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Example 21 with ResourceAllocationException

use of in project cloudstack by apache.

the class UploadSslCertCmd method execute.

/////////////// API Implementation///////////////////
public void execute() throws ResourceUnavailableException, InsufficientCapacityException, ServerApiException, ConcurrentOperationException, ResourceAllocationException, NetworkRuleConflictException {
    try {
        SslCertResponse response = _certService.uploadSslCert(this);
    } catch (Exception e) {
        throw new ServerApiException(ApiErrorCode.INTERNAL_ERROR, e.getMessage());
Also used : ServerApiException(org.apache.cloudstack.api.ServerApiException) SslCertResponse(org.apache.cloudstack.api.response.SslCertResponse) ServerApiException(org.apache.cloudstack.api.ServerApiException) NetworkRuleConflictException( ResourceUnavailableException( ResourceAllocationException( ConcurrentOperationException( InsufficientCapacityException(

Example 22 with ResourceAllocationException

use of in project cloudstack by apache.

the class VolumeServiceImpl method handleVolumeSync.

public void handleVolumeSync(DataStore store) {
    if (store == null) {
        s_logger.warn("Huh? image store is null");
    long storeId = store.getId();
    // add lock to make template sync for a data store only be done once
    String lockString = "volumesync.storeId:" + storeId;
    GlobalLock syncLock = GlobalLock.getInternLock(lockString);
    try {
        if (syncLock.lock(3)) {
            try {
                Map<Long, TemplateProp> volumeInfos = listVolume(store);
                if (volumeInfos == null) {
                // find all the db volumes including those with NULL url column to avoid accidentally deleting volumes on image store later.
                List<VolumeDataStoreVO> dbVolumes = _volumeStoreDao.listByStoreId(storeId);
                List<VolumeDataStoreVO> toBeDownloaded = new ArrayList<VolumeDataStoreVO>(dbVolumes);
                for (VolumeDataStoreVO volumeStore : dbVolumes) {
                    VolumeVO volume = volDao.findById(volumeStore.getVolumeId());
                    if (volume == null) {
                        s_logger.warn("Volume_store_ref table shows that volume " + volumeStore.getVolumeId() + " is on image store " + storeId + ", but the volume is not found in volumes table, potentially some bugs in deleteVolume, so we just treat this volume to be deleted and mark it as destroyed");
                        _volumeStoreDao.update(volumeStore.getId(), volumeStore);
                    // Exists then don't download
                    if (volumeInfos.containsKey(volume.getId())) {
                        TemplateProp volInfo = volumeInfos.remove(volume.getId());
              "Volume Sync found " + volume.getUuid() + " already in the volume image store table");
                        if (volumeStore.getDownloadState() != Status.DOWNLOADED) {
                        if (volInfo.isCorrupted()) {
                            String msg = "Volume " + volume.getUuid() + " is corrupted on image store";
                            if (volume.getState() == State.NotUploaded || volume.getState() == State.UploadInProgress) {
                      "Volume Sync found " + volume.getUuid() + " uploaded using SSVM on image store " + storeId + " as corrupted, marking it as failed");
                                _volumeStoreDao.update(volumeStore.getId(), volumeStore);
                                // mark volume as failed, so that storage GC will clean it up
                                VolumeObject volObj = (VolumeObject) volFactory.getVolume(volume.getId());
                            } else if (volumeStore.getDownloadUrl() == null) {
                                msg = "Volume (" + volume.getUuid() + ") with install path " + volInfo.getInstallPath() + " is corrupted, please check in image store: " + volumeStore.getDataStoreId();
                            } else {
                      "Removing volume_store_ref entry for corrupted volume " + volume.getName());
                        } else {
                            // Put them in right status
                            volumeStore.setLastUpdated(new Date());
                            _volumeStoreDao.update(volumeStore.getId(), volumeStore);
                            if (volume.getSize() == 0) {
                                // Set volume size in volumes table
                                volDao.update(volumeStore.getVolumeId(), volume);
                            if (volume.getState() == State.NotUploaded || volume.getState() == State.UploadInProgress) {
                                VolumeObject volObj = (VolumeObject) volFactory.getVolume(volume.getId());
                            if (volInfo.getSize() > 0) {
                                try {
                                    _resourceLimitMgr.checkResourceLimit(_accountMgr.getAccount(volume.getAccountId()),, volInfo.getSize() - volInfo.getPhysicalSize());
