering to be specified for the root disk.");
    DiskOfferingVO diskOffering = _diskOfferingDao.findById(diskOfferingId);
    if (diskOffering == null) {
        throw new InvalidParameterValueException("Unable to find disk offering " + diskOfferingId);
    Long size = null;
    if (diskOffering.getDiskSize() == 0) {
        size = diskSize;
        if (size == null) {
            throw new InvalidParameterValueException("Disk offering " + diskOffering + " requires size parameter.");
        _volumeMgr.validateVolumeSizeRange(size * 1024 * 1024 * 1024);
    if (diskOffering.isCustomizedIops() != null && diskOffering.isCustomizedIops()) {
        Map<String, String> userVmDetails = _userVmDetailsDao.listDetailsKeyPairs(vm.getId());
        if (userVmDetails != null) {
            String minIops = userVmDetails.get("minIopsDo");
            String maxIops = userVmDetails.get("maxIopsDo");
            rootDiskOfferingInfo.setMinIops(minIops != null && minIops.trim().length() > 0 ? Long.parseLong(minIops) : null);
            rootDiskOfferingInfo.setMaxIops(maxIops != null && maxIops.trim().length() > 0 ? Long.parseLong(maxIops) : null);
    LinkedHashMap<Network, List<? extends NicProfile>> networkIpMap = new LinkedHashMap<Network, List<? extends NicProfile>>();
    for (String uuid : networkNicMap.keySet()) {
        NetworkVO network = _networkDao.findByUuid(uuid);
        if (network != null) {
            networkIpMap.put(network, new ArrayList<NicProfile>(Arrays.asList(networkNicMap.get(uuid))));
    HypervisorType hypervisorType = HypervisorType.valueOf(hypervisor);
    _itMgr.allocate(vm.getInstanceName(), _templateDao.findById(new Long(isoId)), computeOffering, rootDiskOfferingInfo, new ArrayList<DiskOfferingInfo>(), networkIpMap, plan, hypervisorType);
    return vmEntity;
Also used : NetworkVO( VMInstanceVO( NicProfile( ServiceOfferingVO( VirtualMachineEntityImpl( LinkedHashMap(java.util.LinkedHashMap) HypervisorType( InvalidParameterValueException( DiskOfferingVO( Network( ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList) List(java.util.List) DiskOfferingInfo(


VMInstanceVO ( ArrayList (java.util.ArrayList)40 HostVO ( CloudRuntimeException ( InvalidParameterValueException ( Account ( VolumeVO ( Test (org.junit.Test)24 HostPodVO ( HashMap (java.util.HashMap)14 NetworkVO ( User ( NicVO ( VmWorkJobVO ( PhysicalNetworkVO ( StoragePoolVO ( ActionEvent ( Random (java.util.Random)11 Answer ( ConcurrentOperationException (