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Example 1 with VirtualMachineEntityImpl

use of in project cloudstack by apache.

the class CloudOrchestrator method createVirtualMachineFromScratch.

public VirtualMachineEntity createVirtualMachineFromScratch(String id, String owner, String isoId, String hostName, String displayName, String hypervisor, String os, int cpu, int speed, long memory, Long diskSize, List<String> computeTags, List<String> rootDiskTags, Map<String, NicProfile> networkNicMap, DeploymentPlan plan) throws InsufficientCapacityException {
    // VirtualMachineEntityImpl vmEntity = new VirtualMachineEntityImpl(id, owner, hostName, displayName, cpu, speed, memory, computeTags, rootDiskTags, networks, vmEntityManager);
    VirtualMachineEntityImpl vmEntity = ComponentContext.inject(VirtualMachineEntityImpl.class);
    vmEntity.init(id, owner, hostName, displayName, cpu, speed, memory, computeTags, rootDiskTags, new ArrayList<String>(networkNicMap.keySet()));
    //load vm instance and offerings and call virtualMachineManagerImpl
    VMInstanceVO vm = _vmDao.findByUuid(id);
    ServiceOfferingVO computeOffering = _serviceOfferingDao.findById(vm.getId(), vm.getServiceOfferingId());
    DiskOfferingInfo rootDiskOfferingInfo = new DiskOfferingInfo();
    Long diskOfferingId = vm.getDiskOfferingId();
    if (diskOfferingId == null) {
        throw new InvalidParameterValueException("Installing from ISO requires a disk offering to be specified for the root disk.");
    DiskOfferingVO diskOffering = _diskOfferingDao.findById(diskOfferingId);
    if (diskOffering == null) {
        throw new InvalidParameterValueException("Unable to find disk offering " + diskOfferingId);
    Long size = null;
    if (diskOffering.getDiskSize() == 0) {
        size = diskSize;
        if (size == null) {
            throw new InvalidParameterValueException("Disk offering " + diskOffering + " requires size parameter.");
        _volumeMgr.validateVolumeSizeRange(size * 1024 * 1024 * 1024);
    if (diskOffering.isCustomizedIops() != null && diskOffering.isCustomizedIops()) {
        Map<String, String> userVmDetails = _userVmDetailsDao.listDetailsKeyPairs(vm.getId());
        if (userVmDetails != null) {
            String minIops = userVmDetails.get("minIopsDo");
            String maxIops = userVmDetails.get("maxIopsDo");
            rootDiskOfferingInfo.setMinIops(minIops != null && minIops.trim().length() > 0 ? Long.parseLong(minIops) : null);
            rootDiskOfferingInfo.setMaxIops(maxIops != null && maxIops.trim().length() > 0 ? Long.parseLong(maxIops) : null);
    LinkedHashMap<Network, List<? extends NicProfile>> networkIpMap = new LinkedHashMap<Network, List<? extends NicProfile>>();
    for (String uuid : networkNicMap.keySet()) {
        NetworkVO network = _networkDao.findByUuid(uuid);
        if (network != null) {
            networkIpMap.put(network, new ArrayList<NicProfile>(Arrays.asList(networkNicMap.get(uuid))));
    HypervisorType hypervisorType = HypervisorType.valueOf(hypervisor);
    _itMgr.allocate(vm.getInstanceName(), _templateDao.findById(new Long(isoId)), computeOffering, rootDiskOfferingInfo, new ArrayList<DiskOfferingInfo>(), networkIpMap, plan, hypervisorType);
    return vmEntity;
Also used : NetworkVO( VMInstanceVO( NicProfile( ServiceOfferingVO( VirtualMachineEntityImpl( LinkedHashMap(java.util.LinkedHashMap) HypervisorType( InvalidParameterValueException( DiskOfferingVO( Network( ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList) List(java.util.List) DiskOfferingInfo(

Example 2 with VirtualMachineEntityImpl

use of in project cloudstack by apache.

the class CloudOrchestrator method createVirtualMachineFromScratch.