                                } catch (ResourceAllocationException e) {
                                    _alertMgr.sendAlert(AlertManager.AlertType.ALERT_TYPE_RESOURCE_LIMIT_EXCEEDED, volume.getDataCenterId(), volume.getPodId(), e.getMessage(), e.getMessage());
                                } finally {
                                    _resourceLimitMgr.recalculateResourceCount(volume.getAccountId(), volume.getDomainId(),;
                    } else if (volume.getState() == State.NotUploaded || volume.getState() == State.UploadInProgress) {
                        // failed uploads through SSVM
              "Volume Sync did not find " + volume.getUuid() + " uploaded using SSVM on image store " + storeId + ", marking it as failed");
                        String msg = "Volume " + volume.getUuid() + " is corrupted on image store";
                        _volumeStoreDao.update(volumeStore.getId(), volumeStore);
                        // mark volume as failed, so that storage GC will clean it up
                        VolumeObject volObj = (VolumeObject) volFactory.getVolume(volume.getId());
                    // Volume is not on secondary but we should download.
                    if (volumeStore.getDownloadState() != Status.DOWNLOADED) {
              "Volume Sync did not find " + volume.getName() + " ready on image store " + storeId + ", will request download to start/resume shortly");
                // Download volumes which haven't been downloaded yet.
                if (toBeDownloaded.size() > 0) {
                    for (VolumeDataStoreVO volumeHost : toBeDownloaded) {
                        if (volumeHost.getDownloadUrl() == null) {
                            // If url is null, skip downloading
                  "Skip downloading volume " + volumeHost.getVolumeId() + " since no download url is specified.");
                        // means that this is a duplicate entry from migration of previous NFS to staging.
                        if (store.getScope().getScopeType() == ScopeType.REGION) {
                            if (volumeHost.getDownloadState() == VMTemplateStorageResourceAssoc.Status.DOWNLOADED && volumeHost.getInstallPath() == null) {
                      "Skip sync volume for migration of previous NFS to object store");
                        s_logger.debug("Volume " + volumeHost.getVolumeId() + " needs to be downloaded to " + store.getName());
                        // reset volume status back to Allocated
                        VolumeObject vol = (VolumeObject) volFactory.getVolume(volumeHost.getVolumeId());
                        // reset back volume status
                        // remove leftover volume_store_ref entry since re-download will create it again
                        // get an updated volumeVO
                        vol = (VolumeObject) volFactory.getVolume(volumeHost.getVolumeId());
                        RegisterVolumePayload payload = new RegisterVolumePayload(volumeHost.getDownloadUrl(), volumeHost.getChecksum(), vol.getFormat().toString());
                        createVolumeAsync(vol, store);
                // Delete volumes which are not present on DB.
                for (Map.Entry<Long, TemplateProp> entry : volumeInfos.entrySet()) {
                    Long uniqueName = entry.getKey();
                    TemplateProp tInfo = entry.getValue();
                    // we cannot directly call expungeVolumeAsync here to reuse delete logic since in this case db does not have this volume at all.
                    VolumeObjectTO tmplTO = new VolumeObjectTO();
                    DeleteCommand dtCommand = new DeleteCommand(tmplTO);
                    EndPoint ep =;
                    Answer answer = null;
                    if (ep == null) {
                        String errMsg = "No remote endpoint to send command, check if host or ssvm is down?";
                        answer = new Answer(dtCommand, false, errMsg);
                    } else {
                        answer = ep.sendMessage(dtCommand);
                    if (answer == null || !answer.getResult()) {
              "Failed to deleted volume at store: " + store.getName());
                    } else {
                        String description = "Deleted volume " + tInfo.getTemplateName() + " on secondary storage " + storeId;
            } finally {
        } else {
  "Couldn't get global lock on " + lockString + ", another thread may be doing volume sync on data store " + storeId + " now.");
    } finally {
Also used : TemplateProp( ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList) EndPoint( RemoteHostEndPoint( RegisterVolumePayload( Date(java.util.Date) GlobalLock( DeleteCommand( Answer( CopyCmdAnswer( ListVolumeAnswer( VolumeVO( VolumeDataStoreVO( VolumeObjectTO( ResourceAllocationException( Map(java.util.Map) HashMap(java.util.HashMap)

Example 23 with ResourceAllocationException

use of in project cloudstack by apache.

the class ListVmwareDcsCmd method execute.

