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Example 1 with ZoneScope

use of in project cosmic by MissionCriticalCloud.

the class TemplateDataStoreDaoImpl method findByTemplateZoneReady.

public TemplateDataStoreVO findByTemplateZoneReady(final long templateId, final Long zoneId) {
    List<DataStore> imgStores = null;
    imgStores = _storeMgr.getImageStoresByScope(new ZoneScope(zoneId));
    if (imgStores != null) {
        for (final DataStore store : imgStores) {
            final List<TemplateDataStoreVO> sRes = listByTemplateStoreStatus(templateId, store.getId(), State.Ready);
            if (sRes != null && sRes.size() > 0) {
                return sRes.get(0);
    return null;
Also used : ZoneScope( DataStore( TemplateDataStoreVO(

Example 2 with ZoneScope

use of in project cosmic by MissionCriticalCloud.

the class TemplateServiceImpl method handleSysTemplateDownload.

public void handleSysTemplateDownload(final HypervisorType hostHyper, final Long dcId) {
    final Set<VMTemplateVO> toBeDownloaded = new HashSet<>();
    final List<DataStore> stores = _storeMgr.getImageStoresByScope(new ZoneScope(dcId));
    if (stores == null || stores.isEmpty()) {
    /* Download all the templates in zone with the same hypervisortype */
    for (final DataStore store : stores) {
        final List<VMTemplateVO> rtngTmplts = _templateDao.listAllSystemVMTemplates();
        final List<VMTemplateVO> defaultBuiltin = _templateDao.listDefaultBuiltinTemplates();
        for (final VMTemplateVO rtngTmplt : rtngTmplts) {
            if (rtngTmplt.getHypervisorType() == hostHyper) {
        for (final VMTemplateVO builtinTmplt : defaultBuiltin) {
            if (builtinTmplt.getHypervisorType() == hostHyper) {
        for (final VMTemplateVO template : toBeDownloaded) {
            final TemplateDataStoreVO tmpltHost = _vmTemplateStoreDao.findByStoreTemplate(store.getId(), template.getId());
            if (tmpltHost == null || tmpltHost.getState() != ObjectInDataStoreStateMachine.State.Ready) {
                associateTemplateToZone(template.getId(), dcId);
      "Downloading builtin template " + template.getUniqueName() + " to data center: " + dcId);
                final TemplateInfo tmplt = _templateFactory.getTemplate(template.getId(), DataStoreRole.Image);
                createTemplateAsync(tmplt, store, null);
Also used : ZoneScope( TemplateInfo( DataStore( VMTemplateVO( TemplateDataStoreVO( HashSet(java.util.HashSet)

Example 3 with ZoneScope

use of in project cosmic by MissionCriticalCloud.

the class StorageManagerImpl method createPool.