public VirtualMachineEntity createVirtualMachineFromScratch(String id, String owner, String isoId, String hostName, String displayName, String hypervisor, String os, int cpu, int speed, long memory, Long diskSize, List<String> computeTags, List<String> rootDiskTags, Map<String, List<NicProfile>> networkNicMap, DeploymentPlan plan, Map<String, Map<Integer, String>> extraDhcpOptionMap, Long diskOfferingId) throws InsufficientCapacityException {
    // VirtualMachineEntityImpl vmEntity = new VirtualMachineEntityImpl(id, owner, hostName, displayName, cpu, speed, memory, computeTags, rootDiskTags, networks, vmEntityManager);
    VirtualMachineEntityImpl vmEntity = ComponentContext.inject(VirtualMachineEntityImpl.class);
    vmEntity.init(id, owner, hostName, displayName, cpu, speed, memory, computeTags, rootDiskTags, new ArrayList<String>(networkNicMap.keySet()));
    // load vm instance and offerings and call virtualMachineManagerImpl
    VMInstanceVO vm = _vmDao.findByUuid(id);
    ServiceOfferingVO computeOffering = _serviceOfferingDao.findById(vm.getId(), vm.getServiceOfferingId());
    DiskOfferingInfo rootDiskOfferingInfo = new DiskOfferingInfo();
    if (diskOfferingId == null) {
        throw new InvalidParameterValueException("Installing from ISO requires a disk offering to be specified for the root disk.");
    DiskOfferingVO diskOffering = _diskOfferingDao.findById(diskOfferingId);
    if (diskOffering == null) {
        throw new InvalidParameterValueException("Unable to find disk offering " + diskOfferingId);
    Long size = null;
    if (!diskOffering.isComputeOnly() && diskOffering.getDiskSize() == 0) {
        size = diskSize;
        if (size == null) {
            throw new InvalidParameterValueException("Disk offering " + diskOffering + " requires size parameter.");
        _volumeMgr.validateVolumeSizeRange(size * 1024 * 1024 * 1024);
    if (diskOffering.isCustomizedIops() != null && diskOffering.isCustomizedIops()) {
        Map<String, String> userVmDetails = _userVmDetailsDao.listDetailsKeyPairs(vm.getId());
        if (userVmDetails != null) {
            String minIops = userVmDetails.get("minIopsDo");
            String maxIops = userVmDetails.get("maxIopsDo");
            rootDiskOfferingInfo.setMinIops(minIops != null && minIops.trim().length() > 0 ? Long.parseLong(minIops) : null);
            rootDiskOfferingInfo.setMaxIops(maxIops != null && maxIops.trim().length() > 0 ? Long.parseLong(maxIops) : null);
    LinkedHashMap<Network, List<? extends NicProfile>> networkIpMap = new LinkedHashMap<Network, List<? extends NicProfile>>();
    for (String uuid : networkNicMap.keySet()) {
        NetworkVO network = _networkDao.findByUuid(uuid);
        if (network != null) {
            networkIpMap.put(network, networkNicMap.get(uuid));
    HypervisorType hypervisorType = HypervisorType.valueOf(hypervisor);
    _itMgr.allocate(vm.getInstanceName(), _templateDao.findById(new Long(isoId)), computeOffering, rootDiskOfferingInfo, new ArrayList<DiskOfferingInfo>(), networkIpMap, plan, hypervisorType, extraDhcpOptionMap, null);
    return vmEntity;
Also used : NetworkVO( VMInstanceVO( NicProfile( ServiceOfferingVO( VirtualMachineEntityImpl( LinkedHashMap(java.util.LinkedHashMap) HypervisorType( InvalidParameterValueException( DiskOfferingVO( Network( ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList) List(java.util.List) DiskOfferingInfo(

Example 3 with VirtualMachineEntityImpl

use of in project cloudstack by apache.

the class CloudOrchestrator method createVirtualMachine.