/////////////// API Implementation///////////////////
public void execute() throws ResourceUnavailableException, InsufficientCapacityException, ServerApiException, ConcurrentOperationException, ResourceAllocationException {
    List<? extends VmwareDatacenter> vmwareDcList = null;
    try {
        vmwareDcList = _vmwareDatacenterService.listVmwareDatacenters(this);
    } catch (InvalidParameterValueException ie) {
        throw new InvalidParameterValueException("Invalid zone id " + getZoneId());
    } catch (Exception e) {
        throw new ServerApiException(ApiErrorCode.INTERNAL_ERROR, "Failed to find associated VMware DCs associated with zone " + getZoneId());
    ListResponse<VmwareDatacenterResponse> response = new ListResponse<VmwareDatacenterResponse>();
    List<VmwareDatacenterResponse> vmwareDcResponses = new ArrayList<VmwareDatacenterResponse>();
    if (vmwareDcList != null && vmwareDcList.size() > 0) {
        for (VmwareDatacenter vmwareDc : vmwareDcList) {
            VmwareDatacenterResponse vmwareDcResponse = new VmwareDatacenterResponse();
Also used : VmwareDatacenterResponse(org.apache.cloudstack.api.response.VmwareDatacenterResponse) ServerApiException(org.apache.cloudstack.api.ServerApiException) ListResponse(org.apache.cloudstack.api.response.ListResponse) InvalidParameterValueException( ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList) VmwareDatacenter( ServerApiException(org.apache.cloudstack.api.ServerApiException) ResourceUnavailableException( InvalidParameterValueException( ResourceAllocationException( ConcurrentOperationException( InsufficientCapacityException(

Example 24 with ResourceAllocationException

use of in project cloudstack by apache.

the class GetUploadParamsForVolumeCmd method execute.

public void execute() throws ServerApiException {
    try {
        GetUploadParamsResponse response = _volumeService.uploadVolume(this);
    } catch (MalformedURLException | ResourceAllocationException e) {
        s_logger.error("exception while uploading volume", e);
        throw new ServerApiException(ApiErrorCode.INTERNAL_ERROR, "exception while uploading a volume: " + e.getMessage());
Also used : MalformedURLException( ServerApiException(org.apache.cloudstack.api.ServerApiException) ResourceAllocationException( GetUploadParamsResponse(org.apache.cloudstack.api.response.GetUploadParamsResponse)

Example 25 with ResourceAllocationException

use of in project cloudstack by apache.

the class CiscoVnmcElement method implement.