public PrimaryDataStoreInfo createPool(final CreateStoragePoolCmd cmd) throws ResourceInUseException, IllegalArgumentException, UnknownHostException, ResourceUnavailableException {
    final String providerName = cmd.getStorageProviderName();
    DataStoreProvider storeProvider = _dataStoreProviderMgr.getDataStoreProvider(providerName);
    if (storeProvider == null) {
        storeProvider = _dataStoreProviderMgr.getDefaultPrimaryDataStoreProvider();
        if (storeProvider == null) {
            throw new InvalidParameterValueException("can't find storage provider: " + providerName);
    Long clusterId = cmd.getClusterId();
    Long podId = cmd.getPodId();
    final Long zoneId = cmd.getZoneId();
    ScopeType scopeType = ScopeType.CLUSTER;
    final String scope = cmd.getScope();
    if (scope != null) {
        try {
            scopeType = Enum.valueOf(ScopeType.class, scope.toUpperCase());
        } catch (final Exception e) {
            throw new InvalidParameterValueException("invalid scope for pool " + scope);
    if (scopeType == ScopeType.CLUSTER && clusterId == null) {
        throw new InvalidParameterValueException("cluster id can't be null, if scope is cluster");
    } else if (scopeType == ScopeType.ZONE && zoneId == null) {
        throw new InvalidParameterValueException("zone id can't be null, if scope is zone");
    HypervisorType hypervisorType = HypervisorType.KVM;
    if (scopeType == ScopeType.ZONE) {
        // ignore passed clusterId and podId
        clusterId = null;
        podId = null;
        final String hypervisor = cmd.getHypervisor();
        if (hypervisor != null) {
            try {
                hypervisorType = HypervisorType.getType(hypervisor);
            } catch (final Exception e) {
                throw new InvalidParameterValueException("invalid hypervisor type " + hypervisor);
        } else {
            throw new InvalidParameterValueException("Missing parameter hypervisor. Hypervisor type is required to create zone wide primary storage.");
        if (hypervisorType != HypervisorType.KVM && hypervisorType != HypervisorType.Any) {
            throw new InvalidParameterValueException("zone wide storage pool is not supported for hypervisor type " + hypervisor);
    final Map<String, String> details = extractApiParamAsMap(cmd.getDetails());
    final DataCenterVO zone = _dcDao.findById(cmd.getZoneId());
    if (zone == null) {
        throw new InvalidParameterValueException("unable to find zone by id " + zoneId);
    // Check if zone is disabled
    final Account account = CallContext.current().getCallingAccount();
    if (AllocationState.Disabled == zone.getAllocationState() && !_accountMgr.isRootAdmin(account.getId())) {
        throw new PermissionDeniedException("Cannot perform this operation, Zone is currently disabled: " + zoneId);
    final Map<String, Object> params = new HashMap<>();
    params.put("zoneId", zone.getId());
    params.put("clusterId", clusterId);
    params.put("podId", podId);
    params.put("url", cmd.getUrl());
    params.put("tags", cmd.getTags());
    params.put("name", cmd.getStoragePoolName());
    params.put("details", details);
    params.put("providerName", storeProvider.getName());
    params.put("managed", cmd.isManaged());
    params.put("capacityBytes", cmd.getCapacityBytes());
    params.put("capacityIops", cmd.getCapacityIops());
    final DataStoreLifeCycle lifeCycle = storeProvider.getDataStoreLifeCycle();
    DataStore store = null;
    try {
        store = lifeCycle.initialize(params);
        if (scopeType == ScopeType.CLUSTER) {
            final ClusterScope clusterScope = new ClusterScope(clusterId, podId, zoneId);
            lifeCycle.attachCluster(store, clusterScope);
        } else if (scopeType == ScopeType.ZONE) {
            final ZoneScope zoneScope = new ZoneScope(zoneId);
            lifeCycle.attachZone(store, zoneScope, hypervisorType);
    } catch (final Exception e) {
        s_logger.debug("Failed to add data store: " + e.getMessage(), e);
        try {
            // not deleting data store.
            if (store != null) {
        } catch (final Exception ex) {
            s_logger.debug("Failed to clean up storage pool: " + ex.getMessage());
        throw new CloudRuntimeException("Failed to add data store: " + e.getMessage(), e);
    return (PrimaryDataStoreInfo) _dataStoreMgr.getDataStore(store.getId(), DataStoreRole.Primary);
Also used : DataCenterVO( PrimaryDataStoreInfo( Account( HashMap(java.util.HashMap) DataStoreProvider( ConnectionException( AgentUnavailableException( OperationTimedoutException( InsufficientCapacityException( StorageConflictException( ResourceUnavailableException( StorageUnavailableException( CloudRuntimeException( UnknownHostException( ExecutionException(java.util.concurrent.ExecutionException) ResourceInUseException( URISyntaxException( DiscoveryException( InvalidParameterValueException( ConfigurationException(javax.naming.ConfigurationException) PermissionDeniedException( HypervisorType( ZoneScope( DataStoreLifeCycle( PrimaryDataStoreLifeCycle( ClusterScope( InvalidParameterValueException( CloudRuntimeException( DataStore( PermissionDeniedException(

Example 4 with ZoneScope

use of in project cosmic by MissionCriticalCloud.

the class SecondaryStorageManagerImpl method isZoneReady.