public VirtualMachineEntity createVirtualMachine(String id, String owner, String templateId, String hostName, String displayName, String hypervisor, int cpu, int speed, long memory, Long diskSize, List<String> computeTags, List<String> rootDiskTags, Map<String, NicProfile> networkNicMap, DeploymentPlan plan, Long rootDiskSize) throws InsufficientCapacityException {
    // VirtualMachineEntityImpl vmEntity = new VirtualMachineEntityImpl(id, owner, hostName, displayName, cpu, speed, memory, computeTags, rootDiskTags, networks,
    // vmEntityManager);
    LinkedHashMap<NetworkVO, List<? extends NicProfile>> networkIpMap = new LinkedHashMap<NetworkVO, List<? extends NicProfile>>();
    for (String uuid : networkNicMap.keySet()) {
        NetworkVO network = _networkDao.findByUuid(uuid);
        if (network != null) {
            networkIpMap.put(network, new ArrayList<NicProfile>(Arrays.asList(networkNicMap.get(uuid))));
    VirtualMachineEntityImpl vmEntity = ComponentContext.inject(VirtualMachineEntityImpl.class);
    vmEntity.init(id, owner, hostName, displayName, cpu, speed, memory, computeTags, rootDiskTags, new ArrayList<String>(networkNicMap.keySet()));
    HypervisorType hypervisorType = HypervisorType.valueOf(hypervisor);
    //load vm instance and offerings and call virtualMachineManagerImpl
    VMInstanceVO vm = _vmDao.findByUuid(id);
    // If the template represents an ISO, a disk offering must be passed in, and will be used to create the root disk
    // Else, a disk offering is optional, and if present will be used to create the data disk
    DiskOfferingInfo rootDiskOfferingInfo = new DiskOfferingInfo();
    List<DiskOfferingInfo> dataDiskOfferings = new ArrayList<DiskOfferingInfo>();
    ServiceOfferingVO computeOffering = _serviceOfferingDao.findById(vm.getId(), vm.getServiceOfferingId());
    if (computeOffering.isCustomizedIops() != null && computeOffering.isCustomizedIops()) {
        Map<String, String> userVmDetails = _userVmDetailsDao.listDetailsKeyPairs(vm.getId());
        if (userVmDetails != null) {
            String minIops = userVmDetails.get("minIops");
            String maxIops = userVmDetails.get("maxIops");
            rootDiskOfferingInfo.setMinIops(minIops != null && minIops.trim().length() > 0 ? Long.parseLong(minIops) : null);
            rootDiskOfferingInfo.setMaxIops(maxIops != null && maxIops.trim().length() > 0 ? Long.parseLong(maxIops) : null);
    if (vm.getDiskOfferingId() != null) {
        DiskOfferingVO diskOffering = _diskOfferingDao.findById(vm.getDiskOfferingId());
        if (diskOffering == null) {
            throw new InvalidParameterValueException("Unable to find disk offering " + vm.getDiskOfferingId());
        Long size = null;
        if (diskOffering.getDiskSize() == 0) {
            size = diskSize;
            if (size == null) {
                throw new InvalidParameterValueException("Disk offering " + diskOffering + " requires size parameter.");
            _volumeMgr.validateVolumeSizeRange(size * 1024 * 1024 * 1024);
        DiskOfferingInfo dataDiskOfferingInfo = new DiskOfferingInfo();
        if (diskOffering.isCustomizedIops() != null && diskOffering.isCustomizedIops()) {
            Map<String, String> userVmDetails = _userVmDetailsDao.listDetailsKeyPairs(vm.getId());
            if (userVmDetails != null) {
                String minIops = userVmDetails.get("minIopsDo");
                String maxIops = userVmDetails.get("maxIopsDo");
                dataDiskOfferingInfo.setMinIops(minIops != null && minIops.trim().length() > 0 ? Long.parseLong(minIops) : null);
                dataDiskOfferingInfo.setMaxIops(maxIops != null && maxIops.trim().length() > 0 ? Long.parseLong(maxIops) : null);
    _itMgr.allocate(vm.getInstanceName(), _templateDao.findById(new Long(templateId)), computeOffering, rootDiskOfferingInfo, dataDiskOfferings, networkIpMap, plan, hypervisorType);
    return vmEntity;
Also used : NetworkVO( ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList) VMInstanceVO( NicProfile( ServiceOfferingVO( VirtualMachineEntityImpl( LinkedHashMap(java.util.LinkedHashMap) HypervisorType( InvalidParameterValueException( DiskOfferingVO( ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList) List(java.util.List) DiskOfferingInfo(

Example 4 with VirtualMachineEntityImpl

use of in project cloudstack by apache.

the class CloudOrchestrator method createVirtualMachine.