public boolean implement(final Network network, final NetworkOffering offering, final DeployDestination dest, final ReservationContext context) throws ConcurrentOperationException, ResourceUnavailableException, InsufficientCapacityException {
    final DataCenter zone = _entityMgr.findById(DataCenter.class, network.getDataCenterId());
    if (zone.getNetworkType() == NetworkType.Basic) {
        s_logger.debug("Not handling network implement in zone of type " + NetworkType.Basic);
        return false;
    if (!canHandle(network)) {
        return false;
    final List<CiscoVnmcControllerVO> devices = _ciscoVnmcDao.listByPhysicalNetwork(network.getPhysicalNetworkId());
    if (devices.isEmpty()) {
        s_logger.error("No Cisco Vnmc device on network " + network.getName());
        return false;
    List<CiscoAsa1000vDeviceVO> asaList = _ciscoAsa1000vDao.listByPhysicalNetwork(network.getPhysicalNetworkId());
    if (asaList.isEmpty()) {
        s_logger.debug("No Cisco ASA 1000v device on network " + network.getName());
        return false;
    NetworkAsa1000vMapVO asaForNetwork = _networkAsa1000vMapDao.findByNetworkId(network.getId());
    if (asaForNetwork != null) {
        s_logger.debug("Cisco ASA 1000v device already associated with network " + network.getName());
        return true;
    if (!_networkModel.isProviderSupportServiceInNetwork(network.getId(), Service.SourceNat, Provider.CiscoVnmc)) {
        s_logger.error("SourceNat service is not provided by Cisco Vnmc device on network " + network.getName());
        return false;
    try {
        // ensure that there is an ASA 1000v assigned to this network
        CiscoAsa1000vDevice assignedAsa = assignAsa1000vToNetwork(network);
        if (assignedAsa == null) {
            s_logger.error("Unable to assign ASA 1000v device to network " + network.getName());
            throw new CloudRuntimeException("Unable to assign ASA 1000v device to network " + network.getName());
        ClusterVO asaCluster = _clusterDao.findById(assignedAsa.getClusterId());
        ClusterVSMMapVO clusterVsmMap = _clusterVsmMapDao.findByClusterId(assignedAsa.getClusterId());
        if (clusterVsmMap == null) {
            s_logger.error("Vmware cluster " + asaCluster.getName() + " has no Cisco Nexus VSM device associated with it");
            throw new CloudRuntimeException("Vmware cluster " + asaCluster.getName() + " has no Cisco Nexus VSM device associated with it");
        CiscoNexusVSMDeviceVO vsmDevice = _vsmDeviceDao.findById(clusterVsmMap.getVsmId());
        if (vsmDevice == null) {
            s_logger.error("Unable to load details of Cisco Nexus VSM device associated with cluster " + asaCluster.getName());
            throw new CloudRuntimeException("Unable to load details of Cisco Nexus VSM device associated with cluster " + asaCluster.getName());
        CiscoVnmcControllerVO ciscoVnmcDevice = devices.get(0);
        HostVO ciscoVnmcHost = _hostDao.findById(ciscoVnmcDevice.getHostId());
        Account owner = context.getAccount();
        PublicIp sourceNatIp = _ipAddrMgr.assignSourceNatIpAddressToGuestNetwork(owner, network);
        long vlanId = Long.parseLong(BroadcastDomainType.getValue(network.getBroadcastUri()));
        List<VlanVO> vlanVOList = _vlanDao.listVlansByPhysicalNetworkId(network.getPhysicalNetworkId());
        List<String> publicGateways = new ArrayList<String>();
        for (VlanVO vlanVO : vlanVOList) {
        // due to VNMC limitation of not allowing source NAT ip as the outside ip of firewall,
        // an additional public ip needs to acquired for assigning as firewall outside ip.
        // In case there are already additional ip addresses available (network restart) use one
        // of them such that it is not the source NAT ip
        IpAddress outsideIp = null;
        List<IPAddressVO> publicIps = _ipAddressDao.listByAssociatedNetwork(network.getId(), null);
        for (IPAddressVO ip : publicIps) {
            if (!ip.isSourceNat()) {
                outsideIp = ip;
        if (outsideIp == null) {
            // none available, acquire one
            try {
                Account caller = CallContext.current().getCallingAccount();
                long callerUserId = CallContext.current().getCallingUserId();
                outsideIp = _ipAddrMgr.allocateIp(owner, false, caller, callerUserId, zone, true);
            } catch (ResourceAllocationException e) {
                s_logger.error("Unable to allocate additional public Ip address. Exception details " + e);