public boolean isZoneReady(final Map<Long, ZoneHostInfo> zoneHostInfoMap, final long dataCenterId) {
    final ZoneHostInfo zoneHostInfo = zoneHostInfoMap.get(dataCenterId);
    if (zoneHostInfo != null && (zoneHostInfo.getFlags() & RunningHostInfoAgregator.ZoneHostInfo.ROUTING_HOST_MASK) != 0) {
        final VMTemplateVO template = _templateDao.findSystemVMReadyTemplate(dataCenterId, HypervisorType.Any);
        if (template == null) {
            logger.debug("System vm template is not ready at data center " + dataCenterId + ", wait until it is ready to launch secondary storage vm");
            return false;
        final List<DataStore> stores = _dataStoreMgr.getImageStoresByScope(new ZoneScope(dataCenterId));
        if (stores.size() < 1) {
            logger.debug("No image store added  in zone " + dataCenterId + ", wait until it is ready to launch secondary storage vm");
            return false;
        final DataStore store = templateMgr.getImageStore(dataCenterId, template.getId());
        if (store == null) {
            logger.debug("No secondary storage available in zone " + dataCenterId + ", wait until it is ready to launch secondary storage vm");
            return false;
        boolean useLocalStorage = false;
        final Boolean useLocal = ConfigurationManagerImpl.SystemVMUseLocalStorage.valueIn(dataCenterId);
        if (useLocal != null) {
            useLocalStorage = useLocal.booleanValue();
        final List<Pair<Long, Integer>> l = _storagePoolHostDao.getDatacenterStoragePoolHostInfo(dataCenterId, !useLocalStorage);
        if (l != null && l.size() > 0 && l.get(0).second().intValue() > 0) {
            return true;
        } else {
            logger.debug("Primary storage is not ready, wait until it is ready to launch secondary storage vm. dcId: " + dataCenterId + ", " + ConfigurationManagerImpl.SystemVMUseLocalStorage.key() + ": " + useLocalStorage + ". " + "If you want to use local storage to start SSVM, need to set " + ConfigurationManagerImpl.SystemVMUseLocalStorage.key() + " to true");
    return false;
Also used : ZoneScope( ZoneHostInfo( DataStore( VMTemplateVO( Pair(

Example 5 with ZoneScope

use of in project cosmic by MissionCriticalCloud.

the class SecondaryStorageManagerImpl method scanPool.

public Pair<AfterScanAction, Object> scanPool(final Long pool) {"Scanning secondary storage pool {}", pool.toString());
    final long dataCenterId = pool.longValue();
    final List<SecondaryStorageVmVO> ssVms = _secStorageVmDao.getSecStorageVmListInStates(SecondaryStorageVm.Role.templateProcessor, dataCenterId, Running, Migrating, Starting, Stopped, Stopping);
    final int vmSize = (ssVms == null) ? 0 : ssVms.size();
    final List<DataStore> ssStores = _dataStoreMgr.getImageStoresByScope(new ZoneScope(dataCenterId));
    final int storeSize = (ssStores == null) ? 0 : ssStores.size();
    if (storeSize > vmSize) {
        final int requiredVMs = storeSize - vmSize;"Found less ({}) secondary storage VMs than image stores ({}) in dcId={}, starting {} new VMs", vmSize, storeSize, dataCenterId, requiredVMs);
        return new Pair<>(AfterScanAction.expand(requiredVMs), SecondaryStorageVm.Role.templateProcessor);
    } else {
        final String standByCapacity = _configDao.getValue(Config.SecStorageCapacityStandby.toString());
        final String maxPerVm = _configDao.getValue(Config.SecStorageSessionMax.toString());
        final int requiredCapacity = new SecondaryStorageCapacityCalculator().calculateRequiredCapacity(Integer.parseInt(standByCapacity), Integer.parseInt(maxPerVm));
        if (requiredCapacity > vmSize) {
            final int requiredVMs = requiredCapacity - vmSize;
  "Found less ({}) secondary storage VMs than required ({}) in dcId={}, starting {} new VMs", vmSize, requiredCapacity, dataCenterId, requiredVMs);
            return new Pair<>(AfterScanAction.expand(requiredVMs), SecondaryStorageVm.Role.templateProcessor);
    return new Pair<>(AfterScanAction.nop(), SecondaryStorageVm.Role.templateProcessor);
Also used : ZoneScope( SecondaryStorageVmVO( DataStore( Pair(


ZoneScope ( DataStore ( CloudRuntimeException ( TemplateInfo ( TemplateDataStoreVO ( NfsTO ( PermissionDeniedException ( Answer ( ClusterScope ( EndPoint ( ConnectionException ( StorageUnavailableException ( HostVO ( VMTemplateVO ( InvalidParameterValueException ( DataStoreTO ( DataCenterVO ( HostScope ( SnapshotInfo ( TemplateApiResult (