public VirtualMachineEntity createVirtualMachine(String id, String owner, String templateId, String hostName, String displayName, String hypervisor, int cpu, int speed, long memory, Long diskSize, List<String> computeTags, List<String> rootDiskTags, Map<String, List<NicProfile>> networkNicMap, DeploymentPlan plan, Long rootDiskSize, Map<String, Map<Integer, String>> extraDhcpOptionMap, Map<Long, DiskOffering> dataDiskTemplateToDiskOfferingMap, Long dataDiskOfferingId, Long rootDiskOfferingId) throws InsufficientCapacityException {
    // VirtualMachineEntityImpl vmEntity = new VirtualMachineEntityImpl(id, owner, hostName, displayName, cpu, speed, memory, computeTags, rootDiskTags, networks,
    // vmEntityManager);
    LinkedHashMap<NetworkVO, List<? extends NicProfile>> networkIpMap = new LinkedHashMap<NetworkVO, List<? extends NicProfile>>();
    for (String uuid : networkNicMap.keySet()) {
        NetworkVO network = _networkDao.findByUuid(uuid);
        if (network != null) {
            networkIpMap.put(network, networkNicMap.get(uuid));
    VirtualMachineEntityImpl vmEntity = ComponentContext.inject(VirtualMachineEntityImpl.class);
    vmEntity.init(id, owner, hostName, displayName, cpu, speed, memory, computeTags, rootDiskTags, new ArrayList<String>(networkNicMap.keySet()));
    HypervisorType hypervisorType = HypervisorType.valueOf(hypervisor);
    // load vm instance and offerings and call virtualMachineManagerImpl
    VMInstanceVO vm = _vmDao.findByUuid(id);
    // If the template represents an ISO, a disk offering must be passed in, and will be used to create the root disk
    // Else, a disk offering is optional, and if present will be used to create the data disk
    DiskOfferingInfo rootDiskOfferingInfo = new DiskOfferingInfo();
    List<DiskOfferingInfo> dataDiskOfferings = new ArrayList<DiskOfferingInfo>();
    ServiceOfferingVO computeOffering = _serviceOfferingDao.findById(vm.getId(), vm.getServiceOfferingId());
    DiskOfferingVO rootDiskOffering = _diskOfferingDao.findById(rootDiskOfferingId);
    if (rootDiskOffering == null) {
        throw new InvalidParameterValueException("Unable to find root disk offering " + rootDiskOfferingId);
    if (rootDiskOffering.isCustomizedIops() != null && rootDiskOffering.isCustomizedIops()) {
        Map<String, String> userVmDetails = _userVmDetailsDao.listDetailsKeyPairs(vm.getId());
        if (userVmDetails != null) {
            String minIops = userVmDetails.get("minIops");
            String maxIops = userVmDetails.get("maxIops");
            rootDiskOfferingInfo.setMinIops(minIops != null && minIops.trim().length() > 0 ? Long.parseLong(minIops) : null);
            rootDiskOfferingInfo.setMaxIops(maxIops != null && maxIops.trim().length() > 0 ? Long.parseLong(maxIops) : null);
    if (dataDiskOfferingId != null) {
        DiskOfferingVO diskOffering = _diskOfferingDao.findById(dataDiskOfferingId);
        if (diskOffering == null) {
            throw new InvalidParameterValueException("Unable to find data disk offering " + dataDiskOfferingId);
        if (!diskOffering.isComputeOnly()) {
            Long size = null;
            if (diskOffering.getDiskSize() == 0) {
                size = diskSize;
                if (size == null) {
                    throw new InvalidParameterValueException("Disk offering " + diskOffering + " requires size parameter.");
                _volumeMgr.validateVolumeSizeRange(size * 1024 * 1024 * 1024);
            DiskOfferingInfo dataDiskOfferingInfo = new DiskOfferingInfo();
            if (diskOffering.isCustomizedIops() != null && diskOffering.isCustomizedIops()) {
                Map<String, String> userVmDetails = _userVmDetailsDao.listDetailsKeyPairs(vm.getId());
                if (userVmDetails != null) {
                    String minIops = userVmDetails.get("minIopsDo");
                    String maxIops = userVmDetails.get("maxIopsDo");
                    dataDiskOfferingInfo.setMinIops(minIops != null && minIops.trim().length() > 0 ? Long.parseLong(minIops) : null);
                    dataDiskOfferingInfo.setMaxIops(maxIops != null && maxIops.trim().length() > 0 ? Long.parseLong(maxIops) : null);
    if (dataDiskTemplateToDiskOfferingMap != null && !dataDiskTemplateToDiskOfferingMap.isEmpty()) {
        for (Entry<Long, DiskOffering> datadiskTemplateToDiskOffering : dataDiskTemplateToDiskOfferingMap.entrySet()) {
            DiskOffering dataDiskOffering = datadiskTemplateToDiskOffering.getValue();
            if (dataDiskOffering == null) {
                throw new InvalidParameterValueException("Unable to find disk offering " + dataDiskOfferingId);
            if (dataDiskOffering.getDiskSize() == 0) {
                // Custom disk offering is not supported for volumes created from datadisk templates
                throw new InvalidParameterValueException("Disk offering " + dataDiskOffering + " requires size parameter.");
    _itMgr.allocate(vm.getInstanceName(), _templateDao.findById(new Long(templateId)), computeOffering, rootDiskOfferingInfo, dataDiskOfferings, networkIpMap, plan, hypervisorType, extraDhcpOptionMap, dataDiskTemplateToDiskOfferingMap);
    return vmEntity;
Also used : NetworkVO( DiskOffering( ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList) VMInstanceVO( NicProfile( ServiceOfferingVO( VirtualMachineEntityImpl( LinkedHashMap(java.util.LinkedHashMap) HypervisorType( InvalidParameterValueException( DiskOfferingVO( ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList) List(java.util.List) DiskOfferingInfo(


InvalidParameterValueException ( HypervisorType ( NetworkVO ( DiskOfferingInfo ( ServiceOfferingVO ( DiskOfferingVO ( NicProfile ( VMInstanceVO ( ArrayList (java.util.ArrayList)4 LinkedHashMap (java.util.LinkedHashMap)4 List (java.util.List)4 VirtualMachineEntityImpl ( Network ( DiskOffering (