                throw new CloudRuntimeException("Unable to allocate additional public Ip address. Exception details " + e);
            try {
                outsideIp = _ipAddrMgr.associateIPToGuestNetwork(outsideIp.getId(), network.getId(), true);
            } catch (ResourceAllocationException e) {
                s_logger.error("Unable to assign allocated additional public Ip " + outsideIp.getAddress().addr() + " to network with vlan " + vlanId + ". Exception details " + e);
                throw new CloudRuntimeException("Unable to assign allocated additional public Ip " + outsideIp.getAddress().addr() + " to network with vlan " + vlanId + ". Exception details " + e);
        // create logical edge firewall in VNMC
        String gatewayNetmask = NetUtils.getCidrNetmask(network.getCidr());
        // all public ip addresses must be from same subnet, this essentially means single public subnet in zone
        if (!createLogicalEdgeFirewall(vlanId, network.getGateway(), gatewayNetmask, outsideIp.getAddress().addr(), sourceNatIp.getNetmask(), publicGateways, ciscoVnmcHost.getId())) {
            s_logger.error("Failed to create logical edge firewall in Cisco VNMC device for network " + network.getName());
            throw new CloudRuntimeException("Failed to create logical edge firewall in Cisco VNMC device for network " + network.getName());
        // create stuff in VSM for ASA device
        if (!configureNexusVsmForAsa(vlanId, network.getGateway(), vsmDevice.getUserName(), vsmDevice.getPassword(), vsmDevice.getipaddr(), assignedAsa.getInPortProfile(), ciscoVnmcHost.getId())) {
            s_logger.error("Failed to configure Cisco Nexus VSM " + vsmDevice.getipaddr() + " for ASA device for network " + network.getName());
            throw new CloudRuntimeException("Failed to configure Cisco Nexus VSM " + vsmDevice.getipaddr() + " for ASA device for network " + network.getName());
        // configure source NAT
        if (!configureSourceNat(vlanId, network.getCidr(), sourceNatIp, ciscoVnmcHost.getId())) {
            s_logger.error("Failed to configure source NAT in Cisco VNMC device for network " + network.getName());
            throw new CloudRuntimeException("Failed to configure source NAT in Cisco VNMC device for network " + network.getName());
        // associate Asa 1000v instance with logical edge firewall
        if (!associateAsaWithLogicalEdgeFirewall(vlanId, assignedAsa.getManagementIp(), ciscoVnmcHost.getId())) {
            s_logger.error("Failed to associate Cisco ASA 1000v (" + assignedAsa.getManagementIp() + ") with logical edge firewall in VNMC for network " + network.getName());
            throw new CloudRuntimeException("Failed to associate Cisco ASA 1000v (" + assignedAsa.getManagementIp() + ") with logical edge firewall in VNMC for network " + network.getName());
    } catch (CloudRuntimeException e) {
        s_logger.error("CiscoVnmcElement failed", e);
        return false;
    } catch (Exception e) {
        ExceptionUtil.rethrow(e, InsufficientAddressCapacityException.class);
        ExceptionUtil.rethrow(e, ResourceUnavailableException.class);
        throw new IllegalStateException(e);
    return true;
Also used : Account( ClusterVSMMapVO( InsufficientAddressCapacityException( ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList) CloudRuntimeException( NetworkAsa1000vMapVO( CiscoVnmcControllerVO( CiscoAsa1000vDevice( VlanVO( ResourceAllocationException( ClusterVO( CiscoAsa1000vDeviceVO( CiscoNexusVSMDeviceVO( PublicIp( HostVO( InsufficientCapacityException( InsufficientAddressCapacityException( ResourceUnavailableException( CloudRuntimeException( InvalidParameterValueException( ResourceAllocationException( EntityExistsException(javax.persistence.EntityExistsException) ConcurrentOperationException( ConfigurationException(javax.naming.ConfigurationException) UnableDeleteHostException( DataCenter( ResourceUnavailableException( IpAddress( PublicIpAddress( IPAddressVO(


ResourceAllocationException ( ConcurrentOperationException ( ResourceUnavailableException ( InsufficientCapacityException ( InvalidParameterValueException ( CloudRuntimeException ( ServerApiException (org.apache.cloudstack.api.ServerApiException)19 NetworkRuleConflictException ( Account ( DB ( ArrayList (java.util.ArrayList)13 InsufficientAddressCapacityException ( PermissionDeniedException ( ConfigurationException (javax.naming.ConfigurationException)10 TransactionStatus ( TransactionCallbackWithException ( DataCenter ( StorageNetworkIpRange ( HypervisorType ( Date (java.util.Date)6