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Example 1 with NicVO

use of in project cloudstack by apache.

the class NetworkOrchestratorTest method testDontRemoveDhcpServiceFromDomainRouter.

public void testDontRemoveDhcpServiceFromDomainRouter() {
    // make local mocks
    VirtualMachineProfile vm = mock(VirtualMachineProfile.class);
    NicVO nic = mock(NicVO.class);
    NetworkVO network = mock(NetworkVO.class);
    // make sure that release dhcp won't be called
    testOrchastrator.removeNic(vm, nic);
    verify(nic, times(1)).setState(Nic.State.Deallocating);
    verify(testOrchastrator._networkModel, never()).getElementImplementingProvider(dhcpProvider);
    verify(testOrchastrator._ntwkSrvcDao, never()).getProviderForServiceInNetwork(network.getId(), Service.Dhcp);
    verify(testOrchastrator._networksDao, times(1)).findById(nic.getNetworkId());
Also used : NetworkVO( VirtualMachineProfile( NicVO( Test(org.junit.Test)

Example 2 with NicVO

use of in project cloudstack by apache.

the class NetworkOrchestratorTest method testDontRemoveDhcpServiceWhenNotProvided.

public void testDontRemoveDhcpServiceWhenNotProvided() {
    // make local mocks
    VirtualMachineProfile vm = mock(VirtualMachineProfile.class);
    NicVO nic = mock(NicVO.class);
    NetworkVO network = mock(NetworkVO.class);
    // make sure that release dhcp will *not* be called
    when(testOrchastrator._networkModel.areServicesSupportedInNetwork(network.getId(), Service.Dhcp)).thenReturn(false);
    testOrchastrator.removeNic(vm, nic);
    verify(nic, times(1)).setState(Nic.State.Deallocating);
    verify(testOrchastrator._networkModel, never()).getElementImplementingProvider(dhcpProvider);
    verify(testOrchastrator._ntwkSrvcDao, never()).getProviderForServiceInNetwork(network.getId(), Service.Dhcp);
    verify(testOrchastrator._networksDao, times(1)).findById(nic.getNetworkId());
Also used : NetworkVO( VirtualMachineProfile( NicVO( Test(org.junit.Test)

Example 3 with NicVO

use of in project cloudstack by apache.

the class SspElement method deleteNicEnv.

public boolean deleteNicEnv(Network network, NicProfile nic, ReservationContext context) {
    if (context == null) {
        s_logger.error("ReservationContext was null for " + nic + " " + network);
        return false;
    String reservationId = context.getReservationId();
    SspUuidVO deleteTarget = null;
    SspUuidVO remainingTarget = null;
    List<SspUuidVO> tenantPortUuidVos = _sspUuidDao.listUUidVoByNicProfile(nic);
    for (SspUuidVO tenantPortUuidVo : tenantPortUuidVos) {
        if (reservationId.equals(tenantPortUuidVo.getReservationId())) {
            deleteTarget = tenantPortUuidVo;
        } else {
            remainingTarget = tenantPortUuidVo;
    if (deleteTarget != null) {
        // delete the target ssp uuid (tenant-port)
        String tenantPortUuid = deleteTarget.getUuid();
        boolean processed = false;
        for (SspClient client : fetchSspClients(network.getPhysicalNetworkId(), network.getDataCenterId(), true)) {
            SspClient.TenantPort sspPort = client.updateTenantVifBinding(tenantPortUuid, null);
            if (sspPort != null) {
                processed = true;
        if (!processed) {
            s_logger.warn("Ssp api nic detach failed " + nic.toString());
        processed = false;
        for (SspClient client : fetchSspClients(network.getPhysicalNetworkId(), network.getDataCenterId(), true)) {
            if (client.deleteTenantPort(tenantPortUuid)) {
                processed = true;
        if (!processed) {
            s_logger.warn("Ssp api tenant port deletion failed " + nic.toString());
    if (remainingTarget != null) {
        NicVO nicVo = _nicDao.findById(nic.getId());
        // persist the new reservationId
    return true;
Also used : SspUuidVO( NicVO(

Example 4 with NicVO

use of in project cloudstack by apache.

the class NetworkOrchestrator method prepareNicForMigration.

public void prepareNicForMigration(final VirtualMachineProfile vm, final DeployDestination dest) {
    if (vm.getType().equals(VirtualMachine.Type.DomainRouter) && (vm.getHypervisorType().equals(HypervisorType.KVM) || vm.getHypervisorType().equals(HypervisorType.VMware))) {
        //Include nics hot plugged and not stored in DB
        prepareAllNicsForMigration(vm, dest);
    final List<NicVO> nics = _nicDao.listByVmId(vm.getId());
    final ReservationContext context = new ReservationContextImpl(UUID.randomUUID().toString(), null, null);
    for (final NicVO nic : nics) {
        final NetworkVO network = _networksDao.findById(nic.getNetworkId());
        final Integer networkRate = _networkModel.getNetworkRate(network.getId(), vm.getId());
        final NetworkGuru guru = AdapterBase.getAdapterByName(networkGurus, network.getGuruName());
        final NicProfile profile = new NicProfile(nic, network, nic.getBroadcastUri(), nic.getIsolationUri(), networkRate, _networkModel.isSecurityGroupSupportedInNetwork(network), _networkModel.getNetworkTag(vm.getHypervisorType(), network));
        if (guru instanceof NetworkMigrationResponder) {
            if (!((NetworkMigrationResponder) guru).prepareMigration(profile, network, vm, dest, context)) {
                // XXX: Transaction error
                s_logger.error("NetworkGuru " + guru + " prepareForMigration failed.");
        final List<Provider> providersToImplement = getNetworkProviders(network.getId());
        for (final NetworkElement element : networkElements) {
            if (providersToImplement.contains(element.getProvider())) {
                if (!_networkModel.isProviderEnabledInPhysicalNetwork(_networkModel.getPhysicalNetworkId(network), element.getProvider().getName())) {
                    throw new CloudRuntimeException("Service provider " + element.getProvider().getName() + " either doesn't exist or is not enabled in physical network id: " + network.getPhysicalNetworkId());
                if (element instanceof NetworkMigrationResponder) {
                    if (!((NetworkMigrationResponder) element).prepareMigration(profile, network, vm, dest, context)) {
                        // XXX: Transaction error
                        s_logger.error("NetworkElement " + element + " prepareForMigration failed.");
        guru.updateNicProfile(profile, network);
Also used : PhysicalNetworkVO( NetworkVO( NetworkMigrationResponder( NetworkGuru( NicProfile( ReservationContextImpl( ReservationContext( DnsServiceProvider( UserDataServiceProvider( DhcpServiceProvider( LoadBalancingServiceProvider( StaticNatServiceProvider( Provider( NetworkElement( CloudRuntimeException( NicVO(

Example 5 with NicVO

use of in project cloudstack by apache.

the class NetworkOrchestrator method savePlaceholderNic.

public NicVO savePlaceholderNic(final Network network, final String ip4Address, final String ip6Address, final Type vmType) {
    final NicVO nic = new NicVO(null, null, network.getId(), null);
    return _nicDao.persist(nic);
Also used : NicVO(


NicVO ( NetworkVO ( ArrayList (java.util.ArrayList)21 PhysicalNetworkVO ( CloudRuntimeException ( NicProfile ( VMInstanceVO ( DataCenterVO ( Commands ( Network ( HostVO ( UserVmVO ( Answer ( NetworkGuru ( Nic ( VirtualMachineProfile ( Test (org.junit.Test)9 DataCenter ( IPAddressVO ( VirtualRouter (